33 Spring-Summer 2018 INTERVIEW Gaël de Guichen Page 3 IN MEMORIAM Joaquim Garriga i Riera Page 8 CONSERVATION-RESTORATION Set of metal objects from the Roureda de la Margineda site in Andorra Page 10 The Amazons of Can Cabanyes Page 16 Romanesque portal of Santa Maria d’Agramunt Page 26 Glass-based photographic plates Page 37 Josep Puig i Cadafalch’s furniture Page 42 TRAINING AND KNOWLEDGE TRANSFER Conclusions from the CONSERVATION-RESTORATION “Gels in conservation” conference Page 48 PHOTOGRAPHIC Richard Wolbers workshops in Barcelona PLATES Page 50 2 Centre de Restauració de Béns Mobles de Catalunya EDITORIAL INTERVIEW M. José Gracia Tarragona, conservator-restorer of artefacts 3 GAËL DE GUICHEN A chemical engineer hailing from France, Gaël de Guichen acts as special advisor to the Director-Ge- CULTURAL HERITAGE VERSUS NATURAL HERITAGE neral of the International Centre for the Study of the Preservation and Restoration of Cultural Property They say that nature is always wise. Maybe that is why Catalonia boasts a magnificent and varied cultural (ICCROM), an intergovernmental organisation based migratory birds, like swallows and storks, turn to the heritage, much of which is declared Cultural Property in Rome with Spain among its 135 Member States. roof eaves and windows, bell towers, portals and other of National Interest (BCIN), to be held in the highest He has worked within the Institution’s technical team corners of historical buildings as a place to shelter regard. An outstanding example is the Romanesque and build their nests. Other birds, such as pigeons, are portal of the Santa Maria d’Agramunt Church, in the since 1969. much more invasive and nest there all year round, or Urgell region, which is protected as a BCIN. at least try. A few years ago, swallows’ nests had caused huge Those of us involved in the conservation of cultural damage to the stone sculpture elements of this monu- heritage are all too familiar with the damage caused to ment; for this reason, in agreement with the Bishopric REORGANISATION monuments by swallows’ and swifts’ nests and stork of Urgell, Agramunt Council and the Ministry of the Gaël de Guichen / excrement. Our society displays little desire to defend Environment and Sustainability at the Government of FOR CONSERVATION: protected cultural heritage when its conservation is Catalonia, the Centre for the Restoration of Artefacts threatened by animal activity, especially when protec- of Catalonia installed a net on the portal to encourage © ICCROM A CAREER FOCUS ted birds are involved. the swallows to make their nests elsewhere. Three In this sense, animal protection associations are years later, the portal could be restored. extremely radical in their views. The problem is not The aim was not to sacrifice the swallows or des- In the course of his career at ICCROM, Gaël de collection”. This prompted me to suggest running an IC- simple. The solution does not lie in taking sides. The troy their active nests, but to redirect them to other Guichen has accomplished over 600 missions. He partici- CROM course for curators and museum directors. This importance of protecting both birds and historical sites. The key is to be imaginative and look for alterna- pated in the design and development of the African 2-week course, entitled “Prevention in Museums”, covered buildings must be recognised, and strategies that tive solutions through dialogue, not confrontation. museum programme PREMA-Prévention, and the Media fire, theft, climate and lighting. Collections in storage were allow conservation of both cultural and natural herita- Save Art programme. From 2012 to 2014, he headed up later added to these four topics. ge must be found. Àngels Solé, director of CRBMC the team that put together the Preventive Conservation Plan for the Cave of Altamira. He is currently coordinating and developing the programme RE-ORG to reorganise — collections in storage on all five continents. NOWADAYS IT IS COMMONLY AGREED — THAT THERE ARE ONLY THREE Portal of the Santa Maria What is it that prompts a chemical engineer to devote d’Agramunt Church before Portal— after removal of ACTIONS, NAMELY, RESTORATION, restoration, with the swallows’ the nests and subsequent himself to preventive conservation? nests intact restoration I wanted to be an archaeologist and ended up a chemical REMEDIAL CONSERVATION AND engineer. However during my six years’ study I got a taste PREVENTIVE CONSERVATION — — of archaeology working on youth service camps: two in Ampurias and two in Herculanum, then a work placement — at the laboratory of the Iron History Museum in Nancy, which was very avant-garde at the time. Given the interest Then gradually, yet more topics were added to form the I showed in the field, I was granted exceptional permis- table below, indicating over 60 causes of damage, that sion to write my Master’s thesis on the conservation of some colleagues refer to as risk factors. wood subject to water logging due to the impregnation of Thus in 1985 in issue No. 146 of the Museum journal I monomers and gamma-radiation induced polymerisation. believe I pioneered the term “Preventive Conservation”, I then had an incredible stroke of luck, being appointed using it for the first time in writing in a brief description of head engineer at the Lascaux Cave to study the feasibil- some elements which I believed this notion was to include: ity of re-opening to the public after a 5-year closure. So theft, fire, display cases, collections in storage, disinfes- I lived in the woods 100 metres from the cave entrance, tations, lighting, climate, etc. going down day and night, for nearly two years. The expe- rience I acquired in the field of climate in an underground In 2009, in an interview with the Spanish branch of the habitat was of interest to ICCROM in Rome. They gave me International Institute for Conservation of historic and a 5-month study grant, then hired me as a scientific assis- artistic works (GEIIC), you mentioned four stages in the tant. However at the time, the only causes of deterioration discipline’s development, the fourth having started in of movable heritage deemed of any importance were the 2000 with the use of the term “Preventive Conservation” climate and lighting, which curators were not interested in the ICOM code of ethics agreed at the Annual General in. I coined the slogan: “In one year, a bad restorer can Meeting in Seoul. Are we still developing this fourth destroy 12 artefacts, a bad curator can destroy an entire stage or have we reached a new one? RESCAT www.centrederestauracio.gencat.cat/ RESCAT 4 Centre de Restauració de Béns Mobles de Catalunya 5 NATURAL CAUSES Erosion Gravity Earthquake Dissolution Volcanic eruption Inadequate temperature Slow, cumulativeSlow, effects Storms Inadequate relative humidity thing you’d like to change or add, 18 years later? Hurricane Dissolved salts First of all, let me fill you in on the background. Since Lightning Self-destruction Hail Corrosion 1994, I have wrapped up the PC courses I teach by asking Flooding Pollution (6 months) the participants to draw up a PC plan, as a group, to make Tidal wave Light sure they have grasped what PC is and can implement it Fire Vegetation War Micro-organisms using a PC plan. To date I have collected 30 definitions, all Terrorism Insects more or less the same. The one you mentioned was drawn Urbanisation CULTURAL Rodents up at the end of a course organised in 2000 at the former days) (2 Public works Public Dust Deep ploughing HERITAGE Abrasion Convento di Santa Chiara in Cuba, attended by 24 col- Illicit excavation Vibrations leagues from all over Latin America. The course was led Fanaticism Public Treasure hunts by Benoît de Tapol and myself. This definition came as a Vandalism Graffiti Theft Ignorance total bombshell at the time because it was the first time Professional Forgetfulness — anyone had looked beyond technical considerations to effects catastrophic Immediate, The participants in the include a social dimension, namely “Reinforcing cultural course in Havana. Photo: identity and improving the quality of life." ICCROM/Gaël de Guichen LACK OF POOR WORK Since then, almost all definitions have included reasons and public participation as well as means in the PC plan. Legal framework In-house communication Transport Display cases — Administrative framework PR Building Climate For example, the definition of the PC plan sent to me by Choice Checks Distribution Lighting Recognition of the term “Preventive Conservation” in the participants of the Master in PC at the University Paris I Programming Awareness-raising Documentation Conservation work Training Motivation Handling Restoration work Article 2.23 of the ICOM code of ethics in 2000 was a first Sorbonne where I have been teaching for the past 25 years: Security Respect Reserves Maintenance step. Thankfully, we didn’t stop there. The following stage Showcases Technical equipment was to have everyone agree on a definition of preventive “A Preventive conservation plan is a practical guide conservation which most professionals deemed to be drafted by and for a multidisciplinary team. HUMAN CAUSES merely a matter of climate and lighting at the time. (These It aims to schedule specific actions to prevent or blinkers still prevail, it’s appalling!). It took nine years’ work contain the deterioration of cultural goods in order to — to get the 2009 ICOM Annual General Meeting in Shanghai impart them to present and future generations. risk assessment? Based on your experience and knowl- Figure showing cause and effect. to clarify terminology defining the various actions con- To achieve this, it is necessary to define the cultural edge, to what extent do you think the abandonment of Source: ICCROM/Gaël de Guichen ducted on heritage. In English, there were different 16 project and assess the specifics of the collections, these former concepts has been established? Do you terms.
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