.. •"' ··~ I PRESEl'iTS. CHOPIN ; , 'I, ··~ • available at THE·D ILY~ NEWS - (Price 5 cenh) ona_. WEDNESDAY, MAY 1, 1957 Vol. 64. ·No •. 98 - d. ntng,• ghbor I' Mrs. J. G. Wiseman and lllJUfY sustained in land· . ing on'.the rocky terrain.' Wilde. n .\lain·. owned by Rosie Tuma ·of Erin· House, a tmployrtl with Corner Brook. West, ,_, ... ~·· ' . litructure, was cOI!llOletel Company, the There were some 20 a:uttcd. boarders registered at the MO&t Letter time. were 'employees of C<Jm· l\lr. and !\Irs. Wiseman stock, ~d they lost, in barely ~scaped with their addition to personal be· lives. Boarders jumped longings, their pay money which they received for from windows onto the r· roof of 'what formed an last week's work. ' extension to rear of the · The victim, Herbert dwelling. Eight persons Wilde, was 44 years of are in hospital suffering age, and a resident of the from varying degrees of Montreal area. Trek (\\\!Jl.\''·t! .. : l'J•. tL ·~ S . 11m reverence f?r tradition but J'• C,n.L: . ' . "11! 1 the casing of wmtcr's grip still , .; •· ·•erk and neg1n · mnk~s )lay the most popular mov· 1 · · r.~.l li·:k to new ing month for more practical rea· t:. lra'L•' . son,s. 11C~:~"·· .. ~nal ~~~11ng New homes should be easier to ";:;··'. •~d a 1 ann. flnd this year because of reeord . ;, ), 1 ~ 011 ' H I; ~all\ bulldlng in most areas during 195.1 1 :, ~ .Gr err •• ,:"~ ~cw and 1956, The move Is still gen­ :nl~~ .u~1\'m·. '·~ .. ('~.''· . erally one to the suburbs as !arm· ' • :.' 1 ~5 romp:1nJcs land; around large munlcipalilies ll/lOCIJta.1ng o·J• r·rs as contmue· to be subdlvlded and de. tl;c j)'l;;r,n •• 2·1 per \'eloped. far la,t .)e;,;. hlrc ST. JOIDI'S IS EXCEPTION .n:ar:n: d:.,·. Alth01.1gh the housin~ picture ·, •Jn. ':.'• nrl Q·.:e bec hRs eJscd somewhat sinceb the end . 1· 1,; 5 !t·._.t t:1r Ira. of the Second World Wbr, the situ· 01 ---:_! c1t1! 1 'how atlon Is still continued tight in C. Mews Retires mts in From Ayre &· Sons · L. a: r th'\le c,tose .or Iworked w1t. hthem to this date. He Ara ;· s· 11 · · scn1or h?.s scr1·cd under the late 'direc· Oltr· ~" )caons Li m1·t ed • tors: Fred W. Ayre, John B. Ayre, • '4 ·., firm. 11 0 1 Hrv· Hon. C. P. Ayre, Hon. James· S. : .'I~; ,' l • r aII · o! h's CO·w Ayre, Harold C. Ayre and Eric •a1 PrEsented :r~m, A>·re and under the .present dlrec· i 1! ;I, ,·i \''' lttest tne ol b • tors: R.. H. Ayre, John F. Ayre, '!1 ' I loktn o! th porta le L. M Ayre and D. S. Ayre. ~ d 1· . •· ~~ 'li e esteem ,1 ,. 1' held by them ' is lint buying trlp was to the !_ ') I i• GINES, ' 'li~o w., prm'n United States •ln Januat11916 and . ·j• ~·1th a beautll1 he vividly recalls arriving In New ·.':11 c~rn&t!on 1 . u York by Furness Red Cross steam· ~ ~ : . , ttws retires after ~ er and havlng his first meal at · on Water Street·7 Macy's with fresh strawberries for buy~r for Ayre & dessert. • ht \his mcnty-live He has continued to visit the una 11 erossed the world markeu except ·for war er one hundred years of 1941 to 194~; in fact, he started was ln England when World War 5(J 1 ter~o~k on June n was declared September 11179 ry 1 Goods. and left Liverpool In tha llrst Ltd. & rcMonroe, now · oceu.West convoy. He also spent from Feb- 1 ruary to May 1940 In Enllland. He· • ltm · h \i.&iled Paris and recall! his first • So~ 1 e l';n employ. airplane trip !rom Paris to Lon· Ftbnary ~td., and left don 1927 In a Silver Wlnil plane. lrll~!oyed , ' IO!t He Ha iJ probably. the olde1t active GOOdJ. led'' theFurniture C L. d raper on Wnter Stre't today. He wns an actlve curler: and to Ane a, howler up until the p&st winter. I, 1~12 Son~, He !J ao ardent 11ardener and a . llld bu loVtr or drlvinl. '. t, ; r ·. I ' THE DAILY NEWS, WEDNESDAY, MAy 2 ' ,. ·"' . I, ----~,.---------- 11 -. ,'> I "ASTRO-GUIDE · I I:·' ':I , l' For Wedne~day, May 1 esent-For You and· ou ri ... The new monlh f~~~?NALI=~~,~.:~~;~ IVR THE L Dlb,S !tarl1 off on an awpiciou. notr, A mcctin& of the Frildlon , A\'cnuc .. with planetary influence• favor. Ladles Association will be hclct on able in almost all charu. Good 1'Jjur~iia~· May Jrd, in the !lay· LEFT ··oR GANDER· , ' . · day to come to terms wilh othm \va.rd· ~cmorlal noom. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Hollcit 'ami ' where contracu, wages, etc., are their son Davld1 who spent the · concerMd. lnvc~tment oul!ool: 01 tl:"J T.V. !::aster holiday in the city with esp!Cillly good. Personal, •!f~ia I 1 Gower Street Unitrtl Churrh I friends left last week-end to re· aro happier now and fner.ds 1\!cn'~ Choir wiw ~~in~ll >Uch ·high . turn to their home In Gander, Sloppy Look ut forT eens! nlly 'round to help you enjoy ' The is ,. i, I 11 ralse for their ,ongs at the Ki· where Mr. Hollett Is manager of : life. I• ' wunls Mu!ic Fcstiv.1l, were the the ol£lces of the Central Morii!DIIC .r. ! Past .. , Rir,ht in the middle of Future ••. A nation · IUcsts CJON T.V. lnst night. and Housing Corporation. 11 IaU I 011 · the dcpret1ion, lhe world's tall. of dismc u.d i ;\lacphcrson Boys Choir. under VISITED GAMBO , est build!ns. ?'ew York's 1.250· will be condu:Jed OVtr tli~lr director, Mrs. B. Harrison, : foot Empire State Building was uvml ycm, n.e was also featured on the television Miss ~Inrjorle Feltham, Rodney dedicated May I, 1931. Despite b:ed v.i\1 bt . broadcast last night. Street, spent the Easter, hol~day pmimistic predictions, it be· c!iryica! ~x;;in;r;;:~~~ ··! with her parents nt Gamba, and I' orr..: el ulitaulc. cal records. nefii l'IIOM 1\IONTUEAL ha~ now returned to the city. une • I '' :'l!r. Thomas Junes of Brood The Under Your Sign l Col'c, who completed his course In CARD PARTY Day to fishern One scholarship winner, Miss ·J' chemical cnglnecrln~ at McGill A':~; 1· .,, t.l"tl. 211o April 20) Lii~A (lopt. lllo Otl.ll! t}Jat is, bet"~ ~ University th!s spr!nc. h now Nora Brazil, was left off the lists, "·'· ·.~:r:.t. in rt)\lT efforts if ,-ou Don I let t'Ja:~nt t; .... t1 f which were announced on Friday d pr.;o;r~·•· A•r«U art In )·our Doc':.mic hrr..~r.)' ~~~:J .~. one week < visiting relatli'CS In St. John's, and · 10 L•Jt:\..lr do•tn 10 bw1n~u. cont•.~ruticn, rc,n~.:ta "ef ..~ i\uns to leave here next week to and Saturday nights at the final RUS !A,,H 21 to Moy_20) . S.C9RPIO (Ott, ll lo N,, of contributi ,, concerts or the Kiwanis ~luslc 111, tilkc u )lwork in Quc~c. , 1!Jr. ··~~h n:.ui!C, •.cl_tr.r, \oa ll ~an ,uu~ t~r.n · required in Festival. Nora gained first place an:l .a~~tr uu\:q· aWntLtl t}.cu. lobt yJt: r~ hftll. r-.. r>· YOIJ ahould ((~I !tnt new. an nrly ••m! .. :.:., of benefit. JltOM FDn'fU.\E In the quick study class for 14 GEMINI (M•y 21 lo J,nt 21) S.a.GITIA!IUS iN" llloO r;or.lLn'~C i.-rri()TUT'\1. flfOi«tr, rJac;r.r lC• t:melf:1~nm lh•'iJ ~ !01. tt.1q '~lr. and Mrs. C. L. Dou~las o[ years and under, and was awarded of the sea ·' a $25 scholarship by the 1\lusic em! ljn lh~ crnlt\'C rnd o b•Jtmeu. 11 ""· 11! u~ tffen t) 1 ~:~:~ .~ f'.l!. Fortune nrc 1isi\ing thr. city on ·y,u'll W'.ovr lhud np-,d!y Milo', rlo it ur,d~r btr.!l\( &lt<ttJ!•~ \n be paid afte vlidaj' and bminc~s and nrc the Feslll'al Associ<~tlon. 22 to J,\y 22) C.\PRICORN ID~e.lllo J,, , botl1 It homt •nd en Dcr~.'1 t-t a1drtm:.."~ {r~ U. para~traP 'csts o( ~Irs. Dolt);la>' parents, It h\·crablt atpwtd, vh~th , art ... on~... ~:.: 1 L".! hod for detem ~ . -- NCO WIVES CLUB 1 ·. - -- tHrprhcre. cun tu·"••h tc:n~!O~:'!Irl ;1 of con tributlon All wil•es of Non Commissioned LEO IJ•\1 21 to Aug. 2!) ' AO~A<,IUS IJ.,, lO loft~, ,. i men at Pcppcrrell Air Force Bose Pt'l:;dc •~e ctJ.U)•eratlvt .anti retrr,!n to Do;1 I n.,. tn l o·~r l".l":o:.a:· n bas earned. Lllru .lt'ld l'JU.tJ.ti::r.u, Kl avr-ro.a:l.l acme· led .fO'J a•ltl), ';.l~:::o,;~.ui,' ) of all, contrlb ·are reminded that the NCO t.o:"'e }'tll.l'rt .. ;j,n~cd lc &et. nJT'Itl.&\ t:"..amn J:t cc~.:"tn.:i arc payable o Beauty ~wives club meets every . Monti~)' VIRGO (Au;. 21 to S1pt. 22) Pi.SCES I Fob. II to ).!mill) : nrternoon at 1.30 in the dlninA: F1r.an~ia\ elltloO~ ~;!X.oC!, tJ:.:I tal'.; mil· \\ cr:.: at a.
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