'’'7 ^ T" 1- r ' j t* * '.L * ^ - .'-i- / ----V r - w - t f ------------- / * ; SATURDAY, JANUARY 10. AverasreTpaily Net F r e s s Kiiii TAQE TWELVE sFor the Week Ended iiattrliPBter Eo^ttitts Jm i. Iff, 1953 wriggle into them again. Jack was 10,853 fecepflve ■ to the' annduHcethe'ttt; Growth Noted i , MemW'p nf the Audtl About Town and arrangements were'made for 5'LaHouse 'W^edding .Bureau of Circulations Heard Along Main Street the presentation that took place ' The" tih colri' Sblidor TTA Will Thursdayr \ -----~"- AtTrustCo. Xhftt .Int^erpret The Wishes meet Monday night at 8 o’clock in Atvd on S om e o f M ancheiler* $ Sule Streets, Ttob the auditorium of the Nathah Male I P itchln’ Irt Of The Family (Classified AdverMslng on Rage 12) Attorney John Mrosek Is known Assets Show 15% Gain VOL. LXXil, NO. g6 School. Following a brief buainesa Holiday Tax ' '• pas.sed for Main street yesterday meeUng, MIm Emily Smith, leader and liked by most of The Herald Holiday greeting card season ' morning. He complained that his family, and whenever we can, we In ’52 and Now Stand of Senior Glrr Scout Troop 1, and has come to an end for another 12 beat" was filled with hazards that Scouts Janice Murphey and Betty always like to help him out. If pos­ JOHN B. BURKE months. One of-the staff members, made such equipment necessary. sible. At $9,158,937; Loans Respilip fro nr Sloriii" and Battle Ann Trotter will talk about the who recently vacated Manchester While it may sound peculiar, this trip which the troop made to Eu­ Like yesterday, for instance, FUNERAL HOME for East Hartford, has been the same editor is also the"ever- when he had a little trouble dig­ The statement of the Manches­ rope last summer and show some ready type and is prepared to subject of good natured kidding ging his c4r=out of all that snow ter Trust Company appearing in Iff 'East Ceatar 8 t ‘TeL 6868 of the colored slides which the from his co-workers, since the holi­ cover an assignment at a mo­ and slush. It got stuck as he was today's Herald shows a substan­ troop took over there. days. ment's notice. He makes a sort of driving out of the parking lot of AMBULANCE SERVICE firemen's hitch of his outer gar­ a gas station that borders this tial growth in assets during the A son was bom on Dec. 18 to Our staff, member movrd two ments so he can don them the in­ weeks before Christmas, Just be­ newspaper's office. ' year 1952. A year ago, .the total Mr. and Mrs. Philip Jobert of stant he is called. However, the Wl^, as soon as the word got was *7,930,471,16, whereas at the Mount Holly. N. J. Mrs. Jobert is fore the holiday mail started to noise made by his creepers as they arrive. Most cards sent to his home aroundNjhat our friend John Mro* end of the past year It had risen the . daughter,, of Mr,' and h^s. click-clacked across the office sek w as 1 stuck, the windows to $9,158,937.73. a gain of more George Gibson of Si- Dougherty at the Manchester, address bore linoleum -was nervewracklng to two cent stamps. Because of the through which his plight could be than 15 per cent. BALGH Is Your street. other workers a nrl a sigh of re­ seen were thrown open and three On M arch 29, 1902. ground was New York. Jan. —(/P)— Presidentelect Ei.senhower met change in address, when 'the mail lief went up when he was railed to 12 man delivered the cards in East or four Herald members appeared broken for the construction of the with his cabinet designees and other key officials of the new The Waddell PTA cake sale a conference. ’ at them to help out in the best way North Branch at the comer of scheduled for yesterday, which was Hartford he always rang the door During his absence a reporter administration today after Senate Republican leaders re­ bell and said on certain days. Ihcv know how. North Main and Oakland streets. cancelled becalise of the stonri, was assigned the task of determin­ "Shall 1 call your wife, John7" Sept. 29, exactly six months later, ported the general in full agreemient with them on how to will be held sometime In February. That will he 44 cents . .36 cents ing just how ."ever-ready" the . 58 cents . for posUge." A two asked otic, a.s Attorney Mrosek, the branch office opened for busi­ handle Job nationage, ' • Room mothers will notify donors AVM editor really Is. A search of shovel in hand, attacked the snow ness under the management of •Eisenhower and his rablnet got of the date, and they wish to thank cent additional charge was tacked his desk revealed/ the following Cardinal-Designate Gives on every card which was sent for in which his tires were mired. Joseph A. Volz, a.s3istant treasur­ together at Ijis Commodore Hotel those who baked something for the emergency Items: "What s_cems to be the trouble?" headquarters for a discusaj^n of do- H ig h C ourt twrr cents to-the Manchester ..adr Four thermo.s jugB'bf one-quart er. Many customers have taken O il. Inquiry sale which was Scheduled for yes­ another inquired soIlcftouSTy; advantage of the location park-' m«st}n'and global problems. terday. dress. capacity; a lunqh box; two botU'c.s Total bill for the holiday came "It's a good thing you lawyers ing and drive-in facilities offered ^,.f>h, hand at the outset of the con­ of snake-bite thcdlrtnc: sn old Boy come equipped with shovels,” a BETTER DEAL ference were all members of the close to three dollars. Scout ovafnlght knftpsack; one by the branch. In addition, many B a c k s IC C Among th e divorces granted In Moral of the story is- don't third member of the sympathetic new customers have opened ac­ new cabinet except Herbert Brown­ Superior Court yesterday was one snowsh'oe; three links for a tire crew remarked. PONTIAC DEALER ell, Jr., Attorney Oeneral-desig-, S h ift M a d e move just' before the hj^liday chain; a bathing suit; coveralls; counts there. The general activ­ to Alphonse P. Lukas of this town One of us even offered to call ity has increased steadily, and in­ . ( , 111. r I. t '"."II If -l‘ ' nate, who was expected later in the from Lucille W. Lukas of Hart­ season. one complete smoke signal set Mrbsek’s colleague, Garrity, If he day. T r u c k R u le once used by the Podunk Indians dicates an excellent growth and B y T ru m an ford on the grounds of desertion Homething New . , . wanted- , demand for the services offered Top .Appointees Present here; a Paris travel guide; a fly And as we shouted these worew A1.SO present were three top*sip-, Only a couple of weeks ago we sw atter; and a 1917 police manual. there. A son was bom oh Jan. 8 at the of encouragement, w-e couldnt. In 1952 over 1,200 cheeking sc- pointees Eisenhower has asked to Washington. Jan. 12—(^)j Vatican City, Jan,. 12—(/P) St. Francis Hospital to Mr. and mentioned that .The Herald s ani­ He was out of pencils. help but admire John's talent with sit in St sll eabinft sessions, even Washington, 1 2 — < /P )' mal, wegetaWe-'and mineral .editor counl.s were opened by the Trust —The Supreme Court ruled | -In an agea-old ritual, Pope Mfs. James J. O'Reilly, Jr., of 83 a'shovel," " ......' Uiough they —President . .„Truman.. today. Hartland road, and a son was born had the latest In telephonic equip­ No Night Side . com pany.......Checks ■ paid .against. that 'gio'Up. 'T h e y 'a re Mr'a'. 'Oveia' by * 4-4 |lo vote tndav that] ,Pj.us,. x n ciJnferred the. rank; ment bn his cluttered desk. We re­ \Vc didn’t mind .John’s not an­ customer accounts totaled in ex­ “ ....... ‘ ‘ ordered the dropping of on Jan. 7 at the Hartford Hospital We will grant that Manchester swering any of our comments. Aflvei*tiseiiieiit ' Culp Hobbv, who will be director of an alien’ff RdmLss’on of Com­ of cardinal today on 24 pre­ ferred to a "man from Mars" type cess of $124,000.()00. Many oth^r to Mr. and Mrs. Charies Innes of has grown rather rapidly in re­ After all. we realized it lakes a bit the TedCTBt— Serurtfy —AgencyT (■ riminal antumoiiopply . munist party memhei'ship. 21 lates^ including -James Fran­ 86 Deepwood drive. gadget that allows a reporter to cent years ^nd thatT he Herald custom ers purchased -3L126 regis­ In accordance- with th» provi­ Josepli M. Dodge, the new Federal ceedirigs again.st 'five major listen And type at the aame time. ofOiit of . the,^spgt ter cheeks which continue to en­ sions of Chapter 'V, Section 8 of years SRO may^ be made a cis McIntyre of Los Angeles has increased in size and' scope he was in, and #il541dn',t ^>ii8nt h im ' Budget director, and Harold E. oil companies—provided the Or nearly so, anyway...... .. ..... with the rtmvn’s-expa.h.slon. joy great popularity_v,1ilh a large the Town Charter, * atasaen, named to head the Mutual RTOund for his deportation— and the archbishops of two Something new (or maybe It fh use” any cirhis 'strength in talk- ■ number of persons.
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