American Mineralogist, Volume 58, pages 308'313, 1973 Kernitefrom Tincalayu,Salta, Argentina C. S. Hunrsut, Jn. D epartment ol Geological Sciences, Hansmd (Jniuersity, Cambridge, Massochusetts02138r, L. F. AnrsrAn^crN ObseraatorioNacional De Fisica Cosmica, San Miguel, Pcia. B. A., Argentina AND R. C. Enu U.S. Geological Suroey, Menlo Park, Calilornia 940252 Abshact The Tincalayu mine (Salta, Argentina) is essentially a monomineralic deposit of borax partly transformed to kernite with minor amounts of several rare borates. The deposit is interpreted as an old playa accumulation, buried, metamorphosed and deformed by folding and faulting. It is intercalated with clastic continental sediments of Pliocene or post-Pliocene age. The principal explored lens is more than 30 m thick and approximately 100 m in diameter. Kernite crystals are clear, transparent and well developed; many exceed 30 cm in length and l0 crn across; no terminal faces were observed. X-ray powder data are given with the orienta- - - -+ tion: c > a, p 2 9O'.The spacegroup is Ph/c; a 7.016 ! 0.001A, b 9.152 0.0024; - - c = 15.678 -{- 0.002A. p - 108"52.8' !. o.7'; cell volume 952.6 -r 0.2A3; Z 4. a:b:c 0.7666:l:1.7131. Cleavage:{100} and {00I} perfect, {TOZ} poor. Optically biaxial (-);a: 1.545,P-1.473,.y-1.488-F0.001(Nalight);2V-80",r)o(slight);XAc-70'30', Z - b.Density (calc) 1.905 + 0.001 g/cma, specificgravity (meas) 1.906 = 0.003. A chemical analysisby wet methods gives wt percent Na,O 23.1, B,O, 51'0, and H'O 26.1 (total 100.2). nte analysisshows endothermic peaks at 1'75"C (very strong), 561"C (strong) and 755"C (very strong), and exothermic peaks at 361'C (weak) and 604"C (strong). Introduction Hombre Muerto. The approximatelatitude andlongi- The mine can be Kernite was discoveredin 1925 during a drilling tude are 25"2A5 and 67'001W. from Pocitos Station on program by the United States Borax Company in reached by motor vehicle Railway, 146 km to the Mojave Desert, California. Although it was re- the GeneralManuel Belgrano ferred to as rcnorite (Palmer, 1927) by the Com- the north. remain the only localities pany, it was named kern:ite after Kern County by Boron and Tincalayu has been positively identified. How- W. T. Schaller(1927,1930) in the first published where kernite has been reported from description. The locality, originally given as the ever, a doubtful occurrence the Donets Basin (Zaritskii, Kramer District, is today known as Boron, Cali- the Lower Permianof possibleoccurrence has been indicated fornia, the name of the town that developedafter 1965), and a pan (Hunt et al., 1966), p. mining began. in the Death Valley salt Boron was the only known kernite locality until B-49). Ahlfeld found the mineral in the borax mine at Occurrence Tincalayu, Argentina. Only a superficialdescription was reported (Ahlfeld and Angelelli, 1948), and The Tincalayu mine is essentiallya monomineralic this second occurrencehas gone largely unnoticed. deposit of borax partly transformedto kernite with Tincalayu is in the Province of Salta at the nortb- a very minor content of severalrare borates.The central part of the salt pan known as Salar del depositis interpretedas an old marsh accumulation, 1 buried, metamorphosedand deformedby folding and Mineralogical Contribution 49O, Harvard University. direction 'Publication authorized by the Director, U.S. Geological faulting along a predominantlynorth-south Survey. so as to be intercalatedin the folded Sijesformation. 308 KERNITE FROM ARGENTINA 309 The borax is concordantly intercalated with mem- bers of the Sijes Formation which is composed chiefly of clastic continental sediments deposited in a closed basin. The principal rocks of the formation are fine-grained sandstonesand claystonesvariously colored white, grey, yellow and pink. These are in- terbedded with tuffs, evaporites, limestones, and conglomerates(Catalano, 1964; Turner, 1964;Mues- sig and Allen, 1957). Catalano considered the sedi- ments post-Pliocene,whereas Pratt (1961) dated them as Pleistocene or Recent, and Turner (1964) as Pliocene. Lens-like bodies of borax are apparently localized by structural control along the North-South axes of the anticlines. The principal known lens is more than 30 meters thick and approximately 100 meters in diameter. The borax rests directly on a thick layer Frc. 1. Optical orientation of kernite, with c ) a and of halite and is overlain by about 50 meters of brown B > 90'. to reddish-brown fine-grained claystones, siltstones, tuffs and sandstones.Near the upper contact of borax and sediments are several thin claystones horizons. by two parallel faults. This elevatedportion was One of these horizons carries nodules of ulexite, an- the first part of the depositto be discovered,and it other contains euhedral inyoite crystals, and a third led Muessigand Allen (1957) to describeit as a has crystals of kurnakovite 1= "inderite" of Meus- plugJike body. sig and Allen, 1957). At Boron, California,kernite is found in the lower During the intensive folding and faulting, the part of the deposit as a metamorphic alteration of sedimentary series was elevated above the playa borax (Christ and Garrels,1959; Barnard and Kist- and partially eroded; later it was covered in part lel1966; Bowserand Dickson,1966; Smith, 1968). by a thin flow of Holocene basalt. The folded Sijes At Tincalayuthe generalrelationship of the two min- Formation not only forms high ground at the mar- erals is similar. Kernite in an irregular body in gin of the present playa but rises as islands within placesmore than 10 metersthick, underliesthe main it. The elevation initiated the present cycle of erosion deposit of borax. In addition a veinlike mass of and of deposition of clastic and chemical sediments kernite about 30 centimeterswide which cuts the (halite and ulexite) in the present playa. upper borax probably was formed by fault action. During the tectonic deformation of the deposit, a The portion of the Tincalayudeposit that is mined tabular portion of the borax ore body was raised is composedof a fine-grainedcrystalline aggregate of borax. Occasionally,well-formed, transparent crys- Tenre 1. Unit-cell Data for Kernite tals of borax are found in cavities which range in size from a few centimetersto over 30 centimeters. Tlncalayu, Salta Ross and Edwards clese (1966) Locally thin layers of clay and silt within the lenses Argentlna 1959, synthetlc unknown source reduce the BzOs content,which in pure borax is Systen and Monoc I 1n1c Monocllnlc Monocllnlc percent. Material space group PJc PzI/ c 4r/ c 36.5 wt percent, to as low as 20 Unlt C€]l with 28 percent or greateris sent to the dressing 7. 016+0.001| 7.422 7 , 0172+0.0006 b 9.152+4.O02 9 151+0.002 9.158210.0006 plant. r5.6z8io.oo2 15.67 6- r5.6z74To.oor5 r08.52:8'+o Z, ro 8'50,+5' 108.8516+0.0020 the borax and kernite are very i rE'r 952.6+0.2- 953'4t'- 953 4 Associatedwith z 4- lr small amountsof the rare borates rivadavite, ezcur- p ( calc,g,/cn 3) r.905+0.001 1.90q*rt 1.93 sp.gr. (neas) 1.9o6Fo.oo3 t .91 rite (Hurlbut and Aristarain,1967a,b), ameghinite, and macallisterite(Aristarain and Hurlbut, 1967a, .In1tla1 parameters fron x-ray slngle-crystal precesslon datai f1nal parmeters Llsied here fron least-squares reflnenent of x-pay powder b). There are alsominor amountsof compactulexite data (Table 2); morpholo8lcal neasurenent of B gtves t08o 53'+4'. r* Calculated 1n present lnvestlgatlon fron da!a of Ross and Edwtrds balls and euhedral kurnakovite crystals. Thin veins (1959) alrhouCh Ross and Edwards dldn't repo.t 1t tft Calculated by Claldl et aL. (f967) fron the data of Ross and of halite and secondarytincalconite are also present. 310 HURLBUT, ARISTARAIN, AND ERD Morphology and Physical Properties Tesre 2, continued The kernite crystals at Tincalayu are large, but (A) no terminalfaces were observed; crystals 30 cm long dwL(fr) I d..- r and 10 centimetersacross are common.Very char- {2 338 0.7 222 2 34D {2.338 0,0 213 12 337 0.4 acteristic of the occurrenceare intergrowths of two 2$ 2 30B 3-2 2 12 296 03 3r 2 29C large crystalsgiving a twin-like appearance.Freshly 232 12 29\ 89 is 12 2b7 \2 broken kernite clear and transparentwith vitreous 2 266 12 265 15 luster, but on exposureto air it turns milky white 0ql T2 267 0q 313 12 2\8 11 on the surfaceand alongcleavage cracks. 3 01r 2 ?qb 6 12 2C7 06 12 246 2I 2 ?30 6 2.230 z6 LO 2 2r3 58 T,lrrr 2. X-ray Powder Diffraction Data for Kernite from o42 {2 r86 1.5 2 r82 lt fincalayu 7 t2 182 .l t2 r52 3t 204 a,2 12 r5r 00 hkL Observed * a,r ^!,r o+6i tl dhkL(fl) r d..-(A) { 2 140 0l 2 llto b i2 138 94 223 {2 138 a2 011 779 9 7 789 002 7.40 100 7.417 I00 0 2tll 2.495 B 2 09r 53 100 6.64 85 6 638 {2 082 0.9 102 6.00 t5 6,006 2 080 9 {2.oBo !9 012 5 762 0.0 0q3 {2 076 31 111 5 538 o-2 12.455 0l 110 537 5.3't \ 2.2 2 O52 5 t 2 051 r6 \\2 5.03 5.A2r 0,8 127 2 0r3 5 2 Al2 1.8 fll r.68 \.676 2 003 7 2 042 4: 020 4.le 4 576 1.95b rl 021 \.373 38 t 9r2 13 013 4.348 4.350 0.9 r 942 8 102 4 298 4.303 2,7 1.881 5 4.233 \.233 7.0 r 857 3 422 {3 895 2-2 r 831 4 rr2 3.895 {3.894 I 820 121 3.823 01 lo4 3 8oo 7 3 804 r20 3.768 03 004 3.745 23 3.708 I2.I 122 540 09 3 r 7\5 r.72r 1r4 10.4 10 I 706 121 3 -542 o6 1.683 2A2 3.478 0.1 r 659 0f4 3-437 6 3.\37 2.7 3.358 7 3.358 200 3 312 9 3.319 2,O 3.304 8.6 (1927 first the mineral as 21r 3.260 65 Schaller ) described 212 33 3 3 240 4.2 orthorhornbic with c parallel to the intersection of t22 3 -r32 3 135 \2.6 the two prominent cleavages.Later he recognizedthe 2ra 3,r2O 11.3 3 098 14 monoclinicsymmetry and reorientedthe crystal,mak- Za\ 3 00j Q.0 031 2,989 5 2.988 40 ing old c : new b, c ) a and B < 9Oo (Schaller, 2tr 2 882 {2.882 r72 024 {2.881 9rr 1930).
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