Editorials ..................................... 4A Op-Ed .......................................... 5A Calendar ...................................... 6A Scene Around ............................. 9A Synagogue Directory ................ 11A News Briefs ............................... 13A WWW.HERITAGEFL.COM YEAR 44, NO. 39 MAY 29, 2020 6 SIVAN, 5780 ORLANDO, FLORIDA SINGLE COPY 75¢ Rare Bar Kochba-era coin at Temple Mount A recently discovered coin from the Bar Kochba era (around 132 C.E.) inscribed with the word “Jerusalem.” (JNS) — In honor of Lag only coin from the period B’Omer, a Jewish holiday found in the ancient part of commemorating the life of the Holy City that bears the anti-Roman Torah sage Rabbi name “Jerusalem.” Shimon bar Yochai, the Israel According to IAA archae- Antiquities Authority on Mon- ologists, “It is possible that a (Left) Mom Jamie Levine beams with pride as she escorts her daughter JoJo down the “aisle” to receive her diploma. day revealed the discovery of Roman soldier from the Tenth (Right) Teachers Anna Schwartz and Marie Venturelli (back) celebrate with proud mom Nicole Szafran and new grad a rare bronze coin from the Legion found the coin during Brooklyn. The parking lot graduation was a first for the Richard S. Adler Early Childhood Learning Center in Maitland. period of the Bar Kochba one of the battles across the revolt (circa 132 C.E.). country and brought it to The coin was uncovered their camp in Jerusalem as a during excavations in the Wil- souvenir.” Preschool delivers pomp liam Davidson Archaeological The obverse of the coin is Park between the Temple decorated with a cluster of Mount and the City of David grapes and the inscription, despite circumstances in Jerusalem. The excavations “Year Two of the Freedom are conducted by the IAA and of Israel.” Its reverse side Schools across the nation have had on the graduates as they marched K4 teacher Irene Wieder said. “This is funded by the Ir David Foun- features a palm tree and the to get creative with their commence- across the parking lot one by one, wear- what it is all about: Being here for these dation/City of David, which inscription, “Jerusalem.” ment ceremonies amid the COVID-19 ing face masks and obeying all social children and their families.” operates the site. pandemic, and the Richard S. Adler Early distancing protocols, to receive their Parent Yamit Rashkind, whose son The IAA says that it is the Coin on page 15A Childhood Learning Center in Maitland is diplomas. All children had a moment David was among the newly minted no exception. The preschool, part of The to chat with their teachers, followed ECLC alumni, agreed. “It wasn’t what Roth Family JCC, held its pre-k gradua- by more cheers and applause from the we envisioned David’s graduation to be, tion on May 20 in the parking lot of the proud families. but it was beautiful.” Abbas ends JCC, which remains closed to the public “Seeing their smiles underneath their In all, 63 families, teachers and ad- until June 1. masks and watching them walk up to get ministrators took part in the graduation A small gathering of families cheered their diplomas was absolutely priceless,” ceremony. security cooperation By Ron Kampeas the Palestinian Authority, the last vestige of the Oslo peace WASHINGTON (JTA) talks, as well as the disman- Unhindered by lockdown, RAISE — Palestinian Authority tling of security cooperation President Mahmoud Abbas with Israel, which Israeli declared an end to all agree- security chiefs have said has continues on the road to growth ments with Israel, including been critical in keeping the security cooperation, effec- West Bank relatively quiet. By Christine DeSouza tively turning over to Israel’s Abbas said Israeli Prime government the running of Minister Benjamin Netan- Even though the RAISE the entire West Bank. yahu’s plans to annex parts employees were furloughed “The Palestine Liberation of the West Bank left him along with everyone else Organization and the State no choice, and he blamed during the COVID-19 lock- of Palestine are absolved, the Trump administration’s down, Loren London, RAISE as of today, of all the agree- “peace vision” unveiled in director, and Rachel Slavkin, ments and understandings January. The plan allows Is- director of Employment and with the American and Israeli rael to annex some territory, Education, decided to con- governments and of all the but in coordination with the commitments based on these Palestinians. understandings and agree- Abbas said the PLO re- ments, including the security mained committed to the two- ones,” Abbas said in a speech in state outcome, adding that he Ramallah, which functions as planned to seek recognition the capital of the Palestinian of statehood in a number of Authority. international forums. “The Israeli occupation The Trump administration authority, as of today, has to and Israel have cautioned the shoulder all responsibilities Palestinians against seeking and obligations in front of statehood recognition, de- the international community scribing it as a unilateral act Shown here (l-r): Loren London, Christine DeSouza and Rachel Slavkin meet via ZOOM as an occupying power over — the same term Palestinians to discuss RAISE. the territory of the occupied use to describe Netanyahu’s tinue its weekly Lunch and been able to share with the to help the employees learn state of Palestine, with all its annexation plans. Learn sessions via ZOOM, al- group their pets and other basic cooking skills — a consequences and repercus- The U.S. has little leverage lowing RAISE employees to interests they would not small but important step in sions,” he said, according to to use on Abbas, with the develop social and work skills otherwise be able to do. The learning self-sufficiency. A the Wafa news agency. administration having cut they need to be independent monthly RAISE leadership cheerleading demonstration It’s not clear what steps almost all assistance, except and productive members of team and the RAISE Your by Slavkin’s daughter Emily Abbas will take next. In the money for security coopera- the community. The ZOOM Voice Support Group for and her U of Michigan team- past he has threatened to end tion. sessions have also allowed families have also continued mate inspired the group. agreements that he claims the employees to get to their meetings. Upcoming guests include Israel has already abrogated know each other on a more Also included in the weekly an art class with Penny Gold- before retreating from the personal level. Attending the virtual sessions are 15-min- stein, a song performance by threats. The finality of this Lunch and Learn sessions ute guest spots: A chef gave statement, however, seems to from their homes, each has a cooking demonstration RAISE on page 15A be heralding the collapse of PAGE 2A HERITAGE FLORIDA JEWISH NEWS, MAY 29, 2020 A timely bar mitzvah project dren’s Hospital, Tri PT, Lake worked hard on perfecting Mary Pediatrics, Guidewell the model. Emergency Doctors, Adven- Mason shared the process, tHealth, CVS home infusion, A which is time consuming: Well-Healed Foot, Miller & “First, I had to make the Korn Periodontics and Im- file... I download my file to plant Solutions, and Martin an SD card and I print each Orthodontics. one separately. Each ear saver Mason has fulfilled orders takes about 45 minutes to locally as well as shipped to print and my printer needs doctors and healthcare work- about 10 minutes to cool down ers in Tampa, Georgia, North before I can remove the print.” Carolina and South Florida. “He has been very particu- Many people have offered lar with his prints and only to pay him, but he will not feels comfortable donating take the money. He loves prints that came out perfect. helping others and feels He has had many failed print- very strongly about donating ing attempts, but has never them for free. given up,” said Wendi. He came up with the idea Mason is still looking for when he saw people making anyone who has access to a things with their 3D printers 3D printer to help out. to be helpful and he wanted to If you are in the health- use his 3D printer to make a care industry in the Orlando difference. area and are interested in Mason started off printing receiving Mason’s ear savers, 3D masks on his home 3D email the Heritage at news@ Mason Moses with bags of ear savers ready to deliver. This is how ear savers work. printer, but after weeks of orlandoheritage.com or call at printing and a lot of research, 407-834-8787. Please include Even though his bar mitz- “Ear savers are little things cation and hard work. He has who donated the use of his he learned that they were not your name and contact phone vah isn’t until October, Mason that you put on the back of been busy printing ear savers 3D printers, filament and very effective. He didn’t want number or email and the in- Moses, son of Andrew and your ears to relieve the pres- for doctors, nurses and health- his time, Mason has already to give doctors or nurses a formation will be passed on Wendi Moses of Orlando, Fla., sure behind your ears when care workers,” said Wendi. delivered 400 ear savers to Ar- false sense of security and to Mason. has been working hard on his you wear a mask,” Mason Thanks to support from nold Palmer, the VA Hospital- decided to make a difference Mason will celebrate his Bar Mitzvah Project — ear explained. his former STEM teacher, Lake Nona, Orlando Health in another way. He began re- bar mitzvah at Congrega- savers to use with facemasks.
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