S12560 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE November 9, 2005 Iraqis to help them to sustain this new- diers have been angry and sad for two days. to America to attack our people? How found freedom by helping the strength- They are angry because the terrorists could heinous would their crimes be here? en their armies. just as easily have waited a block or two and Our President is trying to make sure The stories of success from our sol- attacked the patrol away from the kids. In- they do not have that opportunity, stead, the suicide bomber drove his car and diers and sailors in Iraq need to be hit the Stryker when about twenty children that they will not be able to perpetrate told. Our soldiers need to know that were jumping up and down and waving at the their horrible and indecent acts their bravery and hard work in Iraq is soldiers. against the people of America on our not in vain. Major Bieger, I had seen him help rescue soil. Our President is taking every step This new chance for freedom in this some of our guys a week earlier during an- to assure that Americans are secure. part of the world is due entirely to the other big attack, took some of our soldiers So I think it is time for us to stop sacrifice of our soldiers and sailors, and and rushed this little girl to our hospital. He the partisan bickering. No one in their their families. wanted her to have American surgeons and not go to the Iraqi hospital. She didn’t make right mind would suggest that this is a I say to our servicemen and women it. I snapped this picture when Major Bieger time for America to turn and run. So and your families—Our nation owes ran to take her away. let’s try to work together to make sure you our gratitude, and we honor you The soldiers went back to the neighbor- we are doing everything possible to for bestowing the immeasurable gift of hood the next day to ask what they could do. help the Iraqi people get on their feet, freedom. We thank each and every one The people were very warming and welcomed hold their elections, and begin the of you. us into their homes, and kids were actually process of self-government. The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- running up to say hello and to ask soldiers to shake hands. Nothing will eradicate terrorism more ator from Texas. Eventually, some insurgents must have re- quickly than showing that democracy and Mrs. HUTCHISON. Mr. President, I alized we were back and started shooting at self-governance can work. That is what our thank the Senator from Pennsylvania us. The American soldiers and Iraqi police President is leading our country and our for talking about what our people with started engaging the enemy and there was a troops in the field to provide: Safety and se- boots on, on the ground in Iraq, are running gun battle. I saw at least one Iraqi curity for the Iraqi people so they can gov- saying and what they are seeing. police who was shot, but he looked okay and ern themselves. The Iraqi people are moving I think it is important that we talk actually smiled at me despite the bullet hole forward with a constitution they have writ- ten and they have voted for, which will be to them about the feelings in America in his leg. I smiled back. One thing seems certain: The people in followed by more elections of a parliament because some people might get a that neighborhood share our feelings about and leaders who will take this constitution misimpression if they listened to peo- the terrorists. We are going to go back there, and make the laws that will give freedom to ple who actually put forward the idea and if any terrorists come out, the soldiers every Iraqi. Freedom is something which that we would cut and run from some- hope to find them. Everybody is still very they have not known—many of them—in thing that was started for all the right angry that the insurgents attacked us when their lifetimes. It is a worthy cause because reasons—to protect Americans. the kids were around. Their day will come. it will also assure the security of the Amer- The President, knowing what hap- Mr. President, it is stories like this ican people in future generations. pened on 9/11, was determined that he one that reaffirm why Americans are Mr. President, I yield the floor. was not going to have another terrorist so proud of our troops and proud of the f attack on America with weapons of Iraqi people for embracing democracy CONCLUSION OF MORNING mass destruction. That is why we went and supporting our efforts to defeat BUSINESS into the Middle East. We took on Sad- terrorism. U.S. troops are not seen as dam Hussein, who was known to have, occupiers, as some in our country The PRESIDING OFFICER. Morning from many different sources, weapons would have you believe. Our soldiers business is now closed. of mass destruction. are standing beside Iraqi forces, and f So we are there, and our troops are their sacrifice to win the war on terror NATIONAL DEFENSE AUTHORIZA- doing a great job. We are building the will never be diminished. TION ACT FOR FISCAL YEAR 2006 confidence in Iraq. You can see it from We are fighting an enemy who is will- the people who are voting with their ing to make a point of killing innocent The PRESIDING OFFICER. Under feet. They are walking to the polls and children. There will be no freedom if the previous order, the Senate will re- voting. Even under threat of death, we cut and run. We know why we are sume consideration of S. 1042, which they are working to establish a democ- there, and we will complete the mis- the clerk will report. racy. They are defying the terrorists. sion. The journal clerk read as follows: They know what the terrorists are This story shows so much about how A bill (S. 1042) to authorize appropriations doing to their country, and they are our troops feel. And if any person in for fiscal year 2006 for military activities of this country talks to troops who have the Department of Defense, for military con- fighting back. And we are going to struction, and for defense activities of the stand and fight with them, as we prom- returned from Iraq, they will tell you Department of Energy, to prescribe per- ised we would do. similar stories about the feelings of the sonnel strengths for such fiscal year for the I want to talk about this picture. It Iraqi people. Iraqis often are under Armed Forces, and for other purposes. says more than any words ever could. threat of death if they are talking to Pending: American soldiers or trying to do Michael Yon is a former Green Beret Chambliss amendment No. 2433, to reduce who has been out of the service for something productive that would move the eligibility age for receipt of non-regular years. He is also a gifted photographer their country forward, such as voting military service retired pay for members of and writer. He was embedded in Iraq on a constitution, which they did in the Ready Reserve in active federal status or for 9 months earlier this year. He droves. They are standing firm despite on active duty for significant periods. learned about the area, the people, the the threats. Ensign amendment No. 2443, to restate unit in which he was embedded, and Our troops are going through the United States policy on the use of riot con- the situation in Iraq. His photographs process of teaching the Iraqi police and trol agents by members of the Armed Forces. capture an honest and inspiring mes- the Iraqi soldiers how to help them- The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- sage about our soldiers’ service in Iraq, selves, how to work the equipment, and ator from Michigan. the mindset of the terrorists we are how to counter insurgents who would Mr. LEVIN. Mr. President, I suggest fighting, and what this war is all wait until children are in the picture the absence of a quorum. about. before choosing to blow themselves up. The PRESIDING OFFICER. The I would like to read Michael’s own This is an enemy that we must not clerk will call the roll. words describing what happened on let stay on this Earth. We must eradi- The journal clerk proceeded to call Saturday, May 14, 2005, in Mosul, just cate it wherever it is. And we must the roll. before he took this heartbreaking pic- make sure that it does not come to Mr. INHOFE. Mr. President, I ask ture: America because if this enemy would unanimous consent that the order for Major Mark Bieger found this little girl wait until children are surrounding our the quorum call be rescinded. after the car bomb that attacked our guys soldiers to do their heinous crimes, The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without while kids were crowding around. The sol- what would they do if they came back objection, it is so ordered. VerDate Aug 31 2005 04:04 Nov 10, 2005 Jkt 049060 PO 00000 Frm 00008 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A09NO6.006 S09NOPT1 November 9, 2005 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S12561 Mr. INHOFE. Mr. President, may I into the Declaration of Independence? Or and acknowledgment of divine provi- ask what the regular order is right about the activist from Massachusetts who dence is an official tenet of preparation now, what the pending amendment is? urged making the Fourth of July a quasi-re- of the American military.
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