Presentation Outline BIOMATH Department of Applied Mathematics, Biometrics and Process Control Introduction The case study An integrated model for the Bleesbruck The integrated model catchment, Luxembourg Scenarios and Results 30 Anne-Marie Solvi, Lorenzo Benedetti, Péter Borsányi, 25 CSO_15 Outlook 20 CSO_16 ) s / l Sum_15-16 ( 15 w CSO_new o Veronique Vandenberghe, P.A. Vanrolleghem l F 10 5 0 International Workshop on Integrated Urban Water Management 21:36 22:48 0:00 1:12 2:24 3:36 4:48 6:00 7:12 Time (hour) Dresden, 3-4 July 2006 UGent-Biomath, Coupure Links 653, 9000 Gent, BE @biomath.Ugent.be UGent-Biomath, Coupure Links 653, 9000 Gent, BE Introduction: Objectives Introduction: Approach Water Framework Directive Holistic approach Objectives « good » chemical and ecological status of natural waters: Immission crititeria (combined to emission) River water quality evaluates the performance of the Case Study urban wastewater system Toolbox / Data Analysis CD4WC Results Cost-effective optimisation of the integrated operation of the sewer and the WWTP for better river water quality UGent-Biomath, Coupure Links 653, 9000 Gent, BE UGent-Biomath, Coupure Links 653, 9000 Gent, BE Case Study: Luxembourg Case Study: Catchment WWTP Bleesbruck WWTP Diekirch Bleesbruck catchment Diekirch Sauer / Sûre 2 Sauer / Sûre Ettelbruck Area: ~ 10 km catchment Ettelbruck existing sewer ~ 20 semi-rural subcatchments sewer in construction catchment Member municipality of Domestic discharges: ~ 25000 PE existing sewer the syndicate sewer in construction Colmar-Berg Industrial discharges: ~ 30000 PE Member municipality of Attert the syndicate Alzette sewer network Colmar-Berg Length: ~ 60 km Attert + new collector + new basins Alzette UGent-Biomath, Coupure Links 653, 9000 Gent, BE UGent-Biomath, Coupure Links 653, 9000 Gent, BE Case Study: WWTP Case Study: Receiving rivers Sûre Hydraulic capacity: Biology 2 Attert 100000 PE Sûre Biology 1 overflow 2 bio-units in series, chemical phosphate precipitation, Degreaser Alzette online NH3, NO3, PO4 measurements Screen Grit removal LIFE98 ENV/L/000582 CSO Pumps UGent-Biomath, Coupure Links 653, 9000 Gent, BE UGent-Biomath, Coupure Links 653, 9000 Gent, BE Case Study: Receiving rivers Case Study: Measurement Campaign Water Quality SûArettert 3 river stretches DO, Temp Length: ± 20 km BOD, COD particulate, WWTP COD soluble Base Flows: 3-15 m3/s Bleesbruck BB2 Diekirch BB1 Wark NH , NO , PO C Sauer / Sûre E 3 3 4 D WWTP ChlA Bleesbruck Ettelbruck Diekirch Existing gauge Installed sampler Sauer / Sûre Suspended Solids Alzette Installed online probe Ettelbruck catchment existing sewer Colmar-Berg sewer in construction A Member municipality of B the syndicate Colmar-Berg Attert Alzette Attert Alzette Mersch UGent-Biomath, Coupure Links 653, 9000 Gent, BE UGent-Biomath, Coupure Links 653, 9000 Gent, BE Case Study: Measurement Campaign Case Study: Measurement Campaign Water transport Water transport 250 5 XY=1000m Rhodamine concentrations 4 X 200 YZ=1500m Rhodamine concentrations zoomed 3 2 ) ) l l 150 / / g g u u 1 ( ( e e n n i i 100 0 m m Y a a Z d d o o -1 h h R R 50 -2 -3 0 16:20 16:50 17:20 17:50 18:20 18:50 19:20 19:50 -4 -50 -5 Time (hour:min) UGent-Biomath, Coupure Links 653, 9000 Gent, BE UGent-Biomath, Coupure Links 653, 9000 Gent, BE Case Study: Deficit Analysis (1) Case Study: Deficit Analysis (2) Receiving Rivers WWTP Emissions: (EU Urban Wastewater Directive, 1991) WWTP Immissions: Bleesbruck Total nitrogen TN: > 15 mg/l Diekirch during summer low DO: < 5 mg/l Sauer / Sûre Ettelbruck Total phosphorus: TP: > 2 mg/l (peaks) catchment high ammonium: NH4-N: > 3 mg/l existing sewer sewer in construction No denitrification Member municipality of the syndicate high phosphate: PO4-P: ~ 0.5 mg/l Colmar-Berg Attert Pressures: Localised high algae concentration Alzette Hydraulic overloading during wet weather flow conditions, Pressures: bad nitrification and phosphate control due to on/off Alzette carrying wastewater from populated and industrial actuators, random sludge input from other WWTPs,… South of Luxembourg, agriculture,… How much pressure is this catchment/WWTP exerting? UGent-Biomath, Coupure Links 653, 9000 Gent, BE UGent-Biomath, Coupure Links 653, 9000 Gent, BE Case Study: Deficit Analysis (3) Case Study: Objectives Sewer network Emissions: Measurement campaign on the Localised CSO events (simulated and witnessed river and the WWTP (CD4WC). by operator, no measurements) Data collection and deficit analysis Model building and calibration Pressures: No storage volume until now, infiltration, river water intrusion during high flows in winter, not much control 1. Develop scenarios to improve quality of the potential so far,… eutrophied river and test them using simulatons of the integrated system. 2. Find control strategies for the ‘new’ system UGent-Biomath, Coupure Links 653, 9000 Gent, BE UGent-Biomath, Coupure Links 653, 9000 Gent, BE Modelling & Simulation: Software Modelling & Simulation: KOSIM-WEST KOSIM WEST Runoff Sewer WWTP River new Information transfer Jurgen Meirlaen, PhD Thesis (2002) UGent-Biomath, Coupure Links 653, 9000 Gent, BE UGent-Biomath, Coupure Links 653, 9000 Gent, BE Modelling & Simulation: Catchment & Sewer Modelling & Simulation: WWTP RAIN Sewer Evaporation Pipes Water runoff: Wetting, Basins RIVER depression filling, infiltration Biochemical: Combined Sewer ASM1, ASM2, Pollution: Accumulation and Overflows ASM2d, ASM3, … washoff for particulates (CSOs) Sensors, controllers RIVER Runoff concentration Water transport in linear tank cascades Clarification: Point settler, Takacs, … + Sedimentation for Dry Weather Flow particulates WWTP (DWF) generator WWTP CATCHMENT STRUCTURES UGent-Biomath, Coupure Links 653, 9000 Gent, BE UGent-Biomath, Coupure Links 653, 9000 Gent, BE Modelling & Simulation: River Modelling & Simulation: Modelling Approach (1) Sewer WWTP Transport: Biochemical: Tank cascade RWQM1 River UGent-Biomath, Coupure Links 653, 9000 Gent, BE UGent-Biomath, Coupure Links 653, 9000 Gent, BE Modelling & Simulation: The Integrated Model Bleesbruck Model in_16 Catchment & Sewer Network (1) in_4 Burden SR_Burden out_Burden Pump_SIDEC SIDEC in_11 C73a C72a Diekirch_22 C73b C72b in_13 in_21 in_19 sewer Comb7 CSO_Erp Erpeldange in_14 in_26 Brewery Well_15 in_8 in_24 Ingeldorf_comm Diekirch_19 Herrenberg in_25 C71 Laduno CSO_D22 20 catchments Ettelbruck FC_CSO_Erp CSO_Laduno CSO_Ing1 FC_CSO_D22 CSO_D19 RB_Herrenberg Bastendorf FC_CSO_D19 CSO_Ett Well_18 PP_17 Well_19 PP_18 Well_4 PP_19 Well_22 PP_27 Well_14 PP_25 Well_10 PP_21 Well_11 PP_22 Well_7 CSOwwtp FC_sew_wwtp 4 basins / storage pipes Well_16 PP_16 PP_23 FC_CSO_Ett FC_CSO_Laduno Ingeldorf FC_CSO_Ing1 tr_CSO_D22 tr_CSO_D19 cm_CSO_Gdorf PS_Gilsdorf FC_CSO_wwtp tr_sew_wwtp PS_E tr_CSO_Erp CSO_Gdorf PP_24 tr_CSO_Ett tr_CSO_Laduno in_15 tr_CSO_Ing1 FC_CSO_Gdorf Gilsdorf 6 pumps C5 CF_CSO_Erp CF_CSO_Laduno CF_CSO_Ing1 CF_CSO_D22 CF_CSO_D19 CF_CSO_Gdorf tr_CSO_Gdorf in_18 Pump_Bdorf RB_Bdorf Bettendorf in_6 CF_sew_wwtp CF_CSO_Ett cm_CSO_Laduno CF_Bdorf tr_Bdorf FC_Bdorf in_31 rCF_1 S_4 S_5 S_6 S_7 S_8 S_9 S_10 S_11 S_12 S_13 S_14 S_15 rFC_1 out_1 16 km main collector Alz_9 cm_CSO_wwtp CF_CSO_wwtp tr_CSO_wwtp in_5 Ett_Sud Comb5 c_PO4 CF_wwtp_riv Reduction of CSOs down to 16 in_9 Ett_Sud_Surface FC_Ett_Sud tr_Ett_Sud CF_Ett_Sud Alz_8 in_36 in_37 FC_wwtp_riv Air_A Air_B C4 Aluminate C3 Alz_7 in_35 In_Return Alu_In Bio1A DO_A Bio1B DO_B BT_1 Clar_A SurfAB tr_wwtp_riv c_MLSS_1 FC_w2 Waste_2 DATA USED: in_10 Schieren_21 CSO_Sch12 Comb_PS Alz_6 r PS_Sch CF_wwtp Waste_Return_1 Loop_RS_1 FC_Bio1 cm_CSO_SFcCh_CSO_Sch tr_CSO_Sch CF_CSO_SAclzh_5 in_34 FC_wwtp FC_w1 Waste_1 Air_C CF_2 e comb_WWTP VenturiBB Population and industry in_3 Schieren_3 CSO_Sch3 Comb3 Alz_4 v Clar_C BT_2 DO_C Bio2C ReturnCD i c_MLSS_2 r C2b Alz_3 in_38 Surface characterisation Att_2 Alz_2 Alz_1 Alz_0 Loop_RS_2 Waste_Return_2 C2a rCF_3 cm_CSO_Colmar rCF_2 FC_w3 Waste_3 CF_CSO_Colmar in_33 in_32 tr_CSO_Colmar C1 WWTP Geometric data for sewer FC_CSO_Colmar in_1 Colmar CSO_Colmar Comb1ab PP_30 Pump_Cr SP_CrSchrNo CrSchrNo in_2 evaporation & infiltration Roost out_SP_CrSchrNo in_23 UGent-Biomath, Coupure Links 653, 9000 Gent, BE UGent-Biomath, Coupure Links 653, 9000 Gent, BE Bleesbruck Model Bleesbruck Model Catchment & Sewer Network (2): Infiltration Catchment & Sewer Network (2): Yearly Calibration Results, 2005 25000 10 16500 Flow sim (m3/d) 9 ) 15500 Daily 4-year average Flow WWTP (m3/d) d / 20000 8 3 14500 Monthly average Rain (mm/h) m ( 7 ) w 13500 ) d o h / / l 15000 6 f 3 12500 m n m m ( 5 ( o i 11500 t n w i a o a l r 10000 4 R t 10500 F l i f 3 n 9500 I 8500 5000 2 7500 1 J F M A M J J A S O N D 0 0 Month of the year 220.00 225.00 230.00 235.00 240.00 245.00 250.00 Time (day) UGent-Biomath, Coupure Links 653, 9000 Gent, BE UGent-Biomath, Coupure Links 653, 9000 Gent, BE Bleesbruck Model Bleesbruck Model Catchment & Sewer Network (3): Yearly Calibration Results, 2005 WWTP (1) 1800 2 activated sludge units in series (removal of COD, COD Load simulated 20 1600 COD Load Data nitrification): ASM2d model Rain(mm/h) 1400 ) h Chemical phosporous removal by precipitation / ) 0 h m / 1200 g m Clarification with ideal settlers ( k ( y 1000 t d -20 i a s DATA USED: o n e L 800 t n D -40 I WWTP dimensions O 600 n i C a Water quality measurements 400 R -60 LIFE98 ENV/L/000582 200 Influent characteristics 0 -80 Operation schemes 160 165 170 175 180 185 190 Time (days) Existing model UGent-Biomath, Coupure Links 653, 9000 Gent, BE UGent-Biomath,
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