Remembers WARNING: You’re judged watch Let’s icco rding to language, your Daily boys and girls, on the streets C o n d uct and and in public the Company places and on You Keep. the busses. TheREAD THEArizonaSUN THE VOICE OF 60,000 NEGROES IN ARIZONA VOL. XIV—No. 13 PHOENIX, ARIZONA, FRIDAY, JANUARY 9, 1953 sunlu CENTS PER COPY THE TIME IS NOW! TO FIGHT SEGREGATION IN ALL ITS ASPECTS - DECLARES SOUTHERN MINISTER Christian Approach To Problem PIONEER (OUPLE CELEBRATE 50lh WEDDING ANNIVERSARY Os 'Segregation Versus Integration,' Heard By Emancipation Day Crowd BY C. W. GREENLEA An Emancipation Day Crowd that filled every available space in the Big Bethel AME Church Thursday of last week, in Atlanta, Ga., heard the Rev. William Holmes Borders fire a power- ful and eloquent barrage against racial segregation practices. Rev. Mr. Borders, speaking on the ! Christian approach to the problem of “segregation versus integration/’ Racial Segregation declared that now is the time to fight segregation in air its aspects . “here in the South . here in Opponent To r Atlanta, Ga.!” BBHHm as 9. :;y. By +.. v < 'illHV The speaker, pastor of Wheat Speak At YMCA ilsm i^f "IMMMBr Street Baptist Church, hurled a «jHH|K| fjfji militant challenge to his cheering audiences, “Quit being a coward and get on the firing line.” The forces of God, he said, are behind those who fight the evils of segre- gation and the fight cannot be lost. He urged his hearers to start out by backing the current anti-segre- gation cases in the Atlanta public schools. The Emancipation Day celebra- tion, sponsored by the Atlanta Branch NAACP, brought forth a collection of $2,122.25 for the or- ganization. An additional SI,OOO was pledged by AME churches through Bishop S. L. Greene who made the general collection appeal. With several persons fainting and shouting with emotion, Rev. Bor- ders went straight down the line in his attack against Jim Crow. He outlined a four-point program for BAYARD RUSTIN racial progress which he simplified Bayard Rustin, Jefferson award in these sentences: 1. Get a dollar winner, will speak at 8:00 p.m., in your pockets; 2. Get a ballot in Thursday, January 15, in the All- 3, (edu- your hand; Get some sense Purpose Room of the YMCA, 350 head, cation) in your and 4. Get N. First Ave. The award was grant- religion in your heart. ed Mr. Rustin in 1948 by the Coun- GET MONEY cil Against Intolerance in America LOOKING BACK OVER 50 YEARS of marriage bliss, this couple smile as they cut this lovely As a race and as individuals, Ne- as one of the Americans who had anniversary cake and reminise back through the past half-century of married life. groes must get money, he advised. done most in the recent past to bet- The that and Approximately 12b guests arrived neer leaders in the fight for better Bibilical advice man can- ter relations between colored not live by bread alone,” by educational opportunities for Ne- Funeral Rites impli- white citizens. between the hours of 3 to 7 last cation denotes that must groes. In 1915 she successfully man have Mr. Rustin will discuss non-vio- Sunday afternoon at the Elks some other material means, he said. 4 lobbied a bill through the legisla- Saturday For lent techniques of resisting racial honor Mr. and Mrs. Money and material resources will auditorium to ture that gave Negro children (Continued Page 3.) progress. Pointing on Ben James of 1218 E. Washington equal educational opportunities. Mrs. Jones influence racial Funeral services for Mrs. Blanch to all the famous Negro-owned • who were celebrating their golden Mrs. James established the first Jones, 66, Jefferson, In Atlanta, speaker wedding anniversary. kindergarten in the city for Negro 1325 E. will be businesses the Saturday morning deplored the fact that in spite of NAACP Election children and paid the teachers’ held from the In the receiving line were Mines. Chapel in the Valley at 11 o’clock. these assets around us, Negroes Lucy Gee, Ready salary by selling lunches. She has Bobbie and Rev. L. B. NeNlson is to officiate. control only three cents of- every Os Officers To Be Charles Fish. been president of the Booker T. Washington Parent-Teacher Asso- Mrs. Jones, a resident of Phoenix dollar in Georgia. He urged his Mrs. James wore a street length hospital to patronize Negro-owned Held Sunday ciation and president of Phoenix for 37 years, died in a local hearers Association for the pink lace dress with black acces- Tuesday following long ill- businesses in order to multiply ra- The National Federation of Colored Women’s last a Advancement of Colored People sories and an orchid corsage. ness. She has lived here since com- cial wealth, disclosing that three Clubs here. will hold its annual election of of- couple married January 6, ing from Okmulgee, Okla., in 1916. white insurance companies have The Out-of-town guests attending the ficers, Sunday, at 3 p.m., at Wesley 1903. They received many, many, She was a member of the First more ordinary policies on Negroes affair were: Mr. and Mrs. Ben Methodist Church, 1802 E. Wash- beautiful gifts, including money. Institutional Baptist Church, and is in three states than five Negro- James, Jr., Mrs. Ann McKee, Mrs. ington St. years survived by one daughter, Mrs. owned companies have in eight •Mr. James was born 75 Mary D. Anderson, and Mr. and The president, Dr. R. B. Phillips ago in Louisiana, came to Phoenix Marie Davis Moore of Los Angeles, states. Mrs. Robinson and son, all of Los Following elouqent .said the election which was seched- 1900, Calif. his theme in in and worked as a barber Angeles. uled to be held in November was until his retirement three years ago. and flowery oratory, Rev. Borders warned that man in a democ- postponed with the consent of the He worked in several places here; no Resident of Phoenix escape political national office, to give all members the Adams Hotel, Green Traffic Improvements racy can the as- first at Two Years a change for eligibility to vote in Brothers Barber Shop and Fred Dies pects of life. Everything from street At Five Points Mr. Leon Sadler, 50, a resident light, taxes, jobs, personal income, the election. William’s Shop. During the 50 years Street, In a move to improve the safety of 1204 East Washington health and life itself, is affected by The president is asking all eli- he became acquainted with most passed 3, at and reduce the maintenance cost away January the the ballot, he declared. gible voters to be on hand to elect everyone of consequence in the Veteran’s Hospital. of the pedestrian crosswalks at the RING DOOR BELLS capable" officers to carry on the Valley. Five Points intersection, a new Mis. Sadler, who was born in Voters change the attitudes of good work of the organization. Dr. During this time, Mr. took ! James Lype of white plastic button mark- Waco, Texas, came to Phoenix politicians, reduce prejudice, he Phillips made it known sometime year was spent one off which in er will replace the white painted two years ago from Los Angeles. commented. Every intelligent per- ago that he will not be a candidate Finance as a valet for a French lines now being used. The Arizona He was a member of the Second son in Atlanta should “get out, for another term. mining engineer. Highway Department is furnishing Baptist Church in L. A. and at- ring door bells, and get an addi- The couple’s only son, Ben the city with 1800 *of the new tended the First Institutional tional 50,000 Negroes on the regis- James, Jr., was born in 1904, re- markers at no cost in order to test Church here. tration lists,” he challeged. Haitian Official Died ceived his education here and in their durability. The Division of He is survived by one daugh- The speaker declared that except Os Heart Attack Flagstaff, Ariz., at Arizona State Traffic Engineering will make the ter, Mrs. Irene Butler, of St. An- for religion, he is convinced that Dr. Joseph Loubeau, delegate to College. At the age of 21 h.e be- installation. At the present time, gelo, Texas, four grandchildren education is the most powerful the United Nations seventh ses- came the principal of Dunbar the crosswalks have to be repaint- and ether relatives. force in fighting prejudice. Educa- sion, a congressman for 20 years School in Tucson. He taught for ed every three months, at a cost Mrs. Charlie Bell will accom- tion helps one see the folly of his and ex-president of the Congress several years in this state before of approximately sll4. It is ex- pany the remains to El Paso, own ways through critical analysis of Haiti, died last Saturday at moving to California. pected the new markers will be Texas, where the final rites will of situation. “But,” he warned, Presbyterian Hospital in New York 1 Mrs. James was on.- of the pio- goed for a period of five years. be held. (Continued on Page 4.) City of a heart attack..
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