Report to: PLANNING COMMITTEE Date of Meeting: 6th June 2018 Subject: DC/2017/01325 Former Philips Factory Balmoral Drive / Rufford Road Southport Proposal: Outline planning application for demolition of existing buildings and construction of approximately 147 new dwellings, roads and open space Applicant: Catalyst Capital LLP Agent: Mr Trevor Adey Savills Ward: Meols Ward Summary This application, as amended, seeks outline approval for the erection of approximately147 dwellings following the demolition of existing buildings. Only the principle of the development and access to the site are to be considered at this stage. As this is an allocated housing site within the Local Plan and the indicative layout demonstrates that approximately 147 units can be accommodated and provides sufficient amenity and housing mix, the principle of development can be supported. The provisions of ‘Vacant Building Credit’ means that no housing which meets affordable housing needs can be provided as part of the scheme. However, a contribution is being made towards the provision of education facilities. Heritage and ecology matters have been addressed satisfactorily. It has been demonstrated that the proposal can be accessed safely and will have less impact upon highway capacity than the existing lawful use of the site. It is recommended that the development be approved subject to a section 106 legal agreement and to conditions. Recommendation: Approval subject to S 106 Agreement and Conditions Case Officer Steve Matthews Email [email protected] Telephone 0345 140 0845 (option 4) Application documents and plans are available at: http://pa.sefton.gov.uk/online-applications/applicationDetails.do?activeTab=summary&keyVal=OTCF66NWIJF00 Site Location Plan The Site The site subject to this application was designated as a primarily industrial area in the now replaced Unitary Development Plan and has historically provided accommodation and areas for business and general industry, including occupiers such as Philips. This has led to the site being known locally by this name. This site has been allocated for housing development within the adopted Local Plan with an indicative capacity of 158 dwellings as set out in policy MN2. The site extends to 5.7ha/14 acres and has areas of active use within single-storey and two-storey buildings fronting Balmoral Drive, North Road and Rufford Road along with areas of clearance down to slab level. Along with a significant number of vacancies to existing buildings there are some active businesses still occupying parts of the site. The site is bordered by residential properties to all sides on Balmoral Drive, North Road, Slackeys Lane, Rufford Road, The Mallards (opposite the Bankfield Road element) and Merlewood Avenue. The residential properties to these roads vary in scale and appearance from the more recent developments at The Mallards (approved in 2001) and Slackey's Lane (approved in 1998) to longstanding two-storey semi- detached hipped roof dwellings to North Road, Balmoral Drive and Merlewood Avenue and detached bungalows to Rufford Road and part of Balmoral Drive. In addition to the above, there is a pair of semi-detached dwellings, Numbers 250 and 252 Balmoral Drive, positioned to the east side of Balmoral Drive, adjacent to occupied and vacant commercial buildings within the application site. These are the only residential properties to this side of Balmoral Drive until 140d Balmoral Drive, which abuts the southwest end of the application site. History Extensive history to this site relating to the existing and former employment uses to this land as well as the installation of telecommunications equipment. In respect of the redevelopment of this site the following applications are relevant: S/2012/0993 - Prior Notification Procedure for the demolition of office block and factory units. Approved 20th September 2012. DC/2014/01138 - Prior Notification Procedure for the demolition of the existing factory and offices. Prior Approval Required and Approved 18th July 2014. DC/2015/01611 - Town and Country Planning (Environmental Impact Assessment) Regulations 2011: Regulation 5 Request for a Screening Opinion. Determined that this was not development requiring an Environmental Statement on 30th September 2015. Consultations Merseyside Environmental Advisory Service Bats As the proposals involve the destruction of at least two bat roosts the applicant will require a Natural England European Protected Species licence prior to any works commencing on site. This should be the subject of a condition. Habitats Regulations Assessment I have reviewed the proposal submitted by the applicant and considered the possibility of likely significant effects under the Habitats Regulations using the source-pathway- receptor model. I advise there is no pathway that could give rise to likely significant effects on the European sites and it does not warrant a detailed Habitats Regulations Assessment report for the following reasons: • The proposals include a large area of public open space (approximately 1.75ha or 30% of the site); • Accessibility to the SAC, SPA, and/or Ramsar will not be increased as a result of the proposals; • The proposals do not provide additional parking provision for visitors; • The proposals provide links to existing public footpaths within the local area, and away from the European Sites; • The residents will have a number of options for recreational activities, such as dog walking that are not reliant on the SAC, SPA and/or Ramsar including on- site provision; • The public open space will be carefully designed and managed for the benefit of biodiversity and for use by the residents to encourage its use,? rather than choosing to visit the designated sites; • The public open space will be well maintained;? • The design and specification of the landscape strategy, including the public open space and the long-term management plan can be subject to planning condition and detailed reserved matters approvals; and • The distribution of an advisory leaflet in the sale pack of the properties could also be offered. This could include guidance on the following: • Promotion of the public open space on site, including the rationale behind its design and specification; • Identify other areas for recreation, away from the European Sites; • The value, importance and sensitivity of the European Sites, including the potentially damaging activities and outline a code of conduct; and • Inform the residents of the presence of the Sefton Coast Landscape Partnership. These proposals are acceptable and can be secured through a suitably worded planning condition. Heritage assessment The former Vulcan Works, or at least the early 20th-century components, is considered to be a ‘non-designated heritage asset’. The Heritage Statement, undertaken by Salford Archaeology (Heritage Statement, Former Vulcan Works, Balmoral Drive, Crossens, Merseyside, April 2018) has concluded that the site is one of potential regional significance only, and that the adverse impact of the proposed development on both the standing buildings and possible below-ground archaeological deposits can therefore be adequately mitigated through a programme of archaeological building recording accompanied by a targeted archaeological watching brief. I am in agreement with the conclusions reached in the Heritage Statement regarding the significance of the site, and the nature and extent of the archaeological mitigation proposed. On the basis of the conclusions of the Heritage Statement I advise that the applicant be required to undertake a programme of archaeological work, comprising archaeological building recording of structures 01-08 and an archaeological watching brief on the site of the former electricity-generating plant, and that such works be secured by means of conditions. A permanent reminder of the former use of the site has also been suggested in the Heritage Statement to take the form of information boards. This should form part of the wider dissemination of the reports created. I also advise that consideration should be given to the inclusion of the names Vulcan & Hampson in the proposed street names for the site so that they might also serve as a permanent reminder of the site’s former industrial use. Natural England No objection. Highways Manager No objections subject to a suite of conditions being attached to any approval. Environmental Health Manager No objection to the proposal. Contaminated Land Team No objection subject to conditions being attached in respect of any approval. Flooding and Drainage Manager No objection subject to conditions. United Utilities - External Planning Liaison No objection subject to condition in respect of drainage. Building Control No objections. Local Plan Team A number of comments relating to the following: Need for clarification on number of dwellings being proposed – the application form says 176 whereas the indicative layout shows 147 Concern that planning statement states that 20% of the market homes will not be able to be designed to meet Policy HC2 (part 2) – ‘accessible and adaptable dwellings’ – this is not subject to viability Neighbour Representations Notification Undertaken Letters were sent to 430 letters neighbouring properties inviting comments to be made by the 23rd August. Five site notices were placed to the boundary of the site on 15th August, to lampposts at the junction of Merlewood Avenue/Bankfield Lane, Rufford Road, North Road and Balmoral Drive (x2), inviting comments to be made
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