The EWISH VOICE & HERALD SERVING RHODE ISLAND AND SOUTHEASTER N MASSACHUSETTS 9 Tishrei 5765 Jewish Federation of Rhode Island September 24, 2004 ELEBRATING R. /. JEWISH HISTOR t,<------, Federation's Crippling 2005 Campaign R.I. recycling has Jewish roots strike ends gets strong start in Israel Government, banks, airport reopen By Dan Baron JERUSALEM QTA) - Israel 's labor unions called off a general strike that had paralyzed the country. The Histadrut lab or federation ordered 400,000 public-sector employees back to their jobs Wednesday, on the WITH EVENTS at Gillette orders of the national Labor Stadium in Foxboro (above) Court. and Ethiopia n speakers from The Histadrut launched Israel, the Jewish Federation Hyman Berger, left, stands outside of his auto scrap Jewish Life in Americ the strike Tuesday in protest at of Rhode Island's 2005 Com­ business in Pawtucket, in this photo circa 1928. non-payment of municipal sal­ munity Campaign began 1654-2004 aries. Ben-Gurion Airport said with a flair. See pages 6 & 15. immigrants in the early 1900s. the shtetls." flights that had been grounded Four generations for 24 hours were expected to His brother, Sam, and his son After an unsuccessful stint resume in the afternoon. have worked at Adam, 28, also work in the in the resort business in the fami ly business. Catskills, Berger and his wife , Labor Court President Pawtucket plant Charlie's grandfather, Edith, moved to Pawtucket Steve Adler also ordered the government to pay the sala­ By Jonathan Rubin Hyman Berger, arrived in the to be closer to their relatives, U.S. in the 1890s, one of nearly the Steingolds. Left with little ries of 96 percent of affected PAWTUCKET-Char­ two million Eastern-European money, few applicable skills municipal employees forth­ lie Sine! doesn't turn lead into immigrants during those years. and a smattering of English, with. The other 4 percent, gold, but he can turn old scrap from townships that have not According to Sine!, Berger he did what many Jews at the metal into cash. ~igned on to Finan~e Ministry was a great Talmudic scholar in time did - he became a scrap It's what he does for a recovery programs , are to be what was then called Austria/ peddler. living as president of Berger Hungary, but when he immi­ He rented a horse and cart and Co. Recycling in Paw­ See STRIKE, page 13 grated to New York, he found and went door to door buying tucket, a business started by that "the demand for Torah rags, paper, bottles and scrap his grandfather. It was a niche scholars wasn't what it was in metal and reselling them to market shared by many Jewish Bush: End See RECYCLING, page 14 'corrupt' Orthodox NEAT: where friends meet Palestinian (First of a two-part story on leadership the high schools at the Providence ,. Hebrew Day School. In the next NEW YORK CTTA) issue: A visit to the boys' high President Bush called on school, the Mesivta of Provi­ the world community to end dence.} its support of "corrupt" Pales­ ByMaryKorr tinian leaders. "World leaders Material girl in spiritual PROVIDENCE - An should withdraw all favor and world - Madonna in Israel. Orthodox Jewish high school support from any Palestinian ISee page 10. for girls, the New England ruler who fails his people and Academy of Torah (NEAT), betrays their cause," he said in Inside founded in 1968, is thriving on remarks Tuesday in front of Section Page the East Side. Last year there the U.N. General Assembly in ' were a handful of students in New York. Calendar 2 the program located at Provi­ Bush also called on Israel Local 3 dence H ebrew D ay School; Op-ed, Letters 4&5 to impose a freeze on settle­ this year, 24 young women are Federation 6 & 15 ments in the West Bank. "Israel enrolled in grades 9 through Israel, World 8-11 should impose a settlement Communit y 18-21 12. freeze, dismantle unauthorized Terna 22 Rabbi Peretz Scheinerman, FR IEN DS - Hig h school students at the New England Academy of outposts, end the daily humili­ Simchas 25 dean of the school, launched a To rah in Providence find friendships form easily in a small school. ation of the Palestinian people Obituaries 26 recruiting campaign last year From left are juniors Leah Perlowitz, Mi ndy Lipson, Miriam Raskin, and avoid any actions that My Voice 27 Kayla Cusner and senior Miriam Brocha Jakubowicz. prejudice final negotiations," See ORTHODOX TEENS, page 12 Photo by Mary Korr Bush sa id . 2 Jewish Voice & Herald September 24, 2004 The Jewish Communitv Calendar Voice & Herald Fri., Sept. 24 Tues., Sept. 28 Community. Thurs., Oct. 7 Editor Erev Yorn Kippur Holocaust Museum Fall River Yiddish Club Shemini Atzeret Jonathan Rubin Sat., Sept. docent training 1 p.m. Adas Israel Syna­ Fri., Oct. 8 Assistant Editor 25 gogue, 1647 Robeson St., Fall Mary Korr 9:30 a.m. - noon. R.I. H olo­ Yorn Kippur River, MA. Humorous program Simchat Torah Production caust Museum, 401 Elmgrove & Graphic Design Sun., Sept. 26 Ave., Providence. Training work­ by Cantor Richard Walberg of Simchat Torah Lunch Temple Beth El. All are wel­ Leah Camara JCC artist and gallery talk shop. For more information, contact at Beth Sholom Advertising Frieda Soble at 401-453-7860. come. For information, call 275 Camp St., Providence. Representative 2 - 5 p.m. JCC Art Gallery, (508} 678-4273. Frank Za sloff 401 Elmgrove Ave., Providence. Wed., Sept. 29 Dairy lunch. Single: $10 non­ Caregiver's Workshop member, S8 member. Family: Copy Editors Artist Ed Adler on "Time Out," Erev Sukkot at sunset Marylyn Graff 1-4 p.m. Temple Emanu-El, S30 non-member, $24 member. his exhibit of pop art paintings. Thurs., Sept. 30 Gladys Sollosy For information, contact Sue 99 Taft Ave., Providence. Work­ RSVP: by Oct. 3. 401 -621-9393. Publi shed by the Jewish Su ls, 401-861-8800, x108/147. First day, Sukkot shop topics include caregiver's Federation of Rhod e Is land Fri., Oct. 1 role, advance directives and President Mon., Sept. 27 estate planning. Keynote speaker: Tues., Oct. 12 Mark R. Feinstein Second day, Sukkot Executive Vice President Isaac Bashevis Singer Barbara Dickinson, whose late Touro/Brown Hillel Lecture Janet Engelhart discussion Sun. Oct. 3 husband Brian had ALS; also 7 p.m. Brown University The Jewish Voice & Herald 7:30 p.m. Barrington Public Am D avid adult speaking are Ethan Adler of Hillel, 80 Brown St., Providence. (ISSN number 1078-7232, USPS Library, 281 County Road, Bar­ B'nai Mitzvah meeting JERI outreach and attorney A. Lecture on colonial Jewish his­ #465-710) is printed twice Larry Berren. For information, a month, except in July and rington. Librarian Lauri Burke tory by Jonathan Sarna, Professor 10 a.m. Temple Am David, call Susan Adler at 621-5374. August, when it is printed once wi ll lead a discussion of the 40 Gardiner St., Warwick. of American Jewish History at a month . stories "The Little Shoemakers" Organizational meeting to set Hasidic hip-hop Brandeis University. For infor­ Telephone / Fax: Editorial and "The Letter Writer." For B'nai Mitzvah adu lt education at Chabad event mation, call Marla Dansky at phone: 401 -421 -4111 . Advertis­ more information, or to register, 401-847-4794,xl4. ing phone 401 -421 -4 111 ext. class schedule for this year. See 6-9 p.m. 360 Hope St., 160. Fa x: 401 -331-7961 . call 401-247-1920, ext. 302. Providence. Children's perfor­ Wed., Oct. 13 Mail : Th e Jewish Voice & mance with Shmar Yonki, and Forum on election issues Hera ld, 130 Sessions St., Provi ­ Send us your calendar listings food at 6 p.m. Brick-oven kosher dence, RI 029 06 . pizza plus Israeli-style falafel & 7 p.m. Marriott Hotel, 1 E-mail: Send your calendar listings, along with time, date and telephone Orms St. Sponsored by the [email protected] number. Notices must be received 2 weeks prior to publication pita. Live music, featuring N.J. hip- hop artists Ta-Shma, from Nat'! Council of Jewish Women, Editorial Board : date. RI. Section, and the League of E-mail to: [email protected]; FAX to: 401-331-7961 or MAIL to: 7 to 9 p.m. Dancing. For more Elean or L. Lewis, chai r Women Voters. Panel will focus Jewish Voice & Herald, Attn: Calendar listings. 130 Sessions St., information, call 401-273-7238. Members: Stan ley Aronson, on government, affordable hous­ MD, Alan Axelrod, Patricia Providence, RI 02906. See Community. Cohen, Marty Cooper, Rabbi ing, and casinos. Speakers are Alvan Kaunfer, Toby London, Englander at Habonim URI Professor Maureen Moak­ Alyssa Nordhauser, Alison Rose, 7:30 p.m. Temple H abonim, ley, Scott Wolf of Grow Smart Ri chard Shei n, Joshua Stein, Get an additional 165 New Meadow Rd., Bar­ Norman Tilles RI, and Providence Mayor David rington. The Renaissance Cicilline. Correspondents : Stanley copy of Aronson, Terna Gouse, Yeh uda Group presents Roger Englander Fri., Oct. 15 Lev in "The Sight of Music." See TheJEWISH VOICE & HERALD Community. Babies, Kids & Kibbitzing Editorial Consultant Jud ith Romney Wegner Mon., Oct 4 10:30-noon. JFRI, 130 Ses­ sions St., Providence. Learn and Advertising : The Jewish Barrington: Clarke Florist Holocaust Museum Voice & Herald does not accept Bagels, etc. Coffee Exchange sing Shabbat songs with your advertisements for po rk or Barrington Books De Fusco's Ba kery & Del i docent training children. Bring your own toys she llfish , or attest to the kashrut 9:30 a.m. - noon. R.I. H olo­ and snacks.
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