SEPTEMBER, 1911. Soutb Plac~ €tbical Soci~ty, South Place, Finsbury, E.C. c!)bject or the Society. "The Object or lhe Sociely is the cultivation of a rational religious sentiment, the study of elhical principles, and the promotion of human welfare, in harmony with advancing knowledge." MEMBERSHIV. liny person in s,l'mpathy with the Ohject of this Society, subscribing the Application Form for Membersh!p, and paying for" sitting, is thereby constituted 11 Member of th. Society. Those Members only wbo nre twenty·one venrs of age nnd upwards, '~bo so n amea hnve been twelve months upon the register, and WilOSO seat rents for the prevlOlIs quarter hllve boon paid, shall be qualified to vote and to hold omcc.-Extract Irom tho Rules. ittings may bo obtaiued upon application in the Library, or to M~. GEOHGll: OATHERALL, South Place Ohnpcl, Hon. Reg istrar of Members and ASSOCIates, prlce. varying from 2s. 6d. to 10s. per quarter. Persons undrr twenty·one nre chnrged lLnlf tho usunl rates. 1tssC!)el1t T ES. Any person in sympathy witlt the Object o( the Socirty, but unnble to nttend the servioes regularly, mny become nn Associate, with the prjvilc~c of receiving the monthly list nnd such other publications os tlte Committee may (rom tllne to t ime dcter mine, upon p ..ymcnt of an nnnual subscription the amount of which is optiona.l, the minimum being five sbillings. Subseript;ons ma.y be pa.id in the Library or sent to the Hon. IWgistrnr of Members and Assooiates ..t above addr_. SUNDAY MORNING SERVICES. The following DISCOURSES will be delivered on Sunday mornings, Service beginning at ELEVEN O'OLOCK. September 3. - C. DELISLE BURNS- Greek Gods. Anthems 1. Oh be grncious, ye imm(}rtnls ... lllcudl'fl(xoilll { 2. Doth not wisdom cry a loud? .. Ilakill{/ No.61. Do not cr ouoh to-<lay, nnd worshill. llymn8 { No. 98. FoH, (nll, ye rutoient litanies nnd creeds. September 10.- JOSEPH McCABE- The New Mysticism of Bergson. Antbems 1. 0 tholl sOl1l whioh art nt r ~t ..... ,;J/lt { 2. 0 may I join the choir invisible (No. 'l..Ol) .. Troup U yrnn. No. 43. Tl,er. is no death for that which dwells "pOl·t. { No. 87. To Light, thnt shines in star. ""d sonls. September 17.-HERBERT BURROWS-Education : What It Is, and What It Might Be. Anthems I. Ah I how skilful grows thc hand (No. J08) ... Earl/elt { 2. Happy is the man ... '" '" ... .. Pront Hymns No.40. ow in the morn thy seed. { No. 122. He who 1109 the truth, nnd keeps it. September 24. -JOHN RUSSELL, M.A. - The Highest Aim: Duty, Growth, or Happiness. 1. 0 So urce diTine GUl'tz Anthems { 2. Benedietu. '" Sclttwert No.12. He who wnlks in Virtue's WRy. Uymns { No. 60. He live tit long who ]iv.tlt well. Visitors are inllitecl to obtain infonnation ?'egul'ding the Society in t7~e Librl1lry on Sunday llw1·nings. A. Collection is made at the close of each Service to enable those present to COil tribute to the expenses of the Society. 2 Sunday School. The Children meet ..t Armfleld'o Hotel, opposite the CHAPEL, eve'! SandllY Mornln~, at 11, and their leooon is given during the discourse. Members and fnends wishing thea children to attend school are requested to commonicate with tho Secrotary. Tbe Cbildren's Library, in tbe clo.os·room over tbe Vestry, is open every Sundo.y Morn· Ing before and after the sPrvice. n L'b .' ns { Mi6S GRACE GOWING. Ho . t ra12a M169 8. WATTS. September 3.-Mr. F. J. Gould, September 10.-Mrs. St. Aubyn. September 17.-Miss F . Law. September 24.-To be announced. the:i;~t~~e~1nlh~gc~WJ~~:?;, tfe::o~~nday Morning oerviocs are cordially invited to allow Cyclist. desiring to attend th. Services are in/ormed that tI,e Committee have made arrangement. lor hOl<8inO tlleir machines ; .. the bllsement. The Building is to be let for Meetings, etc. Forms of Application may be had of the Caretaker~ 11 South Place, E.C.; and when filled up should be sent to Mr. N. Lidstone, ~6 Blackstock Road, Finsbury Park, N. The Chapel 1s licensed for Marr1a~es. Arrangements can be made for the conduct of Funeral Services on application to the Secretary. Lending Library. The J~ending Librn.ry is open free to Members of the Sooiety and Seo.8on Tioket Holdct18 on Sunday mornings boforo nnd aftor the Services. Assooiates and Non·Members of the Sooiety may under rertain conditions be granted the use of the Library upon payment of .. subsoription of 2s. 6d. per a.nnum. The Cntnlogu., including a. supplement for 1905·i, is now on sale, price Bd .. lutt"rlcaved copies, Vd. Borrowers mny procure copies of the new supplement gratis on applioation. Subscriptions towards the purohnse and repair of books are invited. \ Miss MARY RAWLINGS, 406, Mnre Street. Hackney, N.E. Hon. Librarians) WALLIS M!NSfORD. Oherry Tree Court, 53, Aldersgate Street, E.O. Rambles. September 2.-Broxbourne and Nazeing. Conilnctco by Miss GU.Ac", GOWING. Meet nt Liverpool treet f;t~tion (East Side Suburbnn) for 2.48 p.m. trnin to Broxbournc. Fnro Is. 9d. retu rn. September 9.-Rounders Match at Parliament Hill Fields. CondnctCft IlV 111.·. A . .J.Cr.E"EN'I'S. Meet outBid Gospd Oflk Station at 2.15 1'.01. Express from Brood 'Rtrcct Stntion ut 2.25 p.m. September 10 (Sunday).-Wimbledon Common. Conducted by Mr. Jl. S. KING. Take 'bus after service from Bunk to P1.1tUl'v . Lunch on thl' ommon. · September 16.- Waltbam Cross, 'Theobalds and Temple Bar, Wlld Woods and Enfield Chase. Conlinetr<1 h" Mr. S. n. WnOLItoUHE. ~Icet at, ]_ivorpool Street ";taLion (West ide Suburbnn) for 2.44 p .m. tmin. 'fake return tickets to Enfield Town, Is. 3~. enoh, but detrnin ut J .. OWE'T Edmonton nnd tnlce trom to \Vnlthnm Cross. 3d. September 23. - Shirley Hills. COllnlletc<1 hy JIlr. F. W. C.ANNJ>-G. Meet aL Cllnnon Street .. tation for 2.30 p.m. train to l!ilmer's End. Return tickets at h. 3d. ench. September 30. -Hatfleld, Essenden, and CufHey. Connncton hy ~rr. E. G. UUGO"J. Trnin for Hatft"ld leaves King's Cross (O.~. locnl stntion) ut 2.30 1'.01 .. nnd Finsbllrv Park at 2.36 p.m. 'l'ake ramble ticket (No. 7) to Hlttftrld. returning from Ouff!cy. Return fares, Is. Dd . from King-'a Gross nnd lB. 7d. from Finsbury Park. October 7. - Ramble in Chelsea. Connllcteil bV Mr. JOllll H. K. TonD. Amonl( the place. visited will be the rc·erected Crosby Hall' find the reston"l Olel Church. lIIr. WAI,TF.R H. GODl'llEY, onc of the Arcl.itects, will conduct the party over the Hnll and explain its beautifnl architectural details; Rnd the Rev. P. '1", PnlDEAux, will g}v(,.' 0. .hort lecturo upon the Old Church, and afterwards point out It. many mterestmq' monuments. (_\ reduoed ehllrge of 3d. eneh person will be made in aid of the Church Restoration Fund.) - A leafl et, .. Notes on 0. Ramblo in Ohelsea," htLS been prepared, and will be given ea oh visitor. M et at Glebe Place, King's Road cnd, nt 2.15 p.m. Nearest stations, Slonne Squnre and ,outh Kensington. Omnibuses run pnst Glebe Plaoc. Lnte eomers can overtake the party at Crosby lIall. Embn.nkment cnd of Danvers treet. Ramblers shollld verify times of trains bv Hept.cmbcr time-tobles. Coorse Tickets for the Senson (2s. 6d. each), can be obtained from the Secretarios. Ramblers' SOiree. The R:lmblors' Roir~e will 00 h('ld on '.I'hllTsdn.v, September 21, when rending'S will bo given by Mr. O. ,r. l'or.r,ADD, recitntions bv )fr. W. i'£ C, and violin solos bv Mr. H. RenTCR. An e"hi.bition of Holiday PllOtogrnphs ,vill ho held, nnd all who Imvc plioto~rnphs which they Ilr6 willing to show nre invited to ('ommuni('ntc with the S('crotaries. Ten and colfee, 7-10.30. Hon. Secs. { HIlI.EN M. FAmnA';J" 8, f;enrbornugh Ron,l, ' trourl Green, N. E""EST S. KINO, _0, R:ld.polc Road, Fulhnm, S.W. Ramblers' Dances. The Ramblers' Fortnightly Dances will be ]ltlcl on Saturdays, October 21, November 4 and 18, und December 2 and 16. lUll, at Armficl<1's Eot.l. South Plocc, at 7 p.m. Rub· 8cription, including light refreshments, 2s. per dunce. }'ull partioulars moy be hnd on lIpplicntion to the lIon, fjcorctary. Mi5~ MAUll B~un,'LET, Dunkerry'. Sidney Road, :r.!uswfll Hill, N, 3 Sewing Meeting. 'rhe . ~WH1g l\:tectings, for making (.'ld l~lr en'8 frock~ to be gi,v('n nwry,' in, .Tnnnnry. will commencl' in the onl'ly port of OctolJC'l". J< urther parhoulnrs wIll be g",ven 111 the October List. eonversazione. A Conversa.zione ,vill be held on Sunday, Septl'mber 24 , ill the Chnpel. to meet 111em · bers of the London Bthicnl Societies and of the London ]'ositivist . aciety. During: the eveninl( Mr. J. A. lIoDS01'. M.A. (wbo will pre,iile) will speak all .. New Aspects of Industrial Unrest." Other spenkers ore expeoted. Music. l\forning Dress. 6.30 to 10.30 p.m. '[1ea and Coffee. Discussions. There will be no disCllssions held for the present. Due notice will be given whrn they nre resumed. [[011. SI'rrri"TJ/, \I' . C. Wm.. , 6i, rethcrton llo.d. ". Sunday Vopular eoncerts (ehamber l'tusic). The TWENTY,SIXTH SEA SON will begin on Sunde;', October 1, when the 580th Oonoert will take pi""".
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