PROSPECTUS - 2018 RAJA NARENDRA LAL KHAN WOMEN'S COLLEGE 1 9 5 7 Govt. Sponsored Gope Palace, Paschim Medinipur - 721102 Affiliated to Vidyasagar University Accredited 'A' Grade College by NAAC (in all three cycle) Included in the "Study in India" Programme under MHRD, Govt. of India LAYOUT PLAN OF RAJA N. L. KHAN WOMEN'S COLLEGE 1 9 5 7 Raja N.L. Khan Women's College Prospectus 2018-19 Raja Narendra Lal Khan Women's College has been selected as Centre of Potential for Excellence (CPE) 2nd Phase [2017-2022] The Science Departments of Raja Narendra Lal Khan Women's College has been selected for DST FIST 2nd Phase by Deptt. Of Science & Technology, Govt. of India [2017-2022] The college has been selected for “Study in India” programme under MHRD, Govt. of India and look forward to being chosen by the international student community in the forth coming session. 1 9 5 7 Raja N.L. Khan Women's College Prospectus 2018-19 From the Principal's Desk On behalf of Raja Narendra Lal Khan Women's College, I extend a warm welcome to you all. This prospectus aims to provide prospective students with all necessary information regarding admission and about the college, such as eligibility criteria and other requirements for admission; availability of subject combinations; fees structure and facilities present. We have come a long way since the college began its journey on 22nd August, 1957. Thanks to the munificence of Mrs. Anjali Khan, wife of Sri Amarendra Lal Khan of Narajole Royal Family, our college began its journey from the Historical Gope Palace with a handful of students, with unstinting support and encouragement of Dr Bidhan Chandra Roy, the then Chief Minister of West Bengal. The Palace bears the rich legacy of hosting almost all of the great political leaders, eminent thinkers and many well known freedom fighters of the country, in the days of the British Raj. The development of the College into an outstanding institution of higher education owes much to the sincere and untiring efforts and excellent administration of its founding Principal, Dr. Niharkana Majumdar and our succeeding Principals Dr. Sushila Mondal, Prof. Prabhakar Sengupta, and Dr. Uday Chand Pal. At present it has 25 Undergraduate Departments and 7 Postgraduate Departments and in the near future we will be offering many more UG & PG courses. Our meritorious and disciplined students, research scholars, highly qualified and dedicated faculty and efficient staff have earned rich accolades from various academic bodies, State Higher Education Department, UGC and MHRD, Govt. of India. It's my privilege to acclaim that Raja Narendra Lal Khan Women's College, in spite of being situated in rural surroundings at Phulpahari Mouza on the outskirts of Midnapore Town has all the modern facilities and equipment required in higher education today. Our dynamic website provides comprehensive information regarding all academic and infrastructural facilities available within the college campus - "smart classrooms'' equipped with modern teaching-aids in each Department; modernised laboratories in all science departments; language laboratory; Mentorship; Wi-Fi facilities inside the campus; hostels for the resident students within the College premises; extensive playgrounds; fully furnished gymnasium and spacious auditorium; well-stocked library; entire campus under CCTV surveillance; biometric attendance; free health checkup & medical facility; cheap canteen and bus service. The college has a very active Career Advancement Centre which offers a number of value added certificate course with nominal fees and arranges regular campus interviews attended by renowned companies. Our college has been selected by NSDC for imparting training in Office Management & Accounting. With the help and support of the West Bengal Tribal Corporation, Govt. of West Bengal, we have initiated 2 free certificate course - for our tribal students. Once you join the College as a student I sincerely hope you will enrich our institution as well as yourself by your honest efforts using all the facilities and opportunities it provides to grow into a complete, mature and socially aware human being and will be proud to talk about your alma mater wherever you go. (Dr. Jayasree Laha) Principal Raja N.L. Khan Women's College 1 9 5 7 Raja N.L. Khan Women's College Prospectus 2018-19 Aa¨¶vi Kj‡g aåmP[ < @ü]óáïíM[ SáPSãJýNý] *bÙÿ [áGá Rïí[ú]á] AáR Xâb]á XbáâUPóá]Z #áSRáïíP[ y‡áBNý GáRáïífFýñ ïíbÙÿ NýOó âRïíPßâ^@üá Såây‚ÿ@üáZ Sá<Zá YáïíU XbáâUPóá]Z aÛ¼ôáÿw‚ÿ aXy‚ÿ [@üïíX[ #OÞáÖ WýâNÞý aÛ¼ôáÿw‚ÿ, âU_Z aÛ¼ôáÿw‚ÿ, âUWýáB aÛ¼ôáÿw‚ÿ < }üq€ý aÛ¼ôáÿw‚ÿ RáRá NýOóñ 1957 aáïí][ 22 #áBu•ý UáÛ]á[ NýÖ@üá]ãR XåAóXwžÿã XáRRãZ KýáÚ âUQáRýEýú [áïíZ[ #áÿw‚ÿâ[@ü bÙÿfFýáZ *UÛ RáKòýáïíGá] [áG Sâ[Uáïí[[ axŠáRãZ Ê #Xïí[ú]á] AáïíR[ yžÿã axŠáRãZá ÊXNýã #³â] AáR XïíbáPZá[ UPáRóNýáZ *bÙÿ *ØâNýbáâa@ü íBáS Sóáïí]ïía XbáâUPóá]ZâýIý[ S÷OX #áiŠS÷@üá^ñ *bÙÿ XbáâUPóá]ïíZ[ SâU¼ #§ÿïíM SPïí[Må âPïíZïíýFýR *@üáâQ@ü XbáR íP^RáZ@ü-[áGRãâNýâUP, #BâMNý ýEý¤åütŠáR âýEýÿw‚ÿáRáZ@ü *UÛ âUõâýIý^ ^áâaNý S[áQãR Wýá[ïíNý[ ^ç¦] íXáýEýïíR[ #aÛAó íYák„ýáñ KÙýfEýâ^¤üá[ SâU¼NýãOÞâýIý #áGïí@ü íY aXål…âNý[ aXåfEýâ^Aïí[ KÙýl…ãNý b'ïíNý íSïí[ïíýFý Nýá[ Xæïí] [ïíZïíýFý S÷^áaâR@ü < Sâ[ýEýá]RBNý #RRóNýáñ *bÙÿ â^¤üáâRïí@üNýïíR[ S÷OX #Qó¤üá bR ÊXNýã Rãbá[@üMá XGåXPá[ñ NýÜá[ S[UNýãÞ@üáïí] XbáâUPóá]ïíZ[ aâJý@ü @ü]óáMaáQR < KÙýl…âNý[ BâNýQá[áïí@ü #UóábNý [áAïíNý #Qóïí¤ü[ #áaïíR aXáaãR bïí]R YOá¼ôïíX Ký. aå^ã]á XÀý] XïíbáPZá, #QóáS@ü S÷Wýá@ü[ íaR|ü XïíbáPZ *UÛ Ký. 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Khan Women's College Prospectus 2018-19 Content Page No. Preface 01 Aims and Objectives of the College 01 Mission & Vision of the College 01 College at a glance 02 College Governing Body 03 Admission 04 Rules and Regulations 04 Proposed Scheme for Choice Based Credit System (CBCS) 05 Eligibility Criteria 07 Calculation of Merit Points 07 List of Different Board/Council etc. of India and Abroad as Equivalent of H.S. Examination (10+2) of W.B.C.H.S.E. 08 Subject Bunching 09 Evaluation System 10 Certificate Courses 10 Subject wise Intake Capacity 11 Fees Structure 12 Rules and Regulations of the College 13 Induction Meeting 14 Special Features of the College 14 Heritage Building 14 Biometric Attendance 14 Special prizes 14 C.C.T.V. 16 24 hours Electricity Backup 16 Utilization of Non-Conventional Energy 16 Water ATM 16 Cultural activities 16 Games and Sports 16 N.C.C. 17 N.S.S. 17 Museum of the Department of History 18 Folk Museum 18 Gurukul 18 CD Gallery 18 Mathematics Gallery 18 Central Facilities of the College 19 Library 19 Hostel 20 Canteen 20 Play ground-gymnasium-indoor court 21 1 9 5 7 Raja N.L. Khan Women's College Prospectus 2018-19 Auditorium and Seminar Hall 21 E-learning facilities 21 Language Lab 21 Spoken English 21 Animal House 21 Aqua-cultural Pond 22 Historical Museum in the Basement of Palace 22 Career Advancement Centre (CAC) 22 Skill Development Centre 22 Candidates Selected in Campus Placements Last Two Years 23 Bus Service 24 Wi-Fi Zone 24 Health Facilities 24 Student aid Fund 24 Cycle Stand 24 Staff Quarters 24 Guest House 24 Anti-ragging Committee and squad 24 Sexual Harassment Cell 25 Grievance Cell 25 Railway Concession 26 Students' Common Room 26 Students' Union 26 Equal opportunity Cell 26 Women's Cell 26 Study in India 26 Activities of the College 27 Outreach activities 27 Eco Club 27 Educational excursion 28 Seminar organisation 28 Special lectures 29 Journal Publication 29 College Magazine 29 Mentorship 29 Faculty Members 30 Non-Teaching Staff Member 35 Research Guidance 37 Contribution to the Society 38 We Care 38 Netaji Subhas Open University (NSOU) 39 Sweet Memories 41 1 9 5 7 Raja N.L.
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