flwm_ Your Neighbor's Kitchen ~ ~r ~ As Published In The I 7TH EDITION - 1966 I ilaurfyrntrr 1-Euruiug i!;rralh MANCHESTER, CONNECTICUT ELECTRIC APPLIANCES ~i ·...)·.... '"'• <:;;:,, "' ·~··~~·, Portable Portable a nd Stationa r y Food Mixer s Dr ink Mixers Bowl Mixers H air Dryer s Electnic Shoe Polishers Cord and Cordless Electric Knives Electric Ca n Openers Blenders "t"'HI!: IONA MANUl"'ACTURING COMPANY MA NCHESTER , CO NNECTICUT From Your Neighbor's Kitchen by Doris Belding COOK BOOK ILLUSTRATIONS BY JOHN LACY PHOTOGRAPHS BY SYLVIAN OFIARA, JOSEPH SATERNIS A ND REGINALD PINTO OF THE HERALD as published in the ilanrqrntrr 1-Eurning i!;rralh PRIEFACIE Dear Readers: The gracious cooperation of the many good cooks in our cir­ culation area has made it possible for Your Neighbor'G Kitchen Cook Book to attain its seventh consecutive year of publication. The source nf interesting recipes now seems endl0ess and should provide us with material enough to go on indefinitely. To all who contributed to the success of this and other cook books which I compiloed, my sincerest thanks. Without you the weekly "Neighbor's Kitchen" column in The Herald would be a thing of the past. May this book be delivered into homes where good health and happiness are in abundanc·e. Merry Christmas and a New Year of wishes fulfilled. Doris Belding GOOD DINNER COMPANIONS- Our H armoillizing CHINA, SILVER and CRYSTAL Make Michaels yQur headquar­ ters for tableware. You will fin:d a complete selection from the patterns of such renowned man.i.'::i.cturer s as Gorham, Tuwle, Reed and Barton, Kirk, Lunt, Stieff, Lenox, Daulton, Worcester, Wedgewood, Rosen­ thal, W a terford, Stuart , and many a.hers ... and you may enjoy them now on Michaels Club Plan. JEWELERS- SILVERSMITHS 958 i\'IAIN STREET-643-2741 4 N1E!W HtGHE1R D11V1l1DBND RIATE NIE!W HIGHE1R IN1SUR1AtNCJE1 COV'ERfA,G'E All savin·9s now insured up to $15,000 Annual Dividend Paid Quarterly From Day of Deposit OPEN 9 A.M. TIO 4 P.M. Monday through Friday Extra hours Thursda~· Evening 6 to 8 P.M. • L."'\'SURED SAVIN GS • SAVE-BY-MAIL • CHRISTMAS CLUBS • ALL-P RPOSE SAVING CLUBS • SAVIN GS BONDS • HOME IMPROVEMENT LOANS •HOME LOANS o PASSBOOK LOAL"'\'S • MONEY ORDERS • TRAVELERS CHEQUES BRANCH OFFICE, ROUTE 31, COVENTRY 5 I N 1 D 1 ~X APPLE PIE IN A SACK . 41 APPLE SQU ARES, FESTIVE . ... .. ... ... 17 APPLESAU CE MEATBALLS . ... .... ..... 44 APRICOT-PEACH GLACE PIE .. .. .. .. .. 38 APRICOT SCONES . 17 BANANA CAKE . .... .... ... .... .... 16 BANANA DROP COOKIES . .. ... ... ....... .. 23 BANANA TOPPI NG , WHIPPED . .. ... 34 BANANA U PSIDE DOWN CAKE ... .. ... 24 BEEF BARBECU E , PERU VIAN . 49 BEEF, CHINESE . 45 BEEF STROGANOFF . 49 BELLES OF FRANCE PASTRIES . 31 BLU EBERRY COBBLER . ... ... .. 26 BORST, HOT . 64 BOYSENBERRY CREAM . 33 BRACIOLE (ROLLED STUFFED STEAK) . .. 54 BREAD, S WEDISH RYE . 8 BU RGERS IN A BLANKET . 50 B U TTERMILK SUGAR COOKIES . 20 B U TTER ROLLS . 12 BU TTERSCOTCH CAKE . 24 CABBAGE RELISH. FRIED . 67 CABBAGE ROLLS (SWEDISH KALDOMAR ) ... .. 55 CARROT CAKE . 18 CHEES E S A U CE . ... ... ... .... .. ... 56 CHEF'S SALAD . .. .. .. .. .. ...... ... 58 CHE RRY COBB L ER . 33 CHERRY DELIGHTS . 25 CHERRY J U BILEE . 32 CHESS PIE . .... .. ... ... ... .. .. ." . 40 CHICKEN CAS SEROLE . 48 CHICKEN CORN SOU P WITH RIVELS . 63 CHICKEN DIVA N . 4 7 CHOCOLATE F U DGE U P S IDE DOWN CAKE .. 15 CHOC OLATE REFRIGERATOR CAKE ... .. .. .. 33 C OL E S LAW, SEASONED . 68 CORN LIGHT BREAD . 11 COTTAGE CHEESE SALAD, MOLDED .. .. .. .. 61 CRAB-ARTICHOKE CASSEROLE . 53 CRACKER PIE . 42 CREAM CHEESE PIE . 39 CRUMB CAKE . .. .. .. .. ... 21 DILL GARLIC D RESSING . 58 DOLMA . .. .. .. .. .. ... 70 E GG P LANT , ITALIAN STYLE . ... ...... .... ... 66 EGG P L A NT, SCALLOPED . 66 FARINA PIE ... .. .... .. .. .. .. .. .. 41 FRU IT COCKTAIL DESSERT . .. .. ..... 34 FRU IT P U DDING, DRIED . 29 GELATIN MOLD . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .... .. .. .. 59 GERMAN COFFEE CAKE . 23 GRAHAM CRACKER CRU ST .. .. .. 39 H AM-BANANA ROLLS . .... .. .. .. .. 56 HAMBU R G ER-ONION P IE . 52 H ON E Y DIP , F L UFFY . 71 6 INDEX INDIAN MEAL P U DDING . 29 INDIAN MEAL TAPIOCA . 29 LETTU CE AND PORK . 67 LIME SALAD . 60 MAMOOL, SYRIAN COOKIES .. ...... ........ 19 MANICOTT I . .. ...... ........ ....... .. .. 47 MARBLE CAKE . 22 MEAT LOAF, SAU CY ... .. .... .. .. ..... .. ... 55 MEAT LOAF . SU RPRISE ....... ........... ... 48 MOLASSES SU GAR COOKIES . 20 MUSHROOMS, STU FFED . 68 NOODLE P U DDING, DAIRY . 28 NOODLE PUDDING . 28 OATMEAL BREAD . 9 ORANGE REFRIGERATOR TORTE . .. .. ...... 35 PEACH CHU TNEY . 69 PEACH CREAM PIE, QU ICK . 39 PEACH PIE . 42 PEPPER CABBAGE ........... .. .......... .. ... 64 PIE CRU ST . 37 PINEAPPLE LAYER SALAD . 59 POPOVERS . 12 PORK CHOP CASSEROLE . 56 POT ROAST . 49 RAISIN CREAM PIE . 37 RAISIN FILLED COOKIES . 13 RAISIN N U T COFFEE CAKE . .. ... .......... 14 RHUBARB PIE WITH SOU R CREAM . 36 RICE, BAHAMIAN . 52 RICE PILAF . 71 RICE PUDDING . 26 ROQUEFORT CH EESE DRESSING OR DIP .. ... 58 RUM RAISIN ICING . 24 SALMON MOU SSE . 57 SHREDDED WHEAT BREAD . 8 SHRIMP CANTONESE . 51 SNICKERDOODLES . 22 SOUR CREAM TWISTS . 40 SQUASH CAKE .. .. ............... ... ....... 25 SQUASH CHIPS . 64 STRAWBERRY G T ,~ CE PIE . .... .. .. 37 STRING BEANS WITH CRU MB TOPPING . 65 STRAWBERR Y MOLD . GO STRAWBERRY SALAD, MOLDED . 60 SWEDISH ROLLS . 10 TOMATO-CU CUMBER MAYO::'-l"NAISE ........... 57 TOMATOES, SCALLOPED . 65 TURKEY, BARBECUED WITH STU FFING . 46 VATAPA ....... .... .... .. .......... ...... .... 62 VEAL PARMESAN . 56 VEAL ROLL, STUFFED . 45 YU M YU M CAKE . 15 ZU CCHINI CASSEROLE . 68 7 Bread and Rolls Swedish Rye Bread 1h cup molasses 1 cup warm water 2 teaspoons salt 3 cups rye flour 2 tabloopoons lard 31/2 cups white flour 1 cup warm milk pinch fennel seed Dissolve one yeast cake in one-quarter cup warm water. Add to milk and water and mix in other ingredients, blending in the flour. Knead. Place in covered bowl in warm spot and let rise until double in bulk. Divide into two loaf pans. Set aside to rise again until loaf size. Bake in 425-degree oven for 15 minutes and then decrease temperature to 350-<legreoo and bake 25 minutes. Cool on racks. Package in air-tight plastic bags or wrap in foil before bread is comp!etely cold. - -- Mrs. George Katz Jr. * * * * * * Shredded Wheat Bread 2 cups boiling water 1h cup molasses 2 shredded wheat biscuits, 3 tabloopoons shortening crumbled 1 yeast cake 1 teaspoon salt 112 cup warm water 113 cup sugar 6 cups flour Pour boiling water over shredded wheat and add salt, sugar, molasses and shortening. Cool to lukewarm and add yeast which was dissolved in warm water. Mix together thoroughly and add flour, form firm dough and knead. Place in bowl, cover and let rise until double in bulk. (This can be J.eft overnight). Knead and form into loavrn, adding more flour if necessary to work with. Let rise one to 1112 hours. Bake in two greased loaf pans for 15 minutes in 400-degr·ee oven, then reduce heat to 350-degrees an<l bake for 25 to 30 minutes. --- Mrs. George Katz Jr. 8 MRS. GEORGE KATZ JR. A recipe for Oatmeal Bread was passed down to Mrs. George Ka tz Jr. of 21 Steep Hollow Lane from her ma ternal grandmother. Mrs. Ka tz is a member of the League of Women Voters, Highland Park School PTA, Bennet Junior High School PTSO, YWCA Teen Ski Club, Neipsic Tennis Club, Women's Auxiliary of Manchester Memorial Hospital, the Republi­ ca n Women's Club and a member of the.
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