2021 RESTAURANT GUIDE Welcome to Greater Des Moines (DSM). While you are here, we ask you to support The Partnership’s 24 Affiliate Chambers of Commerce and their Members by shopping local and shopping Chamber. We have compiled a restaurant guide of Chamber restaurants to provide you with information when deciding where to eat and socialize during your time in DSM. *With the ever-changing environment we suggest checking the Greater Des Moines Partnership’s directory DSMpartnership.com/directory for the most updated information. DINE-IN CURBSIDE DELIVERY CATERING ADEL Adel Family Fun Center Lemon Grass Restaurant Brice & Ivy Rooftop Raising Cane’s 1526 Greene St., Adel 909 Main St., Adel 400 34th Ave., Altoona 30538 8th St. SW, Altoona (515) 993-3350 (515) 993-2031 (515) 381-7990 (515) 630-3713 affcbowl.com brickandivyia.com raisingcanes.com Patrick’s Restaurant Big Al’s BBQ and Catering 211 S. 7th St. Ste C, Adel Burger Shed ANKENY 715 Main St., Adel (515) 993-3884 500 Bass Pro Dr., Altoona Ambrosia Donuts, LLC (515) 993-5777 aweserv.com/patricks (515) 630-7433 106 S.W. State St., Ste 101, Ankeny bigalsbbq.net eatatburgershed.com (515) 965-0915 The Morning Grind Brick Street Bakery 720 Prairie St., Adel Claxon’s Ankeny Café 109 N. 9th St., Adel themorninggrindcoffee.com 3131 8th St. SW, Altoona 310 S. Ankeny Blvd., Ankeny (515) 478-1187 (515) 967-7979 (515) 964-9897 raccoonforks.com/ claxonbbq.com ankenycafe.com brick-street-bakery ALTOONA Prairie Meadows (AJ’s Steakhouse) Giliberto’s Mexican Taco Shop Ankeny Diner 133 S.E. Delaware Ave., Ankeny Brick Street Books & Café 1 Prairie Meadows Dr., Altoona 400 34th Ave. SW, Ste. 104, Altoona 803 Main St., Adel prairiemeadows.com (515) 967-8966 (515) 964-7851 (515) 993-1811 gilibertosno9.com ankenydiner.com Bianchi Boys Pizza & Pasta Brickyard Burgers & Brews 2437 Adventureland Dr., Ste B, Altoona Jethro’s N Jake’s Smokehouse Steaks B-Bop’s 1802 Greene St., Adel (515) 957-0807 2601 Adventureland Dr., Altoona 2205 S.E. Delaware Ave., Ankeny (515) 993-4200 bianchiboyspizza.com (515) 957-9727 (515) 963-1928 adelbrickyard.com jethrosdesmoines.com b-bops.com Breadeaux Pizza Ben’s Burgers Fiesta Mexican Restaurant 825 17th Ave. SW, Altoona NOMI’S Asian Restaurant 1325 S.W. Oralabor Rd., Ste. 200, Ankeny 815 Main St., Adel (515) 967-3708 404 8th St. SW, Altoona (515) 289-9888 (515) 993-4404 breadeauxpizza.com (515) 414-6792 eatbensburgers.com fiestadsm.com nomisofaltoona.com 700 Locust St., Ste. 100 | Des Moines, Iowa | USA | (515) 286-4909 | DSMpartnership.com Cabaret Sports Bar & Grille Flavory Bistro Lola’s Fine Kitchen PepperJax Grill 2785 N. Ankeny Blvd., Ste. 18, Ankeny 1450 S.W. Vintage Pkwy., Ste. 160, 1615 S.W. Main St., Ste. 106, Ankeny 2010 S.E. Delaware Ave., Ste. 222, (515) 965-5481 Ankeny (515) 289-9302 Ankeny cabaretsportsbar.com (515) 443-7272 lolasfinekitchen.com (515) 964-3311 flavorybistro.com pepperjaxgrill.com Café Diem Los Charros LLC 2005 S. Ankeny Blvd., Ste. 800, Ankeny Fong’s Pizza 2010 S.E. Delaware Ave., Ste. 230, Perkins Restaurant & Bakery (515) 964-7374 1450 S.W. Vintage Parkway, Ste. 120, Ankeny 714 S.E. Oralabor Rd., Ankeny cafe-diem.com Ankeny (515) 964-4264 (515) 965-6800 (515) 243-8888 loscharrosrest.com perkinsrestaurants.com fongspizza.com Cancun Grill and Cantina 2785 N. Ankeny Blvd., Ste. 11 & 12, Los Charros Mexican Restaurant Pizza Ranch Ankeny Fuzzy’s Taco Shop 2010 S.E. Delaware Ave., Ste. 230, 201 S.E. Oralabor Rd., Ankeny (515) 207-0728 2732 S.E. Delaware Ave., Ankeny Ankeny (515) 964-9990 cancungrillandcantinaankeny.com (515) 619-9404 (515) 964-4264 pizzaranch.com fuzzystacoshop.com loscharrosankeny.com Cazador Mexican Restaurant Porch Light Coffee House 103 N.E. Delaware Ave., Ankeny Grumpy Goat Tavern Magee’s Irish Pub & Eatery 417 S.W. 3rd St., Ankeny (515) 963-0486 810 E. 1st St., Ankeny 1610 S.W. Main St., Ste. 107, Ankeny (515) 499-9999 cazadorankeny.com (515) 512-2100 (515) 289-3747 facebook.com/porchlightcoffeehouse thegrumpygoattavern.com/Ankeny mageesirishpub.com Chick-fil-A Rise & Grind Nutrition 2410 S.E. Delaware, Ankeny Hidalgo Mexican Bar & Grill Main Street Café and Bakery 1515 S.W. Main St., Ste. 111, Ankeny (515) 965-7786 1631 S.W. Main St., Ste. 100, Ankeny 2510 S.W. White Birch Dr., Ste. 1 & 2, (515) 954-0123 chick-fil-a.com/Ankeny (515) 261-2664 Ankeny facebook.com/riseandgrindankeny hidalgomexicanbarandgrilliowa.com (515) 964-7141 mainstreetcafeandbakery.com Cold Stone Creamery Scooter’s Coffee 1631 SW Main St, Suite 102, Ankeny Jade Garden 125 S.E. Oralabor Rd., Ankeny (515) 778-5294 602 N. Ankeny Blvd., Ankeny McDonald’s (515) 619-9052 ColdStoneCreamery.com (515) 964-2422 2625 S.W. State St., Ankeny facebook.com/ScootersCoffee401 jadegardenankeny.com (515) 289-1153 mcdonalds.com/us/en-us.html District 36 Wine Bar & Grille Sonic Drive-In 1375 S.W. Vintage Pkwy., Ankeny Jethro’s BBQ n’ LakeHouse 1451 N. Ankeny Blvd., Ankeny (515) 261-2502 1425 S.W. Vintage Pkwy., Ankeny Mistress Brewing Company (515) 963-0399 district36winebar.com (515) 289-4444 1802 N. Ankeny Blvd., Ste. 108, Ankeny sonicdrivein.com jethrosdesmoines.com (515) 777-2133 mistressbrewing.com El Molcajete Sorriso Grille 301 E. 1st St., Ankeny Kentucky Fried Chicken 7015 N.E. 14th St., Ankeny (515) 964-3322 918 E. 1st St., Ankeny Olive Garden (515) 289-9113 qrmenu.isolutionss.com (515) 964-3144 770 S.E. Oralabor Rd., Ankeny sorrisogrilleankeny.com kfc.com (515) 964-0511 olivegarden.com Firetrucker Brewery Sports Page Grill 716 S.W. 3rd St., Ankeny Leaning Tower of Pizza 1701 N. Ankeny Blvd., Ankeny (515) 964-1284 512 S.W. 3rd St., Ankeny Outback Steakhouse (515) 963-8811 firetrucker.com (515) 964-0401 2410 S.E. Tones Dr., Ankeny thesportspagegrill.com ltpizza.com (515) 963-1243 outback.com 700 Locust St., Ste. 100 | Des Moines, Iowa | USA | (515) 286-4909 | DSMpartnership.com Sweet Swirls Rolled Ice Cream Wasabi Ankeny LaVilla Mexican Restaurant Table 128 303 S.W. School St., Ankeny 1615 S.W. Main St., Ste. 100, Ankeny 30 School Street, Carlisle 12695 University Ave. Suite 140, Clive (515) 964-2111 (515) 264-5210 515-528-9647 (515) 313-1082 sweetswirlsrolledicecream.com wasabidsm.com facebook.com/lavillamexican table128bistro.com Teriyaki House Waterfront Seafood Market CLIVE The Other Place 1802 S.E. Delaware, Ste. 108, Ankeny 2414 S.E. Tones Dr., Ankeny 5 Borough Bagels 12401 University Ave, Clive (515) 964-5055 (515) 963-1940 13435 University Ave. Suite 300, (515) 225-9494 teriyakihouse.com waterfrontseafoodmarket.com Clive theotherplace.com (515) 809-1807 5boroughbagels.com The Olive Tap Wig & Pen Pizza Pub Rookies Sports Bar & Grill 1610 S.W. Main St., Ste. 105, Ankeny 2005 S. Ankeny Blvd., Ste. 300, Ankeny 2180 NW 156th St., Clive (515) 964-1065 (515) 963-9777 515 Brewing Company (515) 987-0093 theolivetap.com wigandpeneast.com 7700 University Ave. Suite C, Clive GoRookies.com (515) 979-4144 515brewing.com The Other Place WineStyles DES MOINES 2010 S.E. Delaware Ave., Ste. 260, 1450 S.W. Vintage Pkwy., Ste. 170, Americana Ankeny Ankeny Capriottis Sandwhich Shop 1312 Locust St., Des Moines (515) 963-949 (515) 574-9989 13101 University Ave, Clive (515) 283-1312 theotherplace.com theolivetap.com (515) 316-9444 americanadsm.com capriottis.com The Outside Scoop Yankee Clipper Aposto 2410 S.W. White Birch Dr., Ste. 100, 312 S.W. Maple St., Ankeny Country Club Market 644 18th St., Des Moines Ankeny (515) 964-9484 Clive (515) 244-1353 (515) 444-8234 (515) 987-5957 apostodm.com outside-scoop.com www.countryclubmkt.com Yanni’s 410 S. Ankeny Blvd., Ankeny Baratta’s Restaurant The Simple Greek (515) 965-7802 Jersey Mike’s Subs 2320 S Union St, Des Moines 1550 N Ankeny Blvd., Ankeny yannisgrill.com 12851 University Ave. Suite 200, Clive (515) 245-4516 (515) 450-9533 (515) 224-1000 barattas.com thesimplegreek.com jerseymikes.com Ziggi’s Coffee 1606 N.W. Irvindale Dr., Ste. 102, Big Al’s BBQ & Catering Tin Cup Bar & Grill Ankeny Monarca Gourmet Paletas 1810 Army Post Road, Des Moines 4100 N.E. Otter Creek Dr., Ankeny (515) 964-3677 9901 University Ave. Suite 150, Clive (515) 287-1227 (515) 965-6462 ziggiscoffee.com (773) 386-8686 ottercreekankeny.com facebook.com/monarcapaletas Bordenaros Pizzeria Nothing Bundt Cakes CARLISLE 6108 SW 9th St., Des Moines 1255 NW 128th St. Suite 300, Clive (515) 287-1607 TrailSide Tap Coco & Nini’s Restaurant & Lounge 710 S.W. 3rd St., Ankeny (515) 223-2239 bordenarospizza.com 60 School Street, Carlisle nothingbundtcakes.com (515) 964-5259 515-554-2121 trailsidetap.com facebook.com/cocoandninis Bubba Steamboat Boys 200 10th St., Des Moines 1301 NW 114th St, Clive Tropical Smoothie Café (515) 257-4744 Fizz’ Ice Cream *Subs*Salads (515) 571-3062 1620 N. Ankeny Blvd., Ste. 110, Ankeny bubbadsm.com 120 Highway 5, Carlisle steamboatboys.com (515) 965-7889 515-989-0040 tropicalsmoothie.com 700 Locust St., Ste. 100 | Des Moines, Iowa | USA | (515) 286-4909 | DSMpartnership.com Captain Roy’s Creme Cupcake Graziano Brothers, Inc. Latin King Restaurant 1900 Saylor Road, Des Moines 543 28th Street, Des Moines 1601 S Union Street, Des Moines 2200 Hubbell Ave, Des Moines (515) 631-2223 (515) 288-1050 (515) 244-7103 (515) 266-4466 captainroys.com cremecupcake.com grazianobrothers.com tursislatinking.com ChaCha’s Confections Dore Bakery Hello Majorie Louies Wine Dive Des Moines 340 SW 3rd Street, Des Moines 717 Locust St., Des Moines 4040 University Ave., Des Moines (515) 689-1486 (515) 330-1517 (515) 369-2296 (913) 940-6212 Chachasconfections.net dorebakerydsm.com hellomarjorie.com louieswinedive.com Chick-fil-A Merle Hay Dough Co.
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