Masorti Olami Annual ReviewAnnual Review 2012 2012 Installation Ceremony of Rabbi Reuven Stamov in Kiev, Ukraine 2 | 3 Contents Masorti Olami | Annual Review 2012 Greetings ..................................................................................................................................................... 4 NOAM Olami .............................................................................................................................. 8 MAROM Olami ................................................................................................................... 10 Mission to Ukraine ........................................................................................................... 12 Activities around the world ........................................................................... 14 Evening of Tribute .............................................................................................................. 17 MERCAZ Olami ................................................................................................................ 18 Social Action & Global Activism .................................................... 20 Global Masorti .......................................................................................................................... 20 Simchat Torah Flag .......................................................................................................... 22 Donors ........................................................................................................................................................ 23 Leadership & Staff ..............................................................................................................24 Greetings Enhancing Jewish knowledge and identity Ensuring the future through youth and young adults young and youth the future through Ensuring MASORTI ELEMENTS advancing social justice and global activism global and social justice advancing 4leadership building cha and mitzvot as understood through history and Greetings | Alan Silberman refined through modern experience. Masorti Judaism and Masorti Olami matters because it promotes Jewish life, individually and Does it really matter? communally, with effective engagement in the mul- As you turn these pages, you see ticultural civil societies in which we live. reports of our success, of new keh- Masorti Judaism and Masorti Olami matters be- illot, exciting programs and com- cause it is built on Torah and Jewish knowledge and munity growth. You smile. When because it creates a framework for our relationship I share these developments with with Am Yisrael and our commitment to Zionism people, they nod, approvingly. as an integral part of our shared identity. And they—and you—have pro- And, ultimately, Masorti Judaism and Masorti vided significant financial support to Masorti Ola- Olami – and the points of differentiation with other mi so that we can continue our work, for which we religious streams – provides the best possible foun- are particularly thankful. Add to that well over five dation for effectively transmitting Jewish principles hundred men and women whose volunteer efforts, and practice to the next generations, in a manner locally, regionally, and internationally, support ke- which will allow us to maintain and strengthen our hillot and build Masorti Judaism throughout the identification as an Am Kadosh – a holy people. world, PLUS an extraordinary dedicated staff led by I pray that we will continue to merit your affection Rabbi Tzvi Graetz. and support. But more than that, I pray that we will But there is still an unanswered question which all strengthen our commitment to the Jewish future each of us needs to answer if we are going to con- and our efforts to support like-minded men and tinue our efforts and promote our mission: “Does women, young adults and youth, wherever they live. it really matter?” The answer is an emphatic “Yes”. Masorti Judaism and Masorti Olami matters be- cause it addresses a need to express Jewish belief Alan Silberman, and practice in a format that values tradition, hala- President, Masorti Olami 4 | 5 was arrested at the Kotel as she recited the Sh’ma Masorti Olami | Annual Review 2012 out loud. She was then jailed, strip searched and Greetings | Stephen Wolnek threatened. Other women were arrested as well for wearing a tallit. Imagine if this were to happen to As this year’s elections in America our daughters, wives, mothers or even grandmoth- and the upcoming ones in Israel ers who were simply trying to express themselves as have shown, the two countries Jews in our homeland. This incident brings to the remain deeply intertwined. The forefront the importance of one of the mandates of actions of the EU and the United MERCAZ Olami which is a commitment to ad- Nations continue to influence vancing the rights of ALL Jews in Israel to worship policy in the Middle East. Jews and study and live, as they wish. all over the world - in America, in Europe, in Latin It is through the hard work of our Executive Direc- America, Australasia and the FSU tirelessly work to tor, Rabbi Tzvi Graetz and our board members that ensure that Israel is supported. we are able to successfully work with the Jewish MERCAZ Olami, in all of the places listed above, Agency, Keren Kayemet L’Yisrael (Jewish National does its part to work to influence policy around the Fund) and the World Zionist organization to fund world about Israel. In Uruguay, Silvio Geisinger, our programs and organizations in Israel and the Dias- MERCAZ representative on the Zionist Federation pora that work not just to support pluralistic and of Uruguay board was just elected president of the modern Judaism in Israel, but to try and bring about Federation. Not only is this an acknowledgement change in Israel itself. of Silvio’s commitment but it will enable MERCAZ I thank them for their work and I thank you for Olami to be in a position to push for the support of opening your hearts and for your generosity in policies that support a pluralistic and modern State helping us to create a State of Israel for ALL of its of Israel. citizens. In Israel itself, the battle for pluralistic, open Juda- ism continues. In October, Anat Hoffman, Execu- Dr. Stephen Wolnek, tive Director of the Israel Religious Action Center, President, MERCAZ Olami At the 2011 Evening of Tribute (left to right): Rabbi Vernon Kurtz, honoree, Dr. Steve Wolnek, President, MERCAZ Olami, Rabbi Tzvi Graetz, Janet Tobin, Tribute Chair,Irwin Tobin, Marcus Frieze, Director of Worldwide Projects and Ariel Blufstein Executive Director, AMLAT. vidual at every given point. Masorti Olami works hard to lead, inspire, engage and renew Jewish life. We Greetings | Tzvi Graetz aren’t a large organization with an extensive budget and so we must make decisions, sometimes difficult Around the time of the Second ones, about how and where to direct our energies and Temple and certainly after its de- our funding. It is the leadership of each community struction, the Rabbis were search- that we rely on to help us to create vision, carry on ing for ways to continue Avodat tradition, guide us and assist us in our sacred work. Hashem. We now translate Avodat The Torah teaches us through the stories of our fore- Hashem as the worship of God but fathers and Moses that leaders make mistakes. When in their time, they were referring to the actual sacri- this happens, there needs to be a willingness on the ficial system. How then, after the Temple was gone, part of the leaders to listen and to respond. They could the Jews continue to worship? The Rabbi’s need to adjust and to continue on and not let the mis- answer was simply, Tefillah or prayer. To pray every take block them on their road to achieving their goals. day, 3 times a day is no simple matter. Each time you I want to thank our lay leadership for giving so much pray, standing before God, you have to give a part of of themselves – their time, their financial resources, yourself to both God and to your community. their passion and neshama. All of their hard work When you stand before your community and lead bears tremendous fruit in the success of our world- them in prayer as the Shaliach Tzibur or the Hazzan, wide movement. you are representing not just yourself but the prayers Thank you also to our professional leadership all over of everyone there. You have a unique opportunity the world – the Rabbis, Hazzanim, Education Direc- to create harmony, excite and elevate the spirit of the tors, Program Directors, office staff and Youth Direc- kehilla. tors who help fulfill the vision of both our lay leaders Several programs that Masorti Olami runs and sup- and our overall organization making it a pleasure to ports which teach kehilla members and professionals create and dream together. to be Shlichei Tzibur or Hazzanim in their communi- We are all standing together in our commitment to ties. (see page 20 for more on this). Through these Masorti Judaism worldwide and to the principles programs, they learn not just prayer skills but also and values we share. I look forward to many more leadership skills. Leadership in our community is no years of working side by side with all of you. different. It requires sacrifice, representation, passion and talent. Rabbi Tzvi Graetz, A leader has a responsibility to everyone in his/her Executive Director organization, but cannot always engage each indi- Masorti Olami & MERCAZ Olami Sukkot at Neve Shalom, St-Germain-en-Laye, France 6 | 7 the responsibility
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