Schlaglicht Israel Nr. 10/16 Aktuelles aus israelischen Tageszeitungen 16.-31. Mai Die Themen dieser Ausgabe 1. Koalition mit Liberman statt mit Herzog ........................................................................................................... 1 2. Friedensinitiativen aus Kairo und Paris ............................................................................................................ 3 3. BDS und J Street ............................................................................................................................................. 4 4. Medienquerschnitt ............................................................................................................................................ 6 1. Koalition mit Liberman statt mit Herzog him in contempt, telling him they won’t support his Nach zähen Verhandlungen einigten sich Minister- move. In practise, if Netanyahu were to even mod- präsident Benjamin Netanyahus Likud und Avigdor estly improve his insulting offer, the entire “rejection Libermans nationalistische Partei Yisrael Beitenu front” would collapse. (…) Let’s assume that Netan- über ein Zusammengehen in der Regierung. An die yahu would give the Zionist Union the Justice Minis- Stelle des scheidenden Verteidigungsministers try instead of the economy and industry portfolios Moshe Ya´alon (Likud) tritt der frühere Außenminis- (…) Let’s fantasize that King Netanyahu would be ter Avigdor Liberman. Ya´alons Rücktritt aus der willing to find within himself a tiny shred of compas- Knesset schafft zudem Raum für den Einzug des sion and formulate some convoluted formula regard- radikalen Tempelbergaktivisten Yehuda Glick ins ing the diplomatic process, with a tiny hint at a pos- israelische Parlament. „Extremisten und gefährliche sible construction freeze in the settlements (…) in Elemente haben Israel und die Likud-Partei über- order to facilitate a conducive atmosphere during the nommen“, kommentierte Ya´alon die Entwicklungen. negotiations” – this would lead to a truly united gov- Netanyahu versuchte zu beruhigen und kündigte an, ernment: partnership in leading the country, a hand dass die erweiterte Koalition „weiter nach Frieden on the helm. One doesn’t need much more and streben“ werde. Jedenfalls gilt der Wechsel im Ver- everyone instantly becomes a soldier in Netanya- teidigungsministerium als deutliches Signal an den hu’s duplicitous army. In truth, this is really depress- Generalstab der israelischen Armee, sich in Zukunft ing. (…) mit kritischen Äußerungen zu Gesellschaft und Raviv Drucker, HAA, 16.05.16 Politik zurückzuhalten. Vize-Generalstabschef Yair Golan hatte sich jüngst gegen die zunehmende A common interest in unity Gewalt und Intoleranz im Land geäußert. Während Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Labor Ya’alon Golan den Rücken stärkte, machte Netan- leader Isaac Herzog are both very experienced yahu deutlich, dass er Golans Meinung nicht nur politicians. (…) Netanyahu and Herzog share a nicht teile, sondern derartige Kritik seitens der Mili- common interest and both have something to lose. tärführung als unangebracht empfinde. However, their situations are not the same. Despite the razor-thin majority held by Netanyahu's 61-MK Netanyahu is bringing the whole center-left coalition in the Knesset, the prime minister has camp to its knees managed to pass a budget and a number of different (…) Herzog is less annoying than some of his party laws over the past year. But it has not always been colleagues. Ostensibly, they all oppose him and hold easy. (…) Netanyahu has sought to expand the 1 coalition as quickly as possible. (…) If the talks with When Liberman served as foreign minister he Herzog fail, things will go back to the way they were abused his position and misrepresented Israel. To for Netanyahu, at least seemingly. (…) For Herzog, appoint him defense minister, possessing no military the failure of the talks with Netanyahu would be a experience whatsoever, is grossly unsuitable (…). mortal blow. Herzog's chances of being reelected as The country’s biggest loss is Ya’alon, whose wisdom Labor leader in the party's next primaries would and military knowledge are irreplaceable. The other plummet, as his opponents would portray him as loser is Herzog, who sought to bring Zionism back someone who crawled, capitulated and gave in to into the Labor Party and marginalize the leftists who temptation -- and failed. have hijacked it. (…) His party will now be in sham- Mati Tuchfeld, IHY, 17.05.16 bles until it sorts itself out and elects a new leader. The big winner, aside from Liberman, will be Yesh Offering Liberman the defense job, Netanyahu Atid leader Yair Lapid, who will benefit immensely embraces a politician who despises him and is likely to represent an alternative leadership at The job of Israeli defense minister (…) holds im- the next elections. (…) mense significance and sensitivity. The burden of Isi Leibler, JPO, 22.05.16 defending this country is complex and ever-shifting. (…) Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu entrusted Can a broader coalition tackle Israel's real eco- that position (…) to a politician (…) who shoots from nomic problems the lip. A politician who (…) has called for the ouster The Ministry of Finance does not at this stage have of Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas, any firm plan for encouraging economic growth. (…) even as Netanyahu has been trying to assure the The (…) Ministry of Finance is (…) already coping international community of his desire to enter nego- with two difficult challenges in drafting the state tiations Abbas. (…)Who after the war ridiculed the budget: a very large fiscal hole in 2017 (…). A prime minister under whom he had served as para- downward revision of the growth forecast for 2016 noid and ineffectual. (…) First and foremost in Net- will force the Ministry of Finance to adjust the tax anyahu’s thinking is the fact that he holds a 61- revenues forecast for 2016 and 2017 accordingly, strong coalition in the 120-seat Knesset, and that’s a making the fiscal hole even bigger. (…) the econom- lousy way to have to govern. (…) Netanyahu thus ic slowdown limits the tools available to the ministry widens his government, keeps his right flank happy, to close the hole, because raising taxes at a time and humiliates Herzog. (…) Netanyahu could con- like this will only worsen the slowdown and could tip ceivably feel rather pleased with himself. (…) He the economy into a deep recession. (…) Budgets has plunged the main opposition party into a frenzy Division in the Ministry of Finance is under pressure of bitter recrimination and public ridicule. He may from the prime minister to allocate billions to stimu- relish having the tough-talking Liberman at his side. lating growth, even at the expense of some increase (…) It is hard to believe that Egypt’s President Ab- in the deficit target. (…) The Ministry of Finance del-Fattah El-Sissi, who only this week was hailing believes that (…) the source of the problem this time potential peace opportunities and may have be- is not a global slowdown but local weakness in the lieved he would soon be dealing with foreign minis- economy, arising from, among other things (…) low ter Herzog, will be joyfully contemplating the arrival productivity and a high structural deficit. Solving of defense minister Liberman. Much the same could these problems mainly requires long-term reforms be said of the Saudis (…). and political determination. Against this background, David Horovitz, TOI, 19.05.16 the question whether the prime minister will be able to exploit the broadening of the coalition to instigate Netanyahu’s morally and politically dysfunction- significant structural changes, even if their contribu- al government tion to growth will be felt mainly in the medium-to- The recent shenanigans of the government sickened long term, becomes more acute. even those reconciled to the reality that a total lack Amiram Barkat, GLO, 30.05.16 of ethics pervades the Israeli political arena. (…) Netanyahu saved his government by this ‘volte Is messianism replacing the old order in Israel? farce.’ But it may yet prove to be a pyrrhic victory. (…) the Temple Mount movement moved one step As the global community prepares to exert more closer toward legitimacy in Israel by getting its first pressure (…) we will be perceived as having an representative into the Israeli parliament. (…) The even more extreme right-wing government. (…) difference between Ya’alon and Glick is stark, and 2 can be seen as indicative of larger shifts within Is- auf. Die PLO beharrt indes auf internationale Garan- raeli society. (…) Ya’alon, the former IDF chief of tien bei den Verhandlungen und verurteilte Israels staff, is a stern former dairy farmer and kibbutz Absage an Frankreich. Die Initiative der Ägypter member, whose pessimistic worldview was shaped stieß zunächst auf eine überraschend positive Reak- by his lifelong membership in Israel’s security estab- tion bei Netanyahu. Präsident Abdel Fattah al-Sisi lishment. (…) Glick, on the other hand, is an Ameri- hatte zum ersten Mal seit seinem Amtsantritt sehr can-born activist who made his name by campaign- deutlich von einer „realen und großen Chance für ing for Jewish access to the Temple Mount, who einen umfassenden und ständigen Frieden“ gespro- once went on a 53-day hunger strike after being chen und zugesagt, „alle Anstrengungen“ dafür zu barred from the mount and believes that a Third unternehmen. Eine Regierung mit Liberman als Temple should replace the Al-Aqsa
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