T'S.A P TME ....,.~.... DA 1', JU .& l, l 95 :10 ND 8:10 &in •• Dr. :lO a LEGl LA TtV& LEAD t on. idlari T . Nixon., tb• Vl • P r eet • t Senator Ultam ..• 1aa4 eutol' · 1•ae J>. tllikla Senato!' Leverett t••tall eaator tyl•• 9rid •• Coa.are11maa Jo••pb artbl. 1-,. C p••• aa Le Allea Conpeae L••ll• Are • H n. owlaa.l up•• Perelval 1"Wldage Oveta Culp obby 1" d•baw Miatera.ei OL ll awell • · erldaa Dr. Le r A. c ele K n. Clareace A. a"11, U •'I' ecreiary ·Of toterior on. I' G. aad•h.1, A••l•tan.t · ecretary lateri r (iover Of' Lea Jo Arthur •rflel o • Carter ur1••• Hon. .All>el't Cole J •••1 • Ult U1 • • • hill y bennaa Adam• er • • laaaley Utoa • · Pera u Ja •• c. Ha1•J'ty er.id o:rpa r ed s ..toa el Andw...- J. Gooclpaate• Hoa. l . J•ck M•rtla ftoa. ryce rlow Hon. ... Q'l'v..eathel' Hoa. &&rte Ch••a•y Hem. urray aydea- Ho Arthur ch 1. l 8 z 1: .. l h a- C r. D l :l ••• t) .FT , ilC ~. lo , to :l am l J . 1 : • •• ra). 1 l1 ll: ' 12111 -_ _,. t 1 :lT ••• • Dr&f'I ab• W Gl'lffta T ·plcl 1;00 .'"'""" ....... ·~· OFF THE RECORD '{J)I'. ( eoh) OFF THE RECORD • l t . ..... .... .. ..... • • ... J Cllritf Dbfl•i • •• Vft·re.••••··· A1', JU 3. 195 te4 Je •lk Appeal ea'• vi.al ~ :1 t ...tor •u > I oa. • Jae a11la) (8nato• Db·kt•• cliaeua•ed Id• •D4iac tai . to A#la) 0 T ~'1RI> Dill A -••• 10~ • ., · elaJl.e. 1: ) • y, va , :A. S, l IS ..... qu Mil•• by a. toU...taas • ...... d •• - ••i at Tld PllDl.O ' .APPQ . M.ISJR UBJ>A 'f, JO - f, 1955 8:-00 1: OMn F ate~ Dullea ala• acA.-tlml', 3-r .. 't' JU 10:42 Al The rut eat re. • w -, hite ouae aa4 m tol'ecl t th• a.tloaal r ubyterian Claureb whe•• tb•f attea4e the elev 'clock ••ni ea. 12: 10' »• rted e C rch an motol"e the biteB ae. lZ: l te Hou••· 2: p The 2:25 p 3:•s p Arrived at te an trf ee B••• 1tear -'>•.,I• P&. 3;5 otored to Thay•• :5 Th i-t•d • Thayer tel a · m tol"ed l&rld on T • Platn. o · ••eel tb. •tl'eat ntatlon of •want•• DJlC>Wt!tl' A . "'· reai eat clepattt a ftd otol'ed ~ e far f M • wltlt. mernb ir• tt. · Cla•• of l 11130 pm lltSI pm 'l' E PRESIDENT 'S APPOl)ITMENTS )110 DAY, lUNE 6 , 1955 WEST PQOfT, N. Y. 10:05 &m The Preaident 'riaited the U. S, MUitary Academy ueeum. lO:JS am Depai-ted the Mueeum an proceeded to Cullum Ball fQr the .Alumni Mai-ch. 10:45 am The Pt'eeident participated in the Alumni Mal"ch to 'lbayer onument where the Alumni Exet'd•ea wei"e held. 11:1 am Conclusion of the Alumni 11:30 ,am Jteview of Corp• by the Weit Polnt A1umtli oa The Plain. 12d5 pm 'the Pr••tdent attended the Alumni Luncl\eon and Meeting held in · aahington Hall. hlO pm The President departed ashington. HaU a.ad proce ed to 'J.bayer Hotel. 4:00 pm The President departed Thayer Hotel a11d proceeded to the ·.viewing Position. wher• the QradlJ&tioii Pa11.ade w&f-:held on the Plain. 4;50 pm Completion oi Graduation Par' de. The Pre1i ent then motored to Hotel Thayel'. The Prealdent departed the Thayer Hotel aiui moto:red to the Old Stone l nn1 eight milff born Weat Point. 6:J5 pm The Pz;eaident attended the Cl&•• 0£ 1915 dinner at the­ Old. Stone Um.. 9t45 pm Departed Old Stone lnn and inotored tho the l:lotel Tha.yer . 10:00 pm A'triv.ed at kot•l Thayel'. THE PllESlDENT'S APPOINTMENT. TUDDAY, JUNE 7. 1955 WEST POINT, N. Y,. 9t50 am The Preaident departed the ThayeJ' Hotel and motored to the Field Houae where Oraduationa Exerci•H e¥e held. 10!05 am The Preaident attended the We•t Point Graduation erciffea. 11:20 am Completion of 01."aduation Exerci8e•. 12:00 noon The P r eaident attended the ~erintendent'• Luncheon held in the Superintendent'• Quarters! fFollowing the luncheon. Hon, Kevin McC&nn brought Cadet Dean Bate•, ho ·n be a Junior at est Point next year, to ineet the re id811t.) 'Jhe Prealdent •pc..ke to I at, Auauet M. Lawrence and r. John Manali • ho served the P r eaident when he was a ca et at eat Point. Before departi•s the eat Point area, the Preaident autographed a photograph for r. ;or-i-ie Kay, o ner of the Texaco Service Station who •erved tb• Pl'••ident and his party during tho at oint viait. 1145 pm The reaident, re. Ei•enho er and party depane th" West Point litary Academy and motored to tbe Ste art Air Force ase, 2:25 pm Airborne for Waahinaton, J). c. 3:30 pm Arrived t :rs Terminal, &•hington, p. C. and proce de to the hite Souse. • • • 4:0 L • r • J • Co . L • • 1 5 · tOOa 114 • • ••ltileat ~ c•tvM *"- ...._u... 1 Qolfe••• QJENTI ..'"'° .. 'Ylae..ao atoal Cu «cr'"'"°A Pete• 11lorn• tt1 • DA'f, • 1 5 ' ft., 11:00 Ji B C An.A c EOT J LA 1 ALT JAPA CA A SCOT ND outll A CA :Allf TZ L NJ) T AL • ti) ••• T a COil) la o ' y) , co • pm ; .. .-ll•JPI of .. Ca.ml•••• of l"ta•' Art. ~ J>lf••ld•tt · ritl _ •Y• C'babrmu. Commle•loa of la• Ai-I• • tile a OY• l•ftp. tlfll u ., • ••al . Mr'etary, • • C. cutlve Secntary, • • c. epr••• - ilYe I • • 1 s Pqea 1135 •• lli 0. te • LO ·1: h• Tla• ••id.eat al'rivetl at • . 5 c ty A 1"lli y o ec e ry f th tn e11l !' .. • • L. • c OQ!'"llnll' ..... •h•fnlt: RID Y. J U 1 ' 1 10: 10 • ii• 12:l on. ter vl e 1:0 c 1J ) Z:t P • ideal departed dae te ffcnqe and motor•• to 'Ii r b&l. 2:50 pm • r ed the A .. z A•~o· 2: 5 Ab nn.ayl a • Univ r•lty. l • lrd pl carri ):49 p ··= . '• ahter) 4:03 4: 5 well'•• rest eac• a d waa ete by D, Sr. oy ld.D, Jr• .Durin1 the •DlD1 the followtq called at the reeicluce: r. Lou ell, Uc elatlou fficel" of oat relty r. ra. Ke• ortlly THE ESIDE T 'S AP 01 SATU DAY, .JU E 11, 1955 E YLV.ANIA ATE tJNlVE ITY 8:35 am 'lb• re1l eat •pal't the r••ldence of Dr. Uto Etaenlaower and proceed• to tlMt niv•r•Uy p for clear eactor. :J • rrived th• campu.a aad ar••ted th• Um •:r•ity tl"\l•t••• ancl their wl• •· (Appr ately 0 per1ou l 1roup). 'Dl• re•i4ent depart• th• ca pua a J."eturne t • re1t enc• · f Dr. Utoa El•esthowe • 1'1• Pre•ldent, urlll1 cap and 1own.. clepartecl the realdence au4 motoJ>W to Bu •I' Stadium for the C•atemdal Commeacemem cerem ••· 10:27 Arrived at the tadlum a.ad participate l the Commence eat Exercl•••· 10:27 'Dl• rovo•t the nlveratty. A. O. r• •, made a •hon talk and latro4ucn th• r ..1 eat. 1 :30 am peech y th Preelclent. 10:55 am Aa bo.aorary deal'•• waa c erred opoa the Preaiclent. ( • cl tatloa waa ru by r. ore•). 11:00 am Th• real eat wae pr•••atecl a roaae lloo (whlc h the •ym o1 of P•RD•ylvania tat• Ualveralty) by the Plr••ideat of th• Alu.mm A••oclatlOG 11:00 a Ccm.ferrla, of d•&••••· 11: 'th• reaident left th• tadium a to the realdenc• of Dr. lt _ l••Dhower. 11:50 am ll:S5 pm Th• Preaideat departed the reetdenc• &ad proc•etled to the Helen Daenhower Chapel eite for co~r•tone laytaa. l:OS p Arriv at th •lt• for the c merit e layi a cere o ••· SATURDAY, JUNE 11, 1955 Page Z PENNSYLVANIA STATE UNIVERSITY 1:12 pm The Pre•ident departed the Helen Ebenhower Chapel site and returned to the reaidence of DJ". Milton Eiaenbower. 1125 pm Arrive . at the residence. 1:30 pln LUNCHEON 2~20 pm The President, accompanied by Dr. Walter R. Tkac:h, departed Pennsylvania Stat• Uldveraity aod motored to Gettysburg, Pa. GETTYSBURG. PA. 5:12 pm The President and Dr. Walter R. Tkach arrived at the OeUyaburg Farm. At the Farm, the Preaident wa• joined by Mr•. Eieenhower and re. .Doud {who were already .at the Farm) and by r. and rs. Oeorge Allen and General and rs. rthur Nevin • T f. ·- OBTTYSB Y • PA. l ;,1 .. ••• 1 J.15 5:2 pm ii p Arrlvri -1 th• . htte H ••· THE PR!SlD.ENT'S APPOINTMENTS MONDAY, JUNE 13. 1955 01' 9t00 am Hon.. :Pillon Andel'•on ~ • tte51 · 9:30 am Admit'al Arthur W. adford (Ueual weekly appointment) 10:00 am Dr. Ed.war4 L. • El.eon 10il5am Holl. Richard L . Jone• CNewly appointed Americ•n .Amba.s•&dor to LibeiiaJ 10~40 am Hon.. Meye1r Ke•tll'baum Hon. Sb.erin•n Adame 11:00 am Dr. Al'thur Suma Dr. Gabriel Hauae (Uaual weekly appointment) 11:30 am Hou.
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