Bijlage H Scienti®c Word / Workplace 2.0.1.; What's new? 127 Scienti®c Word / Workplace 2.0.1. What's new? Jan Krugers Gagelweg 3, 4651 VL Steenbergen 01670-64422 April 2nd, 1995 Scienti®c Word version 1.x from TCI Software Research macros the user has to download them from one of their has gotten improvements and an offspring. The improve- bulletin boards. But they do work under Scienti®c Word. ments are not only better support for different LAT X styles E BibT X is included to allow easy generation of bibliogra- and dialects but also more user conveniences and better E phies. Indexes can be made much faster. This is important stability. The offspring is Scienti®c Workplace, a similar for large documents. These are also better supported. You Windows software package under Windows 3.1. But be- can make a ®le calling parts of a large document. Each sides all the Scienti®c Word functions it also has a built-in part can be handled separately or for the ®nal print as part Maple Version V interface and many Maple symbolic cal- of the complete book. Useful is the new compile facility. culation functions. Not to forget that version 2.0.1. works This allows to precompile a document before printing or ®ne under OS/2 Warp with all its speed and data exchange previewing. As before Scienti®c Word senses when a doc- advantages. ument has changed and will then insist on a new compile. 1 Additions Graphics can be imported and placed according to different T X possibilities in the document. The following graphics A E Since the introduction of Scienti®c Word in 1992 L TEX2" formats are supported: has been released. This new version of Scienti®c Word WINDOWS DIB (bmp), COREL DRAW (cdr), A supports the new version of L TEX. A major bene®t is METAFILE (cgm), CLEAR TEXT CGM (ctm), MICRO- the New Font Selection Scheme. This allows full use of GRAFX DRAWING (drw), AUTOCAD INTERCHANGE Truetype fonts. (dxf) ADOBE ILLUSTRATOR (ai), ENCAPSULATED Another use is the graphically oriented style editor. The POSTSCRIPT (eps), HP GRAPHICS (hgl) (plt), LO- layout of a document can be graphicallydetermined. This TUS PICTURE (pic), MACINTOSH PICT (pct) WIN- includes placing of headers, footnotes, margin notes, font, DOWS METAFILE (wmf), GRAPHICS INTERCHANGE fontsize and many other items. (gif), JPEG (jpg), PAINTBRUSH (pcx), TAG IMAGE (tif), WORDPERFECT (wpg) DIGITAL RESEARCH MS Many documents are made in A -LAT X. Scienti®c E (img), PAINT (msp) IBM IOCA, GRAPHICS (ica), SUN Word can create documents in this format. This is fur- RASTER (ras), ASCII (txt), MAC PAINT (mac), PHOTO- MS ther supported by the rather extended A symbols set. SHOP (psd) CALS (cal), LASERVIEW (lv), XBITMAP As before these symbols are easily selected from symbol (xbm), PIXMAP (xpm), KODAK PHOTO CD ( pcd), panels. HALO (cut), ICON (ico), AMIGA (iff), CLIPBOARD However these symbol panels can be edited by the user. (clp) Not only can the most used symbols be placed in a cache Also you can import ®les in RTF format (from e.g. Word). bar as before, but other often used symbols can be placed on the symbol panel where it is the easiest for the typist. Additionscan also be found due to Windows improvements released by Microsoft. Scienti®c Word is delivered with Another handy feature for the typist is automatic substi- Win32 speeding up all your applications which can use 32 tution that allows the keying of part of a mathematical bits. Scienti®c Word itself uses it for the previewer. You expression, the program then adds automatically the rest. have the choice of a 16bit or a 32bit one. The latter one You can determine your own substitutions. The same tac- works really fast under Win-OS/2. Another released Win- tics apply to the accented characters. They can be inputted dows features supported are drag and drop of text in one from the keyboard, a symbol panel or from the cache bar. document. MS Not only supports Scienti®c Word A -LAT Xbutalso E An addition, which you may wonder why it was not there REVT X as de®ned by American Physical Society, Optical E in the ®rst place, is the import of the contents of a ®le. You Society of America and the American Institute of Physics. can import another LAT X ®le and give it the style of the As these institutes do not allow others to distribute their E document you are working with. A Hypertext Scienti®c Word / Workplace demo diskette is included with this MAPS. Dutch TEX Users Group (NTG), P.O. Box 394, 1740 AJ Schagen, The Netherlands Reprint MAPS#14 (95.1); May 1995 128 Scienti®c Word / Workplace 2.0.1.; What's new? Bijlage H 2 Improvements 4 Scienti®c Workplace Tables can be made fully in the text mode, no TEX is visible This offspring contains the EasyMath technology of TCI anymore and the table is presented fully WYSIWYG while Software Research and a part of Maple V. you are composing it. It resembles somewhat the ease with The EasyMath technology allows you to writethe same for- which you always made very large matrices and ®lled them mula in different ways. Obviously there always remains with complex expressions. ways which will not be understood by the program but Prede®ned print styles have been improved and many have the known ways are supported. This approach is needed been added. Someof them aremodi®ablethru thegraphical when one wants a formula to shine not only on paper but style editor. All available styles are listed in the hypertext also wants to shine as the input to the symbolic calculation demo of Scienti®c Word. mechanism of Maple V.Maple has to understand the mean- ing of the formula. It then calculates the result and puts Lists can still be made included nested ones. You can this preceded by an equal sign into the document. The doc- assign your own symbol as list marker. ument is immediately reformatted by Scienti®c Workplace Customization of the screen, how the different document to give the proper space to the result. The calculations are parts are displayed, has been made more ¯exible. You can done on the highlighted part of a formula. This makes it de®ne a default appearance. possible to calculate on part of a formula. Cross references are fully automatically resolved. You do The following classes of Maple functions are supported: not have to determine anymore the number of passes the EVALUATE (NUMERICALLY) compiler should make. SIMPLIFY COMBINE: exponentials, logs, powers, trigfunctions 3 Still there FACTOR EXPAND Good things do not die. Hence you still input text and PLOT 2D: rectangular, polar, implicit, parametric, con- mathematical formulas in WYSIWYG mode. However formal, gradient, vector ®eld, ODE, phase place they are stored internally in a LaTEX format. This can PLOT 3D: rectangular, cylindrical, spherical, implicit, be made visible in the T X ®eld box via the clipboard. E tube, gradient, vector ®eld The new Scienti®c Word speci®c ®le manager allows a SOLVE (ODE): exact (Laplace), numeric (series), in- view of the whole document in ASCII. In inputting formu- teger, recursion las you indicate the mathematical attribute (like subscript) CALCULUS: integrate by parts, change variable, par- and the program determines font size and placement. The tial fractions, approximate integral, plot approx., inte- placement depends on how you put the formula: in-line or gral, ®nd extrema, iterate implicite differentiation centered by itself on a line (display type). Also the font SIMPLEX: minimizedual, feasible, maximize, stan- size changes between these two. In version 2.0.1. you dardize can work now with multiline display types and cross refer- STATISTICS: ®t curve to data, random numbers, mean, ence to each line in the multiline display. Still there is the median, mode, correlation, covariance, mean, devia- facility to record the keystrokes for a complex mathemati- tion, moment, quantile standard deviation, variance cal formula and store this as a `fragment'. Fragments can CHECK EQUALITY be replayed (CTRL+given name) and the formula adjusts DEFINE: new, unde®ne, show, clear, save, restore, de- itself to in-line or display type. ®ne maple name Still there is the interesting display of text and mathemat- SERIES ics. Mathematics is displayed in another color so you can VECTOR CALCULUS: Jacobian, Hessian, Scalar po- see if sine is meant as a word or as an expression. What tential, Vector Potential has been added in composing mathematical formulas are MATRICES: adjugate, concatenate, characteristic, col- spaces. Althoughnot in the TEX speci®cation this appeared umn basis, condition number,de®nitenesstest, determi- to be necessary. For example after the italics in a math- nant, eigenvalues eigenvectors, ®ll matrix, fraction free ematical formula you need some extra space in order for Gaussian, Hermitian transpose, inverse, Jordan from, the upright character not to cross thru to the top of the minimum polynomials previous italic character. There is a choice of different EM POLYNOMIALS: collect, divide, partial fractions, spaces. You select them from a symbol display. Greek and roots, sort, companion matrix Mathematics symbols can also be selected from two other keyboards. This Maple kernel which is included in Scienti®c Work- place operates in the background and is called via a menu Of course the DVI printer drivers are still there. You can item. The generated plots can be included in the docu- print, rather fast, to laser Ð postscript Ð inkjet and matrix ment. This gives you a full word processor for marvelous printers.
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