CONFLICT OVER LANGUAGE RIGHTS: THE CASE OF KURDS AND CIRCASSIANS IN TURKEY by BURCU TOKSABAY Submitted to the Graduate School of Arts and Social Sciences in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Arts SabancÛ University Spring 2005 © Burcu Toksabay 2005 All Rights Reserved iii iii ABSTRACT CONFLICT OVER LANGUAGE RIGHTS: THE CASE OF KURDS AND CIRCASSIANS IN TURKEY Burcu Toksabay Conflict Analysis and Resolution , M.A. Thesis, 2005 Dr. Ayİe Betül Çelik Language policy, language rights, conflict, Kurds, Circassians Language policy is used as a tool for regulating the status of languages and allocating benefits and resources in the society among different language groups. Therefore, language policy has both an instrumental and symbolic value for the ethnic groups and is a source of conflict between language groups and the state in many countries. The positions of language groups towards the language policy are shaped by their perceptions towards language policy, and their relations with the state. Therefore, different language groups tend to perceive language policy in different ways and have differing demands. This study aimed to analyze the perceptions and positions of two language groups in Turkey, Kurds and Circassians, regarding language rights. During the analysis, the differences between the perceptions and positions of these groups were also investigated. The data for the analysis was obtained out of the texts that are published by some groups in these communities, and interviews with the representatives of these groups. Overall, language policy is percieved as a matter of recognition by the Kurdish groups, while for the Circassians the primary problem is to increase language use of the iv iv community and to develop the language. Therefore, while Kurdish groups demand their language to be treated equally in status with the Turkish language, the Circassian groups demand support for the education and development of the language. In order to accomodate the needs and interests of each particular language group, language policies should take these differences into consideration. v v ET D.L HAKLARI ÇATIğMASI: TÜRKĞYE'DEKĞ KÜRT VE ÇERKESLERĞN DURUMU Burcu Toksabay UyuİmazlÛk Analizi ve Çözümü, Yüksek Lisans Tezi, 2005 Dr. Ayİe Betül Çelik Dil politikasÛ, Dil haklarÛ, ÇatÛİma, Kürtler, Çerkesler Dil politikasÛ, toplum içinde konuİulan dillerin statülerini düzenlemek ve dil ile ilgili fayda ve kaynaklarÛ dil gruplarÛ arasÛnda da₣Ûtmak için kullanÛlÛr. DolayÛsÛyla dil politikasÛ etnik gruplar için hem sembolik hem de pratik bir de₣ere sahip olmakta ve pek çok ülkede dil gruplarÛ ile develt arasÛnda bir çatÛİmaya yol açmaktadÛr. Dil gruplarÛnÛn dil politikasÛ hakkÛndaki pozisyonlarÛ, onlarÛn dil politikasÛ ve devletle iliİkileri hakkÛndaki algÛlarÛ tarafÛndan İekillendirilir. Bundan dolayÛdÛr ki, farklÛ dil gruplarÛ dil politikasÛnÛ farklÛ algÛlamakta ve farklÛ talepler öne sürmektedirler. Bu çalÛİma Türkiye'deki iki dil grubunun, Kürt ve Çerkeslerin, dil haklarÛ konusundaki algÛ ve taleplerini incelemeyi hedeflemektedir. Ğnceleme sÛrasÛnda, bu iki farklÛ grubun algÛ ve taleplerindeki farklÛlÛklar da analiz edilmektedir. Analiz için gereken veri ise bu topluluklar içindeki bazÛ gruplarÛn yayÛnlarÛndan ve bu gruplarÛn temsilcileriyle yapÛlan görüİmelerden elde edilmiİtir. vi vi Genel olarak, dil politikasÛ Kürt gruplar için bir tanÛnma meselesi olarak algÛlanÛrken, Çerkes gruplar için en önemli sorun dilin geliİtirilmesi ve toplulu₣un dil kullanÛmÛn arttÛrÛlmasÛdÛr. DolayÛsÛyla, Kürt gruplar dillerinin Türkçe ile eİit statüde görülmesini talep ederken, Çerkes gruplarÛn talebi dilin e₣itilmesi ve geliİtirilmesi için destek verilmesi üzerinde yo₣unlaİmaktadÛr. Her dil grubunun ihtiyaç ve çÛkarlarÛnÛn korunmasÛ ve gözetilebilmesi için dil politikalarÛ bu farklÛlÛklarÛ gözönünde bulundurmalÛdÛr. viivii Henüz do₣mamÛİ ye₣enime, daha güzel bir dünyada yaİamasÛ dile₣iyle... viiiviii ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS I have been lucky enough to have people in my academic and social environment who have generously given support and assistance during the process of writing this thesis. Among them, I would like to thank, first of all, my thesis supervisor, Dr. Ayse Betul Celik, who has not treated me only as a student, but also as a colleague and friend. Her contribution to this study, my academic experience and my personality has been enormous, for which I will always be grateful to her. I would also like to thank my professors, Dr Halil Berktay and Dr. Burak ArÛkan, who both happened to be in my jury, for their valuable comments and insights regarding the study. I tried my best to revise and finalize the study by taking their comments and concerns into consideration. Writing a thesis is not an easy process. In this regard, I would like to express my gratitude to certain people, who have been with me all along the way with their friendship, support and insights and made this journey and my entire life a lot more fun and meaningful. Among them, I would like to thank Sinan Ciddi, Yunus Dogan Telliel, Dogan GurpÛnar, Hadi Hosayni and PÛnar Cetin, for their scholarly and friendly support. I am both happy and proud of knowing them all, as they will be all be the leading scholars of social sciences in Turkey in the future. I am also grateful to Zehra Ayman, who has helped me with the translations of the Kurdish texts into Turkish and with her invaluable insights on the subject. I would also like to thank Mehmet Ceran and Burak Esen for always being there for me, ready for giving me a hand, whenever I cry out for help. I especially want to thank Berk Esen, as he was the one who has experienced all the pain and suffering, and the joy and excitement of this project, most closely. I have always felt praised by his presence just beside me and will be grateful to him, for ever. Last, but not the least, I want to thank my family, and especially my sisters, for illuminating all the days and nights I have had, am having now and will have in the future. They are the most precious things that I have. ix ix TABLE OF CONTENTS … INTRODUCTION 1 CHAPTER 1. THEORETICAL AND METHODOLOGICAL BACKGROUND OF THE STUDY 1. Literature Review 6 2. Methodology 18 CHAPTER 2. THE HISTORICAL BACKGROUND OF LANGUAGE RIGHTS 26 1. Linguistic Rights: The Current Framework in the International Law 33 2. Case Studies 38 3. The Turkish Case: Language Planning in Turkey 44 CHAPTER 3. THE PERCEPTIONS: THE CENTRALITY AND IMPORTANCE OF LANGUAGE RIGHTS FOR KURDISH AND CIRCASSIAN GROUPS 53 1. Ozgur Halk 54 2. Tiroj 61 3. Azadi 66 x x 4. Nart 72 5. Demokratik Çerkes Platformu 78 6. Kafkas VakfÛ 81 CHAPTER 4. THE POSITIONS: WHAT DO KURDISH AND CIRCASSIAN GROUPS DEMAND? 85 1. Ozgur Halk 86 2. Tiroj 91 3. Azadi 95 4. Nart 98 5. Demokratik Çerkes Platformu 101 6. Kafkas VakfÛ 103 DISCUSSIONS AND CONCLUSION 106 BIBLIOGRAPHY 120 xi xi LIST OF TABLES Language rights in Turkey 50 xiixii INTRODUCTION The use of different languages in a single country is usually portrayed as a source of instability in political and social arena by dominant groups within the society. In many countries, language policy has been used as a tool for regulating the status of languages in order to reduce the instability, allocating benefits and resources in the society among different language groups and favoring one or some ethnic groups over the others. In consequence, many ethnic groups mobilize around and conduct political struggle for the recognition of the rights to use their own first languages in certain domains and hence conflict arises between these groups and the state over the extent that languages other than the official language(s) will be used in these domains. However, not all language groups mobilize for a change in the language policy of the state. Likewise, not all language policies that favor some groups over the others would be challenged by the disadvantaged language groups. A conflict over language rights would arise when the ethnic group is aware of the benefits language rights would entail and hence, demands these rights to be recognized in order to benefit from the resources allocated along linguistic lines within the society. Conflict on language rights, therefore, is closely related with the perceptions of language groups regarding the language policy of the state and the necessity of language rights for them to reach the benefits associated with language use. Their perceptions, in turn, shape the issues that are associated with language policy, their positions regarding the policy of the state and the level of conflict experienced with the state. 1 1 In this study, I will analyze the perceptions of language groups regarding the state policy on language use and the conflict over language rights. As ethnic groups' perceptions are determined and shaped by many factors such as their relations with the state, both in history and at present, their identity-formation processes, and the extent of their disadvantage compared to the dominant group and other ethnic groups, I will also try to analyze whether there is a difference between the perceptions of different language groups regarding the same language policy. Analyzing the perceptions of language groups is important as they determine the positions of language groups, which would, in turn, set the range of difference between ethnic groups and the state concerning language policy. Furthermore, as language policy of the state is an issue for many language groups in the world, such an analysis would be necessary to investigate whether different language groups react differently to the same language policy and to analyze the reasons for these differences. Throughout the study, I will investigate the perceptions and positions of two large language groups in Turkey, namely the Kurds and Circassians, through their publications as periodicals and web-sites. The analysis is designed to answer two main questions of the study; how these language groups perceive the language policy of the Turkish state and whether there is a difference between the perceptions and positions of these language groups towards language policy and rights.
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