Overview Worldwide Energy University Network (hereafter referred to as WEUN) is a non-legally binding voluntary membership organization of research universities, brought together by a shared strategic interest in research, innovation, education and internationalization in the field of energy. WEUN was established at a conference on the 22nd September 2018 in Beijing initiated by its founder China University of Petroleum-Beijing (CUPB), through the representatives of the first cohort of 28 founding member universities. The name of the network in Chinese is: 世界能源大学联盟. The name of the network in English is: Worldwide Energy University Network (WEUN). Activities of WEUN are conducted within the range of this Constitution, and in accordance with all applicable international laws, and the laws and regulations of the countries where each WEUN member operates. WEUN is chaired by a chairing member university for a 4-year renewable term on a rotation basis. The current chairing institution is CUPB, and the location of the WEUN Secretariat is in China University of Petroleum-Beijing, located in No.18 Fuxue Road, Changping District, Beijing, China, 102249. Purpose The primary purpose of WEUN is to create a global platform for communication and collaboration among and between the WEUN member universities in research, innovation and education in the field of energy. Missions To build a platform for the exchange of educational information, best practices and academic resources on energy-related issues. To leverage access to expertise and facilities and collaborate on basic and applied research in the field of energy, and to setup joint labs or centers as interests grow. To coordinate energy-related international cooperation in joint degree education, student and faculty exchange, summer courses or schools, and training programs. To promote and advertise member universities within the countries of member universities to improve their visibility and recognition and enhance their prestige in those countries. To organize academic conferences or seminars to address challenges facing the energy world and energy education. 1 / 37 联盟概况 “世界能源大学联盟”是一个由多所在能源领域研究、创新、教育和国际化方面拥有共同战略目标 的研究型大学自愿组成且不具有法律约束力的全球联盟。该联盟由创始院校中国石油大学(北京)发起, 于 2018 年 9 月 22 日在北京召开的第一次联盟全体成员大会上正式成立,第一批 28 所成员大学的代表参 加了成立大会。 该联盟的中文全称是:世界能源大学联盟 该联盟的英文全称是:Worldwide Energy University Network (WEUN) WEUN 的一切活动均在章程规定的范围内进行,并遵守所有适用的国际法以及联盟成员所在国家的法 律法规。 WEUN 采用轮值主席制,由一所成员大学主持工作,每届轮值期为 4 年,可重复轮值。本届的主席单 位是中国石油大学(北京),WEUN 秘书处设在中国石油大学(北京),办公地址是中国北京市昌平区府 学路 18 号主楼 A916,邮编 102249。 联盟宗旨 WEUN 的首要目标是在各联盟成员大学之间建立能源领域研究、创新、教育方面的全球性交流与合作 平台。 联盟任务 构建能源领域教育信息、最佳实践、学术资源互换平台; 利用各自专家和设施优势,合作开展能源领域的基础研究和应用研究,并随着兴趣的出现,建立联 合实验室和中心; 协调与能源相关的国际合作项目,包括联合培养、学生及教师交流、暑期课程或暑期学校、培训项 目等; 在联盟成员所在国推广和宣传各成员大学,以提高各成员大学在这些国家的关注度、认可度和声望; 围绕能源世界和能源教育面临的挑战,组织相关学术会议或研讨会。 2 / 37 世界能源大学联盟成员高校 WEUN Member Universities 科廷大学 Curtin University 阿塞拜疆国立石油与工业大学 Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University 巴库石油学院 Baku Higher Oil School 里约热内卢联邦大学 Federal University of Rio De Janeiro 阿尔伯塔大学 University of Alberta 卡尔加里大学 University of Calgary 中国矿业大学 China University of Mining and Technology 中国石油大学(北京) China University of Petroleum-Beijing 中国石油大学(华东) China University of Petroleum(East China) 华北电力大学 North China Electric Power University 3 / 37 厦门大学 Xiamen University 丹麦科技大学 Technical University of Denmark 拉萨尔理工大学 UniLaSalle 罗斯托克大学 University of Rostock 哈英理工大学 Kazakh-British Technical University 马来西亚国油大学 Universiti Teknologi Petronas 古勃金国立石油与天然气大学 Gubkin Russian State University of Oil and Gas 南乌拉尔国立大学 South Ural State University 乌法石油技术大学 Ufa State Petroleum Technological University 土库曼斯坦国际石油与天然气大学 International University of Oil and Gas of Turkmenistan 哈利法大学 Khalifa University 4 / 37 阿伯丁大学 University of Aberdeen 伯明翰大学 University of Birmingham 邓迪大学 University of Dundee 赫瑞瓦特大学 Heriot-Watt University 阿拉斯加大学费尔班克斯分校 University of Alaska, Fairbanks 犹他大学 University of Utah 河内矿业与地质大学 Hanoi University of Mining and Geology 注:按高校所在国家及高校英文首字母排序。 Note: Listed alphabetically by country and university name. 5 / 37 China University of Petroleum-Beijing (CUPB) is the current chairing university of WEUN. Founded in 1953, it owns two campuses in Changping District of Beijing with about 470,000 m2, and in Karamay of Xinjiang covering an area of 4,700,000 m2. CUPB is one of the key national universities directly under the administration of the China’s Ministry of Education, having distinctive features of “petroleum” and developing a multidisciplinary system, which centers on engineering disciplines and covers science, engineering, art, management, etc. The university is listed in the national “211 Project” in 1997 and the “Double First-Class” university project in 2017. According to the latest ESI 2018 data (May, 2018), CUPB possesses 4 disciplines which rank the top 1% of ESI: Chemistry, Engineering, Materials Science and Geosciences. Homepage: www.cup.edu.cn/english/ Local WEUN Contact: Dr. Lu Ji, [email protected] 中国石油大学(北京)一校两地(北京、克拉玛依),北京昌平校区坐落在风景秀丽的军 都山南麓,北京校区校园占地面积 700 余亩;克拉玛依校区位于新疆维吾尔自治区克拉玛依市, 校园占地面积 7000 余亩。学校是一所石油特色鲜明、以工为主、多学科协调发展的教育部直属 的全国重点大学,是设有研究生院的高校之一。1997 年,学校首批进入国家“211 工程”建设 高校行列;2006 年,成为国家“优势学科创新平台”项目建设高校。2017 年,学校进入国家一 流学科建设高校行列,全面开启建设中国特色世界一流大学的新征程。根据 ESI 2018 年 5 月更 新的数据,学校有 4 个学科进入 ESI 排行前 1%,分别是化学、工程学、材料科学和地球科学。 6 / 37 The Curtin University was founded in 1967, in Perth, Western Australia, the capital of Western Australia, Australia, and named "Curtin University of Technology" in 1986, and officially named as Curtin University in 2010. It belongs to the Australian University of science and Technology Alliance (ATN), and is known as "MIT" in Australia. It is the largest comprehensive university in Australia's west coast. It is the top university of science and technology at the top of Australia. It is also ranked by the Australian Higher Education Quality Certification Committee as one of the top universities in the country. Curtin University enjoys high prestige in the world. It is one of the 12 Australian universities that has been awarded the world's top 200 universities for three consecutive years by TIMES. In the 2017 QS ranking, mining and mining projects are the second largest in the world. Homepage: www.curtin.edu.au Local WEUN Contact: Dr. Henry Li, [email protected] 澳大利亚科廷大学(Curtin University)建校于 1967 年,位于澳大利亚西澳大利亚州首府珀 斯市。该校是澳大利亚科技大学联盟(ATN)成员,素有澳洲的“麻省理工”之称。它是澳大利 亚西海岸规模最大的综合性大学,全澳名列榜首的科技大学,同时被澳大利亚高等教育质量认 证委员会评为全国一流大学。科廷大学在国际上享有很高的声望,是澳洲 12 所连续三年被英国 《泰晤士报》评为世界 200 强的大学之一。2017QS 专业排名中,该校的采矿与矿业工程位于全 球第 2 位。该校的建筑学、艺术设计、地球与海洋科学、护理、体育、教育与培训等专业均位 于全球前 100 位。 7 / 37 Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University (ASOIU), formerly named Azerbaijan State Oil Academy, is a tertiary education institution in Baku, Azerbaijan. It was established in 1887 and changed its name to the current ASOIU on March 21, 1992, after the independence of Azerbaijan from the Soviet Union. Its main academic activities focus on geological exploration, oil and gas production, chemical technology, oil mechanical Engineering and other research themes about petroleum. Homepage: www.asoiu.edu.az/en Local WEUN Contact: Dr. Renying Li, [email protected] 阿塞拜疆国家石油与工业大学(ASOIU,前阿塞拜疆国家石油学院),是阿塞拜疆巴库的一 所高等教育机构。该校成立于 1887 年,在阿塞拜疆从苏联独立后于 1992 年 3 月 21 日更名为现 在的 ASOIU。 其主要学术研究集中在地质勘探、石油和天然气产品、化工、石油机械工程及其 它石油相关领域。 8 / 37 The Baku Higher Oil School (BHOS) is an institution of higher education in Baku, Azerbaijan, and was established as a subsidiary of SOCAR by the decree of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan, Ilham Aliyev, dated 29 November 2011. Baku Higher Oil School students specialize in one of three areas: Petroleum Engineering, Chemical Engineering and Process Automation Engineering. Training at the bachelor's degree level in Petroleum Engineering and Chemical Engineering is conducted using Heriot-Watt University’s programs and with the participation of its specialists, and students will receive diplomas from both BHOS and Heriot-Watt University. Homepage: www.bhos.edu.az Local WEUN Contact: Mr. Rovshan Budagov, [email protected] 阿塞拜疆巴库高等石油学院(Baku Higher Oil School)是阿塞拜疆巴库的一所高等教育机 构,是根据阿塞拜疆共和国总统 Ilham Aliyev 的法令于 2011 年 11 月 29 日成立的 SOCAR 附属 公司。该学院为学生提供石油工程、化工、自动化等专业方向的课程培训。其中,石油工程和 化学工程学士学位的培训采用赫瑞-瓦特大学的教程,学生毕业将获得 BHOS 和赫瑞-瓦特大学的 双学位文凭。 9 / 37 Federal University of Rio De Janeiro (UFRJ) is the largest federal university in Brazil and is one of the Brazilian centers of excellence in teaching and research. UFRJ is not only one of the important medical research centers in Brazil, but also enjoys world-wide reputation in the fields of electronic technology and biological science. UFRJ has six university centers (Center of Health Sciences, Center of Technology, Center of Mathematical and Natural Sciences, Center of Law and Economic Sciences, Center of Philosophy and Human Sciences, Center of Literature and Arts, and COPPEAD Graduate School of Business) plus the University Technical Department, Forum of Science and Culture, and the University City Hall. Each center is made of dozens of units and supplementary organs responsible for education, research and extension in their respective areas of knowledge. In 2017 QS World University Rankings ranked UFRJ as the best Brazilian federal university, as well as the third best university in the country occupying the seventh position among institutions of Latin America. Homepage: www.ufrj.br Local WEUN Contact: Elisabeth Rivanda Machado, [email protected] 巴西里约热内卢联邦大学(Federal University of Rio De Janeiro,英文简称 UFRJ),正式建 立于 1920 年,但其高等教育应追溯至 1792 年成立的皇家军官学校,以及 1820 年成立的国家艺 术学校。该校拥有巴西重要的医学研究中心之一,其电子技术、生物科学等研究也享誉全球。
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