Utah State University DigitalCommons@USU Utah State Magazine Publications 4-1937 The Utah State Quarterly, Vol. 13 No. 3, April 1937 Utah State University Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalcommons.usu.edu/utahstatemagazine Recommended Citation Utah State University, "The Utah State Quarterly, Vol. 13 No. 3, April 1937" (1937). Utah State Magazine. 42. https://digitalcommons.usu.edu/utahstatemagazine/42 This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the Publications at DigitalCommons@USU. It has been accepted for inclusion in Utah State Magazine by an authorized administrator of DigitalCommons@USU. For more information, please contact [email protected]. The u T A H J T A T E ~ ro QUARTERLY ~~ = ~-\<)========= ~......:.. 1/p'lll 193 7 . c:-. ~ - \:'- ;:::.... C---- --- -- 1 1937 Summer Session at the Utah State Agricultural College Class Instruction and Special Lecture An extensive and varied program will be offered by visiting educators of recognized scholarship in addition to our resident faculty in graduate and undergraduate courses. EDUCATION: COACHING: Dr. Boyd H. Bode, Ohio State University Two nationally known coaches in foot­ Miss Roma Gans, Columbia University ball and basketball will be present for the l l th annual Utah Aggie Director Henry Oberhansley, B.A.C., Coaching School Cedar City Mrs. Em. Eccles Jones- Kindergarten MUSIC: Miss Laura Bryant, Ithaca, New York, HOME ECONOMICS CONFERENCE: Public Schools Dr. E. V. McCollum, Johns Hopkins Uni- CHARACTER EDUCATION: versity Dr. W. E. Blatz, University of Toronto Dr. John A. Widtsoe Miss Flora M. Thurston, Portland, Ore. Dr. F. L. West Miss Etta Scorup, State Supervisor of ZOOLOGY: Home Economics Dr. Vasco M. Tanner, Brigham Young University PHYSICAL EDUCATION: LECTURE PROGRAM: Professor Eugene Roberts, University of Southern California Dr. Edward Davison, University of Colo­ rado Professor E. R. Knollin, University of Oregon Dr. Ernest C. Lawrence, University of California Miss Bernice Moss, State Department of Public Instruction Many other prominent educators The Session Begins June 7 and Ends July 16 POST SESSION OF REGULARLY SCHEDULED CLASSES JULY 19 -AUGUST 13 Write for a Catalogue Utah State Agricultural College LOGAN, UTAH Two The Utah St.ate Quarterly Published quarterly by the tah State Agricultural IN UTAH ... COMING Co llege Alumni Association. Entered a second class matter at the po t office in Logan, tah, under the act AND GOING of March 3, 1897. It's the Vol. XIII APRIL, 1937 No.3 HOTEL BEN OFFICERS OF THE ASSOCIATION LLOYD . JoH so '35 Editor and Manager LOMOND President LLOYD M. THE RER OGDEN, UTAH LLOYD . JoH o Execz£tive Secretary ROOMS EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE 350 BATHS LLOYD M. TH EURER Bovo H. P LLEY L. R. HUMPHERYS ALTA ORSER CROCK ETT $2 to $4 R. L. Juoo J. w. KIRKBRIDE No Matter Which Way You Are Going ALUMNI COUNCIL MEMBERS Plan to Stop at the L. R. HUMPHERYS '12 ALTA ORSER CROCKETT '30 HARRISO R. MERRILL '16 OEL L. BEN ION '28 J. MoRRIS CHRISTENSE '21CARL FRISCHNECHT '24 HOTEL BOYD H. p LLEY '33 EDM UND CRAWFORD '04 LLOYD M. THE RER '28 R. L. J DO '09 BEN LOMOND EMERSON ABBOTT '32 HEBER BEN IO '13 GEORGE Q. BATEMA '22 ETHEL Lu o '24 ELMO R. MoRGAN '35 Where is Found * Genuine Hospitality COUNCIL MEMBERS EX-OFFICIO * Delightful Rooms J. w. KIRKBRIDE '19 B. L. RICHARDS '13 R. 0 . PORTER '12 A. E. SMITH '18 * Delicious Food VERE L. MAHTINEAU '12 KEN ETH E. SMITH '27 GEonGE R. HILL, Jn. '08 HERV T • Bu oEn o '12 * Reasonable Rates * Prompt and Courteous Service ALUMNI COMMITTEE CHAIRMEN * Dinner Music BoYo H. PuLLEY '33 Chapter Organization VERE L. MARTINEAU '12 Erulowment Fund * Cabaret Dancing,-each Saturday Night ROBERT L. J DO '09 Legislative KE l ETH MITH '27 Alumni Member ship LLOYD M. THE RER '28 Public R elations Ogden's Finest 10EL BENNIO '28 Athletic J. W. KIRKBRIDE '19 LoanFztnd One of Utah's Best-the HOTEL BEN LOMOND "Better Clothes for All OGDEN, UTAH Occasions" Chauncey W. West, Gen'l Manager OGDEN - LOGAN - PROVO Three Founder's Day Exercises Observed at College Vital moments in in pa t years to an extent that there is now nothing lack­ th e I i fe of U tah ing for a complete educati on in the school. State Agricultural " The fa shioning of the mind and character is the co llege, its growth greatest of arts," he said after telling of visiting great and de tiny sped be­ art museums and gallerie and eeing masterpieces of fore our eyes and painting and sculpture. through the mind "The ca nva wil l fade and the marble disintegrate, of students of the but it is important that the intelliuence of man shall co ll ege Tues da y endure forever. ' morning, March 8, He closed by saying that every effort must be put as Elder Melvin J. forth for the growth of the institution for continued Ballard, member of influence on the nation and the world in improving con­ th e co uncil o f ditions in all phases of life. Twelve of the L D. Mr. Ballard was introduced to the audience by F. P . S. c hurc h and a Champ, pre ident of the board of trustees. Mr. Champ member of the board told of the peaker as an instrumental citizen in the of tru s tees of the building of Logan and Cache Valley before the college college, addres ed a was built and before it was first mentioned. He also Founder' day a - praised him as a strong leader in the dominant church se mbl y in observ­ of the tate. MELVJN J. B ALLA RD ance of the school's Invocation was offered by Pre ident Joseph Quinney forty-ninth anni- of the Logan temple and benediction wa pronounced ver ary. by C. F. Ol sen of Hyrum, president of the Cache county " The destiny of this institution is to build men and board of ed ucation at the pre ent time and a member of women of character with respect for that which is sacred, the legislature wh ich 49 year ago pa ed a bill setting with reverence toward God, to create industry, and to up the college. foster that which is vital to life, to drain the secrets from Music on the program included two violin solos by nature," the church leader spoke after tating that the Isadore Shoore. accompanied by Profes or A. Meyer, and destiny of the school is not necessarily numbers and the singin u of the Alma Mater song by the student body buildings, although he admitted that they counted a good under the direction of Profe or Walter Welti. deal in its progress. He dealt with the destiny of the institution after telling of a vital time in the life of the co llege a number Alumni Happenings of years ago when he was president of the Logan Cham­ ber of Commerce and consolidation of the state agri­ Elray L. Christiansen, '20, who has been teaching sem­ culural co llege and state university was urged. He re­ inary at th e Logan High School during the past term membered that a group, including himself, carried peti­ was appointed on March 17 to th e position of president tions to the governor a king that there be no further con­ of the L. D. S. Texa Mi sion. He wi ll ucceed President sideration of the move. He then told of a huge celebra­ James M. Peter on, former Richfield banker, who has tion of the Logan and Cache Valley citizens when word been called to erve in the presidency of the Manti Tem­ was returned that the governor decided again t a special ple. Mr. and M rs. Christiansen and their three children session for consideration of the matter. 1 ill leave for the mission field about May l. " Out of uch struggles as that," he said, " and out of J. Clare Hayward, '33, has just recently been elected such perils the citizens of Logan and Cache Valley have to th e St. Louis Uni versity chapter of Alpha Omega gained a more intense love for the institution." Alpha national medical honor fraternity, the highe t While reviewing the past history of the school Elder award the medical choo l confers. Clare wa one of five Ballard stated: " It is difficult to appreciate that which juniors to receive thi honor. comes to us without price. For that reason it is fine to endure the trials and hardships that omeone else must Marden D. Pearson, '36, received an appointment on go through in contributing such fine institutions and the March 11 as Junior Agricultural Economist in the Land like." Utilization Division of the Resettlement Administration. To illustrate, he told of his own life experience Since uraduation Mr. Pearso n ha been employed by the wherein he had appreciated the things which he had tah Agricultural Experiment Station and the U. S. De­ worked for much more than those that came with little partment of Agriculture and has worked under the direc­ or no effort. tion of Professor W. P. Th omas of the Agricultural Econ· omi cs department. Mr. Ballard related the in tance 49 years ago Monday when the state legislaure pas ed a bill setting up the R. Golden May, '26, served as general chairman of college and told how the city and county had contributed th e South Central Idaho 12th Annual leadership week at 100 acres of ground for the school. Rurley, Idaho, during February. The church leader reviewed associations with the vari­ Robert N. Gowans, '36.
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