FESTIVAL OF POLITICS 17–25 AUGUST 2012 POLITICS. CULTURE. CREATIVITY. A FORCE FOR POSITIVE CHANGE www.festivalofpolitics.org.uk WELCOME It is with great pleasure that I welcome you to the Scottish Parliament for the eighth Festival of Politics. Scotland has long been renowned for its vibrant atmosphere; our diverse culture and heritage, our music, art, DQGOLWHUDWXUH6FRWVKDYHOHGWKHZD\LQWKH¿HOGVRIVFLHQFHLQYHQWLRQ and engineering and in this, the Year of Creative Scotland, the Festival will explore the links between politics, culture and creativity as it takes the theme of Politics. Culture. Creativity. A Force for Positive Change. 3ROLWLFVLVDERXWRXUHYHU\GD\OLYHVLWLQÀXHQFHVWKHFKRLFHVWKDWZH make and the society we live in. In Scotland we are fortunate to live in DYLEUDQWFUHDWLYHFXOWXUHDFXOWXUHWKDWGH¿QHVXVDVDQDWLRQDQGDV individuals within that nation. It is at the very heart of who we are and what we do and has the potential to be a force for positive change. Can politics be creative? Can creativity be used as a means of making a real difference to our culture? The 2012 Festival of Politics seeks to explore some of these issues through debate, discussion, drama and art. I invite you to participate in and enjoy our Festival of Politics. 7ULFLD0DUZLFN0633UHVLGLQJ2I¿FHU The Scottish Parliament 3 POLITICS. CULTURE. CREATIVITY. A FORCE FOR POSITIVE CHANGE POLITICS. CULTURE. CREATIVITY. A FORCE FOR POSITIVE CHANGE LIBRARIES IN THE SCOTCH WHISKY - LOCAL DIGITAL AGE HERO OR INTERNATIONAL Friday 17 August, 13:30-14:30 AMBASSADOR? Committee Room 3 FREE Friday 17 August, 15:30-16:30 FREE New technology provides new Committee Room 1 opportunities for public libraries to reimagine themselves and Scotch whisky is more than a drink; provide new kinds of service, but it carves out Scotland’s identity it also fundamentally changes in almost 200 countries. Made the traditional model of the public only in Scotland for 500 years, it is seen as a literary and cultural POLITICS affects all library service. How can libraries respond to these opportunities icon heralded around the globe. aspects of our lives. As SCOTTISH-IRISH CONVERSATIONS and challenges and ensure that The Scotch Whisky Association; such we are pleased to the public library service remains a leading whisky maker; and an offer a varied programme ON SECTARIANISM relevant to the needs of 21st- MSP panellist will consider Scotch century citizens? This session, whisky’s economic and cultural from conversations on Friday 17 August, 10:00-11:00 contribution. They will ask whether sectarianism, to libraries, Committee Room 1 FREE chaired by Melvyn Ingleson of Microsoft, includes contributions it can be a pioneer for other lectures, whisky, from Martyn Wade, National Scottish products, and discuss how creativity, Russia and the Scotland remains scarred by sectarianism. this key employer and contributor Sadly, the story of interfaith relations has Library of Scotland; Max Whitby, justice system. Touch Press; and Liz McGettigan, to the economy is integral for EHHQPDUNHGE\FRQÀLFWDVPXFKDVE\ Scotland’s heritage and future. comprehension. Sectarianism, Politics and the Edinburgh City Libraries. Law forms part of Scottish–Irish Conversations In association with the Scotch In association with the Carnegie Whisky Association and the Scottish on Sectarianism, a series of in-depth UK Trust discussions designed to extend and exchange Parliament’s Cross-Party Group on knowledge between community leaders, Scotch Whisky academics and policy makers on this important issue. With repercussions for Scotland, Ireland and beyond, it will provide a venue for dialogue, drawing on the experience of the two countries. 4 In association with the University of Aberdeen 5 POLITICS. CULTURE. CREATIVITY. A FORCE FOR POSITIVE CHANGE WHAT HAS BEEN THE MAKING THE LAW WORK THE POWER OF SMALL INVENTORS, INNOVATION MOST CREATIVE FORCE IN FOR YOU - HOW WOULD NATIONS AND SUSTAINABILITY SCOTTISH POLITICS? YOU IMPROVE THE Friday 24 August, 14:00-15:30 Friday 24 August, 14:30-15:30 Debating Chamber Members’ Restaurant FREE Saturday 18 August, 16:30-17:30 JUSTICE SYSTEM? £4.00/£2.50 Committee Room 3 FREE Friday 24 August, 13:00-14:00 This event, hosted by CIFAL FREE 7KHLQÀXHQFHRIVPDOOQDWLRQVLQD Scotland, will bring together Join leading political thinkers and Committee Room 1 world of global powers continues three major Scotland-based campaigners as they debate the to rise. How do they maintain their inventors who are advancing impact of ideas on contemporary The law can be complicated and cultural and political independence the sustainability agenda with politics. Speakers will include GLI¿FXOWWRXQGHUVWDQGDSSHDULQJ in the face of such forces in the 21st their creative solutions to waste Lesley Orr, Action for Children’s inaccessible to ordinary people. century? A panel including Mark water treatment, solar energy and :RPDQRI,QÀXHQFHDQG Legal jargon, parliamentary bills, Muller Stuart QC, former Heads of K\GURJHQ7KHLQYHQWRUVZLOOUHÀHFW head of Christian Aid Scotland, the complex nature of the court State José Manuel Ramos-Horta on the thrilling creative process Kathy Galloway. This balloon system, can all contribute to the and Kim Campbell; former First by which original ideas emerge, debate sees one panel member law being misunderstood. Chair Minister of Scotland the Rt. Hon Dr from insight to design, testing and voted off by the audience after Austin Lafferty, President of The Jack McConnell and Tim Phillips, commercial application. Featuring each round, giving you the chance Law Society of Scotland; with Co-Founder of the Project on inventors John Lidderdale, Logan to reward rhetorical skill as well panellists Brandon Malone, Scottish Justice in Times of Transition and Energy; Michael Shaw, Biomatrix as the strength of argument. This Arbitration Centre; John Scott QC, member of the Advisory Committee Water; and George Goudsmit, debate will be chaired by the Capital Defence Lawyers; Mark for the Club de Madrid, discuss the AES Solar, whose inventions Bishop of Edinburgh, the Rt Rev Thorley, Law Society of Scotland LQWHUQDWLRQDOLQÀXHQFHRIVPDOOHU promote solutions where people Dr John Armes. Legal Aid Negotiating Team; and Susan McPhee, Citizens Advice nations on issues such as security, and business prosper within the world economy and democracy environmental limits. In association with the Scottish Scotland, will debate more mediation and the growing demand for &KXUFKHV3DUOLDPHQWDU\2I¿FH and arbitration, improving our system RIKXPDQULJKWVWKHEHQH¿WVRIOHJDO support in responding to crisis. In association with CIFAL Scotland aid and making the law ‘less legal’. &KDLUHGE\3UHVLGLQJ2I¿FHUTricia and UNITAR Participate in a live vote – shape the Marwick MSP. debate. In association with Beyond Borders and the Club In association with The Law de Madrid Society of Scotland 6 7 POLITICS. CULTURE. CREATIVITY. A FORCE FOR POSITIVE CHANGE SCOTLAND’S FUTURES UK-RUSSIAN RELATIONS FORUM - THE CAMPBELL TODAY CHRISTIE LECTURE Saturday 25 August, 13:00-14:00 Committee Room 1 FREE Friday 24 August, 16:30-17:30 FREE Debating Chamber After a good start in the 1990s, and despite the increasing number Campbell Christie CBE (1937– RI5XVVLDQVOLYLQJLQWKH8.RI¿FLDO 2011). The memorial lecture UK–Russian relations ran into sponsored by Scotland’s Futures problems about ten years ago, with Forum, is to recognise a founding celebrated differences of opinion Director of the Forum and one HUMANISING THE over Litvinenko, Berezovsky and From humanising the of Scotland’s most outstanding Magnitsky, as well as over the role WORKPLACE civic leaders. Campbell Christie’s of the British Council. Trade and workplace and Scotland’s contribution extended into all missing wood cabins to Friday 17 August, 13:00-14:00 FDI links with Russia lag behind FREE sectors of society, including trade those of many of our European migration and modern Committee Room 1 unionism, politics, football, economic neighbours, as do cultural links. regeneration and community day slavery, the Festival What does the modern workplace look like? Chaired by Professor Stephen explores some of the issues development. It is therefore very White, a panel including Rt Hon Employers need to be persuaded of the ¿WWLQJWKDWWKHLQDXJXUDO&DPSEHOO Sir Malcolm Rifkind QC MP; Irina affecting PEOPLE’S lives. value of team spirit, not just team building, for Christie Lecture will be delivered by Demchenko; and Sergei Krutikov increased productivity, but also to nourish the former Prime Minister the Rt Hon will ask: Why is this? Are there any human spirit to ensure that work is an enriching Gordon Brown MP. prospects for change, and what experience. This interactive discussion, chaired part can Scotland play? by writer and broadcaster Sheena McDonald, In association with Scotland’s with panellists Lorna Davidson, Director of Futures Forum In association with the the New Lanark Trust; and Richard Murphy Scotland–Russia Forum OBE, Richard Murphy Architects will discuss how Scotland can become a world leader in GHVLJQLQJZRUNSODFHV¿WIRUWKHIXWXUH In association with British Council Scotland, IASH, the Royal Society of Arts Scotland, the Royal Society of Edinburgh and UNESCO UKNC Scotland Committee 8 9 POLITICS. CULTURE. CREATIVITY. A FORCE FOR POSITIVE CHANGE SCOTLAND’S MISSING VIVA CUNNINGHAME WHO ARE ‘JOCK TAMSON’S NGOS AGAINST MODERN- WOOD CABINS GRAHAM! GLOBAL SCOT, BAIRNS’? - ATTITUDES DAY SLAVERY Saturday 18 August, 10:00-11:30 POLITICAL RADICAL, TOWARDS MIGRATION IN Friday 24 August, 15:30-16:30 FREE FREE Committee Room
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