BOB DOLE This documentID: 202 is from-4 the08 collections-511 7 at the Dole Archives,MRR University3 1' of94 Kansas 16 :40 No. 007 P. 02 March 31, 1994 MEMORANDUM FOR SENATOR DOLE FR: Mark Miller~ RE: Sam Bamieh call Sam called today and asked that I pass on to you the following information. He has just learned that a wealth businessman from northern California, Ron Unz, will soon announce as a Republican Candidate for Governor. Sam says this guy should be taken seriously, he has millions to spend and will run a Perot like campaign to defeat Wilson. Page 1 of 52 This document is from the collections at the Dole Archives, University of Kansas M E M 0 R A N D U M March 25, 1994 TO: SENATOR DOLE FROM: JIM WHITTINGHILL SUBJECT: ARCO CIVIC ACTION PROGRAM ARCO has some 48 Civil Action Programs (CAP) in its various operating areas around the country. The attached flyer explains their activities. As you will see, there are two in Kansas. This CAP is comprised of its headquarters employees; there headquarters tower is about two blocks from the hotel in which you will address them. Lod Cook will not be present, since he is on a somewhat hush,hush trip to Quatar. Monday will be the first Board meeting he will have missed since becoming Chairman (which will give you an indication of the importance they view the opportunity to operate there). Mike Bowlin (BOE lin), is being groomed by Cook to be the next Chairman. He has run several of ARCO's operating companies including the Oil and Gas and International Divisions. The coordinator is Margie MacAllister, the Manager of Political Affairs for ARCO. She has met you several times during your visits with Cook. They would like your regular stump speech, updating them on what you see going on in Washington. MacAllister mentioned three specific topics -- Superfund, China MFN and Health Care. It is very unlikely we will see Superfund this year. It may well be the worst program of the Federal government. After several billions of dollars, most money has gone either to lawyers or for "site characterization." Both sides agree it must be fixed, but neither has any idea how to accomplish that goal. Incineration seems to be best route, but strong opposition to that option has rendered it almost not possible. The next best option is probably to seal the existing sites, but that's not been highly popular for political reasons. The China MFN decision is due by June 3. ARCO is a self-insured company with respect to health care. ARCO still gets the bulk of its crude for its West Coast refineries from its share of the Alaska North Slope. With that production declining, foreign development is increasingly necessary. Page 2 of 52 This document is from the collections at the Dole Archives, University of Kansas ARCO CAP drJpteJS Here ore (IJfTenf employee ond retiree CAP diopters qroumf the co1H1try: ALASKA Anchoioge, ARCO Alosko, Inc. Andtoroge, ARCO Relirees Keooi, ARCO Alosko, Inc. Kuporuk (Norlh Slope), ARCO Alosko, lilc. Lisboo1e (NOl!h Sl1p1), ARCO Alosko, Inc. - Pndioe Bay (Nooli Slope), ARCO Alosko, Inc. - CALIFORNIA Ammeim, ARCO ProduclS - Bakersfield, ARCOO~ and Gos COISOll, ARCO Los Angeles Refl.nerv. ARCO Products - long Beach, ARCO Tmnsporlulion Long Beach, Four Comers Pipe Line . - loog Beach, ARCO Retiree Club Los ~. ARCO Pfozo, Corp. Heodquorters - Los ~les. PmduclS Center, ARCO Products - Los AnQefes, ARCO Relilee Club - Posodeno, Corporote and ARCO Alosko CIO - Son Oiego, Sou1hem Col~omio ARCO Retiree Club ..... - Sonlo BOriioro, Jri{oonry Retirees lii - Wilmington, ARCO Cakiner - COLORADO ... i - Oenver. ARCO Cool =i § - SorneiSet, West Elk Cool - CONNECTICUT ~ Woterburv. Nutmeg ARCO Retiree Club IIi FLORIDA mW GuW Coast, Anocondo Retiree Club A. ,... .... Suncoosl of Florido, i cl: cow"' ARCO Retiree Club Ml GEORGIA or;::~~ Ationm, ARCO Retiree Club ; ooOcl: 0<11ta:tcn INOIANA East Chkogo, ARCO Retiree Club ~~~9 KANSAS I Independence. ARCO Pipe Line Konsos Cify, ARCO Retiree Club LOUISIANA lofayet1ll, ARCO Oil and Gos OKLAHOMA Tulso, ARCO Retiree Club PENNSYLVANIA Beover Volley, ARCO Chemical Beaver Valley, ARCO Retiree Club Newtown Square, ARCO Chemical rhUodelphio, ARCO Retiree Club Suburban Philadelphia, ARCO Retiree Club TEXAS Chonnelview, ARCO Chemical llallas, ARCO Oil and Gos Hooston, ARCO Oil and Gos Houston Retirees P.O. Box 2679 Midland, ARCO Oil and Gos ~ono , ARCO Oil ond Gos/ARCO lntemotionol on and Gas Los Angeles, CA 90099·5118 WASHINGTON (213) 486·1604 Belinghom, Cherry Point Refinerf, ARCO Products BellinQhom, ARCO Retiree Club Seal!IC, ARCO Re~ree (fub Page 3 of 52 This document is from the collections at the Dole Archives, University of Kansas In addition CAP forams l>uring to lunch 1 feature election 3 D season, many h11urft1rums ;o pre .~entations • and ,..,• ""'• I I I I I by elected chapter.~ .2l f\J Si. ,..,:l> (.fl sponsor get- candidate I officials, as ii 8 I-"' nights, CAP .sr IJJ well as 1111t-the- v"te i 111 IJJ occasiorially ......~ 0 ,.. ..,., company drives lind "' ~ sch11dules ......= ~ :ii executives vot11r- I-"' ~~ t (.fl ~· tale capitol and other registralion ~ ~- .. visits and i 0 ..,.,CS) expert activities. [ other i- 3 may hove on alternative propo5al, and your §1..f -< speakers. Hove VoU ever felt so strongly obout on issue !hot you promised name of the elected representotive to contact; a Sil mp le letter to copy, company g 11 programs help it receive o fair hearing. For example, g a. ~ I I ;o yourse~ you were going to write your congressman? Like mony ~you wish; and a tolHree number that allows you, as on ARCO CAP communications con 51.. e.. 0 desig11edtt1 j 3 member, to send ofree moilgrom. when ARCO introduced EC· 1Regular, the first reformulated il' ~ people, you may never have gotten around to momng that letter. let members ~ g.. ~ of the debate on oltemative Pl ...... Mo~ representntive. Or gasoline, it changed the terms j . you didn't know the name of your elected One of the best things about ARCO CAP is that you decide your own see their = (f) wrong or that no one would pay fuels. Many ARCO CAP members wrote their fedeml represento- ~ m. -l you were ofmid the timing was level of involvement. The program tracks legislation directly offeding government '& D lives about the new gasoline, ood tflese communications helped ::J -l attention to what you hod to soy. you as an ARCO constituent. Then ii leis you know the best time to in action. ,!Ji' m ensure provision for reformulated gasoline in the federal Clean • contact lawmakers, should you wish to do so. l(O The fact is that elected offidols do wont your thoughts on current Air Act approved by Congress in 1990. l I issues. In 0rder to communicate effective~, however, you ne00 to :c· 0 CAP chaplers for employees and retirees "" n understand which bills - out of hundreds proposed each year - ore 0 ur orgam'z.aJion "' D As ARCO CAP members, employees and retirees in many areas can I like~ tu offect you and in v.fiot ways. You need to know exoctly llAien Kenneth R.Dickerson, senior vice president, ARCO Govemment attend events given by their local chapters. Volunteers in eoch group Q of ARCO CAP. Company staff in Los Angeles :::I decisions ore being mode oo the issues of concern. And, finally, you Affairs, is chairman IC> 0 organize lunchiiour forums !hot feature public officials, candidates for 3 c coordinates ARCO CAP activities and provides technical support -l need ta know which legislator or legislators to contact. office, company executives ond other expert speakers. Topics include "'g and information to members. But the backbone of ARCO CAP c.. company issues, os well as other legislotive to~cs of general concern ;o 1'11e Purpose of 1lRCO CAP is the membership, which is wholly responsible for the ~ m program designed to the membership. 12.. ~ I ARCO CAP is a hee, nonpartisan political education program's continuing success and popularity. l} r ""' (f) to help ARCO employees, retirees and other company constituents In addition, ARCO CAP chapter activities include voter registration 3 i- 0 make their grassroots communications more effective. ARCO CAP These evenls I/ow to Join ARCO CAP tC>.. -l drives and special events sponsored by the company. l-C> !3c.. It's easy to become a member of ARCO CAP. Just fill out the :5::: C>.. 0 provides the informo1ion you need Ill make your opinions count. As o might include ocapitol visit or a vorer rol~ . Employees who wish to ~ ~ member, you are port of a nationwide network of people who its group membership enrollment form in this brochure and drop it in the ~ ii! become more active in a locol chapter may join leadership :::. communicate on issues of concern. When lowmakers get ready to toke and help organize the lunch-hour forums ond other octivifies thot mail. No postoge is necessary. Or, if you're an ARCO employee, you may send it through company mail to AP 4079. If you action on okey issue, ARCO CAP sets up a toll-free telephone hotline make ARCO CAP so successful. s:;:I- would like to know whether on ARCO CAP chapter exists in your ,...., so you con send a free mailgmm expressing your opinion to your """C> WJ1y you slwuldjoill ARCO CM' for a listing of reixesenlative. By taking oclion at the optimum moment- just os area, please see the back side of this brochure IJJ four porticipotion in ARCO CAP is especial~ important now.
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