This Issue in Three Sections |r-'J ^^^^ (fi) 1^ Friday. June 27. 1986 Volum* IE. Mo. 39 CHICAGO>5 PnSE WEEKLY WHITE, RIGia AND LOOKING FOR A FIGHT Has Chicago been targeted by o new alliance of white supremacists? Illustration by Kurt Mitchell By Chip Berlet groups, but the marchers surged to• As the 150 aniiracisi marchers ward the eight young men wearmg turned the corner onto Belmont last swastika armbands. The police tried Saturday they couldn't hear the ca• to push the crowd away. Scuffles broke dence that was being called in gruff out. Arrests were made from among mihtary fashion, but they could see a the angry, chanting demonstrators. line of eight camouflage-clad neo- The poHce escorted the Nazis safely Nazis marching up the opposite side• back to their station wagon. walk. It wasn't the first time this type of A handful of police, far too few to confrontation has taken place on Chi• adeauately control the tense situation, cago's Streets. Last fall, the first "Paint continued on positioned themselves between the two Out Racist Graffiti" demonstration page 22 Council on Urban Affairs, the Chicago Adam —and that white Christian Covenant, and the American Jewish Aryans are the 'lost sheep of the house Congress, have held meetings to dis• of Israel'— God's chosen people— cuss the growth of organized racist and therefore America is the biblical and anti-Jewish activity in the Chicago promised land," explains Lenny Zes- area. A report on Illinois hate groups kind, research director of the Center by the traditionally cautious Anti- for Democratic Renewal (CDR). Defamation League of B'nai B'rith The center, known formerly as the warns of "new disturbing develop• National Anti-Klan Network, is based ments and linkaees." in Atlanta, but Zeskind lives and Lorenzo Chew, director of the Chi• works out of Kansas City, Missouri. cago Police Department's Neighbor• "Some Identity members have begun hood RQlations Division, is watching to collect weapons and ammunition in the Situation with concern. He, too, is expectation that the biblical 'end- keeping a growing list of violent, times' arc near," warns Zcskind. Identity Qdnerjints t^eiieup jews,. go. He 15 aware that a new coalition of blacks, Communists, homosexuals, and white eupremaoict groupc ic targeting "race-traitors" have seized control of Chicago area teenagers. He recently the United States. They refer to told an audience at a north-shore Washington, D,C,, as ti^e Zionist Occu• temple that "not enough is being done pational Government (ZOG). They to counter these groups. Ihey are read William Pierce's novel The Turner prcacbing violence to 16-year-olds Aarzes—published by the National who are watching movies like Ranibo. Alliance, which Pierce heads—in One of these days their fantasies are which an underground white army going to carry them away.. leads a revolution against ZOG. * • A "Identity theology binds together a This weekend, Chicago's new coali• number of previously isolated groups," tion of white racists is preparing to says Zeskind. "Important sections of test its theories of grass-roots support the Ku Klux Klan, the neo-Nazi and media manipulation. The Illinois movement, the Posse Comitatus, the Knights of the Ku Klux Klan and the Aryan Nations, and other groups have America First Committee have mail• adopted Identity theology." ed to their constituents a flier an• Built around notions of white supre• nouncing the "1986 Klan Krosstown macy, a loosely knit network of organ• Klassic." Scheduled arc two rallies: izations and individuals in the Chicago "A While Pride Rally on the south area has developed into what we at side of Chicago in historic Marquette Midwest Research —the place where I Park on Saturday, June 28th at 71st work, it's a small, independent re• and Sacramento... at 2:00 PM. search foundation devoted to monitor• "An Anti-queer Rally on the north ing the Right—call the "white racist side of Chicago in Lincoln Park to alliance." This alliance coordinates its protest Gay Pride Week on Sunday, activities with other racist groups in June 29th at 2:00 PM." Illinois and throughout the midwest, The flier is emblazoned with an as well as parts of the south, west, and American flag waving: over the head• Pacific northwest. ing "Knights of the Ku Klux Klan." Identity is the glue. Cualiiiun is the The bottom bears a heading "Klan on process. It's a new phase for the Klan the March!" The slogan is "Racial and Nazis^ they talk of learning from Purity IS Americans Security." their mistakes and reaching out with An ironic footnote reads; "The new taeties and slogans. Zeskind and WHITERIGHT Illinois Knights of the Ku Klux Klan others from rhe Center for Democratic IS a White Christian and Patriotic Fra• Renewal have visited Chicago several ternal Order of the Fifth Era, which is times in the past year. They've come tunllnucd from pajc I Committee Against Racist Violence not anti-Catholic." to study Identity, because Identity called hy rhe John Brown Anri-Klan placed a full-page ad in the Reader The rallies are being buili by a has come to Chicago—Identity sup• Committee was attacl^cd by another announcing last weekend's march to coalition with direct ties to the militant porters are organizing in Chicago high racibt group-a coalition of ttie 'btamp out racist graffiti" ana a plan and racial Aryan Nation^ network, sehuuk, among siicci gangs, and in Klu?( Klan and ngo-Nazis that is to "oppose the Klan & Nazis on Cay based in Hayden Lake, Idaho. Coali- newly integrated neighborhoods. planning two dcmonatrations this Pride nay" June 29 in Lincoln Pafk, tiow membm mtti regularly around These new racist Ideologues think weekend in Chicago. where a Klanaponaored antigay rally Chicago and Dcrcral timcD a year at Chicago io a good plocc to organizjc The popular view is that these are has been scheduled. Police say they regional white-supremacist gatherings the white revolution. They have said just hostile "extremist" grgups battling will be better prepared for the Lincoln in Cohoctah, Michigan, where tactics as much in their regional meetings, it out on the streets of Chicago. Few Park confrontation, and for another arc discussed. The retooled or "fifth where they have discussed their plans people pay any attention to the charges Klan-sponsored rally in Marquette era" Klan, along with many other in detail. The public campaign to win by John Brown spokespersons that for Park on June 28. white racist groups, has embraced a the hearts and minds of white Chica- the past year a wave of racist and anti- While most Chicago media report philosophy of hate built around a goans starts Saturday in Marquette Jewivh intidentv has swept Chicago. ihe clashes between aniiracisi demon• pseudoreligion called Christian Iden• Park. The racists have been laying the The militancy of the John Brown strators and white supremacist groups tity. groundwork for over a year. Almost Committee is used as an excuse to as sports events, a number of main• "Identity is based on the premise no one has paid any attention. ignore their detailed press releases stream grouDS, such as the Chicago that the Jews are literally children of * • • listing attacks, firebombings, and even Commission on Human Relations, the Satan—the seed of Cain—that people Not long ago, there would be no murders. Last week the John Brown American Jewish Committee, the Na- of color are 'pre-Adamic' mud people more than one or two racial incidents Anti-Klan Committee and the Ad Hoc -lional Lawyers Guild, the Jewish — God's failures before perfecting a year in and around Chicago involv- Discover Nature in tlie City Share your time and talents ^ ^ ^^C^^l Beauty is the ^ With Children and the general puhiic while you: ^ ^»^ride...Handsome^ • Lead nature treaaure hunts is the Groom... • Loam about tho prairie • Shower gifts » Oonduut amating onporimontQ • RuRtiores • Bridal h<?si«ry • Underwear-groom * Weddittg nighf lingerie Volunteer The Museum of Th6 Chiea<|0 Acddemy of Sciences in the heart ot Lincoln Park at Armitage & Clark. 2001 N. Clark Street Chicago • 2441 N. Clark • 327-4422 Evan5ton • 528 Dempster M91'0011 Est. 1972 Other Opportunities Also Available Open 11-6 daily Interested? Contact! Mara Coyle, VoluntGer Coordinator (Monday <St Thursday 'til 7 The Chicago Academy of Sciences in Chicago only) 549-0606 ext. 20 2001 N. giarK street Chicago. IL 60614 lun«27, \m 23 ing organized riglit-wing groups. Dur• the Chicago area that have involved which can be contacted by anyone Consulate; demonstrating against a ing the past 24 montlis. Midwest members of the white racist alliance with a computer attached to a phone forum calling for racial harmony and Researcli lias counted about one a include the following: line through an inexpensive device commemorating the Nazi genocide of month. Meanwhile, according to Chi• • A cross burning in 1984 on Chi• called a modem; lews and slaughter of political dissi• cago Reporter studies published the cago's north side. It involved street • The shooting death of a teenager, dents, Gypsies, homosexuals, and past two Januarys, the number of gang members and the Ku Klux Klan; Kevin ZorneSj by a member of a racist others; and assaulting aniiracisi random racially motivated incidents of • An angry mob scene near the Chl- street gang, and the murder of an demonstrators at Aetna Plaza in Lin• violence or harassment also was climb• cago/Cicero border in 1984 after non- older black man allegedly by a member coln Park— all in a three-day period in ing. Racial incidents loeged by the whites moved into a previously all- of a £ang known for racial threats; Sentember 1985; Chicago Police Deoarimcnt this year white neighborhood known as the "Is• t Harassment of and assaults on t Disrupting a meeting of the are running 58 percent ahead of the land." At least one member of the interracial and gay couples at Chicago- multiracial Southwest Community number reported lasi year.
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