In Association With ! !! !! In Association With ! !! !! ! ! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ! ! ! ! ! ! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ! A MUSICAL EVENING ! TO! COMMEMORATE THE INTERNATIONAL DAYA MUSICAL OF NOWRUZ EVENIN G ! TO COMMEMORATE THE INTERNATIONAL ThursdayDAY 22 ndOF March NOWRUZ 2018 nd ThursdayAsia House 22 March 2018 Asia! House ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! CO-SPONSORS ! ! ! CO-SPONSORS! ! ! !!! ! ! ! ! !!! ! ! ! AAA MusicalMusical Musical EveningEvening Evening tototo CommemorateCommemorate Commemorate thethe the InternationalInternational International DayDay Day ofof of NOWRUZNOWRUZ NOWRUZ atatat 6.30pm6.30pm 6.30pm--8.30pm8.30pm-8.30pm onon on ThursdayThursday Thursday 2222 22ndndnd MarchMarch March 20182018 2018 atat at AsiaAsia Asia House,House, House, 636363 NewNew New CavendishCavendish Cavendish Street,Street, Street, LondonLondon London W1GW1G W1G 7LP7LP 7LP PresentedPresentedPresented inin in AssociationAssociation Association withwith with TalentTalent Talent UnlimitedUnlimited Unlimited (Charity(Charity (Charity Reg:Reg: Reg: 1139220)1139220) 1139220) ArtistsArtistsArtists DarraghDarraghDarragh MorganMorgan Morgan -- -violinviolin violin AmirAmirAmir TakeruTakeru Takeru BavarchiBavarchi Bavarchi -- -violinviolin violin LourençoLourençoLourenço SampaioSampaio Sampaio -- -violaviola viola PedroPedroPedro SilvaSilva Silva -- -cellocello cello AdibAdibAdib RostamiRostami Rostami –– – tt ombakombaktombak andand and kamanchehkamancheh kamancheh MehdiMehdiMehdi RostamiRostami Rostami –– – ss etarsetaretar ProgrammeProgramme Programme II ntroducedIntroducedntroduced byby by HisHis His ExcellencyExcellency Excellency Mr.Mr. Mr. HamidHamid Hamid Baedinejad,Baedinejad, Baedinejad, AmbassadorAmbassadorAmbassador ofof of thethe the IslamicIslamic Islamic RepublicRepublic Republic ofof of Iran.Iran. Iran. ImprovisationsImprovisationsImprovisations forfor for SetarSetar Setar && & TombakTombak Tombak AdibAdibAdib && & MehdiMehdi Mehdi RostamiRostami Rostami StringStringString QuartetQuartet Quartet InIn In ReRe Re DonDon Don GiovanniGiovanni Giovanni MichaelMichaelMichael NymanNyman Nyman SusSusSus--SeptetSeptet-Septet TempusTempus Tempus forfor for StringString String QuartetQuartet Quartet (UK(UK (UK premiere)premiere) premiere) TempusTempusTempus IIII II,, ,IVIV IV && & VV V FarokhzadFarokhzad Farokhzad LayeghLayegh Layegh ImprovisationsImprovisationsImprovisations forfor for SetarSetar Setar && & TombakTombak Tombak KurdishKurdishKurdish LullabyLullaby Lullaby forfor for SetarSetar Setar && & KamenchehKamencheh Kamencheh AdibAdibAdib && & MehdiMehdi Mehdi RostamiRostami Rostami StringStringString QuartetQuartet Quartet No.No. No. 22 2 CompanyCompany Company PhilipPhilipPhilip GlassGlass Glass ArmenianArmenian Armenian BagatellesBagatelles Bagatelles forfor for StringString String QuartetQuartet Quartet BagatellesBagatelles Bagatelles 1818 18--2626-26 LorisLoris Loris TjeknavorianTjeknavorian Tjeknavorian FourFour Four HaikusHaikus Haikus forfor for StringString String QuartetQuartet Quartet (London(London (London premiere)premiere) premiere) EdwardEdwardEdward KemptonKempton Kempton TwoTwo Two PiecesPieces Pieces forfor for StringString String Quartet,Quartet, Quartet, ElegyElegy Elegy && & PolkaPolka Polka (1936)(1936) (1936) DmitriDmitri Dmitri ShostakovichShostakovich Shostakovich ImprovisationsImprovisationsImprovisations forfor for SetarSetar Setar && & TombakTombak Tombak AdibAdibAdib && & MehdiMehdi Mehdi RostamiRostami Rostami AAA MusicalMusical Musical EveningEvening Evening tototo CommemorateCommemorate Commemorate thethe the InternationalInternational International DayDay Day ofof of NOWRUZNOWRUZ NOWRUZ atatat 6.30pm6.30pm 6.30pm--8.30pm8.30pm-8.30pm onon on ThursdayThursday Thursday 2222 22ndndnd MarchMarch March 20182018 2018 atat at AsiaAsia Asia House,House, House, 636363 NewNew New CavendishCavendish Cavendish Street,Street, Street, LondonLondon London W1GW1G W1G 7LP7LP 7LP PresentedPresentedPresented inin in AssociationAssociation Association withwith with TalentTalent Talent UnlimitedUnlimited Unlimited (Charity(Charity (Charity Reg:Reg: Reg: 1139220)1139220) 1139220) ArtistsArtistsArtists DarraghDarraghDarragh MorganMorgan Morgan -- -violinviolin violin AmirAmirAmir TakeruTakeru Takeru BavarchiBavarchi Bavarchi -- -violinviolin violin LourençoLourençoLourenço SampaioSampaio Sampaio -- -violaviola viola PedroPedroPedro SilvaSilva Silva -- -cellocello cello AdibAdibAdib RostamiRostami Rostami –– – tt ombakombaktombak andand and kamanchehkamancheh kamancheh MehdiMehdiMehdi RostamiRostami Rostami –– – ss etarsetaretar ProgrammeProgramme Programme II ntroducedIntroducedntroduced byby by HisHis His ExcellencyExcellency Excellency Mr.Mr. Mr. HamidHamid Hamid Baedinejad,Baedinejad, Baedinejad, AmbassadorAmbassadorAmbassador ofof of thethe the IslamicIslamic Islamic RepublicRepublic Republic ofof of Iran.Iran. Iran. ImprovisationsImprovisationsImprovisations forfor for SetarSetar Setar && & TombakTombak Tombak AdibAdibAdib && & MehdiMehdi Mehdi RostamiRostami Rostami StringStringString QuartetQuartet Quartet InIn In ReRe Re DonDon Don GiovanniGiovanni Giovanni MichaelMichaelMichael NymanNyman Nyman SusSusSus--SeptetSeptet-Septet TempusTempus Tempus forfor for StringString String QuartetQuartet Quartet (UK(UK (UK premiere)premiere) premiere) TempusTempusTempus IIII II,, ,IVIV IV && & VV V FarokhzadFarokhzad Farokhzad LayeghLayegh Layegh ImprovisationsImprovisationsImprovisations forfor for SetarSetar Setar && & TombakTombak Tombak KurdishKurdishKurdish LullabyLullaby Lullaby forfor for SetarSetar Setar && & KamenchehKamencheh Kamencheh AdibAdibAdib && & MehdiMehdi Mehdi RostamiRostami Rostami StringStringString QuartetQuartet Quartet No.No. No. 22 2 CompanyCompany Company PhilipPhilipPhilip GlassGlass Glass ArmenianArmenian Armenian BagatellesBagatelles Bagatelles forfor for StringString String QuartetQuartet Quartet BagatellesBagatelles Bagatelles 1818 18--2626-26 LorisLoris Loris TjeknavorianTjeknavorian Tjeknavorian FourFour Four HaikusHaikus Haikus forfor for StringString String QuartetQuartet Quartet (London(London (London premiere)premiere) premiere) EdwardEdwardEdward KemptonKempton Kempton TwoTwo Two PiecesPieces Pieces forfor for StringString String Quartet,Quartet, Quartet, ElegyElegy Elegy && & PolkaPolka Polka (1936)(1936) (1936) DmitriDmitri Dmitri ShostakovichShostakovich Shostakovich ImprovisationsImprovisationsImprovisations forfor for SetarSetar Setar && & TombakTombak Tombak AdibAdibAdib && & MehdiMehdi Mehdi RostamiRostami Rostami ! 0678!49:;<:=>?=@!&A:>9!+?=BAC9?7@!-:<76=!4DE;<?=D!.7C<:>976@!F6<B69!#6GG@! *6=A67D!HIJKL!$<?9?M76;<:7N!'<>6=!,:M<6O69 Welcome to this musical evening at Asia House,!! to commemorate the International! Day of NOWRUZ. Following the musical evening to commemorate the International Day of Nowruz held at the Iranian Embassy in April 2017 and thanks to the kind support and sponsorship this year from Quercus Investment Partners, Britannia Petroleum and Child & Child, we are fortunate in being able to present this evening’s performance at Asia House, as a repeat of the programme performed at the Iranian Embassy yesterday evening. Since last year’s Nowruz musical evening, a music organisation, INTERNAVA, has been formed by co-founders Ali Adeli, Farokhzad Layegh, Layla Ramezan and Adib Rostami and I am extremely grateful to them for their hard work, support and encouragement. Tonight’s performance is being presented in association with Talent Unlimited (Founder Director: Canan Maxton), a music charity that supports exceptionally talented young musicians from all over the world with their studies in London. This evening’s programme of music is drawn entirely from the 20th and 21st Centuries. The popular minimalist composers Philip Glass and Michael Nyman, the Iranian composer Farokhzad Layegh (a UK premiere), the 22 year-old M.Mus. student Edward Kempton, who takes the inspiration for his latest composition from the music of Takemitsu and Four Haikus by Robert Spiess, the Armenian-Iranian composer Loris Tjeknavorian, who is celebrating his 80th Birthday Anniversary this year and a rarely heard student work by the legendary Russian composer Dmitri Shostakovich. Adib and Mehdi Rostami perform their own improvisations, which they have prepared especially for this evening’s performance. ! 0678!49:;<:=>?=@!&A:>9!+?=BAC9?7@!-:<76=!4DE;<?=D!.7C<:>976@!F6<B69!#6GG@! *6=A67D!HIJKL!$<?9?M76;<:7N!'<>6=!,:M<6O69 Welcome to this musical evening at Asia House,!! to commemorate the International! Day of NOWRUZ. Following the musical evening to commemorate the International Day of Nowruz held at the Iranian Embassy in April 2017 and thanks to the kind support and sponsorship this year from Quercus Investment Partners, Britannia Petroleum and Child & Child, we are fortunate in being able to present this evening’s performance at Asia House, as a repeat of the programme performed at the Iranian Embassy yesterday evening. Since last year’s Nowruz musical evening, a music organisation, INTERNAVA, has been formed by co-founders Ali Adeli, Farokhzad Layegh, Layla Ramezan and Adib Rostami and I am extremely grateful to them for their hard work, support and encouragement. Tonight’s performance is being presented in association with Talent Unlimited (Founder Director: Canan Maxton), a music charity that supports exceptionally talented young musicians from all over the world with their studies
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