Parent Handbook 2020-21 Key Stage 1 Surbiton High Boys’ Preparatory School 1 WELCOME FROM CONTENTS THE HEAD CONTACT INFORMATION 4 LEARNING OUTSIDE THE CLASSROOM 28 AIMS AND ETHOS 6 LEARNING ENRICHMENT AND ASSESSMENT 30 WHERE TO OBTAIN FURTHER INFORMATION 8 HOMEWORK 31 WELL-BEING 10 SOME IDEAS FOR HOME SUPPORT 32 THE THREE Rs 12 TRANSITION 34 THE LEARNING HABITS WHEEL 14 CO-CURRICULAR CLUBS 35 IPADS 16 HEALTH 36 ENGLISH 18 USEFUL INFORMATION 38 MATHEMATICS 20 BOYS' PREP SCHOOL UNIFORM 44 THE CONNECTED CURRICULUM 22 TERM DATES 48 MUSIC 24 STAFF 50 PHYSICAL EDUCATION 26 When you choose Surbiton High Boys’ emotional intelligence by embracing the Prep you are embarking on a lifelong characteristics valued so highly. love of learning, full of innovation, From the minute they step over the threshold creativity and challenging opportunities. they are part of a thriving community By developing this thirst for learning we which will catch them when they fall and encourage boys to challenge themselves praise them when they achieve. The close within the safety of the Surbiton relationship that we have with the parents community, knowing full well they will allows us to have a transparent, open be supported, nurtured and scaffolded relationship which thrives on trust and along the way. The boys are constantly helps the boys flourish beneath it. urged to think deeply about all aspects of school life. We value responsibility, The boys at Surbiton Prep are happy, resilience and respect in our boys and active and enthusiastic learners, they love we expect them to live by the motto, life and they love learning. All staff form May Love always lead us. This permeates a part of their journey through the school through each layer of school life and and we never fail to be excited as they the children begin to develop a strong embark on their journey with us. 2 3 CONTACT CHAIR OF THE LOCAL GOVERNING BODY Mr Adrian McKeon c/o Senior School INFORMATION SURBITON HIGH SCHOOL IS A PART OF UNITED LEARNING AND THE UNITED CHURCH SCHOOLS TRUST (UCST) Chair of the UCST Board Mrs Angela Crowe, JP PRINCIPAL Mrs Rebecca Glover CORRESPONDENCE FOR MRS ANGELA CROWE SHOULD BE ADDRESSED TO UNITED SENIOR HEAD OF PREP SCHOOLS & Ms Clemmie Stewart LEARNING REGISTERED OFFICE Worldwide House HEAD OF SURBITON HIGH GIRLS’ Thorpe Wood PREPARATORY SCHOOL Peterborough PE3 6SB HEAD OF SURBITON HIGH BOYS’ Mrs Tracey Chong T 01832 864444 PREPARATORY SCHOOL Surbiton High School is regulated by the Department for Education and the relevant GIRLS’ PREPARATORY SCHOOL ADDRESS 95 – 97 Surbiton Road contact details can be found on the DfE website (www.education.gov.uk). Kingston-upon-Thames Surbiton High School is also noted on the Edubase register which is available at KT1 2HW www.edubase.gov.uk. T 020 8546 9756 BOYS’ PREPARATORY SCHOOL ADDRESSES 3 Avenue Elmers Surbiton KT6 4SP T 020 8390 6640 CHARLES BURNEY HOUSE 143 Maple Road Surbiton Surrey KT6 4BB T 020 8439 1400 SENIOR GIRLS’ SCHOOL ADDRESS 13 – 15 Surbiton Crescent Kingston-upon-Thames KT1 2JT T 020 8546 5245 4 5 • coached and encouraged to develop • encouraged to be emotionally invested AIMS AND ETHOS strong relationships, to be empathetic in their learning, persevering in the and responsive to the needs of face of difficulties, noticing subtle themselves and others differences and patterns, managing their distractions, and becoming absorbed in • empowered to lead a meaningful life, to their learning Surbiton High School aims to inspire, encourage and empower be able to understand what their goals are, young people to be the very best they can be. and to know what they are striving for • empowered to be fully involved in their learning, growing in interdependence, • empowered to draw strength from from all faiths and none, and we share collaborating effectively, listening Ethos celebrating their accomplishments, in with United Learning its core mission: empathetically to others, and imitating • We are a vibrant learning community, order to tackle new challenges. ‘to bring out the best in everyone’. their learning habits which inspires all pupils to discover We are fully committed to the aims We achieve these aims through our and embrace their individuality, to grow • inspired, encouraged and empowered to of the Framework for Excellence: inculcation of learning habits. Our in their intellectual curiosity, and to be productive, planning their learning www.unitedlearning.org.uk children are: enjoy their independence in advance, revising and reviewing Aims • inspired in their thinking to ask questions, their progress, distilling important • We acknowledge that there is no such to make connections, to imagine information, and developing their own thing as a typical Surbiton High School • Surbiton High School aims to inspire, possibilities, to reason methodically and meta-learning. pupil, and that impressive academic encourage and empower our young to capitalise on their resources results are just one aspect of our rich people to discover and liberate the very tapestry of educational provision; best of themselves, exceeding their we encourage every child to grow in potential in an intellectually rigorous compassion, treat others with respect, and challenging academic environment, and maintain an outward-looking balanced with outstanding pastoral care attitude, living out the School’s motto: and support ‘Amor Nos Semper Ducat’ (‘May Love We achieve these aims through our Always Lead Us’) Charter for Happiness and Well-being. Our • We empower every child to thrive: children are: by developing social and emotional • inspired to deploy their greatest strengths intelligence, becoming rounded to tackle all situations, developing a and grounded in character, and growth mindset and a ‘can do’ attitude, demonstrating kindness and service to equipped with the tools to maximise others their positive emotions • Surbiton High School is the founding • encouraged to find their niche, to be member of the United Church Schools fully engaged in educational activities, Trust and a leading school within and to meet any major challenge that United Learning. Valuing our Christian comes their way heritage, we welcome staff and children 6 7 WHERE TO OBTAIN FURTHER INFORMATION Key policies and further information • First Aid Policy covering the following areas are available • Head Girl Team Policy on the School’s website www.surbitonhigh. • Health and Safety Policy - Group com and also on request from the School Office: • Health and Safety Policy - Local • Learning Outside the Classroom • Academic Performance Statement • Missing Pupil Policy • Admissions Policy • Physical Restraint Policy • Anti-Bullying Policy • Provision of Information Policy • Behaviour and Discipline Policy • School Worship and Assemblies • Child Protection and Safeguarding • Searches and Confiscation Policy Policy • Special Educational Needs Policy • Co-curricular Policy - Senior School • Supervision of Pupils on Site Policy • Code of Conduct - Pupils • Uncollected Pupils Policy • Complaints Policy • Word Processor Policy. • Curriculum Policy - Senior School • Curriculum Policy - Girls’ Prep School • Curriculum Policy - Boys’ Prep School • Drugs Policy • Early Education Funding • Educational Visits Policy • English as an Additional Language Policy • Equal Opportunities Policy • Exclusion, Expulsion, Removal and Review Policy and Procedures 8 9 The well-being and pastoral care at the pupil. This relationship begins before the Boys’ Prep School is a vital and integral Reception boy has started the school, and part of school life. We value the individual throughout the year, the Year 6 boys take strengths of each boy and honour their immense pride in caring and supporting successes through varied celebrations. In their buddy up until their very last day at partnership with the parents, we nurture School. and foster positive relationships with our We have three Houses at the School: pupils, and at the heart of the pastoral Arundel, Caernarvon and Balmoral. programme is our school motto: May Love During the year we hold many Always Lead Us. House charity events, assemblies and We are proud of our warm, nurturing ethos celebrations, encouraging team spirit of the School and in addition to guiding the and friendships across the year groups. boys to high academic achievement, our Every term, pupils have a chance to earn programme of learning celebrates personal House Points for good work, effort and strengths, builds confidence from an early achievement, aiming for the target of age and recognises the importance of self- Platinum. The House Captains, in Year esteem. We encourage the boys to develop 6, keep track of the accumulating House a sense of self-discipline, responsibility Points on a weekly basis, and are hopeful and courtesy, as well as sensitivity to the to raise the cup, at the end of the year, for needs of others. the winning House. Our House Sports Day, which we share with the Girls’ Prep Our dedicated and caring staff provide School, is also one of our highlights in the a happy, safe and exciting learning School calendar, another chance to lift the environment whilst ensuring that the winning cup and celebrate. boys’ individual needs are met. The Form Teacher is the first point of contact for parents, and our ‘Open Door’ policy means that parents can discuss any aspect of care or day-to-day issues, as and when necessary. There are many leadership opportunities at the Boys’ Prep. The School Council, Eco Committee, Year 6 Buddies and our House system; the boys are encouraged to have a voice and be a part of the wider school community. In Year 6, all the boys apply and are awarded a role within the WELL-BEING School. The highest accolade is Head Boy, along with a Deputy Head and Senior Prefects, however, the role that all the Year 6 boys cherish, is ‘Buddy’ to a Reception 10 11 CHARACTER AND VALUES Rs at The Boys’ e 3 Pre Character and values are an essential part with them, throughout a range of contexts.
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