E2056 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks December 2, 2010 communities, this will guarantee institutions President Clinton named Aunt Jean U.S. boards and councils, including the Board of have the tools they need to develop effective Ambassador to Ireland, where she played a Supervisors’ appointee to the Sonoma County programs without significant experimentation pivotal role in the peace process from 1993 to Workforce Investment Board, the United Way or expense. 1998. She is the youngest daughter of Joseph of Wine Country Board, and the Santa Rosa I would like to thank the team at Security and Rose Kennedy, my grandparents, and is Mayor’s Gang Prevention Task Force. On Campus, Inc., SOC, the national non-profit the Secretary of the Board of Trustees of the Madam Speaker, Dr. Carl Wong is a very group founded by Jeanne Clery’s parents, Kennedy Center. talented man, a man of remarkable commit- Connie and Howard, after her rape and mur- I wish Aunt Jean all the best as she con- ment and it is therefore appropriate to honor der on her Pennsylvania campus in 1986, for tinues her important work on behalf of those him today and to wish him well in his next en- their support in developing this legislation and with disabilities. She will continue to carry my deavor. Congratulations, Carl Wong—you will for their full endorsement. Liz Seccuro, herself own admiration, and that of all who have had be missed! a survivor of campus rape at the University of the privilege to work with her. f Virginia in 1984, has been especially inspiring f in her support of our work and I want to com- TRIBUTE TO CONGRESSMAN mend her for her courage in coming forward HONORING DR. CARL WONG STEPHEN SOLARZ publicly so that the current generation of stu- dents can receive the protection she was de- HON. LYNN C. WOOLSEY HON. MICHAEL E. McMAHON nied. OF CALIFORNIA OF NEW YORK I would also like to thank Kristen Lombardi IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES and Kristen Jones of the Center for Public In- tegrity. Their year-long expose ‘‘Sexual As- Thursday, December 2, 2010 Thursday, December 2, 2010 sault On Campus—A Frustrating Search for Ms. WOOLSEY. Madam Speaker, I rise Mr. MCMAHON. Madam Speaker, today I Justice’’ ran earlier this year, along with com- today with my colleague, Representative MIKE rise to honor the memory of native panion segments on NPR, exposing many of THOMPSON, to honor Dr. Carl Wong, an out- Brooklynite, global connoisseur and dear the gaps the Campus SaVE Act will help to fill. standing educator for 38 years who is retiring friend, Congressman Stephen Solarz. Madam Speaker, the scope of intimate part- as the Sonoma County Superintendent of Congressman Solarz worked tirelessly on ner violence significantly undermines the bil- Schools. Dr. Wong is a distinguished director the House Foreign Affairs Committee as lions of taxpayer dollars we invest in higher whose work in this elected position provides Chairman of the Subcommittee on Asia and education. The Campus SaVE Act will help countywide leadership, support, and fiscal the Pacific to address some of the most con- protect this investment, but more importantly oversight for the K–12 public school system, troversial topics and political figures of our our most valuable asset—our children and our which is comprised of 40 school districts and time. Congressman Solarz combined Amer- future. College campuses should be a safe 71,000 students. ican foreign policy with a Brooklyn twist, being and secure place of learning, not a place A dedicated educator committed to the phi- both affable and austere when necessary. His where anyone feels uncomfortable or unsafe. losophy of public school education and to the work affected numerous corners of the world f welfare of students, Dr. Wong is a first gen- from North Korea to Israel to Turkey and be- eration Chinese-American from humble ori- HONORING AMBASSADOR JEAN yond. gins. Living in the federal housing projects in KENNEDY SMITH Furthermore, Congressman Solarz’s leg- Vallejo, California where his father was em- endary staff members, including Assemblyman HON. PATRICK J. KENNEDY ployed at the Mare Island Naval Shipyard, Dr. Peter Abbate, have gone on to contribute Wong graduated from Napa High School and greatly to New York City. I have had the OF RHODE ISLAND first pursued a career as a machinist at the pleasure of working with his colleagues and IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Shipyard. Enrolling in night school through have seen the Congressman’s great work live Thursday, December 2, 2010 Napa Community College, Dr. Wong earned on through them. Mr. KENNEDY. Madam Speaker, I rise his degree and teaching credential at Chico Today, on the day of his funeral, my today to congratulate Ambassador Jean Ken- State University. He began his career in edu- thoughts and prayers are with his family and nedy Smith, my aunt, upon being chosen as a cation as a math and industrial arts teacher at his wife, Nina. It brings me great sadness to recipient of the Presidential Medal of Freedom Helix High School in San Diego County, later say goodbye to an American hero like Con- to be presented by President Obama at a returning to school to become a counselor and gressman Solarz. He will truly be missed ceremony in early 2011. The Presidential administrator. As a full-time faculty member across the globe. Medal of Freedom is the country’s highest ci- and administrator, Dr. Wong earned his Ph.D. f vilian honor, presented to individuals who in education from Northern Arizona University. have made great contributions to U.S. security In 1997, Dr. Wong returned to his home in ON WORLD DAY OF REMEM- or world peace, or made other cultural or sig- Northern California, becoming superintendent BRANCE FOR ROAD TRAFFIC nificant accomplishments. Aunt Jean’s work of Petaluma City Schools, the second largest VICTIMS with the arts and those with disabilities is sim- school district in Sonoma County. In this post, ply unmatched. Dr. Wong successfully pioneered a framework HON. ALCEE L. HASTINGS In 1974, Aunt Jean founded VSA, a non- to build collaboration and understanding be- OF FLORIDA profit, international organization affiliated with tween the district’s major divisions to better IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES the John F. Kennedy Center that promotes the serve youth. First elected Sonoma County Su- Thursday, December 2, 2010 artistic talents of children, youth and adults perintendent of Schools in 2002 and re-elect- with disabilities. VSA also provides education ed in 2006, Dr. Wong is credited with working Mr. HASTINGS of Florida. Madam Speaker, opportunities for people with disabilities and with the County Board of Education, district I rise today in solemn observance of the World increases access to the arts for all. With 52 and school administrators, and faculty to re- Day of Remembrance for Road Crash Victims international affiliates and a network of nation- structure and better serve local districts, help- and their Families, which was observed on wide affiliates, VSA is changing perceptions ing them align themselves toward more con- Sunday, November 21, 2010. I offer my heart- about people with disabilities around the tinuity while building consensus for a shared, felt condolences to all those who have lost world. Each year, 7 million people of all ages countywide vision. loved ones to road crashes. This observance and abilities participate in VSA programs, The recipient of many awards and recogni- spans the globe, uniting every person regard- which cover all artistic genres. tions, Carl Wong is a compassionate mentor, less of age, class, gender, race, nationality, or For 46 years, Aunt Jean has been a mem- both to students and to colleagues. His back- geography, as road crashes can devastate ber of the Board of Trustees of the Joseph P. ground gives him a unique understanding of any life at any time. Kennedy, Jr. Foundation, which provides students who don’t excel in traditional aca- Indeed, road crashes profoundly alter the grants to promote awareness and advocacy in demic settings. He is a tireless advocate lives of millions of people. The leading cause the field of intellectual disabilities. Her book, whose goal is to prepare all students to be- of death throughout the world for people ages Chronicles of Courage: Very Special Artists, come productive citizens engaged in the 5 to 29 is not disease or war but road crash- written in collaboration with George Plimpton, democratic process. An active community es. A staggering 1.3 million people are killed was published by Random House in April speaker, Dr. Wong gives generously of his in road crashes every year, and another 20 to 1993. time and energies, serving on numerous 50 million are injured in traffic accidents. On VerDate Mar 15 2010 05:33 Dec 03, 2010 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00024 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A02DE8.061 E02DEPT1 jbell on DSKDVH8Z91PROD with REMARKS December 2, 2010 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E2057 average, over 1,000 people under the age of HONORING TIMOTHY SHRIVER Tim earned his undergraduate degree from 25 die every single day on the world’s roads, Yale University, a Master’s degree in Religion and the annual monetary cost of motor vehicle HON. PATRICK J. KENNEDY and Religious Education from Catholic Univer- crashes worldwide is currently estimated at OF RHODE ISLAND sity, and a Doctorate in Education from the $518 billion. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES University of Connecticut. He is the recipient of numerous honors, including honorary de- These numbers are increasing dramatically Thursday, December 2, 2010 and place particular strain on underdeveloped grees from Loyola University, New England Mr.
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