Perth Highland Games Sunday 9 August 2015 RESULTS: HIGHLAND DANCING Confined - 14 and under Highland Fling 1st Erin Slane 2nd Lauren Dingwall 3rd Alana McGregor 4th Shannon Davidson 5th Laura Todd 6th Leah Slane Seann Truibhas 1st Lauren Dingwall 2nd Erin Slane 3rd Shannah Davidson 4th Laura Todd 5th Alana McGregor 6th Leah Slane Confined - 15 and over Highland Fling 1st Jillian Kelly 2nd Lyndsey Douglas 3rd Katrina Kennedy 4th Ailsa Sloan 5th Yvonne Kennedy 6th - Seann Truibhas 1st Jillian Kennedy 2nd Lyndsey Douglas 3rd Ailsa Sloan 4th Yvonne Kennedy 5th Katrina Kennedy 6th - Primary 5yrs Pas de Basque 1st Niamh McMullan 2nd Olivia Buchan 3rd Cara Sommerville Pas de Basque & highcuts 1st Niamh McMullan 2nd Olivia Buchan 3rd Cara Sommerville Highland Fling 1st Niamh McMullan 2nd - 3rd - Sword Dance 1st Niamh McMullan 2nd Olivia Buchan 3rd - Primary 6yrs Pas de Basque 1st Georgia Fergusson 2nd Amelia Pagett 3rd Kiki Pagett 4th Yara Harvey 5th Rebecca Murdoch 6th Nicole Duguid Pas de Basque & highcuts 1st Georgia Fergusson 2nd Amelia Pagett 3rd Iona Stephens 4th Kiki Pagett 5th Rebecca Murdoch 6th Nicole Duguid Highland Fling 1st Georgia Fergusson 2nd Nicole Duguid 3rd Iona Stephens Sword Dance 1st Georgia Fergusson 2nd Yara Harvey 3rd Cara Munn 4th Nicola Duguid 5th Rebecca Murdoch 6th Iona Stephens 8yrs & under - beginners Highland Fling 1st Chloe Taylor 2nd Eden Love 3rd Rowan MacGugan 4th Alyssa Warford 5th Madison Gibbons 6th - Sword Dance 1st Chloe Taylor 2nd Rowan MacGugan 3rd Willow Boyle 4th Eden Love 5th Camryn Pierce 6th - Seann Truibhas 1st Chloe Taylor 2nd Rowan MacGugan 3rd Eden Love 4th Alyssa Warford 5th Willow Boyle 6th - Reel 1st Chloe Taylor 2nd Eden Love 3rd Willow Boyle Flora MacDonald’s Fancy 1st Chloe Taylor 2nd Camryn Pierce 3rd Alyssa Warford 4th Madison Gibbons 5th - 6th - Highland Lilt 1st Madison Gibbons 2nd Willow Boyle 3rd - 9yrs - novice Highland Fling 1st Kianna Garron 2nd Ella Penny 3rd Leilanni Tracey 4th Caitlin Tamlin-Young 5th Chloe McLean 6th Niamh Hunter Sword Dance 1st Eilidh Potter 2nd Ceanna Russell 3rd Caitlin Tamlin-Young 4th = Niamh Hunter 4th = Mia Baillie 6th Ella Penny Seann Truibhas 1st Morgan O’Connor 2nd Ceanna Russell 3rd Niamh Hunter 4th Ella Penny 5th Caitlin Tamlin-Young 6th Chloe McLean Reel 1st Kianna Garron 2nd Eilidh Potter 3rd Niamh Hunter 4th Caitlin Tamlin-Young 5th Ceanna Russell 6th Mia Baillie Flora MacDonald’s Fancy 1st Ceanna Russell 2nd Ella Penny 3rd Eilidh Potter 4th Caitlin Tamlin-Young 5th Morgan O’Connor 6th Niamh Hunter Highland Lilt 1st Morgan O’Connor 2nd Chloe McLean 3rd Niamh Hunter 4th Ceanna Russell 5th Mia Baillie 6th Eilidh Potter 9yrs - beginners Highland Fling 1st Alya Aycan 2nd Catriona Kane 3rd Francesca Jarvie 4th Leah Garrow 5th Mirron Boyle 6th Sword Dance 1st Alya Aycan 2nd Mirron Boyle 3rd Francesca Jarvie 4th Leah Garron 5th Catriona Kane 6th Seann Truibhas 1st Alya Aycan 2nd Francesca Jarvie 3rd Mirron Boyle 4th Catriona Kane 5th Leah Garrow 6th Reel 1st Francesca Jarvie 2nd Alya Aycan 3rd Catriona Kane 4th Leah Garrow 5th Mirron Boyle 6th Flora MacDonald’s Fancy 1st Francesca Jarvie 2nd Ayla Aycan 3rd Leah Garrow 4th Catriona Kane 5th Mirron Boyle 6th Highland Lilt 1st Francesca Jarvie 2nd Ayla Aycan 3rd Mirron Boyle 4th Catriona Kane 5th Leah Garrow 6th 10yrs & under - intermediate Highland Fling 1st Caitlin Walsh 2nd Gabrielle Clark 3rd Katie Clark 4th Ellie Closs 5th Talah Miller 6th Poppy McDonald Sword Dance 1st Gabrielle Clark 2nd Eryn Kirk 3rd Caitlin Walsh 4th Ellie Closs 5th Arwen Moses 6th Aurora Lomheim Seann Truibhas 1st Ellie Closs 2nd Caitlin Walsh 3rd Eryn Kirk 4th Gabrielle Clark 5th Abby McLean 6th Talah Miller Reel 1st Gabrielle Clark 2nd Riley Chapman 3rd Talah Miller 4th Katie Clark 5th Caitlin Walsh 6th Abby McLean Flora MacDonald’s Fancy 1st Caitlin Walsh 2nd Eryn Kirk 3rd Ellie Closs 4th Poppy McDonald 5th Talah Miller 6th Abby McLean Highland Lilt 1st Caitlin Walsh 2nd Gabrielle Clark 3rd Ellie Closs 4th Abby McLean 5th Katie Clark 6th Eryn Kirk 10yrs & under 14 Novice Highland Fling 1st Jamie Dima 2nd Kianna Garron 3rd Henrietta Pinchbeck 4th Mia Fotheringham 5th Paige Delong 6th Lellanni Tracey Sword Dance 1st Mia Fotheringham 2nd Jamie Dima 3rd Henrietta Pinchbeck 4th Lellanni Tracey 5th Louise Stoddart 6th Paige Delong Seann Truibhas 1st Jamie Dima 2nd Mia Fotheringham 3rd Henrietta Pinchbeck 4th Kianna Garron 5th Paige Delong 6th Louise Stoddart Reel 1st Kianna Garron 2nd Jamie Dima 3rd Mia Fotheringham 4th Paige Delong 5th Henrietta Pinchbeck 6th Katie Houston Flora MacDonald’s Fancy 1st Kianna Garron 2nd Mia Fotheringham 3rd Louise Stoddart 4th Henrietta Pinchbeck 5th Jamie Dima 6th Katie Houston Highland Lilt 1st Kianna Garron 2nd Jamie Dima 3rd Mia Fotheringham 4th Paige Delong 5th Lellanni Tracey 6th Louise Stoddart 10yrs & over – beginners Highland Fling 1st Krzysztof Cameron 2nd Taylor Curran 3rd Stella Reid 4th Kara Smith 5th Cliona Reck 6th Paige Fotheringham Sword Dance 1st Paige Fotheringham 2nd Krzysztof Cameron 3rd Wendy Ramsay 4th Kara Smith 5th Cerys Cairns 6th Stella Reid Seann Truibhas 1st Kara Smith 2nd Stella Reid 3rd Katie Nixon 4th Cerys Cairns 5th Wendy Ramsay 6th Paige Fotheringham Reel 1st Cerys Cairns 2nd Paige Fotheringham 3rd Katie Nixon 4th Cliona Reck 5th Krzysztof Cameron 6th Taylor Curran Flora MacDonald’s Fancy 1st Kara Smith 2nd Cerys Cairns 3rd Stella Reid 4th Paige Fotheringham 5th Wendy Ramsay 6th Katie Nixon Highland Lilt 1st Kara Smith 2nd Krzysztof Fotheringham 3rd Cliona Reck 4th Cerys Cairns 5th Wendy Ramsay 6th Paige Fotheringham 10yrs - Premier Sailor’s Hornipe 1st Abby Livingstone 2nd Shannon McCartney 3rd Erin Slane 4th Meggie Martin-Lyall 5th Katie Douglas 6th Cara McFarlane Flora MacDonald’s Fancy 1st Shannon McCartney 2nd Abby Livingstone 3rd Katie Douglas 4th Ellie Faquherson 5th Jessica Mace 6th Paige Forrer Highland Lilt 1st Meggie Martin-Lyall 2nd Abby Livingstone 3rd Shannon McCartney 4th Erin Slane 5th Jessica Mace 6th Paige Forrer Highland Fling 1st Abby Livingstone 2nd Shannon MCartney 3rd Erin Slane 4th Katie Douglas 5th Paige Forrer 6th Meggie Martin-Lyall Seann Truibhas 1st Shannon McCartney 2nd Meggie Martin-Lyall 3rd Abby Livingstone 4th Cara McFarlane 5th Katie Douglas 6th Ellie Farquherson Reel 1st Meggie Maritn-Lyall 2nd Katie Douglas 3rd Shannon McCartney 4th Jessica Mace 5th Erin Slane 6th Ellie Farquherson 11yrs & over – intermediate Highland Fling 1st Rachel Spence 2nd Elle Donald 3rd Sophie Knight 4th Genevieve Pelland 5th Mackenzie Low 6th - Sword Dance 1st Elle Donald 2nd Rachel Spence 3rd Lauryn Sanderson 4th Sophie Carrol 5th Sophie Knight 6th - Seann Truibhas 1st Elle Donald 2nd Mackenzie Low 3rd Rachel Spence 4th Sophie Carrol 5th Lauryn Sanderson 6th - Reel 1st Elle Donald 2nd Rachel Spence 3rd Lauryn Sanderson 4th Sophie Knight 5th Genevieve Pelland 6th - Flora MacDonald’s Fancy 1st Elle Donald 2nd Rachel Spence 3rd Sophie Carrol 4th Genevieve Pelland 5th Lauryn Sanderson 6th - Highland Lilt 1st Rachel Spence 2nd Elle Donald 3rd Sophie Carrol 4th Mackenzie Low 5th Theresa Pelland 6th Natalie Rupert 12 yrs Premier Sailor’s Hornipe 1st Lauren Dingwall 2nd Selina Gordon 3rd Emma Ingalls 4th Abbi Flynn 5th Alana Soutar 6th Orla McCafferty Flora MacDonald’s Fancy 1st Selina Gordon 2nd Lauren Dingwall 3rd Emma Ingalls 4th Orla McCafferty 5th Erin Todd 6th Abbi Flynn Highland Lilt 1st Selina Gordon 2nd Orla McCafferty 3rd Alana Soutar 4th Shannon Cosgrove 5th Alanna MacGregor 6th Emma Ingalls Highland Fling 1st Selina Gordon 2nd Orla McCafferty 3rd Emma Ingalls 4th Lauren Dingwall 5th Natasha Gatzke 6th Alana Soutar Seann Truibhas 1st Selina Gordon 2nd Emma Ingalls 3rd Orla McCafferty 4th Ashleigh Heggie 5th Abbi Flynn 6th Alana Soutar Reel 1st Selina Gordon 2nd Orla McCafferty 3rd Erin Todd 4th Emma Ingalls 5th Alana Soutar 6th Ashleigh Heggie 14yrs & over - novice Highland Fling 1st Alex Dinwoodie 2nd Caitlin Thomson 3rd Delainey Foster 4th Erin Dow 5th Elisha Alvares 6th - Sword Dance 1st Erin Dow 2nd Delainey Foster 3rd Emily Hiles 4th Corinne Blair 5th Caitlin Thomson 6th Seann Truibhas 1st Alex Dinwoodie 2nd Elisha Alvares 3rd Emily Hiles 4th Corinne Blair 5th Delainey Foster 6th - Reel 1st Alex Dinwoodie 2nd Erin Dow 3rd Emily Hiles 4th Corinne Blair 5th Caitlin Thomson 6th - Flora MacDonald’s Fancy 1st Alex Dinwoodie 2nd Erin Dow 3rd Emily Hiles 4th Delainey Foster 5th Corinne Blair 6th - Highland Lilt 1st Alex Dinwoodie 2nd Elisha Alvares 3rd Emily Hiles 4th Corinne Blair 5th Erin Dow 6th 14yrs - Premier Sailor’s Hornpipe 1st Lauren Peggie 2nd Elisha Scobie 3rd Bethany Clark 4th Ciara Roger 5th Fiona Armstrong 6th Emma Smith Flora MacDonald’s Fancy 1st Bethany Clark 2nd Ciara Roger 3rd Elisha Scobie 4th Steffaney Treadwell 5th Fiona Armstrong 6th Brylee Driscoll Highland Lilt 1st Elisha Scobie 2nd Bethany Clark 3rd Ciara Roger 4th Fiona Armstrong 5th Steffaney Treadwell 6th Sarah Henderson Highland Fling 1st Elisha Scobie 2nd Sarah Henderson 3rd Bethany Clark 4th Nicole Henry 5th Emma Smith 6th Steffaney Treadwell Seann Truibhas 1st Bethany Clark 2nd Elisha Scobie 3rd Ciara Clark 4th Fiona Henderson 5th Sarah Henderson 6th Lauren Peggie Reel 1st Ciara Roger 2nd Lauren Peggie 3rd Elisha Scobie 4th Bethany Clark 5th Fiona Armstrong 6th Sarah Henderson 16yrs - Premier Sailor’s Hornpipe 1st Kirsty Mackie 2nd Kaitlyn Radford 3rd Katie Reisma 4th Natalie Struth 5th Gillian Ingalls 6th Charlotte Green Flora MacDonald’s Fancy 1st Katie Reisma 2nd Kirsty Mackie 3rd Gillian Ingalls 4th Kaitlyn Radford 5th Natalie Struth 6th Charlotte
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