AMERICAN Er) SQURRE DANCE Annual $12 JUNE 1989 Single $1.25 AFTER THE CONVENTION SUPREME AUDIO THE PROFESSIONAL. SOURCE FREE CATALOG! U) • Hanhurst's Tape Service • Equipment • Records \ • Publications VOICE 0 Bill and Peggy Heyman WE GUARANTEE YOUR SATISFACTION ELECTRO- "Thank you for your prompt response to my `wireless' problem yesterday. That was real- 3 cc ly more than I expected and I sincerely ap- preciate what you did." -- B.F., New Jersey U) E "I can't believe your prompt service." -- B.M., EM Vancouver, BC, Canada PR SU c And finally...drawn on the RUEGER 11V envelope from -- G.C., Cali- K 010 fornia - GALLIEN- VOINH031 (/) U) 0 USE OUR TOLL FREE "HOTLINE" IMS v 4 1-800-445-7398 (In N.J. 201-445-7398) CC SUPREME AUDIO, INC. VEIOHOI P.O. BOX 687 d i RIDGEWOOD, N.J. 07451-0687 ASHTON MARANTZ CALIFONE HANHURST'S AMERICAN I%) SQUARE DRNCE VOLUME 44, No. 6 THE INTERNATIONAL MAGAZINE JUNE 1989 WITH THE SWINGING LINES ASD FEATURES FOR ALL SQUARE DANCE SCENE 4 Co-Editorial 36 Run to Oklahoma 5 By-Line 45 Callerlab Plus OS 7 Meandering with Stan 56 A/C Lines (Advanced & Challenge) 11 Why Hurry? 74 International News 12 Callerlab Convention Report 86 Speaking of Singles 16 Disc-Count 102 Date-Line 18 Dancing And Sharing 21 Combining Two Traditions 23 Traditional Dances On Late Night Movies ROUNDS 25 Encore 15 Rounds Around the World 27 On-Line 35 Cue Tips 29 QueST (Quarterly Selection Tips) 39 Facing the L.O.D. 32 Front Line Coverage 72 R/D Pulse Poll 33 Hem-Line 77 Roundalab Report 43 Product Line 81 Flip Side/Rounds 47 Dancing Tips 51 Party Line FOR CALLERS 67 Best Club Trick 41 Steal A Peek 69 People in the News 45 Calling Tips 71 State Line 58 Easy Level Page 79 Dandy Idea 60 Creative Choreography 91 Rhyme Time 93 Puzzle Page 64 PS:MS/QS 100 Puzzle Answers 73 S/D Pulse Poll 105 Book Nook 82 Flip Side/Squares 106 Finish Line 94 Underlining the Note Services 108 Laugh Line OUR READERS SPEAR 6 Grand Zip 31 Feedback 49 Straight Talk Publishers and Editors Editorial Assistants Stan & Cathie Burdick Mona Bird Mary Jane Connerth Mary Fabik Cindy Hippely Member of NASRDS Connie Maike Bob Mellen National Association of S&R/D Suppliers Jean Wright American Squaredance Magazine (ISSN-091- Workshop Editors 3383) is published by Burdick Enterprises. Walt Cole Ed Fraidenburg Bob Howell Second class postage paid at Huron, Ohio. Feature Writers Copy deadline five weeks preceding first day Harold & Lill Bausch Bev Warner of issue month. Subscription: $12.00 per year Mary Jenkins Ed Foote U.S., $13.00 per year Can. & Foreign. Single Record Reviewers copies: $1.25 each. Mailing address: PO Box Frank & Phyl Lehnert 488, Huron OH 44839. Copyright 1989 by Bur- Canadian Representative dick Enterprises. All rights reserved. Orphie Marcellus Amencan Squeredence. June 1989 3 e always greet many of our readers W at a National Convention booth. Some stop by to renew their subscrip- tions, some to purchase books, some just to say hello! This year we'll be at booth A-37, and we'll hope to say "Hello" to many of you while we're there. Thinking about June leads to another thought. Isn't it fantastic that when you receive this issue early in June, we'll be "meandering" with about 25 dancers on a tour through Ireland and Scotland? Sometime after that trip and around the convention trip, the August issue will be prepared for the printer. Sometimes we reminisce about the 240+ issues that have been published in our 20 years as editors. Did you know we have never missed a deadline? And the only slight to various departments, end your search delay in delivery was caused by a fire at now. We have one address, one office and the printer's? We think that's quite a a very efficient staff who wear many hats. record to maintain, as we raised our kids, We do everything except print the maga- overcame minor illnesses and weathered zine. We take camera-ready copy, fresh family crises, all the while one of us main- from our typesetter, to the printer and he tained a traveling caller's schedule and returns boxes and boxes of magazines the other gradually increased her touring. three weeks later. Then our very versatile Whatever the epitaph of American staff members don their work clothes, Squaredance may someday be, we hope label the issues, band them and bag readers will always be able to say, "They them. ASD doesn't seem like such a small never missed a deadline!" operation when we look at the mountain We'll share another aspect of our busi- of 500 mailbags tagged for 31 countries ness life with you. You know, in compari- dwarfing the garage work space. son with magazines such as Time, Life, The point we want to make is that we Readers' Digest and National Geographic, are still a small business where the staff American Squaredance is pretty small makes every effort to help you, from re- potatoes. If you're looking for several ad- newing a subscription to changing an ad- dresses in the magazine so you can write dress. Try our service! scope— big mac records PRESENTS: BM096 LITTLE RED WAGON by John ROUND DANCE SC38 HAPPY POLKA Choreo by Ken 8 Elena/LEFT FOOTERS Ken Croft & Elena de Zordo Joplin, MO San Francisco. CA RECENT FLIP INSTRUMENTALS HOEDOWNS RECENT ROUND DANCES BM095 NIGHT TRAIN TO MEMPHIS BM1007 MARTY SC37 CHALET POLKA BM094 TRAIN OF THOUGHT BM1006 CONNIE I SC36 NOW IS THE HOUR BM093 NO NO NORA BM1005 OLD JOE WHO SC35 TOE TEASING BM092 JEEPERS CREEPERS BM1004 SLO TRAC/SAN LUIS RAMBLE SC34 FANTASY BM091 BELLS ON MY HEART SC33 GOLDEN SLIPPER WALTZ SC32 WILD BILL RAG SCOPE RECORDS P.O. Boo 1448 San Luis Obispo. California 93406 SC31 WALKING 8 WHISTLING SC30 PIED PIPER 4 Amencan Squareclance June 1989 A ii our writers this month are familiar i1 names but that of Ken Steinman, BY-LINE who wrote a really unique story about dan- cing with paraplegic and quadraplegic veterans. Familiar names are Al Eblen, Jo Jan Nunley, NiNi Harris and Millard and June McKinney. These authors give us a range of varied topics from quilting to late night movies, from chess sets to a trip around the world, all sprinkled with the flavor of our favorite fun activity. Once again we want to explain that "sandwiched in" on Page 45 is the Plus QS for the period starting May 1. The news release came from Callerlab just as we were finalizing the magazine and we managed to find space to announce it. June is also convention month for many square dancers. That's "reunion time" for dancers who will gather in Oklahoma City to meet new friends, greet old ones. and dance up a storm. Stop by Booth 37 and say hello if you can! 1. A 8 K Distributors 90 25. Eureka Records 48 49 Nat. S/D Campers 94 73. Silver Sounds 73 2. A to Z Engravers 76 26 Ed Foote 74 50 Nat S/D Directory 90 74 Meg Simkins 82 3. Allemande Shop 41 27 Four Bar 8 Records 42 51 New England Caller 17 75. Solid Gold Records 96 4. Bach. 8 Bachelorettes 75 28 Ed Fraidenburg 75 52 Nita Smith 83 76 Sophia T's 74 5. Badge Holders 97 29. Gold Star Video 43 53 P-M-D-O-U Records 66 77 So. Cal. Callers 75 6. Bermuda Convention 31 30 Gr. Smoky Sq Up 70 54 Palomino 5/0 Serv. 91 78. S/Dancers Closet 97 7. Blackwood Travel 85 31. Grand Travel 36 55 Bill Peters 80 79. S/Dance Videos 24 8. British Cony. 32 32 Grenn Records 22 56 R&J Specialties 86, 71 80. Steppin' Out 34 9. Callerlab Foundation 87 33. Hi-Hat Records 16 57 Ranch House Rec. 105 81 Stevens Stompers 59 10. The Catchall 98 34. Hilton Audio Prod 44 58 Random Sound 25 82. Sting Records 52 11. Chaparral Records 11.14 35. J 8 J Upholstery 77 59 Rawhide Records 30 83. Sue's Patterns 81 12. Charmz-Reaction 76 36. Kalox Records 37 60 Rebel Records 103 84. Supreme Audio 2. 108 13 Chinook Records 65 37 Kirkwood Lodge 48 61 Red Boot Boys 49 85 Swing Thru 107 14. Cimmaron Records 35 38 Lee Kopman 39 62. Red Boot Prod. 10 86. TNT Records 74 15. Circle D Records 96 39. Landmarks Tours 28 63 Red River House 95 87 Tortuga Exp. Tours 20 16. Coast Shoes 50 40 Lasry Caller Supply 76 64. Red Rock Ramblers 76 88. Triple R West. Wear 80 17 Daisy 0 26 41 L'Elegante Princesse 100 65 Rita's Ouiltique 97 89 Twelgrenn 98 18. Bill Davis 85 42. Lightning Records 95 66. Riverside Stamp 29 90 United Squares 53 19 Dell Enterprises 84 43 Don Malcom 74 67 Rochester Shoes 68 91. VeeGee Patterns 67 20. Double D Prod 101 44. Merrbach Rec.Serv. 46 68. Royal Holiday 102 92 Venture Records 101 21. Eagle Records 84 45. Micro Plastics 75 69 Royal Records 104 93 Wagon Wheel Rec. 6 22. Eddie 8 Bobbie's 51 46. Mid-Amenca Jam. 57 70. Ruthad 103 94 Western Sq. Int. 52 23. English Mt. 38 47 Mike 8 Barb's 77 71 Scope Records 4 95. Wheel 8 Deal Shop 72 24.
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