LUTZ LANGBEIN - References

LUTZ LANGBEIN - References

LUTZ LANGBEIN - References - 2007 1. Langbein , L., Rogers, M.A., Praetzel-Wunder, S., Boeckler, D., Schirmacher, P., Schweizer, J.- The novel keratins K39 and K40 are the latest expressed type II hair keratins and complete the human hair keratin family. J. Invest. Dermatol. 127 (2007) 1532-1535 (Epub 2007 Feb 14) 2. Schweizer, J., Langbein , L., Rogers, M.A., Winter, H. - Hair follicle specific keratins and diseases. Exp. Cell Res. 313 (2007) 2010-2020 (Epub 2007 March 14) 3. Jennemann, R., Sandhoff, R., Langbein , L., Kaden, S., Rothermel, U., Gallala, H., Sandhoff, K., Wiegandt, H., Gröne, H.-J. - Integrity and barrier function of the skin depend on glucosylceramide synthesis in epidermis J. Biol. Chem. 282 (2007) 3083-3094. (Epub 2006 Dec 4) 4. Rogers, M.A., Winter, H., Langbein , L., Wollschläger, A., Praetzel-Wunder, S., Schweizer, J. - Characterization of human KAP24.1, a cuticular hair keratin associated protein (KAP) with unusual amino acid composition and repeat structure. J. Invest. Dermatol. 127 (2007) 1197-204. (Epub 2007 Jan 18) 5. Lorenz, K., Grashoff, C., Torka, R., Sakai, T., Langbein , L., Bloch, W., Aumailley, M., Fässler, R. – Integrin-linked kinase (ILK) is required for epidermal and hair follicle morphogenesis. J. Cell Biol. 177 (2007) 501-513. 6. Kuhn, S., Koch, M., Ladwein, M., Antolovic, D., Klingbeil, P., Hildebrand, D., Moldenhauer, G., Langbein , L., Franke, W.W., Weitz, J., Zöller, M. - Complex formation between EpCAM, claudin-7 and CD44 variant isoforms in tetraspanin-enriched microdomains promotes colorectal cancer progression. Mol. Cancer Res. 5 (2007) 553-567. 7. Schmitt-Graeff, A., Koeninger, A., Olschewski, M., Haxelmans, S., Nitschke, R., Bochaton- Piallat, ML., Lifschitz-Mercer, B., Gabbiani, G., Langbein , L., Czernobilsky, B. - The Ki-67 + proliferation index correlates with increased cellular retinol-binding protein-1 and the coordinated loss of plakophilin 1 and desmoplakin during progression of cervical squamous lesions. Histopathology 51 (2007) 87-97. 2006 8. Langbein , L., Rogers, M.A., Praetzel-Wunder, S., Helmke, B., Schirmacher, P., Schweizer, J. – K25 (K25irs1) , K26 (K25irs2) , K27 (K25irs3) and K28 (K25irs4) represent the type I inner root sheath (IRS) keratins of the human hair follicle. J. Invest. Dermatol. 126 (2006) 2377-2386. + Commentary: Rebecca M. Porter - The New Keratin Nomenclature. J. Invest. Dermatol. 126 (2006) 2366-68. Lutz Langbein - List of References 04.03.2008 1 9. Chrostek, A., Wu, X., Quondamatteo, F., Hu, R., Sanecka, A., Niemann, C., Langbein , L., Haase, I., Brakebusch, C. - Rac1 is crucial for hair follicle integrity, but is not essential for the maintenance of epidermis. Mol. Cell Biol. 26 (2006) 6957-6970. 10. Rogers, M.A., Langbein , L., Praetzel-Wunder, S., Winter, H., Schweizer, J. – Human hair keratin associated proteins (KAPs). Int. Rev. Cytol. 251 (2006) 209-263. 11. Schweizer, J., Bowden, P.E., Coulombe, P.A., Langbein , L., Lane, E.B., Magin, T.M., Maltheis, L., Omary, M.B., Parry, D.A.D., Rogers, M.A., Wright, M. - A new nomenclature for mammalian keratins. J. Cell Biol. 174 (2006) 169-174. 12. Bazzi, H., Getz, A., Mahoney, M., Langbein , L., Wahl, J.K., Christiano, AM. - Desmoglein 4 expression is expressed in highly differentiated keratinocytes and trichocytes in human epidermis and hair follicle. Differentiation 74 (2006) 129-40. 13. Wu, X., Quondamatteo, F., Czuchra, A., Meyer, H., Chrostek, A., Langbein , L., Brakebusch, C. – Cdc42 controls stem cell differentiation and cell-cell contacts in skin. Genes Develop. 20 (2006) 571-85. 14. Cribier, B., Worret, W.I., Braun-Falco, M., Peltre, B., Langbein , L., Schweizer, J. - Expression Patterns of hair and epithelial keratins and transcription factors HOXC13, LEF1, and ß-catenin in a malignant pilomatricoma: A histological and immunohistochemical study. J. Cutan. Pathol. 33 (2006) 1-9. 2005 15. Langbein, L., Rogers, M.A., Praetzel, S., Cribier, B., Peltre, B., Gassler, N., Schweizer, J. - Characterization of a novel human type II epithelial keratin K1b, specifically expressed in eccrine sweat glands. J. Invest. Dermatol. 125 (2005) 428-444. (+ online supplementary data) 16. Langbein, L. and Schweizer, J. – The Keratins of the human hair follicle. Int. Rev. Cytology 243 (2005) 1-78. 17. Gassler, G., Langbein , L. Herr, I., Schneider, A., Schirmacher, P., Kopitz, J. - Impaired Expression of Acyl-CoA synthetase 5 in sporadic colorectal adenocarcinomas. J. Pathol. 207 (2005) 295-300. 18. Herrmann, T., Gröne, H.-J., Langbein , L., Kaiser, I., Gosch, I., Bennemann, U., Metzger, D., Chambon, P., Stewart, A. F., Stremmel, W. - Disturbed epidermal structure in mice with temporally controlled Fatp4 deficiency. J. Invest. Dermatol 125 (2005) 1228-1235. 19. Rogers, M.A., Edler, L., Winter, H., Langbein , L., Beckmann, I., and Schweizer, J. - Characterization of new members of the human type II keratin gene family and a general evaluation of the keratin gene domain on chromosome 12q13.13. J. Invest. Dermatol. 124 (2005) 536-544. (see, also Editorial) Editorial: Bowden, P.E.: The human type II keratin gene cluster on chromosome 12q13.13: Final count hidden secrets? Lutz Langbein - References 04.03.2008 2 J. Invest. Dermatol. 124 (2005) XV-XVII. 20. Ladwein, M., Schmidt, M.-S., Schnoelzer, M., Kempf, T., Pape, U.-F., Langbein , L., Franke, W.W., Zöller, M. - The cell-cell adhesion molecule EpCAM associates with the tight junction protein claudin 7. Exp. Cell Res. 309 (2005) 345-357. 2004 21. Rogers, M.A. , Winter, H., Langbein , L., Bleiler, R. and Schweizer, J. – The human type I keratin gene family: Characterization of new hair follicle specific members and evaluation of the chromosome 17q21.2 gene domain. Differentiation 72 (2004) 527-540. 22. Langbein , L., Spring, H., Rogers, M.A., Praetzel, S., Schweizer, J. – Hair keratins and hair follicle-specific epithelial keratins. Methods in Cell Biology 78 (2004) 413-451. 23. Perrin, C., Langbein , L., Schweizer, J. – Expression of hair keratins in the adult nail unit: An immunohistochemical analysis of the onychogenesis in the proximal nail fold, matrix and nail bed. Br. J. Dermatol. 151 (2004) 362-371. 24. Cribier, B., Peltre, B., Grosshans, E., Langbein , L., Schweizer, J. - On the regulation of hair keratin expression: Lessons from studies in pilomatricomas. J. Invest. Dermatol. 122 (2004) 1078-1083. 25. Rogers, M.A., Langbein , L., Winter, H., Beckmann, I., Praetzel, S., Schweizer, J. - Hair keratin associated proteins (KAPs): Characterization of a second high sulfur KAP gene domain on human chromosome 21. J. Invest. Dermatol. 120 (2004) 147-158. 26. Jave-Suarez, L.F., Langbein , L., Praetzel, S., Winter, H., Rogers, M.A., Collin-Djangone, C., Schweizer, J. – Androgen regulation in the human hair follicle: The type I hair keratin hHa7 is a direct target gene in hair follicle trichocytes. J. Invest. Dermatol. 122 (2004) 555-564. 27. Gallinaro, H., Jonca, N., Langbein , L., Vincent, C., Simon, M., Serre, G., Guerrin, M. - A 4.2 kb upstream region of the human corneodesmosin gene directs site-specific expression in hair follicles and hyperkeratotic epidermis of transgenic mice. J. Invest. Dermatol. 122 (2004) 730-738. 28. Winter, H., Schissel, D., Parry, DAD., Smith, TA., Liovic, M., Lane, EB., Edler, L., Langbein , L., Jave-Suarez, L.F., Rogers, M.A., Wilde, J., Peters, G., Schweizer, J. – An unusual Ala12Thr polymorphism in the 1A α-helical segment of the companion layer specific keratin K6hf: Evidence for a risk factor in the etiology of the common hair disorder Pseudofolliculitis barbae . J. Invest. Dermatol. 122 (2004) 652-657. (see, also Editorials) Editorial: W.H.I. McLean: Close shave for a keratin disorder – K6hf polymorphism linked to Pseudofolliculitis barbae. J. Invest. Dermatol. 122 (2004) XI-XII. Editorial : P. Bergstresser: Dejavu all over again (Attributed to Yogi Berra, New York Yankees). J. Invest. Dermatol. 122 (2004) VII. Lutz Langbein - References 04.03.2008 3 2003 29. Langbein , L., Rogers, M.A., Praetzel, S., Winter, H., Schweizer, J. - K6irs1, K6irs 2, K6irs 3, and K6irs 4 represent the inner-root-sheath (IRS)-specific type II epithelial keratins of the human hair follicle. J. Invest Dermatol. 120 (2003) 512-522. 30. Langbein , L., Pape, U.-F., Grund, C., Kuhn, C., Praetzel, S., Moll, I., Moll, R., Franke, W.W. – Tight junction-related structures in the absence of a lumen: Occludin, claudins and tight junction plaque proteins in densely packed cell formations of stratified epithelia squamous cell carcinomas. Euro. J. Cell Biol. 82 (2003) 385-400. 31. Wang, Z., Wong, P., Langbein , L., Schweizer, J., Coulombe, P.A. - The type II epithelial keratin 6hf (K6hf) is expressed in the companion layer, matrix and medulla in anagen-stage hair follicles. J. Invest. Dermatol. 121 (2003) 1276-1282. 32. Thibaut, S., Collin, C., Langbein , L., Schweizer, J., Gautier, B., Bernard, B.A. - Hair keratins pattern in human hair follicles grown in vitro. Exp. Dermatol. 12 (2003) 160-164. 33. Kartenbeck, J., Langbein , L.: Epithelien. In: Lehrbuch Vorklinik; Eds.: Schmidt, HG., Unsicker, K.; Deutscher Ärzteverlag, Köln. (2003) Vol. B, pp. 317-330. 34. Leube, R.E., Langbein , L., Kartenbeck, J. – Differenzierungsmarker in der Gewebe- und Tumordiagnostik. Molekulare Komponenten der Intermediärfilamente und ihrer Verankerungsstrukturen in Epithelzellen. In: Onkologie – Grundlagen, Diagnostik, Therapie, Entwicklungen. Zeller, WJ., zur Hausen, H. (Eds.); Ecomed, Landsberg. (2003), Part II, Chapter II-1, pp. 1-31. 35. Herrmann, T., van der Hoeven, F., Gröne,

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