* TO.D~Y. : NE~T,' ROUND OF ~~LVIS TALKS * NEW T~~NSPORT DEAL * .DJANA TO.DIVORCE? *, Sealquotas leap past 42 000 mark Stays on hunger strike KATE BURLlNG despite Namibia's move IN what is bound to be shock news, the Ministry of Fisheries and Marine Resources . yesterday an­ nounced that the number of seals to be culled this STAFF REPORTER season was up from 25 000 in 1991 to over·42 000. Though the figures were ciation's definition of 'pain­ RIGHT-WING extremist Leonard Veenendal described this week as "a less death': "If a blow of has linked his continuing hunger strike to the little higher" by the Minis­ sufficient force and accu­ fate of Daryl Stopforth, who also faces extradi­ try's permanent secretary racy is delivered to the skull tion to Namibia, according to a Sapa report Calle Schlettwein, they of an animal, immediate appear to represent a 68 per unconsciousness results". late yesterday. cent increase on last year's Since bullets ricocheting On Tuesday SA Foreign It has also emerged that official total. around the rocky outcrops Minister Pik Botha an­ South African church leader, According to a Ministry of a seal colony are, accord­ nounced that Veenendal, Archbishop Desmond Tutu, statement, the 1992 quota ing to the Ministry, "highly who has now spent 76 days. appealed to the the N amib­ at Cape Cross is 23 000 pups unnecessary and undesir­ on hunger strike, was to be ian Government to accept and 1 100 bulls, while the able", it deems "shooting of released frO!ll prison after the release of Veenendal. total for Wolf and Atlas Bays adults and clubbing . and an agreement with the According to South African is 17 000 pups and 1 000 bleeding of pups as humane Namibian Government. press reports yesterday, bulls. Seal cows are pro­ and efficient as one can get". Namibia is maintaining its Foreign Minister Botha tected from culling. The anti-cullers are un­ request to have both Veenen­ asked Tutu to intervene as The hews will come as a likely to be convinced, dalandStopforthextradited . Veenendal's condition cruel blow not only to the however, since the main­ to face charges of sabotage worsened. 30 000 seal pups condemned stay of their argument is and murder in Namibia. According to reports, by the quota, but also to that insufficient research on Meanwhile another ex­ Tutu's media secretary said animal rights activists who culling as a method of sus- tremist Afrikaner Volksu­ yesterday the appeal to battled last season to stop . tainably utilizing seals has nie.member Chris de Jager J:-lamibia had been made on . the slaughter. ' been carried out. said he had engaged in "humanitarian grounds ' ~ and This year, however,' the . Until the long-term effects negotiations to have the on the basis that Veenen- Ministry has its answers of interfering with :vvhat they whole extradition order ready. It quotes the Rio de ' . claim are natural cycles of withdrawn. continued on page 2 Janeiro Earth Summit held growth and decline in seal earlier this year in defence colonies' have been prop­ of its policy, claiming world­ erly understood, ' nature ~ral<"~lil > 9n ' BMW-3s ' wide support for the .· s'us­ should not be tampered with, tainable utilization of natu- .' say-ariimal rights and envi­ JOHANNtSitilti i. g~WSouth Africa yesterday ral resources. onmental groups. LOOKING TO A BETTER FUTURE .•. One of the arinouncidJt~re~ing its r ecently released 3- , It also dismisses anti-Culler While refusing to suspend Namibia Literacy Programme teachers, with a young series ' ve~Cl~t6noWffig the discovery of sub-stan-· arguments that the seals are culling operations in search pupil, who attended yesterday's launch of Namibia's dardw~l(lillg injherear suspension ~omponent of three cars. •..... ..•.••.. .. '.. killed inhumanely, citing the of definitive assurances, the National Literacy Week. The theme is Your Key to a Journal of The American Better Future. See report, page 3. Photograph: ·Kate Owners of then~hynew jJMW -3 series were re­ continued on page 2 Veterinary Medical Asso- Burling qUested to take their cars to their neatest BMW deal­ ership as soon as possible to have the rear suspension, inspected . City water prices to soar . continued on page 2 as Windhoek struggles for survival completely before the end of March. TOM MINNEY "This city is struggling for survival," said Mayor. Petra Hamman at the meeting last night. On top of the problems WATER prices for big houses with large gardens could of drought and soari ng watering of gardens and hathi ng as double after last night's City Council meeting passed hot weather rctUOlS, is the new crisis of at Icast 400 new TlTlrn: FOR MANAl;EMENT "I M' I tough new measures which will affect all houset,olds I> I. EA I> ERSIIlI' T RAININ ll peoplc arriving in the city .each Ill onth. hoosti ng water usc, who use water heavily. to record levels, The City needs all Windhockcrs to cut thcir water use by 20pc r ccn t t ~ makcsu r ci~wa te ~s uppl~y_d_~_s_' _n(_"_ru~n_o_u_t ~~~~~~~_c (_)n_t_i n_u_e_d_._Hl_p_:_' g_re_2~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~' ~~~~~~~ " 2 Thursday September 3 1992 THE NAMIBIAN R2,31/cubic metre. WATERCRISIS * A whopping 100 per cent FROMPAGE1 increase will come on any water use above..(iO cubic metres. a 3 gf!gd reasons for "The' public of Wiridhoek month, bringing the price to ", • 4 ' must please help to save water R3,30/cubic metre. becau se this is a serious threat City Engineer Vic Hibbert - either' save water or the State said people should read their C~Plmu­ "etting literate ..• dams will run dry ," said Ham­ waier metres every week. 1bese THE Groot Aub man. show water use in kilolitres nity has received't it' dona­ The Department of Water which is the s'ame as cubic tion of~ pumping equip­ "I W ANT to be able to Ndelimeke Thomas, KATEBURLING Affairs has said it can only metres and people should be mend'rom the Director­ write letters without who has been learning to .deliver 13 million cubic metres careful not to use more than 9 ate of Rural Development other people knowing read and write her mother given yesterday by one of of water to Windhoek. froin cubic metres a week. in the Ministry of Agri­ tongue, Oshikwanyam:l, now until March. IfWindhoek The new measures aim at . what's in them, open 15 000 learners enrolled in culture, Water and Ru­ since the middle 'of Au­ uses too much in any particu­ penalising the heaviest users. my own bank account lite.racy classes throughout gust,is a student in one of lar week the Department .will, Hibbelt said people shOUld not ral Development which and read a newspa­ . the country, as Namibia three classes running at cut off the water supply com­ stop watering their gardens will be used for a garden­ per.!' launched its National Liter ~ the Wome~'s Centre in pletely until. the end .of that alts>gether:but should concen­ ing project. These 'were the reasons acy Week. week in order to make sure the trate on keeping trees and other . A. diesel engine and ac­ Okuryangava, Katutura. water lasts the period. long-term plants alive at the ' cessories were given to this 'The unemployed mother If there is no rain in March, expense of lawns and flowers small settlement 55 kilome­ said she had joined up with tlte city'may only get 5 millio!l .. ~hicQ. could always be rephmted . terssouth of Windhoek a number of friends, all cubIC metres for the whole of next year ifthere 'is niore rain. equally keen to throw off . • TIie .council is also looking yesterday. next yeru;, less. than a third its .. ~he burden of their. illiter­ n.ormal use of 18 mlllion·cubic According to'a statement . for longer-term solutions to the .. acy. Originally from metres a year. ' water crisis. from the Ministry; !he ma­ Onekwaya in Owambo, Last night'the council agreed , Hibbert says he is' meeting ' jority of the 2 000-inhabi­ Thomas had ·only ·a few on a system ufblock tariffs for 'possible donors today to.dis-'· tants are unemployed, al­ .. years of schooling before domestic users-, which came' ' cuss R40 million of plans ~o ' though a tiny ~ction have into effect on Tu~sday, Sep­ extend the sewage purification' jobs.in Windhoek and Re- ' 'dropping out' - the fate of thousands ofl)Iamibian tember 1. This means: works so that these would be hoboth or work at.the clinic smaller users will not face women who account for * able to supply some 3 to 4 and two primary schools. any increases in the current million cubic metres a year of the greater part of Na­ The main economic ac­ Rl,65/cubic metre provided recy1ced water. mibia's high rate of illit­ tivity of the community is they use less than 40 cubic He said this would give eracy. livestock farming, largely metres (kilolitres) a month. Windhoek the biggest recycling In a few weeks oflearn­ * People who use between pl~t in the world. Drought goats with a few head of ing, Thomas thought she 40 and 60 will face a 40 per hits the city every 10 years or cattle and some donkeys. ' had "learned a lot". She cent rise in bills on the extra so, but this is the most severe The community has iden­ was able to recognise. and . water bringing the price to on record. tified gardening as one way form letters and would soon of improving their living be putting words together.
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