Samaritan Bibliography Online 2014 From The Archives of theSamaritanUpdate.com Compiled by Larry Rynearson The following references of the Samaritans are found on the internet and are being shown for easy fast access and is not in anyway to replace any scholar’s work. We would like to thank the numerous scholars that have helped in making this possible!!!! The following was collected as a non-profit benefit! Should you discover a non-working link, or anything of imporatance, please notify the editor of this work at [email protected]. (Bibliography numbers shown on the left correspond to the numbers of the Third Edition of A Bibliography of the Samaritans, Third Edition, Revised, Expanded, and Annotated, by Alan David Crown and Reinhard Pummer, ATLA Bibliography, No. 51, The Scarecrow Press, Inc. Lanham, Maryland, Toronto, Oxford. 2005) Please note that some of the reference numbers posted here may have a different title, publication date, volume, issue, publisher, etc, than the Bibliography mentioned above. These numbers are marked in Bold. All Rights Reserved Copyright © 2014 Last Edited March 16, 2014 Abraham Ecchellensis, see Haqilani, Ibrahim Abel, Felix-Marie #9 “Inscription samaritaine de Gaza et inscriptions greques de Bersabee.” Revue Biblique Internationale, Vol 3, pp. 84-87, Paris, Librairie Victor Lecoffre, 1906 Abuchemda, Von (Jerusalem) No# “Die Samaritaner in Sichem.” Ost und West, Jg 22 (1922) Nr 5, p. 149-152. Abu-'l-Fatḥ Ibn-Abi-'l-Ḥasan as-Samiri #19 Abulfathi Annales Samaritani. Quos Arabice edidit cum Prolegomenis Latine vertit et Commentario Illustravit Eduardis Vilmar, Gathae 1865 Abu-'l-Fidā Ismāʿīl Ibn-ʿAlī #20 Abulfedae Annales Muslemici: Aeabice et Latine. 5 vols (vol 1, 2, 3, 4, 5) Hafniae 1789-1794 #21 Abulfedae Tabula Syriae, Lipsaiae: litteris Schoenermarkii, 1766 Acoluth, Andreas #27 Andreae Acoluthi Vratislaviensis De me ha-marim ha-meʼarerim, sive, aquis amaris maledictionem inferentibus, vulgo dictis zelotypiae et Num. V. v. 11 usque ad finem cap. Descriptis, ex Anatolica antiqvitate: hoc est, Fontibus sacris, eorundemqve variis tùm Orientalibus, tùm Occidentalibus versionibus, Thalmude utroque, & omnium aetatum Hebraeis exegetis, homiletic, philosophis, Kabbalists, atque masora,erutum adeoque Judaeorum in textûs sacros commentandi rationem multiplicem ostendens philologema. Lipsiae: Justini Branii, 1682 Adam, Robert, No # The Religious World Displayed or, a View of the Four Grand Systems of Religion, Namely Christianity, Judaism, Paganism, and Mohammedism; and the various Existing Denominatiuons, Sects, and Paries in the Christian World. To Which is Subjoined, a View of Materialsm, Necessitanism, Deism and Atheism, 2 volumes, Vol. II, London: L. B. Seeley & Sons, 1823, pp. 322-324. Adams, Hannah No # The History of the Jews,From the Destruction of Jerusalem Present Time, London: A Macintosh, 1818, pp. 2, 497- 516. Bibliography of the Samaritans: The Archives of theSamaritanUpdate.com Adelung, Johann Christoph #30 Mithridates oder allgemeine Sprachenkunde. Berlin, Vossischen Buchhandlung, 1806 Adler, Cyrus No # The Collection of Jewish Ceremonial Objects in the United States National Museum, with I. M. Casanowicz, Washington, Government Printing Office, 1908 Adler, Elkan Nathan #33 “On the Samaritan Book of Joshua.” p. 1143-1147 Journal of the Royal Asistic Society of Great Britain and Ireland for 1908. London: by the Society. 1908 Adler, Elkan Nathan and M. Seligohn About Hebrew Manuscripts. Oxford University Press: 1905 #34 “Une Nouvelle Chronique Samaritaine,” Revue des études Juives, 1902: Vol. 44, p. 188-222; Vol. 45, pp. 70-98, 223-254; 1903: Vol. 46.pp. 123-146, Agate, Margaret No# Egypt, the Sinaitic Desert, and the Holy Land, Paisley: Alexander Gardner, 1904 pp. 216- 217 Albertus, Aquensis #45 Recuel des Croisades, Historiens Occidentaux. Vol. 4, Paris Imprimerie Nationale, 1879 Alder, Lydia Dunford No# “The Holy Land,” The Deseret News, Edited by Edward H. Anderson 1912 pp. 200-202 Alexandri, Noel Natalis #54 Historia Ecclesiastica Veteris Nouique Testamenti, ab orde condito ad annum post Christum natum millesimum sexcentesimum, etc. vol. 6. Parisiis, Antonii Dezallier, 1699 Allen, Richard No# Letters from Egypt, Syria, and Greece, Reprinted from the General Advertiser, Dublin: Gunn & Cameron, 1869, pp. iv, v, 42-43 Allis, Oswald T. No# (Review) “Der hebraische Pentateuch der Samaritaner,” herausgegeben von August Freiherrn von Gall. Erster Teil. Prolegomena und Genesis mit 4 Tafeln. Verlag von Alfred Topelmann (vormals J. Ricker) Giessen. 1914. In The Princeton Theological Review, Vol. 12, 1914, the Pricneton University Press, N. J., pp. 623- 625 Almkvist, Herman #64 "Ein samaritanischer Brief an Konig Oscar in Faksimile herausgegeben und ubersetzt”. mit einer Schrifttafel von Julius Euting. Skrifter utgifna af K. Humanistiska vetenskapssamfundet I, Upsala, V 2, 1897 pp. 3-13. Review: C. G. - G. Revue Critique d'histoire et de littérature, No. 1, 3 janvier, 1898, pp.1-2 Alting, Jacob #79 Synopsis Institutionum Samaritanarum Friderici Danielis Knochii, 1717. #79 Fundamenta punctationis linguae sanctae, cum ...cum necessariis canonum, Friderici Danielis Knochii, 1730 also here for 1717 edition Amadutius / Amaduzzi, Joannes Christophorus / Giovanni Cristofoto #80 Alphabetum Hebraicum: Addito Samaritano Et Rabbinico. Cum oration dominicali, salutation angelica, et symbol apostolic. Romae: typis Sacrae Congregationis de Propaganda Fide, 1771. #80 Samaritano Et Rabbinico Romae, 1771 #81 Delle Origini Ttaliche di Monsig. Mario Guarnacci esame critico con una Apologetica Risposta. Venezia, Giammaria Bassaglia, 1773 2 Bibliography of the Samaritans: The Archives of theSamaritanUpdate.com Ambros, Theseo, (Ambrosius, Theseus) #85 Introductio in Chaldai cam lingua, Syriaca, atque Armenica, & decem alias linguas. 1539, Also located here Ameloti, R. P. (Denis Amelote) #87 Monumenta epistolica variorum doctorum virorum, qui scripserunt de Antiquitatibus Ecclesiae Orientalis. Quibus Praefixa est Johannis Morini, vita. Lugduni Batavorum, Balsuinum Vander Aa, 1699 Anderson Galleries, Inc. No# Catalogue of the library of the late Bishop John Fletcher Hurst. part I: Washington-Franklin : sale held by order of the American Security and Trust Co. of Washington, D.C. sole executor : to be sold at auction Monday and Tuesday evenings, May 2d and 3d 1904. New York: Anderson Auction Company, 1904. Anderson, R.E. (Robert Edward) #100 “Jacob’s Well” Quarterly Statement - Palestine Exploration Fund 1877, 72-75 Anderson, Robert T. [Michigan State University] No# The Michigan State University Samaritan Collection The Biblical Arhaeologist, March,1984 #103 The Elusive Samaritan Temple The Biblical Arhaeologist June, 1991, pp. 104-107 No# The Keepers with Giles, Terry, Introduction to book, Hendrickson Pubishers, 2002 Anonymous #128 An Account of the Samaritans; in a letter to J… M… Esq., London, 1714 [most likely J. M. is Joannes Majus Esq.] No# The Advocate: America’s Jewish Journal, Vol. 38, Chicago, 1909, pp. 720-722. No# “Ancient Hebraic Writ.” Boston Evening Transcript- Feb. 4, 1903, p. 11. No# “The Ancient Samaritan Pentateuch Draped in Mourning,” The Lutheran Companion Vol. 28, 1920, Rock Island Ill. January 17, 1920, whole number 1010. Pg. 47. No# “Answers to Correspondents,” St. Martin’s-le-Grand Vol. 4, W.P. Griffin & Sons, 1894, pg 459. No# “The Bibliographer” Boston Evening Tanscript- Nov. 18, 1903, p. 19 No# “Contrast Between Jews and Samaritans” by J. R., English School and Family Reader, Containing Selections in Prose and Verse, Historical Accounts, Biographies, Narratives, Notices and Characteristics of Judaism, Past present and Future by H. Abaranel, The Bloch Publishing and Printing Company, Cincinnati, O. 1883, pp. 164-165. No# Correspondence of Palestine Tourists Comprising a Series of Letters by George A. Smith, Lorenzo Snow, Paul A. Schettler, and Eliza R. Snow, of Utah, Salt lake City 1875. P. 254, 258. “Discovery of a New Manuscript of the Pentateuch.” Appletons’ Journal of Literature, Science and Art. Volume 3d, From Number Forty to Number Sixty-Five Inclusive, January 1, To June 25, 1870 New York: Appleton and Company90, 92 & 94 Grand Street, 1870, pp. 81-82. No# The Ecclesiastical Observer, No. 15.- Vol. XXXIV August 1st, 1881, The Samaritans Passover Feast in 1880. Pp. 205-206. No# “Enquiry Concerning the Samaritans,” The Evangelical Magazine for the Year 1803, London: T. Williams Vol. 11, 1803 pp. 536-537. No# Evangelical Christendom: Its State and Prospects, A Monthly The Evangelical Alliance, Vol. XIV, London: Published by William John Johnson, , Edinburgh: John Menzies, Dublin: Curray and Co. 1860 No# “ The Evangelical Repository; Devoted to the Principles of the Reformation, as set forth in the Formularies of the Westminster Devines And Witnessed for by the Associate Synod of North America, Edited by Joseph T. Cooper, Volume 15, Philadelphia: William S. Young, Proprietor, 373 Race, or 50 North Sixth Street 1856, Shechem and the Samaritans,” pp. 284-287, “A Visit to Shecehm and the 3 Bibliography of the Samaritans: The Archives of theSamaritanUpdate.com Samaritans” by G. Lansing, pp. 609-614 No# A Fortnight’s Ride East of Jordan, Bentley’s Miscellany. Vol. LIX. London: Chapman and Hall, 193, Piccadilly. 1866. London: C. Whiting, Beaufort House, Strand.pp. 481- 482. No# “Hebrew Exhibit on Display at McGill.” The Canadian Jewish Chronicle- Apr. 27, 1928, p. 10 No# The Journal of the Anthropolgical Institute, Great Britain and Ireland. Vol. 3. London: Trubner & Co. 1874. pp. 205-208.
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