130 the contemporary pacific • 22:1 (2010) four-year terms as governor. Moses for Historic Preservation and Consultation subsequently served as FSM ambassa- Conference. Office of nach/fsmis, Palikir, dor to the United Nations and secre- Pohnpei, 13 August. http://www.fsmgov tary of foreign affairs. He was elected .org/press/pr081308.htm to the FSM Congress in 2003 and ———. 2009a. President Mori Delivers the won reelection in 2007. He was the State of the Nation Address before Con- vice speaker of the 14th and the 15th gress. Palikir, Pohnpei, 14 May. http:// FSM Congresses. He is survived by his www.fsmgov.org/press/pr051409.htm wife, four children, and grandchildren ———. 2009b. Public Law Updates (Kaselehlie Press 2009). from 7th Special Session of the 5th FSM john r haglelgam Congress. Press Release 0509-12. Palikir, Pohnpei, 6 May. http://www.fsmpio.fm/ ARCHIVES/RELEASES/2009/may.html References ———. 2009c. Second Update: unof- FSM Constitution. Available online via the ficial Election Results for the FSM Web site of fsmlaw, Legal Information National Election 2009. Press Release System of the Federated States of Microne- 0309-15, Palikir, Pohnpei, 12 March. sia: http://www.fsmlaw.org/fsm/ Haglelgam, John R. 2009. Micronesia in constitution/ Review: Issues and Events, 1 July 2007 fsmis, FSM Information Services. 2006. to 30 June 2008: Federated States of Presidential Order 30 Establishes FSM Micronesia. The Contemporary Pacific Infrastructure Committee. Palikir, Pohnpei, 21:114–118. 18 August. Kaselehlie Press. 2009. FSM Founding ———. 2008a. FSM Mourns the Passing Father Resio Moses dies at 65. 8 July of Former Vice President Ismael. Palikir, (9:16). Pohnpei, 1 August. http://www.fsmgov Meller, Norman. 1985. Constitutional- .org/press/pr080108.htm ism in Micronesia. Lë‘ie: The Institute ———. 2008b. Presidential Order No. 30 for Polynesian Studies, Brigham Young Amended. Palikir, Pohnpei, 10 September. University–Hawai‘i. http://www.fsmgov.org/press/pr091008 .htm ———. 2008c. Representatives of the Guam National Government Participate at the 3rd Annual Mortlocks Leadership Confer- During a year in which most of the ence. Department of Foreign Affairs Press world experienced a major economic Release, 6 August. http://www.fsmgov downturn, Guam’s political and .org/press/pr080608.htm economic focus was concerned with ———. 2008d. Twenty-One Candidates what promises to be a major boost to Are Certified for the 2009 Congressional the economy yet comes with attendant Elections. Office of the National Elec - political and social consequences. To tions Commission. Kolonia, Pohnpei, buttress the previously announced 6 November. http://www.fsmgov.org/ relocation of several thousand marines press/pr110608.htm and their families from Okinawa to ———. 2008e. Vice President Alik L. Alik Guam, Secretary of State Hillary Clin- Addresses the Micronesian Endowment ton traveled to Japan to sign an agree- pol i t ical reviews • micronesia 131 ment with Japanese officials to formal- crisis is having a significant impact on ize the move (kuam, 17 Feb 2009). travel around the world and we just On Guam, announcements were need to be a little bit smarter about made of expenditures or contracts how we are going to be able to push signed as part of the US Department tourism in our core markets” (kuam, of Defense’s $10 billion in projected 18 March 2009). spending for the relocation (kuam, 15 In April 2009, First Hawaiian Bank Oct 2009). Overall, military construc- issued its economic forecast for Guam tion spending on the island acceler- noting that, despite difficulties in the ated, which in part compensated for tourist industry, the island stands the decrease in tourism resulting from out as one of the few economies in the worldwide economic downturn the world that has a brighter future, (Bradley 2009). primarily due to the massive military Throughout 2008 and early 2009, buildup. The bank’s economic adviser, tourism arrivals declined from Guam’s Dr Leroy Laney, stated, “The coming principal market, Japan. An April military buildup occupies center stage 2009 report from the Guam public on Guam in 2009. It is assured that auditor pointed out that Japan’s 2008 the buildup will come, and parts of arrival numbers were even lower than it are already underway, even though in 2004 when the tourist industry was some uncertainty still exists as to the recovering from two super typhoons exact timing of the transfer” (kuam, and coping with the impact of the 28 April 2009). Asian sars epidemic. Visitor arriv- Uncertainty about the buildup, als from other Asia-Pacific markets though, troubled many island leaders also declined in 2008, and the report and activists, particularly with respect characterized prospects for tourism to infrastructure, environmental, and in 2009 as “bleak” (kuam, 13 April social considerations. Many of these 2009). On the other hand, Guam concerns were voiced in a number of Visitors Bureau (gvb) board chair- forums, including a series of oversight man Dave Tydingco stated that gvb hearings conducted by Senator Judi officials were surprised to see that Guthertz, chair of the legislature’s arrivals from Japan had been rising Committee on the Guam Military recently. Among the reasons given for Buildup and Homeland Security the upturn was the strengthening of (kuam, 3 March 2009). The University the yen and the reduction in the fuel of Guam (uog) also held symposiums surcharge, which decreased the cost featuring speakers on the buildup. In of airfare. However, with respect to November 2008, the uog College of Guam’s other major market, Korea, Liberal Arts and Social Sciences, along visitor numbers remain challenging as with Sanctuary, Incorporated, hosted a that country’s currency, the won, lost discussion about the military buildup 30 percent of its value against the US for students and island residents (PDN, dollar. Tydingco said, “We are hoping 21 Nov 2008). At a uog symposium that with the stabilization of the Japan in April 2009, Dr Catherine Lutz of market the summer months are look- Brown University led a presentation ing better but this global financial entitled “U.S. Military Basing and Its 132 the contemporary pacific • 22:1 (2010) Impact on Local Communities and “Obviously we’re not too happy about Global U.S. Strategy” (kuam, 13 April [the] idea that the budget we submit- 2009). Another symposium featured ted has yet to be entertained. But the Meio University’s Kiyoshi Nakachi reality is that a lot of the things we and focused on Okinawa’s experiences submitted in the 2010 budget are in hosting US military forces (kuam, specifically to meet the demands of the 15 April 2009). military buildup. There’s substantial The US Department of Defense amount of money for the port, dpw indicated that it needed more land [Department of Public Works], and for than previously estimated for the various agencies that need to beef up buildup of troops and was exploring their infrastructure prior to the mili- the possibility of leasing Government tary beginning the construction. We’re of Guam (GovGuam) property (kuam, still pushing that the 2010 budget 17 Feb 2009). In February 2009, we submitted will be entertained, but Senator Benjamin J F Cruz introduced as [the] governor stated he is disap- legislation to allow Guam voters pointed by the lack of interest or to decide whether they support the movement by the federal government” buildup; only after public consent is (kuam, 21 Dec 2008). given would a determination be made Indigenous rights groups also as to whether the government should voiced their concerns on the mili- lease land to the military. In this same tary buildup and a number of other vein, Senators Rory Respicio and issues. In October 2008, the Chamoru Judi Guthertz raised concerns about Summit II was held, with the theme accessibility of US funding to deal “Mina‘dos na Huntan Manamoru: with the expected strains on Guam’s Huntan i Manamoru ni‘ Pumetsisigi civilian community from the projected Dinitetminan Maisa (Chamoru Sum- expansion of military activity. They mit II: A Meeting of the Chamoru cited an e-mail from Enrique Manza- People Working towards Self-determi- nilla, director of the Pacific Southwest nation).” The forum brought together Communities and Ecosystems Division more than fifty Chamorro professors of the US Environmental Protection and students to learn about effective Agency’s Region 9, expressing con- Chamorro leadership and self-deter- cerns “that there is no commitment of mination. The chair of the summit’s funds to address the civilian impacts planning committee, Chamorro rights of the military buildup” (kuam, 2 activist Lisa Natividad, stated that Dec 2008). This same concern was the event had two goals: to teach echoed by members of the governor’s younger generations of Chamorros Civilian / Military Task Force, which the meaning of self-determination, is leading the government’s response and to create functional commit- to the buildup. Task force member tees. The different committees “are Tony Lamorena said that despite specific to educational strategies on Guam’s 2010 request for funding for Chamoru self-determination[;] there’s the military buildup, there had been a second one on rethinking education no response from the federal authori- for Chamorus, [and] one on a legal ties, so prospects look dim. He stated, committee looking at developing legal pol i t ical reviews • micronesia 133 strategies for achieving self-determi- In October 2008, Chamorro nation,” as well as to revitalize the activists demonstrated and testified Chamorro Registry (kuam, 25 Oct at the Guam Legislature in support 2008). (The Chamorro Registry is an of an indigenous fishing rights bill. election roll maintained by the Guam Maga‘håga (the highest-ranking Election Commission. At some point, female) Trini Torres of the Taotao- the Government of Guam will hold a mona Native Rights Group stated self-determination vote or a plebiscite their goal was to restore native rights on the island’s future political status; to fish in Guam’s waters (kuam, 31 those eligible to vote on this issue are Oct 2008).
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