WEEK'S LETE TELEVISION PROGRAMS THE •UND N RTH JERSEY'S ONLY WEEKLY PICTORIAL MAGAZINE ß, .•. '..;;•;'•..."'. :::•• Town and Country _• • •;. '•..'.:]:".......•.." - :.. Dining , .•:•:• -,, • '• •:•;•::•..•:•.....:.:•..?.:.....:..:,.•.. •'. ,•-:?-.:•:•.....:•.•... >..:-...•.• ........ :.:•:;:;;•;:•:•&•;.•:.•:........ ß• .'.. ..::•" .: --.•.-...••%;,•;.•:•;:......•...?•;:...:..,. Harlem Globetrotters ..... -• •,: -•.::: :.::,..:.:....:. :::::.:....::. 34th Season .... ..... ,;; •-.-••..• ..... .. .;•;:•::. ..... "ounds Good To Us! .•:•-'.:.]. '...... ..:.. :':•:,;•-.... -.'.:'.":...-•'. •' ..... ?:.:::.::....• .........:•::•.• .....:,;•; •.. :-.. :;;;..:..,.•:,• .... •.....:,,.:,::.:.:........ :,•:.:...:•:•;.•:•:•:•.... ..... .. Our Choice: Kennedy For President ß, •..;•.::•:;:,a .y• ......... -"'. •--'•;' ": "';': '::•:':-:;:.;•'%"/":.. 7 '•:k.•" ..4'.... "•:•" ..............•:.•,• •..•. ; ;"';.:';:.ß.... •.•"'4 •k•-•].........•.'.':•, '...-::;' ."•:;....... ;•;::•" '.' ;'::'..., . ....: ., .'.•.. •g•:.::-.....,.. •:•:•;• .... *:. ::•:.. Complete Short Story . ;: : MR. PRESIDENT NOVEMBEB 5, 1960 VOL. XXXII, No. 45 $35 STRAIGHT ST. (Cor. 20th Ave.) 1 ATERSON, N.J. Gift Deparl•ent Living Rooms : •, ,,,, -- Bedding Dining Booms Furni• Acoessories We Decorate Within Your Budget Appliaaees ZITO STUDIOS COMMERCIAL- NEWS- POR•IT RUSSELL Z1TO, Photographer SWarthmore 6-0104 HOLIDAY SALUTE -- Barbara Cook (left), Alfred Drake and Mindy Carsonwill be seen and heard in "And FreedomSings" 10-16-FMr Lsmz Averole on the "Telephone Hour" colorcast of Friday, Nov. 11. The show will offera VeteransDay salu•teto the armedforces, with Drake portraying the American service man in four wars, and Miss Cook and Miss Carson appearing as "girls he left behind." This programof the bi-weekly"Telephone Hour" colorcastseries will b= par.' ;f N BC-TV's "Color TV Day--U.S.A."observance. • I. PARRILLO TheMan from Equitable asks- ß ß..: ..: --. .. Willyou leave your family a home --or a mortgage? THE ODDSthat you will die beforeyou pay o• your mortgageare 16 timesgreater than the chanceyour house will catch fire. Yet, most prudent families wouldn'tthink of beingwithout fire insurance.Why be without mortgageinsurance? Equitable'sremarkable mortgage repayment insur- anceplan protectsyour family againstforced sale. ;. lossof savings... or lossoœ home. Costsare low ;for this basicprotection. For full informationcall... I. PARRILLO 200 EAST RADGEWOOD AVENUE RIDGEWOOD, N. J. ELECTIONTEAM-- David Brinkley (left) and Chet Huntleywill GI 5-3342 C_rI 4-9891 be anchormenof the NBC News electioncoverage Nov. 8 on the NBC-TV Network. The Emmy Award-winningcorrespondents won wide acclaim from viewers and critics for their coverage Leffhe manfrom Equilable bring you peace of mind of the nationalpolitical oonventions last Summer.Among their regularassignments is the Monday-through-Friday"Huntley- Brinkley Report." Page Two • CHBONICI• ß Published Weekly by • •NICI,E COMPAN• 170-172 Butler Street P•ter•n, N.J. LAmbe• 5-2741 VINCENT S. PARR•, Publisher VINCENT N. PARRILLO, Managing Editor Entered as Second Class matter Augtrot 24, 1926, at the Post Office at •son, N.J., under the act of March 3, 1879. NOVEMBER 5, 1960- VOL. XXXH, No. 45 Single Copy 10 Cents $4.00 • Year by Mail CONTENTS FEATURES MID PLEASURESAND PALACE• -- Rosemary01oon. ey (stand. ing) appears a bit pensive as she observes the "comforts" of avant--gardefurniture, like the chairs in which Dick Van Dykel Sounds Good To Us and Cardl Burnett "relax." These three --- plus Miss Clooney'•' husband, Jose Ferrer--will star in NBC-TV's Thanksgiving Day (Nov. 24) colorcast of "No Place I. ike Home," a sprightly full- hour revue on man's efforts to make a home through the ages. Harlem Globetrotters- 34th Season Town and Country Dining Chivalry Complex • A Complete Short Story 14 Famous American Taverns 15 ß DEPARTMENTS_ Editorials ............................ Complete Television ............. 11-12-13 ß ;< ON THE COVER OPERATION BALLOT -- NBC News correspondent Richard United States Senator John F. Kennedy, Democratic Presi- Harkness discusses "Operation Ballot" with an operator at the dential candidate, is shown in one of his characteristic action console of an RCA 501 computer system, in New York. "Opera- tion Ballot" is an NBC project which, for the first time, will com- photos shot while addressing a record crowd of people as- bine voter preference studies with the swift calculations of an sembled in front of the Paterson City Hall when the Senator electronic computer to project the Presidential vote early in the evening of Election Day, Nov. 8. The NBC News election cover- ::-•visitedthis area in the early part of October. (Please turn. age will switch periodically to an RCA Electronic Systems Cen- •to page 8 on why ou• choicefor Presidentis Kennedy.) ter for reports by Harkness on the findings of "Operation Ballot." THE CHRONICLE Page Thrt• - o o o Though specialtiles and other ac- someoneelse had just said. As if this ergy is released.If EnricoCaruso could ousticalmaterials are morewidely used weren"t hard enoughon the girl, she shatter a wine glasswith the unaided than': ever to dim the din, and though alsodeveloped an unrequitedlove for powerof the humanvoice, imagine the soundswe can't hear- ultrasoundsor the handsomeyouth Narcissus,and punch in machineswhich can release "silent"sounds -- are makingour lives eventuallypined away to nothingbut soundof up to onemillion vibrations per safer and more comfortablein scores her voice. second.Produced by ultrasonic"irradi- of ways,few peopleare aware of how Some old myths are unexpectedly ators"which focus the wavesin a tight many noteworthyfacts there are in the verified: hencea nationallysyndicated beam directly on the chosentarget, ul- fascinatingworld of sound. cartoonistof odditiesrecently reported trasonicenergy cleans, mixes or cuts Did you know, for example,that the proof that Joshua'scool horn and the moleculeswith unbelievableprecision speedwith which soundreaches your swingingshouts of his hip henchmen and speed.It can homogenizemilk and ears dependspartly on the weather? really did bring downthe houseat Je- age whiskeywithin minutes,put a per- It's a fact- the velocityof soundin- .icho.This informationwould probably fect "head" on beer, cut diamonds, creasesabout two feet per secondfor come as no shockto some university clean opticallenses and decontaminate every centrigradedegree rise in tem- researcherswho have beenexperiment- machinery and clothing exposed to perature.Were you aware that "silent" ing with the shatteringeffects of noise. deadly radiation in atomic research soundcan wash dishes,tenderize meat, Accordingto a study made at Colgate labs. even tune on the TV set? Or that the University, the average office worker Medical applicationsare even more- lessquiet form of soundknown as noise wastes about one-fifth of his energy startling: ultrasonicenergy has been costs American industry literally mil- trying to shut out distractingsounds. successfullyused to diagnosecancers, lions of dollars a year. The National Medical researchersat ColumbiaUni- cut out tumorslike a scalpel,drill cavi- Noise Abatement Council estimates versity foundthat noisecauses a mark- ties out of teeth with almost complete that the figure reachesat least $5• ed rise in pulserate and bloodpressure eliminationof pain -- and with noneof million and probablyruns higher. level. Consensus:though noise alone the heat, noiseand vibration that used Through an ingenioustransmission can't drive you off the deepend, it can to plaguevictims of the dental drill. set which utilizes some of the body's lead to mental fatigue and contribute Still in the experimental stage: an tiniest organs the incusor anvil bone to the developmentof neurosis. ultrasonic tenderizing process which of the middleear is the smallestof your If this i.s true, someof the luckiest will break up toughfood fiberswithout 206 bones-- you are enabledto hear peoplein the countrywork at the Bell altering the color or taste of the food. soundsranging in pitch or frequency TelephoneLaboratories in Murray Hill, Hospitals are alread.vusing the fore- from 20 to 20,000 vibrationsper sec- New Jersey. In the "Dear Room" of runners of the high frequency dish- ond. Near your lower limit is the or- this laboratory are produced the washer- a machinethat cleanssurgi- chestra'srumbling double bassoon (32 world's purest sounds,with 99.9 per cal instrumentswith a bombardment vibrationper second);a note three oc- cent Of their echoeseliminated. At the of soundwaves. Freed of dishfashing raves above the highest piano note, other extreme, the smooth bare sur- tasks,TV viewerswill tune programsin which .is4,096 cyclesper second,would facesof a typical modernhome (polish- and out with already-developedultra- be inaudibleto humanears! ed tile, wood tables, glass picture win- sonicremote control dveiceswhich op- Man's best friend does much better, dows, for instance) bounce.back up to erate without wires, batteries or physi- a fact which once mystified supersti- 99 per cent of the soundsthat strike cal connectionwith the set. Another tious humans.Noticing the tendencyof them, causingall sorts of domesticre- remote control devicebased on ultra- dogsto. perk up or howl fo rno appar- percussions.That's somethingto reflect sonicswill disintegrateany bombs or ent reason,they theorizedthat canines on, as is the fact that the home can be missile an enemy might aim -- while must be able to sensethe presenceof ':soundconditioned" with porousacous-
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