Scoping report Wrexham Energy Centre and Connections November 2012 Wrexham Energy Centre and Connections EIA Scoping Report Contents 1. Introduction 7 The promoter 7 The proposed development 7 The need for the development 8 EIA and EIA scoping 9 The structure of this report 9 Consultation 10 Consenting approach 10 2. Planning and legislative context 13 National policy statements 13 Welsh planning policy 14 Local planning policy 15 Other material considerations 17 3. The proposed development 19 Introduction 19 Site location and surroundings 19 Proposed plant 20 Design 22 Access 23 Electricity connection 23 Gas connection 25 Combined heat and power 26 Carbon capture readiness 27 Construction 28 November 2012 1 Wrexham Energy Centre and Connections EIA Scoping Report 4. Alternatives and scheme evolution 33 Introduction 33 Approach 33 Electricity generating options 34 The selection of CCGT technology 34 Site selection 35 Power station design options 37 Gas connection 39 Electricity grid connection 40 Carbon capture and storage 40 Conclusions 40 5. Summary and proposed structure of the ES 41 Summary 41 Proposed structure of the ES 42 6. Scope of the environmental impact assessment 45 Consultation 45 Air quality 45 Ground conditions 57 The water environment 73 Ecology 80 Landscape and visual 96 Noise and vibration 105 Transport and traffic 110 Socio-economic effects 115 Cultural heritage 121 Health, safety and security 128 Waste 130 Agriculture 134 2 November 2012 Wrexham Energy Centre and Connections EIA Scoping Report Tables Table 1: National and European air quality criteria 47 Table 2: DEFRA 2010 annual mean background concentrations, µg/m3 50 Table 3: Designated ecological sites 51 Table 4: Preliminary conceptual site model 65 Table 5: Risk estimation - classification of probability 68 Table 6: Risk estimation - classification of consequence 68 Table 7: Estimation of the level of risk by comparison of consequence and probability 70 Table 8: Significance criteria – contaminated land risk and part 2A status 71 Table 9: Importance of the environmental attributes of the water feature or resource 77 Table 10: Magnitude of potential effects 78 Table 11: Criteria for assessing the significance of potential effect 78 Table 12: Existing reports for the Wrexham Energy Centre site study area 81 Table 13: Study areas for the Wrexham Energy Centre site 82 Table 14: Great crested newt survey results (2010) 87 Table 15: Landscape and visual effects - issues for EIA 103 Table 16: Heritage Sites within a 5 km Radius of the WEC Site 122 Table 17: Heritage Sites within a 1 km of the Connection Route Corridors 123 Table 18: Criteria for identifying the value of an asset 126 Table 19: Criteria for the scale of beneficial and adverse changes 126 Table 20: Waste management significance assessment criteria 133 Table 21: Significance of effect on agricultural land quality 137 Table 22: Significance of effect on local agricultural businesses 138 Appendices Appendix 1: Table of consultees Appendix 2: Site location plan and environmental constraints Appendix 3: WEC: Stage one feedback report Appendix 4: Phase 1 habitat plan Appendix 5: LVIA provisional viewpoints November 2012 3 Wrexham Energy Centre and Connections EIA Scoping Report Glossary Full text Acronym Notes Agricultural Land Classification ALC Air Quality Management Area AQMA Air Quality Strategy AQS Ancient Woodland Inventory AWI Annual Average Daily Traffic AADT Best Available Technique BAT Birds of Conservation Concern BoCC Calculation of Road Traffic Noise CRTN Carbon Capture Ready CCR Combined Cycle Gas Turbine CCGT Combined Heat and Power CHP Construction Environmental Management Plan CEMP Construction Industry Research and Information CIRIA Association Countryside Council for Wales CCW Department of Energy and Climate Change DECC Design Manual for Roads and Bridges DMRB Development Consent Order DCO Electromagnetic Fields EMF Environment Agency EA Environment Protection Act EPA Environmental Assessment Levels EAL Environmental Impact Assessment EIA Environmental Permitting EP Environmental Statement ES Environmental Statement – non-technical summary ES-NTS Guidelines for Landscape and Visual Impact GLVIA Assessment Health and Safety Executive HSE Health Protection Agency HPA Heat Recovery Steam Generator HRSG Heavy Duty Vehicle HDV Habitat Suitability Index HSI Abolished through the Infrastructure Planning Commission IPC Localism Act 2011. However, several documents and regulations still refer to the 4 November 2012 Wrexham Energy Centre and Connections EIA Scoping Report Full text Acronym Notes IPC. In such circumstances the term “IPC” should be read as “PINS” Landscape and Visual Impact Assessment LVIA Landscape Institute LI Local Development Plan LDP Local Nature Reserve LNR Local Wildlife Site LWS Megawatts MW Multi Agency Geographical Information for the MAGIC Countryside National Nature Reserve NNR National Planning Policy Framework NPPF The strategic natural gas National Transmission System NTS pipeline network serving the UK Nationally Significant Infrastructure Project NSIP Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection ICNIRP Open Cycle Gas Turbine OCGT Planning Inspectorate PINS Planning Policy Statements PPS Pollution Prevention Control PPC Preliminary Environmental Information PEI Site of Special Scientific Interest SSSI Soil Handling and Management Strategy SHMS Source Protection Zone SPZ Special Area of Conservation SAC Special Protection Area SPA Statement of Community Consultation SOCC Sustainable Urban Drainage System SUDS Technical Advice Note TAN Department for Transport DfT Institute of Environmental Management IEMA Transport Analysis Guidance TAG Unitary Development Plan UDP United Nations Economic Commission for Europe UNECE Visual Envelope VE Wales Spatial Plan WSP November 2012 5 Wrexham Energy Centre and Connections EIA Scoping Report Full text Acronym Notes Waste Management Licensing WML Welsh Air Quality Network Forum WAQF World Health Organisation WHO Wrexham County Borough Council WCBC Refers specifically to the Wrexham Energy Centre WEC CCGT site Refers to the CCGT site, Wrexham Energy Centre and Connections WECC electricity connection and gas connection collectively Wrexham Industrial Estate WIE Wrexham Power Limited WPL 6 November 2012 Wrexham Energy Centre and Connections EIA Scoping Report 1. Introduction The promoter 1.1 On behalf Wrexham Power Limited (WPL) Savills and Atkins have been instructed to carry out an environmental impact assessment (EIA) and produce an environmental statement (ES) to identify the likely significant environmental effects of the proposed combined cycle gas turbine (CCGT) power station, overhead power line, gas pipeline and other infrastructure works. 1.2 WPL is a joint venture between St. Modwen and Glenfinnan Properties, established with the intention of promoting a new power station development at Wrexham. Both companies have extensive experience in the development and economic regeneration of sites throughout the UK, including experience in the energy sector. 1.3 WPL has employed a project team comprising: Atkins - engineering design and environmental consultants Savills - town planning and property consultants Local Dialogue - community and stakeholder relations; Pinsent Masons - legal advisers 1.4 The team is tasked with developing the power station proposals in dialogue with Wrexham County Borough Council (WCBC), landowners, the local community and other interested parties in order to secure a Development Consent Order for the proposed Wrexham Energy Centre. The proposed development 1.5 WPL is promoting the development of the Wrexham Energy Centre and Connections (WECC) which will comprise a new CCGT power station at Wrexham Industrial Estate in North Wales which will have an electrical generation capacity of up to 1,200 megawatts (MW). It will require a connection from the national gas transmission network and a connection to the electricity grid. The proposal constitutes a Nationally Significant Infrastructure Project (NSIP) under the terms of the Planning Act 2008 and therefore an application for a development consent order (DCO) is to be made to the Planning Inspectorate (PINS), who will examine the DCO application on behalf of the Secretary of State. 1.6 The CCGT is likely to comprise two separate turbine houses each containing a gas and steam turbine driving a common generator. The power station would require a cooling system to condense the exhaust steam from the steam turbine. It would also include an electricity sub-station on-site for the export of electricity to the grid. In addition there would be smaller buildings including for the station control room, offices, stores and water treatment plant. November 2012 7 Wrexham Energy Centre and Connections EIA Scoping Report The need for the development 1.7 National policy in relation to NSIPs, such as that proposed, is set out in the National Policy Statements (NPSs). Under the Planning Act 2008 the NPSs form the basis for decisions on NSIP applications, which must also take into account other matters set out in the Planning Act 2008, including any material considerations. 1.8 The Overarching National Policy Statement for Energy (EN-1)1, designated in 2011, sets out the need for new electricity generating stations. It should be noted that the NPSs refer to the Infrastructure Planning Commission (IPC) as the examining body for NSIPs. However, the IPC was abolished through the Localism Act 2011 with (broadly) its decision-making responsibilities transferred to the Secretary
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