r "I >i ■■ r I ' ■■ ^ _ I ■" MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 12. 1969 1 .'■C' IPAGE EIGItTEEN Avenge Daifly Net Frees Hob ThaWeAther lEoyttingi For tfea^Waak Badod JUM 4th. IMO Foreout of D. 8. Weethor Olbbona Aaaembly, Catholic Ceryini Reports Partly cloudy pai cool Might About Towii Ladles of Coluntlms, will hold a 13,125 aai Wedueaday. Low Mdgkt 4B- military whist and aetback O ct 4 Member «f ttie Andit se. m gli Wedueaday fu Hoi •- at 8 p.m. at the. KnIghta of Colum­ r August Receipts G(80D SHOE Bureau e f OIrealatiea Taylor Circle. WSCS, South bus Home. Host end hostess will be ManckeiUtr^A City of Village Charm Methodist Church, wlH meet to- Mr. and Mrs. EMward J. McKecver. The town collected 846,845 in REPAIRING FAYS m o m w at 7:4^ p.m- in Susannah Refrejdiments will -be served. property taxes' last month, accord­ (Claesifled Advert4s|ng on Pagh- U ) Wesley Hall. Hostesses will he Mrs. Tickets are $1, and may be obtain­ VOL. [IX , NO. 293 (FOURTEEN PAGES) MANCHESTER, COINN., TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 13, 1960 PRICE FIVE CENTS Kenneth Borgman, Mrs. Stoner ed by calling Mrs. Bkiward Dupre, ing to a monthly report from Col­ WHEN IT'S DONE a t Smith, and Mrs. Emo Sanchini. 136 Greenwood Dr., or Mrs. Frank lector of Revenue Paul Cervlnl. Zarbo, 165 Brent Rd. The taxes brought f'.e total col­ The Manchester Philatelic So­ lected since the start of the fiscal HALE’S SERVICE DEPT. ciety ^11 open its 1960-61 season The Church of the Assumption' ^iigo (Confusion State News year Jlzly 1 up to 83,0X5,518 to­ . tX D E R NEW MANAGEMENT V Tuesday evening at the North choir will resume rehearsals OAK ST. ENTRANCE • MANOHES EE- Methodist Church, Parker St. The Wednesday at 7 :30 p.m. New Mem­ ward. tjie estimate for. the full m ating, which will start at 7:30, bers arc welcome. year of 8?,468,681. ... WE GIVE GREEN Si Roundup Is open to all stamp collectors. The Cervlnl said the town, also re­ society also includes a Junior di­ Stanley Circle, South Methodist ceived 816,097 in State assistance, vision. Church WSCS will meet tomorrow 89,453 in fines, licenses, and per­ Reds Say at 7:45 p.m. at the home of Mrs. mits, and other revenue In Augnst The first fall meeting of St. Cheater Ferris, 32 Gerard St. adding up to 874,433, counting the State Polio at 18 Bernadette’s Mothers Circle will taxes. The total estimate for the be held Wednesday at 8:15 p.m. tlaughters of Liberty; No. 125, Vpar for the general fund is $6,- Hartford, Sept. 13 (,/?>)—The at the home of Mrs. Eugene Dc- will meet in Orange Hall tomor­ 893,964 of which 83,153,504 has State Health Department'to­ Battlsto, 51 Sharon L<ene, En­ row at 8 p.m. Refreshments will been realized. The year ends June field. Co-hostesses w ill, be Mrs. be served by the advl.sory board. 30. 1961. REAL day reported three cases of Law by Eisenhower William Browm and Mrs. Edmund Cervini added that 822,907 was polio in the state during the Tomczuk of Manchester., The first meeting of Cub Pack received Ih, August for the Water week endfed Sept. 10, brinjging will be held at the Verplanck Depa^tment^ 89,387 for the Sewer United Nations, N. Y „ Sept,f4eveiopment ‘'TP"; - - tance, it appeared there would- be the total for the yea^r to 18. School on Wednesday at 7 p.m. Department. 82.894 for the Town 13 (/P)—The Soviet Union to of the new cases were Fire Departmeiit, and' 82,477 for no further meeting of the council Tvfo Herald to Provide the parking m e t» fund. Respec- day accused Secretary Gen­ before Wednesday. paralytic. The 18 cases this year Th'e Marcia Neubert Circle of COUR compares to 84 for the correspond­ Needy Ovei? The rival factions irt The Congo Community Baptist Church will stimates for eral Dag Hammarskjold of Primaries Results BINGO f5p, 8217,650, FIRST LECTURE FREE. MONDAY, SEPT. 12. violating Security Council in­ government eadr sent'delegations ing period last year. meet tomorrow at 12:45 p, m. at to argue thelt viewpoint. One fac­ E\TEBY UKONESDAT the home of Mrs. Ellery Keith,'l72 $317,35<X and- $32,000. Toward Could your family use $5,000 extra? Train, obtain yoiu- Uceim and structions on The Congo. Tt 7:80 P.M. -C open a small realty practice from your home weekends, wIthoW giv­ tion headed by Foreign Minister • The voting results In today's pri­ 65 W m Get E. Middle Tpke. these 'estimates, the following asked that the council convene Warning on Food amoOnts have-been realized since ing up your Job. DOUBLE your Income and buy your family thn Justin Bomboko represented Pres­ Hartford, Sept. 13 (A>) — Pood maries will be reported over radio Sponsored by the at 3 p.m. to air the charges. ident Joseph Kaaa-vubu. The other station WINF tonight as soon as The' Hartford Simmons Club will July 1; $45,156, $18,545, $174,489, education, travel, etc., you want. Any man or woman can do It, r e n ^ - stored in freezers and refrigera­ VFW POST 7659 and 86,504. less of age or education. First lecture FKEE. VWCA, 263 Ann\^,. Egidio Ortona, Italian ambas­ group headed by Thomas Kanza, tabulations are completed follow­ hold Its anniitl tea In honor of en­ The Congo’s delegate-designate to tors which went off for any length A ssista n ce At Hartford. (Thereafter all classes held on Tuesdays 7:80 to 9:80). sador who is president of the coim- of time as a result of power fail­ ing the close of the polls at 8 p.m. tering freshmen at the Hartford cll this month, conferred with the U.N., represents Premier Lu- The broadcast telling the out­ College, 30 Elizabeth St., Wednes- . W'rite Or Phone For Guest Tickets ures during hurricane Donna should ADVANCE CATERERS MORSE COLLEGE, 18.3 ANN ST— JA 2-2281 other members on - the Soviet re­ mumba. come of the Town Director and da.v from 3 to 5 p.m. All Simmons It was too soon to see clearly be checked carefully, the State De­ Washington, Sept. 13 (A*)— 122 Naubuc Ave., Glastonbury quest, made in a letter to him. partment o f Consumer Protection State Representative races will president Eisenhower today College alumnae, preaent and-new ATLANTIC There was no Immediate decision what the UAR withdrawal meant. originate from The Herald's editor-' Free bos leaves immer of Cen­ students and their mothers are in­ Powell Getting Writer’s Cramp President Nasser sent about . 500 warned today. signed into law the bill setting FURNACE OIL on whether to convene the meet- Frozen food, once it has thawed, iai rooms. ter and Main Sts. at 6:80 p.m. vited. Dr. Theodore Powell is getting a special kind of writer’s cramp, signing the two books he’s just .paratroopers to The Congo two up a new federal-state pro­ Autonutic Delivery Ing. ' weeks ago. A UAR spokesman in should be used within the normal In a 1 p.m: count today, 814 Re­ had published. The stacks on the right are “The School Bus Law’’ and the stacks on the left are TOe confusion over who is run­ Clip this ad for Free game card ,A miscellaneous shower for L T. WOOD CO. Cairo accused the U.N. of violat­ spoilage time of similar fresh food, publicans and 367 Demqcrats had gram to help pay medical ex­ "'The Long Rescue" About 100 persons attended the autograph party given at the Manchester ning The Congo was amplified by voted In the conte.sta in which Re­ three nuns, recently assigned to Bookshop' on E. Center St. Friday night in Powell’s honor; Standing behind the Manchester director Phone MI 3-1139 SpsdaL ing The Congo’s sovereignty by according to Baton Smith of the penses of needy persons over the withdrawal of United Arab Re­ Church of the Assumption parish, taking over Congolese airports food division. publicans Sherwood Bower.s and 65. ' is Mrs. Polly B. Bccklcy. in. a checked dress and next to her is Albert Martinson, both ow-ners of public troops from the U.N. force Wilber Little and Democrat Walter will be held at a meeting of Ladies the store. (HeraM Photo by Oflara). and radio broadcasting stations. Special caution should be used Spon.sors of the legislation eaU- In The Congo and the arrival of Cairo’s Middle East news agen­ before fcatlng shellfish or fish. Meat, Mahoney were challenging party- mate that 12.4 million of the IS -- of the Assumption tomorrow kt contesting Congo delegations here. Throw Them 8 p.m. at the church hall. The Regular $1.59 cy said the UAR and East African partially thawed, may be riefrozen endorsed candidates for nomina­ million Americana over 65 will ba The council went Into a brief honor guests are Mother Fidelia, Eliza Chapman Joy Circle of Alayne Murphy Gray, 543 Hart­ Sudanese troops control of Leo­ without harming its health stand­ tion. eligible for benefits under tha DON'T Away ft session yesterday afternoon as the Sister Dominica and Sister An­ North Methodist ChUrch will mpel ford Rd., as a summer session poldville airport over to 200 Con­ ards, but the quality will be some­ Here Is the count broken down medical care provisions.
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