CMS NOTES de la SMC Volume 31 No. 2 March / mars 1999 In this issue / Dans ce numero´ FROM THE London Mathematical Society, So- EXECUTIVE ciedad Matematica Mexicana, New Editorial ..................... 2 Zealand Mathematical Society, Pol- DIRECTOR’S DESK ish Mathematical Society, Hong Kong Endowment Fund Task Force Mathematical Society, Union Matem- Report .................... 3 atica Italiana, Allahabad Mathemati- cal Society, Union-Bulgarian Mathe- Du bureau du directeur admin- maticians, Calcutta Mathematical So- istratif .................... 5 ciety, Indian Mathematical Society & GAMM). Under the terms of these re- Professor of the Year Award . 6 ciprocal agreements, members of these Education Notes ............. 6 societies who reside outside Canada can be members of the CMS at one half 1998 Coxeter-James Lecture . 8 of the appropriate membership rate. Also, CMS members can belong to any 1998 CMS Winter Meeting . 16 of these societies at one half of the ap- plicable rate and each society’s publi- CMS 1999 Summer Meeting Graham Wright cations are available to members at con- Reunion´ d’et´ e´ 1999 de la siderable savings. CMS and AMS Approve New SMC ...................... 18 Now that the AMS and the CMS Reciprocal Agreement have adopted a similar reciprocal Schedule / Horaire ............. 20 (voir la page 5 pour la version agreement, for the year 2000, mem- franc¸aise) bers of the AMS (who reside outside Call for Nominations / Appel de I am delighted to report that, at the De- Canada) will be able to be members of Candidatures cember 1998 meeting of the Board of the CMS at 50% of the appropriate rate. Awards / Prix ............... 24 Directors of the Canadian Mathemat- As an example, an individual member Associate Editors - CJM and ical Society and at the January 1999 of the AMS (not resident in Canada) CMB/Redacteurs´ associes´ - meeting of the Council of the American will be able to save up to $58.00 (US) JCMetBCM............... 25 Mathematical Society (AMS), a recip- on their CMS membership fee and, as rocal agreement between the two soci- a CMS member, receive Elections 1999 / Elections´ eties was approved. This new recipro- 1999 ...................... 26 • cal agreement will come into effect for the CMS Notes - at no cost, European Math Society ...... 27 the 2000 membership year. • the CMS Membership Directory For many years, reciprocal agree- and binder - at no cost, News from Departments ...... 28 ments have existed between the CMS and fifteen other international math- • access to the members’ PIMS Calendar............... 31 ematical societies (Australian Mathe- area on the CMS web site matical Society, Sociedad Brasileira- ( Calendar of events / Calendrier Matematica, Soci´et´e math´ematique de des ev´ enements´ ............. 33 France, Deutsche Math-Vereinigung, (continued on page 4) MARCH/MARS CMS NOTES EDITORIAL Noriko Yui and James D. Lewis as our Research Editors and Ed Barbeau as CMS NOTES our Education Editor. We have insti- NOTES DE LA SMC tuted regular columns by the President and the Executive Director, as well as The CMS Notes is published by an editorial in every issue. A book re- the Canadian Mathematical Society view department is off to a modest but (CMS) eight times a year (February, we hope promising start. In the near March, April, May, September, Oc- future we plan to add regular reports tober, November, and December). from the three institutes and from such Editors-in-Chief sister societies as CAIMS and CORS. These initiatives will help, but to reach Peter Fillmore; S. Swaminathan our full potential we must have more Managing Editor help from you, our readers. Please let Graham P. Wright us know how we’re doing and how we can be more useful or interesting. And Contributing Editors P. Fillmore if you fancy the idea of writing some- Education: Edward Barbeau thing, an article or a book review or whatever, please let us hear from you. We have now turned the final corner on Meetings: Monique Bouchard the way to the year 2000, and the fre- quency of references to the millenium Nous voilà maintenant dans le dernier Research: Noriko Yui; in the public press and elsewhere in- droit avant l’an 2000, et la fréquence James D. Lewis creases apace. Many organizations are des références au nouveau millénaire, taking this opportunity to review their dans la presse et un peu partout, Editorial Assistant mandates and set new goals, or simply s’accroît rapidement. Bon nombre Caroline Baskerville to celebrate. Mathematics is certainly d’organisations profitent de l’occasion no exception. pour revoir leur mandat et se fixer The Editors welcome articles, letters In its 1992 "Declaration of Rio", de nouveaux objectifs, ou simplement and announcements, which should the International Mathematical Union pour célébrer. Le domaine des mathé- be sent to the CMS Notes at: declared a World Mathematical Year matiques ne fait certes pas exception. Canadian Mathematical Society for 2000 (WMY2000) with three fo- À Rio, en 1992, l’Union mathé- 577 King Edward cal points: the great challenges of the matique internationale (UMI) déclarait P.O. Box 450, Station A 21st century, mathematics as a key for que l’an 2000 serait l’année inter- Ottawa, Ontario, Canada K1N 6N5 development, and the image of math- nationale des mathématiques et que Telephone: (613) 562-5702 ematics. In support of these the IMU l’on mettrait l’accent sur trois as- Facsimile: (613) 565-1539 will publish a volume, entitled Mathe- pects : les grands défis du 21e siè- E-mail: matics Tomorrow, of essays by distin- cle, les mathématiques à la base du guished mathematicians, it will support développement et l’image des mathé- Web site: a number of international conferences, matiques. Dans cette optique, l’UMI and through a series of newsletters it is publiera un ouvrage intitulé Mathe- No responsibility for views expressed by encouraging national societies to plan matics Tomorrow, constitué d’essais authors is assumed by the Notes, the ed- WMY2000 activities of their own (visit de mathématiciens de renom. Elle itors or the CMS. The style files used in appuiera également un certain nom- the production of this volume are a mod- ma2000.html for details). The CMS bre de conférences internationales et, ified version of the style files produced has taken up the cause, establishing an par l’entremise d’une série de bul- c by Waterloo Maple Software, 1994, ad hoc WMY2000 committee chaired letins, elle encourage les sociétés na- 1995. by Bernard Hodgson. In the Febru- tionales à organiser leurs propres activ- ary issue of the CMS Notes President ités dans le cadre de cette année interna- ISSN: 1193-9273 Richard Kane has described some of tionale (pour plus de détails, visitez le their initiatives. site suivant : jar- Here at the Notes, we too have been raud/wmy2000/ma2000.html). La c Canadian Mathematical Society 1999 preparing for the millenium. Besides SMC a suivi ce conseil : elle a formé le our "new look", recently we welcomed Comité spécial des activités pour l’an 2 NOTES de la SMC MARCH/MARS 2000, dont la présidence est assurée istratif nous livreront des chroniques initiatives ne nuiront certainement pas, par Bernard Hodgson. Dans le numéro qui paraîtront à intervalles réguliers, et mais, pour atteindre notre plein poten- de février des CMS Notes, le président chaque numéro comprendra désormais tiel, nous avons besoin de votre aide, Richard Kane décrit certaines des ini- un éditorial. Une critique de livres vous, les lecteurs. Dites-nous ce que tiatives proposées. fait aussi son apparition de façon très vous pensez de notre travail et ce que Du côté des Notes, nous nous pré- modeste, mais nous croyons qu’elle est nous pourrions faire pour rendre les parons également au nouveau millé- vouée à un avenir prometteur. Nous Notes encore plus utiles intéressantes. naire. Nouveau «look» mis à part, nous avons l’intention, dans un avenir très Et s’il vous prenait l’envie de sor- avons récemment accueilli Noriko Yui rapproché, d’ajouter régulièrement des tir votre plume pour écrire un article, et James D. Lewis dans notre équipe, rapports des trois instituts et de so- une critique de livre ou autre chose, en tant que rédacteurs responsables de ciétés soeurs comme la Société cana- n’hésitez pas à nous faire signe! la recherche, et Ed Barbeau, rédac- dienne de mathématiques appliquées teur chargé du dossier de l’éducation. et industrielles ou la Société canadi- Le président et le directeur admin- enne de recherche opérationnelle. Ces Peter Fillmore CMS Endowment Fund Task Force Report – A Summary H. E. A. Eddy Campbell, Chair The Task Force recommends the cre- mittee. The Nominating Committee initiatives that explain, promote and ation of a CMS Endowment Grants should ensure that the EGC has appro- increase the general understanding of Committee (EGC) as a standing com- priate representation by language, gen- mathematics, provide extra-curricular mittee of the CMS to administer the dis- der and region. opportunities for students, and encour- tribution of some portion of the endow- age partnerships with corporate, gov- Proposals for funding must address ment fund income, as recommended ernment and not-for-profit agencies. the goal of the CMS and the CMS pur- by the Finance Committee, on an an- pose statement: Proposals must come from CMS nual basis. Funded proposals should members (or, if joint, at least one prin- contribute to the broader good of the The goal of the Canadian Mathe- cipal applicant must be a CMS mem- mathematical community as defined in matical Society is to support the pro- ber).

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