![Arxiv:2007.11697V2 [Hep-Th] 9 Oct 2020](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
MPP-2020-121 LMU-ASC 34/20 Anomalous U(1) Gauge Bosons as Light Dark Matter in String Theory Luis A. Anchordoqui,1, 2, 3 Ignatios Antoniadis,4, 5 Karim Benakli,4 and Dieter Lust¨ 6, 7 1Department of Physics and Astronomy, Lehman College, City University of New York, NY 10468, USA 2Department of Physics, Graduate Center, City University of New York, NY 10016, USA 3Department of Astrophysics, American Museum of Natural History, NY 10024, USA 4Laboratoire de Physique Th´eoriqueet Hautes Energies´ - LPTHE Sorbonne Universit´e,CNRS, 4 Place Jussieu, 75005 Paris, France 5Albert Einstein Center, Institute for Theoretical Physics University of Bern, Sidlerstrasse 5, CH-3012 Bern, Switzerland 6Max–Planck–Institut f¨urPhysik, Werner–Heisenberg–Institut, 80805 M¨unchen, Germany 7Arnold Sommerfeld Center for Theoretical Physics Ludwig-Maximilians-Universit¨atM¨unchen, 80333 M¨unchen, Germany Present experiments are sensitive to very weakly coupled extra gauge symmetries which motivates further in- vestigation of their appearance in string theory compactifications and subsequent properties. We consider exten- sions of the standard model based on open strings ending on D-branes, with gauge bosons due to strings attached to stacks of D-branes and chiral matter due to strings stretching between intersecting D-branes. Assuming that the fundamental string mass scale saturates the current LHC limit and that the theory is weakly coupled, we show that (anomalous) U(1) gauge bosons which propagate into the bulk are compelling light dark matter can- didates. We comment on the possible relevance of the U(1) gauge bosons, which are universal in intersecting D-brane models, to the observed 3σ excess in XENON1T. INTRODUCTION see for example [11–13]). Note that for typical energies E of the order of the electron mass, the value of g is still bigger The primary objective of the High Energy Physics (HEP) that the gravitational coupling ∼ E=MPl, and the strength of 7 program is to find and understand what physics may lie be- the new force would be about 10 times stronger than grav- ity, where we have taken M ∼ 8 TeV, saturating the LHC yond the Standard SU(3)C ⊗ SU(2)L ⊗ U(1)Y Model (SM), s as well as its connections to gravity and to the hidden sec- bound [14]. tor of particle dark matter (DM). This objective is pursued in several distinct ways. In this Letter, we explore one possible pathway to join the vertices of the HEP triangle using string compactifications with large extra dimensions [1], where sets of D-branes lead to chiral gauge sectors close to the SM [2, 3]. To develop some sense for the orders of magnitude in- D-branes provide a nice and simple realization of non- volved, we now make contact with the experiment. The abelian gauge symmetry in string theory. A stack of N identi- XENON1T Collaboration has recently reported a surplus of cal parallel D-branes eventually generates a U(N) theory with events in 1 . electronic recoils=keV . 7, peaked around the associated U(N) gauge group where the corresponding 2.8 keV [15]. The total number of events recorded within gauge bosons emerge as excitations of open strings ending on this energy window is 285, whereas the expected background the D-branes. Chiral matter is either due to strings stretching is 232 ± 15. Taken at face value this corresponds to a sig- between intersecting D-branes, or to appropriate projections nificance of roughly 3σ, but unknown backgrounds from tri- on strings in the same stack. Gravitational interactions are tium decay cannot be reliably ruled out [15]. Although the described by closed strings that can propagate in all dimen- excess is not statistical significant, it is tempting to imagine sions; these comprise parallel dimensions extended along the that it corresponds to a real signal of new physics. A plethora D-branes and transverse ones. of models have already been proposed to explain the excess, arXiv:2007.11697v2 [hep-th] 9 Oct 2020 String compactifications could leave characteristic foot- in which the DM particle could be either the main compo- prints at particle colliders: nent of the abundance in the solar neighborhood, nDM ∼ 5 −1 −3 • the emergencep of Regge recurrences at partonp collision 10 (mDM=2:8 keV) cm , or else a sub-component of the 0 energies s ∼ string mass scale ≡ Ms = 1= α [4–6]; DM population. Absorption of a ∼ 2:8 keV mass dark vec- • the presence of one or more additional U(1) gauge sym- tor boson that saturates the local DM mass density provides metries, beyond the U(1)Y of the SM [7–9]. a good fit to the excess for a U(1)X gauge coupling to elec- −16 −16 Herein we argue that the (anomalous) U(1) gauge bosons trons of gX;eff ∼ 2 × 10 − 8 × 10 [15–20]. For such small that do not partake in the hypercharge combination could be- masses and couplings, the cosmological production should be come compelling dark matter candidates. Indeed, as noted non-thermal [17], avoiding constraints from structure forma- elsewhere [10] these gauge fields could live in the bulk and tion [21, 22]. Leaving aside attempts to fit the XENON1T ex- the four-dimensional U(1) gauge coupling would become in- cess, we might consider a wider range of dark photon masses finitesimally small in low string scale models, g ∼ Ms=MPl, and couplings. For light and very weakly coupled dark pho- where MPl is the Planck mass (for previous investigations in tons, the cooling of red giants and horizontal branch stars different regions of parameters and different string scenarios, give stronger or similar bounds on gX;eff than direct detec- 2 tion experiments [23, 24].1 For instance, rescaling the bounds large internal volume suppressing the strength of gravitational −16 −14 quoted in [19] leads to an upper bound gX;eff & 10 − 10 interactions δX = d (as in [16]), yielding for mX varying from 10 to 100 keV. As an example, if we s !1=2 take mX ∼ 15 keV in agreement with the bound of ∼ 5 keV 16 π Ms −14 0:2 Ms × −16 gX = ∼ 4 × 10 ; (4) [21, 22], the upper bound is about gX;eff . 5 10 . Obtaining gs MPl gs 10 TeV such small values of masses and couplings for the dark photon are challenging as we will show. where we have taken as reference values gs = 0:2 and Ms & 10 TeV. The latter is a conservative bound from non- observation of stringy excitations at colliders [14] while a GENERATING THE SMALL U(1)X COUPLINGS slightly stronger bound of order, but model dependent, can be obtained from limits on dimension-six four-fermion opera- Open string models tors [26–29]. As for gs we will consider that it is in the range 0:01 − 0:2, and could be fixed after a careful study of running We start from ten-dimensional type I string theory com- of the gauge couplings. In the case of toroidal compactifi- 6 pactified on a six-dimensional space of volume V6 Ms . The cations, the internal six-dimensional volume is expressed in relation between the Planck mass, the string scale, the string terms of the parallel and transversal radii as 6 coupling gs, and the total volume of the bulk V6 Ms reads: dk d? 6 Y k Y ? 8 V V6 = (2π) Ri R j ; (5) M2 = M8 6 : (1) Pl 2 s 6 i=1 j=i gs (2π) where now for each stack of Dp-branes we identify the corre- A hierarchy between the Planck and string scales can be due sponding d = δ. For instance, if the SM arise from D3-branes to either a large volume V M6 1 or a very small string k 6 s and the U(1) from D7-branes with an internal space hav- coupling. We discuss these two possibilities successively. X ing four large dimensions all parallel to the D7-brane world- From now on, we denote by d the total number of dimen- volume (δ = d = 4), we get for g the result in (4). sions that are large. For simplicity, we assume that they have X X a common radius R while the other 6 − d dimensions have −1 a radius Ms . Obviously, the latter have no more a classical Little strings models geometry and supergravity description as space dimensions; they represent new degrees of freedom that have a stringy de- Another possibility for engineering extremely weak extra scription, for example through the corresponding world-sheet gauge symmetries is to consider a scenario which allows very conformal field theories. The couplings of all light states are small value of gs. Such a possibility is provided by small in- under control and our formulae still hold. The U(1)X gauge stantons [30, 31] or Little String Theory (LST) [32, 33] where fields live on a D(3 + δX)-brane that wraps a δX-cycle of vol- we localize the SM gauge group on Neuveu-Schwarz (NS) ume VX, while its remaining four dimensions extend into the branes (dual to the D-branes). uncompactified space-time. The corresponding gauge cou- In the case of LST [32, 33], we start with a compactification pling is given by: on a six-dimensional space of volume V6 with the Planck mass given by (1) (up to a factor 2 in the absence of an orientifold). (2π)δX +1 g g2 = s : (2) The internal space is taken as a product of a two-dimensional X δX VX M s space, of volume V2, times a four-dimensional compact space, of volume V4.
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