71137 HA FORD NEWS VOLUME 29-NUMBER 8 HAVERFORD (AND ARDMORE), PA.. TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 16, 1937 $2.00 A YEAR junior Prom Date "Won't Be Ling Now" 'bee. 3 Announced Faculty-[ adergrad Players Cast For Set For May 6th, For Football Dance Banquet Thursday Parts In "Cap And Arrangements have been com- Steiger Announces Sponsler Chairman pleted for the Faculty-Student dinner to be held Thursday Bells" Production night, according to T. It. Saylor. Swarthmore Track Meet Jr., '38, chairman of the Dinner Bob Boutilier To Supply Committee. Three professors, Male Leads Are Taken Hamilton Tennis Music Frow 9 To 1 L. Arnold Post. Edward D. Sny- der, and Howard M. Teaf, Jr., By R. L. Aucott And Match Listed In, Gymnasium will speak on subjects of inter- . W. H. Clark, Jr. est, and S. R. Evans, '38. Presi- dent of the Students' Associa- No Further Plans Yet $1.50 Couple 1.00 Stag tion. will preside. Play Now In Rehearsal Professor J, Leslie Hutson . Friday night, May 6, is the date The annual Football Dance will will lead in thesinging of two Three seniors and two freshmen that has been chosen for this year's be held Friday night, December 3. songs, "When I Was a Rhinie were chosen for the east of 3. M. annual Junior Prom, T. B. Steiger, from 9 till 1 in the Gymnasium, at Haverford," and "Schoene Barrie's "Dear Brutus," the Cap '39, Chairman of the Committee C. E. Sponsler, '38, Chairman of Haverford," for which A. C. and Bells Club 'production to be announced recently. the Dance Committee announced Poole, '38, and assistants of his °resented on December 10 and 11. choice are drawing several ne Steiger said that they were par- yesterday. Spongier was chosen w Bryn Mawr College 'students and ticularly fortunate in getting a to head the committee recently by pictures. alumnae are also participating. date which coincided on well with S. R. Evans. '38, President of the Male leads are to be taken by R. L. the athletic programs. On Friday Students' Association which spon- Aucott, '38 in the role of Mr. afternoon the annual track meet sors the dance. Dearth and W. H. Clark, Jr.' '38 as with Swarthmore will be run on Other members of the committee Gain Use Of Rink Mr. Coade. The part of Lab, a Walton Field, while the tennis team are: C. L. Harridan, A. R. Hyde, fantastical character, is being por- will engage with Hamilton College and D. M. Robbins, all of the Sen- trayed by R. S.Howman, '38 and on the local courts. For Saturday ior Class. For 10 Afternoons that of Matey, thejoutler, by WreE. following the Prom a baseball game Though this annual hop is us- Simmons. '41, while W. W. Stain- with Stevens Institute is listed to ually held before Thanksgiving, ton, '41 is cast in the part of Pur- T. B. STEIGER. '39 be played here. Spongier said that this year they Bryn Mawr, Haverford die. Junior From Chairman who Concerning other plans, Steiger were forced to postpone it till af- The feminine lead is being filled has set the date for the big ter this vacation, because all the Have Sole Rights by Isabelle. Seltzer in the part of had 'nothing definite to say. He dance. mentioned that they had gotten in athletic games in the two possible 5.6 Mondays Margaret. Other female charac- touch with the booking agency weekends are played away from - -- ters are Mrs. Coade portrayed by which handles all the `name' bands home. Undergraduates and faculty of Ruth Mary Penfield, Mabel Purdie for this vicinity and were trying The music for the evening will Haverford and Bryn Mawr will by Ellen Mattson, Joanna by to get some estimate of the prices Lecture On Music be supplied by Bob Boutilier and have exclusive use of the new Skat- Nancy Sioussat Mrs. Dearth by these orchestras command. his 10-piece orchestra. They are ing Club rink, now being construct- Jane Klein and, as yet, the part of Lady Caroline has not definitely familiar on the campus, having ed on the eastern end of the Col- Other members of the Junior By Dr. Dent Mon. Played at several dances last year been assigned. Although there is Prom Committee are: IL G. Balder- lege grounds, from 6 to 6 on ten and for the Cotillion Club this fall. scheduled Monday afternoons, no official association with the ston, C. S. Bushnell, Jr. C. F. Mill- According to custom, the Varsity Varsity Players' Club of Bryn er, L. H. Simone, Jr., and' ,111. A. spaced between December and Mite Changed For Talk Football and Soccer men will be March. This is the statement of Mawr College, all the feminine Webster, Jr., all of the class of '89. Parts are being taken by Bryn admitted free of charge, since the Dean H. Tatnall Brown concerning On Non-technical Mawr students and alumnae. dance is in their honor. For all the agreement recently reached be- others the subscription price is tween the two Colleges and the Plan Not Accepted Side Of Music $1.50 a couple and $1.00 stag. Schedule Committee of the Skating Student-Faculty Group Tickets will go on sale at the end Because of the conflicting date (Editor'. Note, The News has ',eked Club. set for the presentation of 'Dear of the week in 11 Lloyd. The agreement gives the Col- -Will Present Musicale • kiln shoot this lecture /rem H. S. It will not be a program dance, Brutus" and the annual Sophomore- Drinker, '05. See pap ism). leges the ice on two Monday after- Senior danci,-a plan for coordin- Sunday At The Hotson's Sponsler announced, though in oth- noons before Christmas-Decem- er respects it will follow the prec- ating the two functions has been "Social Aspects of Music," the ber 6 and 13-but Mr. Charles proposed by the Play Committee of Mrs. J. Leslie Hotson announces edents of former years. "Doc" Myers, Chairman of the Schedule lecture by Dr. Edward J. Dent, of Leslie is expected to be at his cus- the Cap and Bells Club. The plan that the program for the campus Committee in a letter to Dean is to sell tickets for the play and concert, a student-faculty musicale, King's College, Cambridge, orig- tomary peat behind the punch Brown said that he doubted if the bowl. dance jointly, having the play start to be held Sunday afternoon, No- inally noted for the 29th, will be rink would be completed by that earlier and the dance 'beginning at vember 21. at 3 College Circle bas given November 22, in Roberts time. In such case two more af- the end of the play. However, this been completed. Hall at 8.16. ternoons will be added late in arrangement has not been accepted March. Opening the concert will be the The lecture will deal not with the W. W. Duff, Jr., Tells by the Sophomore Dance Commit- rendition of several sections of a The schedule of contracted Mon- tee, stated S. G. M. Malik, '40, Mozart Trio by Professor John A. technical aspects of the subject, but Impressions Of France day afternoons stands at present chairman. If neither of the dates Kelly at the piano; H. T. Darling- with the human side of it, an angle as follows: December 6 and 13, are changed, some arrangement ton, Jr., '38, violinist; T. A. Wer- of which Dr. Dent has made a W. W. Duff, Jr., '38, addressed January 10 and 17, February 7, 14, will be worked out to avoid the con- time, '39, playing the viola; and the student body at Collection last 21, and 28, and March 7 and 14. flict, he stated. study. This is chiefly concerned FL Mason, '40, playing the cello. Friday on his travels and exper- This schedule makes arrangements The only ben performances of Professor W. A. Reitzel pianist, with the different classes and iences in France. Having returned for omitting the Mondays falling the splay, Friday and Saturday will follow with a Hayden Sonata. types of music which have appeal- this summer from a year's study in Christmas vacation and the Mid- nights, will be in Roberts Hall. with Next, the Madrigesellschaft, ed to various ages and races. at the Sorbonne in Paris, he stated year examination period. no outside engagements scheduled, faculty chorus recently organized that his strongest impression was The rental for the rink is $25 an the Play Committee announced. by Mrs. Hebron, will sing a group Dr. Dent, the only musician to created by the contrasting tempo hour or $250 for the contracted 10 From now until Thanksgiving vaca- of three numbers: Byrd's "Ave be given a degree at the Harvard of life of the French and Ameri- hours. Of this Bryn Mawr will tion rehearsals will be held three Verism," a Bach Chorale, and a Tercentenary, has been particular- cans. pay half and Haverford half. But times a week, Monday, Wednesday composition by di Lasso. After ly interested in opera, on which he The attitude of the French to- Dean Brown stated, the athletic and Friday in Roberts Hall. There- John A. Lester, '37, J. N. Ash- ward Americans," Duff concluded, department cannot within its bud- after more intensive work will be- brook, '40, and R. C. Fotwell, HI, has written several books. He has "is one of pity, for they consider get meet our $125 share. He said gin. Miss Jessica Rhodes is di- '41, have cooperated in a three-man also written a study of the musical Americans to lack all individuality, that $25 could be raised from the recting the production.
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