IIIHHHHHHHHHHH US005210241A United States Patent (19) 11 Patent Number: 5,210,241 Lin (45) Date of Patent: May 11, 1993 (54) PROCESS FOR PREPARING COCOA 56) References Cited BUTTEREQUIVALENT FROM U.S. PATENT DOCUMENTS SEM-REFINED NONTOXC CHINESE VEGETABLE TALLOW 3,093,480 6/1963 Arnold ............................. 260/404.5 4,127,597 11/1978 Craig et al. ...................... 260/404.5 76 Inventor: Yitian Lin, 441 Guang Fu Xi Lu, FOREIGN PATENT DOCUMENTS Shanghai, China 918 2/1963 Japan ................................ 260/428.5 897841 1/1982 U.S.S.R. ........................... 260/428.5 (21) Appl. No.: 815,605 Primary Examiner-Joseo G. Dees Assistant Examiner-Joseph M. Conrad (22 Filed: Jan. 3, 1992 Attorney, Agent, or Firm-Pennie & Edmonds 57 ABSTRACT Related U.S. Application Data This invention relates to a process of preparing Cocoa 63 Continuation of Ser. No. 388,770, Aug. 2, 1989, aban Butter Equivalent (CBE) from Chinese Vegetable Tal doned, which is a continuation-in-part of Ser. No. low (CVT) and to the product prepared. Crude CVT is 2,906, Jan. 13, 1987, abandoned. first subjected to a semi-refining process comprising an alkali treatment, a water wash and an adsorption step. The semi-refined CVT is subjected to a single step frac (30) Foreign Application Priority Data tional crystallization under controlled conditions. After Jan. 16, 1986 CN China ................................. 86100502 removal of the solvent from the crude CBE found in the mother liquor after filtration, the crude CBE is sub 51 Int. Cl. ......................... C07C 1/00; C07B 51/43 jected to a steam distillation process, addition of antioxi 52 U.S.C. .......................................... 554/8; 554/19, dants and a final filtration. The resulting product meets 554/20, 554/71; 554/72;554/185; 554/193; all of the criteria necessary for Cocoa Butter Equiva 554/208 lent. 58) Field of Search ..................... 260/428.5, 412, 414; 554/208, 185, 193, 8, 19, 20, 71,76, 72 4 Claims, 6 Drawing Sheets U.S. Patent May 11, 1993 Sheet 1 of 6 5,210,241 U.S. Patent May 11, 1993 Sheet 2 of 6 5,210,241 U.S. Patent May 11, 1993 Sheet 3 of 6 5,210,241 FIG. 4 U.S. Patent May 11, 1993 Sheet 4 of 6 5,210,241 SFC (%) 100 90. 80 -CBE2-E40% CBE+40%O 60 50 40 30 20 O O 5 20 25 30 35 40 °C FIG.5 U.S. Patent May 11, 1993 Sheet 5 of 6 5,210,241 n% FIG.6 U.S. Patent May 11, 1993 Sheet 6 of 6 5,210,241 8 V AA V A7 V A. A. w A A A 9 R-6 O F.G. 7 5,210,241 1. 2 light gasoline is high. Further, the crystallization pro PROCESS FOR PRE PARING COCOA BUTTER cesses are long and the quality of product if low. EQUIVALENT FROMSEMI-REFINED NONTOXIC The literature concerning the above process does not CHINESE VEGETABLE TALLOW indicate any quality specifications nor any test means. 5 The raw CVT might be contaminated by toxic materials This application is a continuation of Ser. No. such as stillingia oil, but no requirements of controlling 07/388,770, filed Aug. 2, 1989, now abandoned, which the stillingia oil are indicated. Since only conventional is a continuation-in-part of Ser. No. 07/002,906, filed methods of refining (deacidification, decolorization and Jan. 13, 1987, abandoned. deodorizing) are used without any indication of toxicity This invention related to a process for preparing oil O test on experimental animals, the edibility of the prod or fat from an oil-bearing plant. More particularly it uct cannot be insured. relates to the process and technology of preparing Cocoa Butter Equivalent (CBE) from Chinese Vegeta SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION ble Tallow (CVT). Therefore, the purpose of this invention is to provide 5 a process for producing CBE with reliable security of BACKGROUND OF INVENTION edibility, high yield, high quality and low cost. The CBE prepared from Chinese Vegetable tallow is For the purpose mentioned above, in order to strictly used as high grade substitute for natural cocoa butter control the purity of raw CVT, a special semi-refining and it may be extensively used in the production of technique, a fractional crystallization technique, and a chocolate and candies of high quality. 20 post-treatment as well as a crystallization column of The CVT, which is white in color, non toxic and special structure are employed. In the process, the edible, is the solid fat of the seed of the Chinese Tallow choice of solvent and the ratio of starting material to tree, encapsulating the internal shell of the kernel seed. solvent, the use of solvent recovery system under atmo The Chinese Tallow Trees (Sapium sebiferium L. spheric pressure, the selection of a cooling rate and Roxb) is of Chinese origin and grows in vast numbers in 25 speeds of stirring in different stages of crystallization, most of the provinces of China. They cover the sub the design of the crystallization column, the determina tropic and warm-temperature zone. Their total fat out tion of various parameters, and the means for reducing put per acre is higher than that of the oil palm (Elaeis the solvent consumption and energy consumption are guinensis). The Chinese Tallow Tree has been intro all well-considered, so as to raise the yield and quality of duced into the southern coastal region of the U.S. and it 30 CBE. Its SFC% (solid fat content) curve is comparable may be possible to cultivate it over the world. Research to that natural cocoa butter. Furthermore, the process is for the development of the Chinese Tallow Tree is the simple and the production period is short. It is also easy focus of attention in U.S., India, Pakistan, U.K., Japan to practice and to expand application with low invest and Brazil. The CVT contains rich triglycerides with ment and cost, and with high economic efficiency. Es oleic acid radicals located in the B-position. It is a cheap 35 pecially the non-routine "three stages of refinements' and abundant raw material for CBE in China specifi technique involved in the course of semi-refining ad cally. sorption for removing impurities and post-treatment in However, the type of seeds mentioned above contain this invention makes the CBE product safely edible as both solid fat (CVT) and a liquid oil (Stillingia oil). The shown by toxicity test on experimental animals. Stillingia oil is toxic and unedible. Therefore, in an 40 industrial production of CVT it is necessary to use suit BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWING able processing and technology, and to control the The detail descriptions will be given referring to the quality of CVT to insure the purity of CVT and the respective figures as follows: stability of CBE quality. FIG. 1: A micro-polariscopic color photo of the solu Recently, two experimental methods of manufactur 45 tion at 28 C. (enlarged by 6000). ing Cocoa Butter Equivalent (CBE) from Chinese Veg FIG. 2: A micro-polariscopic color photo of the crys etable Tallow (CVT) as the starting material have been tals in crystal growing period at a controlled cooling proposed. In one method, raw CVT is treated with rate (enlarged by 6000). acetone or #8 light gasoline, crystallized for 3 to 6 FIG. 3: A micro-polariscopic color photograph of hours, filtered under constant temperature and, after 50 crystals in a late stage of crystallization, in which the removing the solvent under reduced pressure from the cooling rate is out of control. product, the product is refined using three processes FIG. 4: Comparison of SFC% curves of CBE in (i.e. deacidification, decolorization and deodorization examples 1, 2, and 3, to those of natural cocoa butter (steam distillation)). The second process begins with and Japan Fantom-500. CVT which has been refined (using the steps of deacidi 55 FIG. 5: Comparison of curves of the maximal down fication, decolorization and deodorization), then dis fall SFC% values in CBE compatibility data of exam solved in organic solvents (acetone or #8 light gaso ples 1, 2, and 3, to those of natural cocoa butter and line), crystallized, filtered under constant temperature, Fantom-100. and the solvent removed from the product-containing FIG. 6: The curves of CBE yield (in weight %) vs. filtrate under reduced pressure. The efficiency of a 60 crystallization temperature (C.), n=(T). method of fractional crystallization using raw CVT as a FIG. 7 is a flow schematic diagram of an apparatus starting material would be affected by the presence of for solvent crystallization. large amounts of impurities. DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF THE The CBE product obtained when using refined CVT INVENTION as a starting material but no after treatment may be 65 contaminated with introduced impurities, moisture, The apparatus as shown is directed to a batch pro residual solvents, etc. Also, solvent and energy con cess. The column (1) contains stirrer (3) along most of sumption in removing solvents such as acetone or #8 its length. The stirrer is activated by motor driven sys 5,210,241 3 4. tem, (2) which includes installations for speed varia 170°-245 C. and residual pressures (5 mmHg) and thus tions, such as gears. A circulating pump (4) is used to a CBE product is obtained. The crystal portion is mix semi-refined CVT and appropriate solvent at the melted by hot solvent vapor coming from the CBE beginning of a run and to insure a consistent solution of solvent recovery system, and the by-product obtained a consistent temperature at the start of a run.
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