Patels AirtemP (lndia) Limited /r/f INDUSIRI Ref. No. : PAT/BSE/September, 2O2O-2L I 36 Date: 28tL September, 2O2O IO The Manager Listing Department, BSE Limited Phiroze Jeejeebhoy Towers, Dalal Street, Fort, Mumbai -4OO OO1 SCRIP CODE: Sl74l7 - BSE Ltsting Portal, Sub: Proceedirgs (Outcomel of 28.t Annual General Meetlng of the Members of the Company held on today l.e. 28tL Scptembet, 2O2O through Vldeo Coafereneiag (VCl / Other Audio-Vlsual Means (OAVMI, ln accordance wlth Regulatioa 3O of SEBI (Listing Obligations and Dlsclosure Requlrementsf Regulations, 20 15 (SEBI Listiag Regulationsl. Pursuant to Regulation 30 read with Para A of Part A of Schedule III of SEBI(Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015, it is hereby informed that the 28th Annual General Meeting of the members of the Company was duly held on Monday, 28th September,2O2O at 11:30 a.m. (IST)through Video Conferencing (VC) / Other Audio Visual Means (OAVM) in compliance with the Circular Nos. 2O/2020 dated Sth May 2O2O, 14 /2O2O dated SthApril 2O2O &, 17 /2O2O dated 13thApril 2020 issued by the Ministry of Corporate Affairs and Circular dated 12th May 2O2O issued by the Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI) and as per the applicable provisions of the Companies Act, 2O13 read with the relevant rules made thereunder and the proceedings of the same are given hereunder: The Meeting commenced on 11.35 a.m. arrd concluded on 12.25 p.m Mr. Narayanbhai G. Patel, Chairman of the Board of Directors, as per provisions of Articles of Association of the Company, occupied the Chair for conducting the meeting through VC. The following Directors of the Company were present at the 28th AGM : Mr. Narayanbhaj G. Patel - Chairman & Whole-time Director and Memb EMP Mr. Sanjiv N. Patel - Managing Director & Member { Mr. Shivang P. Patel - Whole-time Director & Member tJ) Mr. Narendra G- Patel - Whole-time Director & Member J 3 Mr. Apurva V. Shah - Whole-time Director & Member U) Mr. Hareshkumar I. Shah - Independent Director & Chairman of Audi q Committee, Stakeholders Relationship Nomination & Remuneration Comrnittee & CSR Committee ISO 9001 : 2015 COMPANY Mr. Rajendrakumar C. Patel - Independent Director USA Ofiice : : R€gd. Otfce : o Wo*3 NABCB 805,806,807, 810, Rakanqllf 382722' sth Floor, Kalpana ComPlex, Patels Aiftemp (USA) lnc. qM011 ra - BhadajVillage, Ta. : Kalol, Nr. Memnagar Fire Station, Navrangpt Talisman St, Via : Sola 4548, ASME'N', /'NPT' /'MO', /'U' /'U2' /'S' lndia. Ahmedabad - 380 009. Gujarat, lndia. Oist. : Gandhinagar, Gujarat, Torrance, CA - 90503 USA. NATIONAf, BOARD 'NB' / 'R' / 81, Ph. : +91 79 27913694 / 95 / 96 Ph. i +91 27 286634 / 35,286480 : HTRI . USA +91 Ph. : 323 207 7793 MEMBER OF Fax : +91 2764 286301 Fax : 79 27913693 E-mail : [email protected] ctN No. 129190GJ1992P1C017801 Email i wo*s@Patelsairtemp com Email : [email protected] wwrY.patelsairtemP.com Pff] Patels Airtemp (lndia) Limited Ilta Nonnt Mr. Vasa.nt Tanna, Partner of M/s. Shah & shah Associates, statutory Auditors of the Company (Firm Regn. No. 113742W & Membership Number : 1OO422l' was present through VC. Mr. Nikhil M. Pate1, Company Secretary & Compliance OIficer of the Company, was present' Mr. Punit Lath, Practicing Company Secretaty & Secretarial Auditor of the Company (ACS No.: 26238 & COP No.: 11139) was also present through VC. Mr. KamleshR. Shah, Chief Finaacial Officer (CFO) of the Company, was a.lso present. 63 Members of the Company were present in the meeting through VC. Since requisite quorum in accordance with Section 103 of the Companies Act, 2013 being present, the Chairman then called the 28th Annual General Meeting to order and proceeded to conduct the meeting. Before commencing with the proceedings of the meeting, the Company Secretary briefed the members about the procedure for par-ticipation in the meeting through Video Conferencing (VC) in view of the ongoing travel restrictions and the social distancing norms implemented due to the COVID- 19 pandemic prevailing across the globe. The Company had availed the facility provided by Central Depository Services (India) Limited (CDSL) for holding the AGM through VC I OAVM and for remote e-voting as well as e- voting at the time of AGM. The Company has also provided webcast facility to view the live proceedings of the meeting. The Company Secretary then informed that the Registers as required under the Companies Act, 2013 has been made available electronically for inspection by the members during the AGM. With the consent of the Members present, the Notice convening the Meeting having been circulated to all the members was taken as read. Statutory Auditors and Secretarial Auditor of the Company have not made any Qualifications or Adverse Remarks in their report related to Audited Accounts of the Company for the year ended on 31st March, 2020. Company Secretar5r, informed the Members that pursuant to the provisions of the Companies Act, 2013 and Rules made thereunder, Regulation 44 of SEBI Listing Regulations and Secretarial Standard on General Meetiogs (SS-2), the Company has provided remote e-voting facility to the Members of the Company in respect of resolutions to be passed at the Meeting. The remote e-voting commenced at 9:00 a.m. (IST) on September 25, 2O2O and ended at 5:00 p.m. (IST) on September 27 , 2O2O. The cut-off date for voting entitlement for remote e-voting arrd for e-voting in AGM was 21st September, 2020. He further informed that the facility for voting at the meeting was also provided to members present in the meeting not cast their votes through remote e- voting. ISO 9001 : 2015 COMPANY Wo.ks : Regd. Office : 805, 806, 807, 810, Rakarput Floor, Kalpana oNABCB 382722, 5th s Airtemp (USA) lnc Via : Sola - Bhadaj Mllage, Ta. : Kalol, Nr Memnagar Fire Stati oMo11 Talisman St, Dist- : Gandhinagar, Gujarat, lndia. Ahmedabad - 380 009 ASME 'N' / 'NPT' / ',MO'/ ',U' / ',U2' / 'S' nance, CA - 90503 USA. Ph. : +91 27& 286634 / 35,2864a0 / 81, Ph. : +91 79 27913694 / 95 NATIONAL EOARO'NB' /'R' Fax : +91 2764 286301 Fax : +91 79 27913693 Ph. : 323 207 7793 MEMBER OF : HTRI . USA Email : [email protected] Email ; [email protected] E-mail : [email protected] crN No. 129190GJ1992P1C01 7801 www.patelsairtemp.com EgI] Patels Airtemp (lndia) Limited NE INDUSTRY He further informed that the Company has engaged the services of "CDSL' as the agency for providing remote e-voting and e-voting at AGM facility and have appointed Mr. Punit S. Lath, Company Secretary in Practice(ACS No. 26238 & COP No. 11139), Ahmedabad, as the Scrutinizer for the purpose of scrutinizing the e-voting process. Thereafter, Mr. Narayanbhai G. Patel, Chairman, delivered speech The Company received requests from few members to register them as speakers at the meeting and submitted their queries to the Company before meeting and accordingly, the floor was open for these members to express their views.The Chairman then replied suitably in the meeting to the queriesreceived from the said Speakers. The Company Secreta.ry further informed the members that the e-voting facility on the platform of CDSL would remain open for the next 30 minutesto enable those shareholders who had not cast their vote to vote on the resolutions set out in the Notice. Thereafter, the follo\r/ing items of business as mentioned in the Annual General Meeting Notice dated 14e August 2O2O were transacted at the meetingand the Scrutinizer, after scrutinize the votes casted in this meeting through e-voting and through remote e-voting, have submitted his consolidated report to the Chairman. Then after results on all the resolutions as under have been declared by the Chairman of the meeting and placed on the website of the Company and CDSL. The results have al.so been communicated to BSE Ltd. 1. Ordinary Resolution No. 1 relating to adoption of Audited Standalone & Consolidated Financial Statements of the Company for the year ended 3lst March,2O2O, along with reports of the Directors and Auditors thereonhas been duly passed with requisite majority. 2. Ordinary Resolution No. 2 relating to declaration of dividend @ 25o/o on 50,70,240 Equity Shares of Rs. 10/- each of the Company for the year ended 31st March, 2020has been duly passed with requisite majority. 3. Ordinary Resolution No. 3 relating to re-appointment of Mr. Narayanbhai G. Patel (DIN: 00023i07) as a Director of the Company, as recommended by the Board, who retires by rotation in terms of Section 152 of the Companies Act, 2013 and being eligible offers himself for re-appointmenthas been duly passed with requisite majority. 4. Ordinary Resolution No. 4 relating to re-appointment of Mr. Narendra G. Patel (DIN: 00023205) as a Director of the Company, as recommended by the Board, who retires by rotation in terms of Section 152 of the Companies Act, 2013 and being eligible offers himself for re-appointmenthas been duly passed with requisite majority. 5. Special Resolution No. 5 relating to re-appointment of Smt. Veenaben B. Patel (DIN : 0713i341) as an Independent Woman Director of the Company for a second term of 5 years up to the conclusion of the 33rd Annual General Meeting of the Company in the calendar year 2O2Shas been duly quisite majority. ISO 9001 :2015 COMPANY ) Wo.ks : Regd. Office : }\ 805, 806, 807, 810, Rakanp$ 382722, 5th Floor, Kalpana Co (USA) oNABCB Airtemp lnc. Ma : Sola - BhadaiMllage, Ta. : Kalol, Nt Memnagar Fire Station, purat QMO11 , Talisman St, Dist. : Gandhinagar, Guia.at, lndia. Ahmedabad - 380 009. Gujarat; ASME'N' i',NPr /',MO' /',U" i'U2',l'S' orrance, cA - 90s03 Ph. :+91 27 286634 i 35,286480I81, Ph. : +91 79 27913694 / 95 / 96 usA NATIONAI BOARD'NB' /'R' Fax : +91 2764 286301 Fax : +91 79 27913693 Ph.
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