E1094 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks May 23, 2008 In 1977, after three unsuccessful attempts tempt. ‘‘He was a soldier-statesman, one of HONORING RICHARD APLING FOR for elected office, Harvey Milk won a hard the greatest leaders of our era. He ensured HIS YEARS OF SERVICE WITH fought race and was elected to the San Fran- that Turkey got its rightful place among the THE CONGRESSIONAL RESEARCH cisco County Board of Supervisors. Notably, most advanced nations of the world.’’ SERVICE he became the first openly-gay elected official May 19 is a very important day when it all in the United States. Tragically, Harvey’s ten- began. On this day a great leader began his HON. GEORGE MILLER ure in office was cut short. OF CALIFORNIA journey, a vision became reality and a great On November 27, 1978, just weeks after IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES working with former Governor Ronald Reagan nation was born. We should all learn a lesson Thursday, May 22, 2008 to defeat the Briggs Initiative that would have from this man’s life. A leader with a vision banned gays and lesbians from teaching in coupled with determination can lay the roots Mr. GEORGE MILLER of California. Madam public schools, Supervisor Harvey Milk was for a great future. Turkey’s neighbors who Speaker, I rise today to praise a public servant assassinated in San Francisco City Hall, along today wrestle with their own beginnings should who is finishing 20 years of outstanding serv- with Mayor George Moscone, by former Su- take note. ice to the Congressional Research Service. pervisor Dan White. Members of Congress and their staff who are The episode and ensuing trial was one of f engaged with Federal education and disability San Francisco’s darkest times. Harvey Milk’s legislation have benefited from the wisdom assassination, like that of John F. Kennedy RECOGNIZING THE 100TH ANNIVER- and professionalism of Richard Apling, Spe- and Martin Luther King, provided a foundation SARY OF THE FOUNDING OF THE cialist in Social Legislation Rick joined CRS in upon which people of divergent views could CONGRESSIONAL CLUB 1988 and has worked with Members of Con- come together. Today, gays, lesbians, gress and their staff on many of our most crit- bisexuals, and transgendered people have ical education issues. Rick has received nu- SPEECH OF more than just one seat at the table and are merous outstanding performance ratings as represented by a wide range of officeholders HON. MIKE PENCE well as the gratitude of all of the Members and at every level of government. staff whom he has served throughout his ca- If Harvey Milk were alive today, I believe he OF INDIANA reer at CRS. Rick earned a bachelor’s degree from would be as proud of his legacy as we are of IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES him. I also believe he would still be fighting for Oberlin College, two master’s degrees from the dispossessed and voiceless everywhere. Monday, May 19, 2008 the University of North Carolina, and a doc- Madam Speaker, today the City of San torate in education from Harvard University. Francisco unveils the Harvey Milk City Hall Mr. PENCE. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to Previous to joining CRS, he worked as a mid- Memorial. I rise to commend the city for hon- recognize the Congressional Club on the oc- dle school history teacher and as a senior re- oring this civil rights pioneer, devoted commu- casion of the 100th anniversary of its found- search associate at two private sector firms, nity leader, inspiration to the gay, lesbian, bi- ing. senior research associate at Advance Tech- nology, Inc., and at Policy Studies Associates. sexual and transgender community, and truly The Congressional Club was founded to Since he began his service at CRS 20 years great American. promote friendship and cordiality amongst f ago, Rick has been a nationally recognized those in public life regardless of their political expert on numerous aspects of major Federal COMMEMORATING MAY 19 AS affiliation. It was also founded to bring to- education policy. Rick has been the lead pol- ATATURK, YOUTH AND SPORTS gether the wives of Members of Congress in icy analyst responsible for a variety of impor- DAY IN TURKEY a social setting. tant and complex education programs and The Congressional Club is the only club in statutes, particularly the Individuals with Dis- HON. JEAN SCHMIDT the world to be founded by an Act of Con- abilities Education Act, IDEA, and the Carl D. OF OHIO gress, a high honor to the club and evidence Perkins Vocational and Technical Education IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES of its important place in Washington, DC polit- Act. Rick has also been responsible for a number of the larger programs authorized by Thursday, May 22, 2008 ical life. While founded by an Act of Congress, the Club does not receive Federal funding and the Elementary and Secondary Education Act, Mrs. SCHMIDT. Madam Speaker, I rise subsists solely by membership dues and the ESEA, including the Impact Aid program, and today to commemorate May 19 as a very sig- the increasingly important and complex issues sale of cookbooks. nificant day in the history of our dear friend of assessments and accountability for students the Republic of Turkey. In Turkey, May 19 is The Congressional Club Cookbook was first with disabilities at the intersection of the ESEA celebrated as the commemoration of Mustafa published in 1928, and is a popular item in the and IDEA. Kemal Ataturk, the Founder of the Republic of gift stores on Capitol Hill. There have been 14 Rick is a leader in developing analytic ca- Turkey. It was May 19 in the year 1919 when editions of the Cookbook that contains recipes pacity within the entire Education and Labor Mustafa Kemal landed in the Black Sea port of and signatures of Members of Congress and Section of CRS’ Domestic Social Policy Divi- Samsun and the war of independence began. their spouses, First Ladies, Ambassadors and sion. He never fails to provide valuable input Under his leadership less than a year later the members of the Club. to colleagues; he has advised staff from Turkish Grand National Assembly was estab- throughout Domestic Social Policy Division, The Club has played a significant role in the lished and a few years later the Republic of DSP, on allocation formula programming and community and each year donates tens of Turkey was born a new nation. a wide range of data analysis issues and has Ataturk had a vision for Turkey and he set thousands of dollars to charities in the name frequently served as a very effective mentor about reforming her. His vision of a pro-west- of the First Lady. Among the recipients of the for junior staff. ern, secular, and democratic state under the charitable donations are the United National Rick is a thoughtful, responsive and hard- rule of law quickly became reality. Indian Tribal Youth, literacy programs, the working civil servant who has supported Mem- President John F. Kennedy said, ‘‘The name White House Library, youth dance troupes, do- bers of Congress and staff with his tremen- Ataturk reminds mankind of the historical ac- mestic shelters, and child care centers. dous depth of knowledge, history and anal- complishments of one of the greatest men of The Congressional Club is an organization ysis—always with a wry smile and incredible this century. His leadership gave inspiration to that leads by example. It promotes friendship, patience. His ability to research details and the Turkish nation, farsightedness in the un- civility, community service, and generosity de- explain complex information is unparalleled, derstanding of the modern world, and courage spite a difference of opinion with your neigh- and no matter how tight the deadline or how and power as a military leader.’’ bor, and it is truly an example that we should stressful the situation, Rick always responds in It was in 1934 that Ataturk demonstrated his a friendly and composed manner. Rick’s work all work diligently to follow. commitment to the rights of women by giving is an outstanding example of high-level ana- them full political rights. He understood that a I want to take this opportunity to wish the lytic support for the legislative process, and country can only flourish when it’s people are Congressional Club a happy 100th anniver- collaboration and leadership in capacity build- truly free. sary and look forward to the many good works ing. He will be missed greatly, but his influ- My hero, General Douglas MacArthur de- that will be done by the Congressional Club in ence will continue to be reflected through sup- scribed Ataturk better than most could ever at- its next 100 years. port of Congress’ deliberations by the many VerDate Aug 31 2005 02:47 May 24, 2008 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00048 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\K22MY8.020 E23MYPT1 jbell on PROD1PC69 with REMARKS May 23, 2008 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E1095 remaining CRS staff whom he has mentored Azerbaijan. This May 28 the Republic of Azer- Account: Army RDT&E. or advised, who will carry on his tradition of baijan celebrates the 90th anniversary of Re- Legal Name of Requesting Entity: Westar service. public Day, the day the nation and people first Aerospace & Defense Group, Inc. I am proud to thank Rick Apling publicly on gained their independence. Address of Requesting Entity: 890 Explorer behalf of this Congress for his many contribu- It was May 28, 1918 when Azerbaijan de- Boulevard, Huntsville AL, 35806 U.S.A. tions to our Nation and, in particular, on behalf clared independence from the Russian Em- Description of Request: Provide funding for of students with disabilities.
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