1 On Various Abstract Understandings of Abstract Interpretation Patrick COUSOT Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences New York University cp ousot@ ci ms. n u.ey ud , cimn.s u . e dy/u ˜ o spcu ot Abstract—We discuss several possible understandings and is correct/sound for all programs of a programming language, misunderstandings of Abstract Interpretation theory and practice it is necessary to compare the results of the static analysis at various levels of abstraction. with a formal definition of the program semantics (sometimes Keywords-Abstract Interpretation, Abstraction, Completeness, called a model) [7]. Formal methods, Semantics, Semantics, Soundness, Static anal- Abstract Interpretation goes much further by showing how ysis, Verification. to formally construct the static analyzer from the definition of program properties as specified by the semantics [8]. ABSTRACT INTERPRETATION FOR STATIC ANALYSIS These ideas lead to mechanically checked static analyzers Abstract Interpretation (see [10], [11] for gentle introduc- [19], and hopefully in the future, to mechanically constructed tions) can be, and is often, understood in a very narrow sense: static analyzers (as has been done by hand, e.g. in [3] for type an algorithm for static analysis of sequential programs with systems). widening and narrowing, even maybe restricted to interval analysis only. HIERARCHIES OF ABSTRACTIONS This was indeed the origin of the concept [6] and the very first fully automatic infinitary static analysis, rapidly followed A more profound understanding of Abstract Interpretation by more expressive and costly relational analyzes [15]. leads to a much broader scope of application. To cope with For programming languages, i.e. infinitely many pro- complex problems, e.g. undecidable ones, it is necessary to grams, static analysis with infinitary abstractions and widen- abstract the structure of the concrete space on which this ing/narrowing is always terminating. It is also strictly more problem is defined into an abstract domain in which the powerful than finite abstractions, including finite abstractions problem is more tractable. This concrete structure is usually a with refinements (which are often are allowed not to terminate) concrete domain plus operations on that concrete domain such [9]. as transformers and fixpoint definitions. This specific static analysis algorithm is the very minimal Interestingly, the abstraction of the domain of properties of view of Abstract Interpretation necessary to understand how the concrete space induces the abstraction of properties of op- production-quality static analyzers like ASTREE´ do operate erations of the structure (but for extrapolation and interpolation [14] and why it scales up with high precision for domain- operators such as widening and narrowing which are orthog- specific applications including for parallel programs [20] (but onal approximation concepts for convergence acceleration of obviously not for all programs out of its application domain). iterative computations e.g. of fixpoints). This algorithmic view is insufficient to understand why Given a semantics, all possible abstractions form a hierarchy static analyzers produce credible information about program formalizing all possible ways of reasoning on programs in the executions. abstract (called the lattice of abstract interpretations [8, Sect. By credible, we understand either correct (which is unfor- 8]). tunately not the case of most static analyzers, which are often incorrect) or with a definite explanation of potential incorrect- COMPLETENESS OF ABSTRACTIONS nesses [1]. For example ASTREE´ reports all potential buffer overruns. But the analysis covers only all prefix executions The completeness question, is whether solving the problem prior to the very first such buffer overrun, if any (because the in the abstract is always possible. program behavior is completely unpredictable after a buffer A common misunderstanding is to claim that Abstract overrun, including because of the possible destruction of the Interpretation is incomplete by nature. executed code). There are indeed many examples of complete abstractions from the FIRST algorithm abstracting the language defined CONSTRUCTION OF ABSTRACTIONS BY ABSTRACT by a context free program [12] to hierarchies of semantics INTERPRETATION (operational, denotational, axiomatic, etc) [4]. A broader acceptation of Abstract Interpretation includes Any abstraction can indeed be always refined to a complete this soundness problematics. To ensure that the static analysis one [18] (so there is always a most abstract refinement of an 2 abstraction to make a proof) and symmetrically any abstraction [6] Patrick Cousot and Radhia Cousot. Static determination of dynamic can always be simplified to achieve the same goals [17]. properties of programs. In Proceedings of the Second International Symposium on Programming, pages 106–130. Dunod, Paris, France, Incompleteness necessarily appears for undecidable prob- 1976. lems for which all algorithms will ultimately fail on infinitely [7] Patrick Cousot and Radhia Cousot. Abstract interpretation: A unified many counter-examples (including by not terminating). lattice model for static analysis of programs by construction or approx- imation of fixpoints. In Robert M. Graham, Michael A. 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