AUGUST 2001 A south swell of 2-4 foot surf was predicted for \XIalrer Guild sreerecl rhe this year's 58th annual Walter J. Macfarlane Regatta on women open 4 ro vicror)' - Km y Boume, Karin Hansen, the 4th of July at Waikiki Beach. Although the 2-4 mui AIIisonGII(Il'll. foot surf failed to materialize, wells of 1-2 feet provid­ ed fun ride for nearly e\·ery crew throughout the 36- event program. The Macfarlane is the only wave race on the Oahu Hawai ian Canoe Racing Association regatta schedule nnd one of rhe few times local residents con­ verge on Waikiki's famous beach. Outrigger led throughout much of the day, bur when the final points were counted, Lanikai's wins in the final three events proved roo much for the home team. The windwt~rd club tt~ ll ied 86 points to Outrigger's 82. This was Lanikai's fourth straight vic­ Luke Field shares a rrem wirh dad, Mike Field. tory in the Macfarlane. OCC crews collected II vicrories, including the pre tigiou enior Women's race. Other winning crews were the Boys 14, 15 and 16, Girls 15, Novice A Men, Junior, Senior and Open 4 Women, Junior Men, nnd Men and Women SSs. The opening ceremony in front of rhe Outrigger Hotel, the origint~ l sire of the Outrigger Canoe Cluh, featured Manu Boyd, Leinaalt~ Heine Kalama and Guido Salmaggi chanting, offering a pule, and singing the Scar S[1angled Banner. Waves spret~d t~cross all seven lanes of Waikiki, and numy rimes four of five canoes were. on the same wave as they approt~ched the finish line, increasing rhe excitement for competitors and spec The Junior ~len u'On tators. Winners rheir mile race Chrisrian were often decided hy hundredths of a second. The Siegfried, Vicror biggest mt~rg i n of victory of the day came in the Sherman , Jon 8T)'an, Women's Open 4. OCC steersman Wt~lrer Guild, in Jo/m Evelerh, Paki lane 3, ct~ughr back wt~sh on the way out to the quarter­ Vaughan and Jimm y Ausrin. mile flag, and then caught a wt~ve coming in to the flag, fini hing the half-mile race 34 -econd ahead of second place Kailua. Outrigger employed a number of open steersmen and women throughout the dt~y. Seeing action were Jimmy Austin, Walter Guild, Marc Haine, Kisi Haine, Aka Hemmings, Keoni Kino, »nd Paki Vaughan. The oltlest record in the Macfarlane record book, the Girl 12, was broken in the first race of the day. The record was set in 1982 by OCC's girls, and broken by the Lanikai girls. A total of eight records were bro­ ken. The complete results me featured on page 4. At rhe end of rhe day, p;tddlers gathered at Duke's to a\\-art! trophies to the winning club . A highlight of the ceremony \\·a· drinking champagne out of the Matson perpetual trophy for the Senior Men, and the Muriel Flanders Cup for the Senior Women. This year, the honors went to Hui Nalu's men and Outrigger's women. Walter Guild, representing the Macfarlane family, presented the award . OCC has fin i heJ second in four of the fi\'e regat· ras to date, and is looking forward to the Hawaiian Canoe Rflcing Association State Championships on August 4 ar Hanalei Bay, Kt~u ai. The winning_ Boys 16s were Billy Lmuson, jared \XIarwnull , Makena Can, Tare blwardo~, Benjamin Gorrlieh and steersman Mmc Hainc . P A G E 2 0 U T R G G E R OCC's Senior Men arc Billy PhilfJO!ls, Bruce Black, Byron Ho, Tommy Damon, Craig Gamble and \Valter Guild. I c was a joyous momencfor Senior \\Jomen Kisi Haine and Malia Kamisugi as chey offer co siUJre cheir c/Uimpagne wich ceammares in a hocel mom high up in che Owrigger Horel. • The Senior \:Vomen siJ>J>ed clwmJ>agne from rlie Muriel Flanders CuJ>. Prom, Coac/1 Liz Pen')', Diana Allen, Karin Hansen, Kisi Haine, Coach Mike Meyer, Traci Phillij>s, Mary Smolenski. Back, Janna Arakaki, Sasha MacNaugluon, Malia Kamisugi, Pam Davis, ]en Thayer, Sara AckenTUJn, Genie Kincaid, Tricia Nagawni, Nau Kamalii. The masrers men gre~c che uinning \\!omen 55 crell'. \\'acching che rcgaua from cheir surfboards bcm·eer1 wavcs 1\ICJ'e Kisi Haine and Sum J)awson. Sophomore men are Luke Esres, Byron Ho, Jeff Brou11, Craig Gamble, Michael Pietsch, Mau Guard. 58th Walter). Macfarlane Regatta July 4, 2001 - Waikiki Beach AA Division- l. bnibi Canoe Club, 86. 2. Outrigger Canoe Haine), 4:01.31. (Nt!w record. Old record, Out rigger, Victor Sherman, J()n Bryan, John Eveleth, Paid Vaughan, Club, 82. 3. Kailua Canoe Club. 63. 4. Hui Nalu Canoe 4:11.43, 1999) 2. Kailua, 4:01.83. 3. Lmik.ai, 4:03.37. 4. Jimlll)' Austin). 7:08.49. (New record. New dismnce) 2. Club, 61. 5. Hui lamkila C1noe Club, 43. Makaha, Hl9.18. 5. Waikiki urfCiub, 4:21.83. 6. Lmikai, 7: 11.45. 3. Hui Nalu, 7:22.95. 4. Waikiki urf, A Di,ision- I. Anuenuc Omoc Club and Waikiki Surf Club, WaimaruJio, 4:35.1 . 7. Keahiak.lhoc, 4:35.96. 7:24.81. 5. Leeward Kai, 7:26.43. 6. Hui lanakila, 7:28.18. 21 (ric). 3. Healani C1noc Club, 12. 4. Leeward Kai and Boys 15 (1/4 mile)- I. Outrigger (Peter Van Lier Ribbink, 7. Kailua, 7:52.06. Keahiabhoc Canoe Clubs, 5 (tie). 6. Makaha Omoe Club, Kyle Morgan, Sonny Sinclair, Greg Moore, Brett Bcchert, Senior Women (I 1/2 miles)- I. Outrigger (Mary Smolenski, 4. 7. Kai Oni C1noe Club, I. Waimanalo and Honolulu Walter Guild), 3:37.50. 2. Hui lanakila, 3:37.83. 3. Hui Tmci Phillips, Malia Kama>ugi, Patricia Nagatani, Kisi Haine, canoe club>, 0. Nalu, 3:38.68. 4. Kailua, 3:55.33. 5. Lanikai DQ. Marc l-laine), II :45.98. 2. I lui Nalu, II :55.88. 3. Lnnikai, Girls 16 (1/2 mile)- I. \Vaikiki Surf (Amanda Kippcn, 12:35.32. 4. Kailua, 12:47.34. 5. Healani, 12:58.93. 6. Hui Girls 12 ( 1/4 mile}- I. Lanibi (Claire Dewey, Karlyn Kanani Souw, Shawn Ferriera, Angelica Chong, Randi, L:makiln, 13:26.41. \'ilaikiki SurfDQ. Kumkmva, Krvst:tl Kmobwa, El izabeth Mahmda, Amber Tamura, Jim Beaton), 4:23.99. 2. Hui Nalu, 4:30.98. 3. Senior Men (11/2 mi l es)~ I. 1-lui Nalu (llilll'ratr, Wyau Meek, John F()ti}, I :27.4 1 (New record. Old record, 1:36.40, Lanikai, 4:3 1.99. 4. Kai lua, 4:32.59. S. Outrigger (Erin Jones, Steve Kelly, Maui Kjcldsen, Chris Ball, Billy Balding), Outrigger, 1982). 2. Kailua, 1:27.90. 3. Hui Nalu, 1:28.16. 4. Larson, Lindsay l'rinceuthal, Srt:plmnic M:1lin, Lexie I0:04.62. (New record. New, dlsrancc) 2. Lanikai, 10:17.73. Makaha, 1:29.90. 5. Outrigger (Brooke Pietsch, Amanda llm~'lSOn , Briana Ac~cnnan , Aka Hemmings). 4:39.53. 3. Owrig~:cr {Tomlll)' Damon, Byron 1-lo, Craig Gamble, Harrh, Rd1t.><:ca ie,·en>, Amy Wessberg, Noelle Fowler. Marc Boys 16 (1/2 mile)- I. Outrigger Oared Warumull, Tate Walter Guild. Bruce Black, Billy Philpott.>), 10:21.97. 4- Haine), 1:43.66. 6. Anuenuc, 2:01.60. 7. Kcahiak.lhoe, Edwards, ~lakena Carr, Billy law'On, Benjamin Gottlieb, Kalua, 10:38. 14. 5. \Vaikiki Surf, 10:54.93. 6. 1-lcalani, 2:11.12. ~ l .uc Haine), 3:38.2 1. 2. Kailua, 3:40.87. 3. Waikiki urf, 11 :48.87. Hui lanakila DQ. Boys 12 ( 1/4 mile)- I. lanikai (Beau Moody, Kim River, 3:49.21. 4- Hui Nalu, 3:50.16. 5. Leeward Kai, 3:54.61. 6. Women 55 ( 1/2 mile)- I. Outrigger (Diane Swwell, Ann Patrick Dolan, Scorr Steiner, Chris Kono, John Fmi), I :39.55. L:mikai, 3:58.2 1. Cundall, Parry Mowar, Barbara Brp n, Gerri Pedesky, Marc 2. Outrigger (Tri Bourne, Jeremiah Hancock, Bailey Girls 18 ( 1/2 mile)- I. Kailua (Rachel Hamasaki, Kanoc Hainc), 4:01.70. (New record. Old record, Lan ikai, 4:06.27, Gendreau, Bradley lawson, David Markle, Walter Guild), Marcid, Kristen Mailheau, Cui K:tlama, Joelle 1-lumcl, Par 1998) 2. Anuenue, 4:02.09. 3. Hui Nalu, 4:1 9.73. 4. I :43.23. 3. Leeward Kai, I :44.52. 4. Hui Nalu, I :48.50. 5. Von), 3:56.90. 2. Anuenue, 3:57.43. 3. Lanibi, 4:00.34. 4. Lanikai, 4:20.67. 5. Kai lua, 4:54.02. 6. Waimanalo, 5:08.06. Kail ua, 1:<19.10. 6. Hui Lmwkila, 2:08.63. Keahiakahoc, 1-lcalani, 4:35.42. 5. Wnikiki Surf, 4:36.44- 6. Out rigger Men 55 (1/2 mile)- I. Outrigger (Tay Perry, Roger Cundall, 2:1 3.04. (Ancla Borges, Sara Field, Katherine Loui, Tim·e Salassa, Chris McKenzie, Joe Dubiel, Glenn Perry, 1.\rucc Ames), Mixed 12 (1/4 mile)- I. l-lui Nalu (Nanca Baird, David S<!tO, Megan Abhott,l'aki Va!'ghan), 4:59.05. 3:48.9 1. 2. Lanikai, 3:53.15. 3. Anuenue, 3:58.50. 4. Kai Perkin.<, Melissa Jasper, Brilin Flemming, Kaui Pelekanc), Bo\'s 18 (1 mile)- I. lanikai (Tmvis Branch, Milan "li'CSnak, 1-lcalnni, 3:58.9 1. 5. K11ihm, 3:59.32. 6. 1-lui Nalu, 4:13.01. 1:49.01. 2. Anuenue, 1:50.5 . 3. Hui lanakila, 1:5 1.84.
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