i v. w m wm*^m^+ a^^ WWi^P^W mm Churchill Charters race to boys track title, CI Homelbwn . ..Mm.NKVWTHlNlf .NKrWOHfc- Puttlng you in touch with your world >en lestlandCommunityfpr34y&aj*s *> V0U.VE 34 NUMBER 30 WESTLAND. MICHIGAN • 80 PAGES • tmp://observer-eccentric.com SEVENTY-Fll/F CfNTS s OIH* UemnXown Cow«inlc«t}oa« NMwork, h»c. Westland Mayor Robert Thomas delivered his Address: 10th State of the City.address Wednesday Westland evening. Calling it "the place to be," Thomas Mayor said he sees a bright future for the city as Robert COUNTY property values increase. Thomas BY DARRELL CLEM standing ovation from a crowd of near­ talked about Fund-raiser: Vacations, STAFF WRITER ly 300 people who came to the Hellenic Vision 2000 sports memorabilia and [email protected] Cultural Center to see his decade- at his State other special items will Mayor Robert Thomas, in his 10th crowning State of the City speech. of the City State of the City address, said Wednes­ Thomas said he wants outsiders to address be oh the auction block day evening that Westland faces a choose Westland when they search for Friday night at Madonna promising future following a decade of a new place to live, and he laced his Wednesday landmark growth. " speech with reasons why he believes evening at University's 11th annual Thomas touted citywide property val­ they should. the Hellenic Around the World Schol­ ues that have risen from $842 million Consider: Cultural arship Dinner Auction in to $1.7 billion - more than doubling • The southeast side is rebounding Center. during his tenure as mayor. with new housing and a planned fire Laurel Manor. /All Early in the next millennium, he station, and the city is planning to STAFF PHOTO BY BRYAN MITCHELL said, "I think we'll hit the $2 billion install roads, water mains and sewers said his administration has sparked members applauded when he men­ mark." for dozens of new homes planned just improvements in snowplowing, leaf tioned the 1998 completion of a multi- OPINION Thomas, the longest-serving mayor south of Carver subdivision. pickup, police and fire protection, million dollar projection Newburgh in the city's 33-year history, received a • With a "can-do attitude," Thomas library services and streets. Audience Books and more: Please see STATE OF CfTY, A2 Libraries play a key role in enhancing community Cheering section quality of'life./AM In the spirit: - Amber Fer- COMMUNITY LIFE nitz, 9 and a fourth-grader seizing land Coffee with a message: atWildwood They've been popular with MlemerUary, Generation X-ers for sev­ takes part in ' •'{•^tytotftifig for rec center eral years, now churches cheers at the are cashing in on the cof­ BY DARRELL CLEM STAFF WRITER feehouse craze to serve up [email protected] a "cup of joe" with the imentary Mayor Robert Thomas confirmed Monday that he sup­ message of God /Bl school kids ports condemning and seizing property northwest of Ford are learning Road and Central City Parkway to build an upscale recre­ cheenhg rou­ ation center and a new city administration building. But Thomas said during a telephone interview that he AT HOME tines in a 12- won't try to force a divided Westland City Council to take that politically risky step, even though he believes "itVthe Decorating on a with the Cheer right thing to do." shoestring: Here are some Aifieric&Qrga- The mayor's remarks came 10 weeks after he halted hizatwn.The negotiations between the city and property owners who easy, inexpensive ways to group wilt wanted nearly $4 million for the land - more than double beautify your home /D8 what rtty officialsgay it's worth. MrjformMa "Council President Sandra Cicirelli said Tuesday that a at Dearborn ENTERTAINMENT Crestwood : ~~~~ ' Please see RCC, A2 High School. They will also Opera: Michigan Opera participate in 4 candidates seek Theatre honors the tradi­ the July 4th tion of "Madame Butter­ parade in fly" with its production, Westland. which opens April 17 at Below, Tiffany school board seats the Detroit Opera Larson, 10 BY DARRELL CLEM House. /El (right) lets it STAFF WRITER all out learn­ [email protected] ing a cheer. Four candidates will compete for two seats at stake in the Music: Nancy Wilson is June 14 Wayne-Westland school board election. proud to call herself a They are: • Skip.Monit, a Wayne resident who helped the board "saloon singer. "/El win voter support for a $108.3 million bond proposal for building improvements and classroom technology. He now serves on a bond construction committee. REAL ESTATE • Martha Pitsenbarger, a Wayne resident who is seek­ ing re-election as she nears the end of her first four-year term. She is board secretary. Get to work: What you • Brenda Smith, a first-time candidate and 1997 gradu­ can do to get your home ate of Westland John Glenn High School. She attends readyforsummer. /Fl Henry Ford College and is editor of the school newspaper. ' Please see SCHOOLS, A3 INDEX 10 seek council seat • Obituaries A6 • Classified Index F6 BY DARRELL CLEM Real Estate STAFF WRITER F6 [email protected] Crossword G2 Kids' class Lobbying efforts involving a Westland City Council Jobs G6 appointed post had begun even before Wednesday's dead­ Home & Service H7 is 'cheer'ful line passed for candidates to apply, officials said. H8 Council President Sandra Cicirelli said local police and Automotive firefighters had previously contacted her to show support • Opinion A14-15 lementary school kids are learn- * inf cheering routines in a 12- for David Cox - a former councilman ousted by voters in • Calendar B4 week class with the Cheer Ameri­ 1995. He now serves as Wayne-Westland school board pres­ E ident. • 8gorts^_ CI ca organization, Ctaaaea meet on Mon­ days until May 10 at the Bailey Recre­ Nine others also are hoping for consideration. According • Real Estate Fl ation Center in Weatland lor achool to the city clerk's office, they are: kidf age* firii grade and up. One • Jim Chuck, Westland library board member. cLtuM meeti at 4:15 p.m. and the other • Georga Conant, who is active in civic groups. HOW TO REACH US at 6:15 pan. Coat ia $5 a da*. Call • Reasther Everett, longtime city precinct worker. Waetland Parka and Recreation at • Debra Fowlkes, former Wayne-Wcstland school board (734) 722-7620 for more information. president.. - Newsroom: 734*9*3-2104 Please see COUNCIL, A3 ] Newsroom Fax: 734-591-7279 •f E-mail: bj«ctim«neo«,hoffMcomni.ntt Nightiine/Sports: 7M*&2l<H Reader Comment {ine; 734*953-2042 City-owned sales bring in $500,000 Classified Advertising: 734-591-0900 Display Advertising: 734.591-2300 BY DARRELL CLEM among local developers and outside investors. parcels acquired through nonpayment of taxes or \ Home Delivery: 734-591-0500 STAFF WRITER , "We think this is a sign that these neighborhoods abandonment by previous owners. dclem9oe.homecomm.net are going to come back strong and be as vital as any Accepted bids ranged from $500 to $55,151. and The sale of 74 city-owned properties will boost other part of Westland," James Gilbert, Westland Assessor James Klrod hopes to complete the sales by Westland*s budget by $500,000 and free up land for housing/community development director, said Mon­ this summer. new development - particularly oh the south side, day. "I'd love to shoot for June 1," he said. officials said. "People are wanting to% invest money there now, Elrod estimated that as many as 25 of the proper­ - The bulk of new land sales will occur in neighbor­ and that says something," Gilbert said. ties will be suitable for new housing, while other hoods bounded by Middlebelt, Annapolis, Inkster and City council members pledged to sell 74 properties 10011 6 Van Born roads - an area fueling renewed interest after administration officials sought bids for scores of Plonsc sec SALf S, A3 a^i wm The Observer & Eccentric/ THURSDAY, APRIL 15,1999 State of City from page Al Rejaji between Palmer and • Reviving hit city slogan, Mayor Robert Thomas local motorists could face some ' ) Enterprise Drive. headachesas a wide array of • A Westland Police Depart­ said Wsstlaftd "truly can bo the place to be," and road projects get under way in ment expansion will soon house he commended his staff and the Wostland City 1999. He cited a current project a nw. radio system and central— Council for supporting his vision. -*•• a fifth-iattt-on Newburgh . dispatch program for this city between Warren and Ford - as an<j several surrounding commu­ an example. nities. "When it's all done," he said, »'•* Wayne-Westland schools boosted public safety by imple­ city administration building - "we're going to have somelrouch are on an upswing that includes menting new programs such as projects that have proved elu­ better roads to drive on." massive building renovations placing bike-riding police officers sive. Thomas held out hope that ancTnew classroom technology - and paramedics in neighbor­ And he cited a dire need for an Westland will continue to uridfcr the leadership of Superin- hoods. expansion, of an 18th District improve as the city enters a new » tendent GregBarac/s adminis­ Reviving his city slogan, Court building where two judges millennium. tration. Thomas said Westland "truly and their staffs "turn over more Said the mayor: "I wajit the "What a wonderful vision that can be the place to be,*.and he cases than some courts twice best service for our people." they have obviously had for our commended his staff and the their size." Wayne-Westland school district," Westland City Council for sup­ Earlier in the week, Thomas Corning Sunday: The mayor Thomas said.
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