UNIVERSITY OF NORTH FLORIDA WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 15, 2012 PAGE 17 INSIDE 2 Wednesday, February 15, 2012 SPINNAKER // UNFSPINNAKER.COM news 8 expressions 12 sports 17 9 12 18 // You’ve Got no Mail // Thread-ful // WeaK Offense Some students are wondering Two UNF students-turned-screen- Lacrosse continues to have what happened to letters they printers run a business with their problems finding the net and must used to receive in the mail for two partners outside of turn things around in a hurry. making a 3.5 GPA average per their home. semester. Find out what happened to them. // RACE to the finish 18 Men’s basketball has to regain its footing in the conference standings after slipping up over the weekend. 10 13 // AluMinuM Fire 19 Softball’s bats heat up in its first tournament of the year. Team // ObaMA Mandates birth // Shuttlin’ the distriC looks to continue strong start in Control for the nation This semester, the District on double-header. Despite conflict arising from one’s Kernan established a shuttle religious beliefs, President Obama service that reaches UNF and plans to require birth control Florida State College coverage for employer’s health at Jacksonville. insurance. WEB EXClusive IN eaCH issue Cover NEED MORE VISUALS WIth YOUR 02 INDEX 08 NEWS SEAN MURPHY NEWS? CHECK OUT OSPREY TV'S 03 HODGEPODGE 12 EXPRESSIONS indeX Photos NEWSCAST AT UNFSPINNAKER.COM 04 OPINIONS 17 SPORTS ANDREW NOBLE, SEAN MURPHY, BRETT OAKES HODGEPODGE SPINNAKER // UNFSPINNAKER.COM Wednesday, February 15, 2012 3 “ officer proceeded to attempt to follow the car throughout the campus and ra- dioed that if the vehicle turned toward POLICE North South Road, he was going to ter- minate the pursuit. As the officer and “ the driver approached the intersection of UNF Drive and North South Road, BEAT the driver continued on UNF Drive to- ward the housing area. The vehicle then headed toward Kernan Boulevard, and the officer turned off his lights but con- Check out more Police Beats online tinued to follow to make sure the vehi- at unfspinnaker.com cle did not stop and the occupants did not exit the car onto campus with a gun. Feb. 7 Marijuana Possession and Use The vehicle accelerated to 90-100 mph (Lot 11) - An officer was conducting and headed east on Kernan Boulevard. a vehicle patrol of Lot 11 when he The officer returned to the area where smelled burning marijuana. The officer the event initially took place, but he noticed two males leaning against a could not locate the victim or the white truck and proceeded to approach them. van. He and another officer conducted a When the officer asked what they were canvass of the area to look for an aban- doing, the two said they were smoking. doned gun. They also searched the sides The officer noticed a marijuana joint on of UNF Drive and the retention pond the ground by the subjects’ feet. The with negative results. subjects denied knowing what the joint was and said they did not know who it Feb. 10 Criminal Mischief (Osprey Ridge belonged to. When the officer asked the Road) - Upon arriving at the scene(s), an subjects’ for their driver’s licenses, he officer observed the speed limit of 20 noticed they both smelled strongly of mph on the first speed limit sign west- marijuana when he got closer to them. bound on Osprey Ridge Road had been Lacking clear and concise evidence to spray painted in an attempt to change make an arrest, the subjects were al- the 20 mph to 50 mph. The officer also lowed to leave. A student conduct form observed eight street light poles with was filled out. The marijuana joint was spray paint damage, as well as two or- entered into property and evidence at ange road information signs, a green the Jacksonville Sheriff’s Office. water pump box and one recycled wa- ter sign. All areas with spray paint dam- age were on the west side of Osprey Ridge Road. The officer also noticed Feb. 8 Suspicious Package (Housing unknown suspect(s) had spray painted Postal Facility) - An officer met with a a word on the southwest corner of the university housing postal employee who Fountain Housing Complex. The word said he received a package that had a was redacted in the police report. A sec- suspicious smell. Investigation of the ond reported sighting of hot pink paint name on the package revealed that UNF was on the west side hand rail of the does not have a registered student liv- wooden bridge approximately 30 yards ing in housing by that name. The current north of the crosswalk for UNF Drive. resident of the room on the package had The officer noticed this appeared to be a stopped by the postal service window a pink highlighter instead of spray paint. few days earlier to inquire about receiv- A neighborhood canvass was not con- ing a package under the name that was ducted because the incident occurred printed on the package in question. The on the westbound side of the road. A officer suspected the package contained case information card was not given to marijuana. The officer went to the stu- the complainant because she called UPD dent’s room, and he agreed to walk with about the sign, but she was not present the officer to the postal service window. at the scene. Upon arrival at the post office, the stu- dent was given his rights. The student Feb. 12 Attempted Suicide (Osprey consented to a search of his dorm room, Village) - An officer met with the victim which turned up nothing. The student who was semi-coherent but conscious. also agreed to make a written state- The victim said she took approximately ment and gave the officer permission to 20 prescription pills. On her desk, there search the package. The search revealed was a spiral binder with several letters the package contained a cigarette box to friends and family, according to the with several marijuana cigarettes inside. police report. An involuntary mental The subject said he had met a subject on- health examination was completed, and line who lived in California, with whom the results were given to Jacksonville he exchanged numbers. The subject in Fire Rescue personnel. The victim was California had told him he was going to transported to Memorial Hospital for send him a gift, which the student said treatment. The Area Coordinator and he had suspected would be marijuana the victim’s mother was notified. The cigarettes. An inspector took possession evidence was placed in the Jacksonville of the package and all of its contents. Sheriff’s Office Property Room. Feb. 9 Attempted Robbery/Gunpoint Feb. 13 Sick Person (Osprey Hall) - An of- (UNF Drive) - An officer was conduct- ficer met with the complainant who said ing a vehicle patrol on UNF Drive when he was vomiting, had stomach pains and A preacher visited The Green Feb. 14 to enlighten students and passersby. His a van signaled him with its headlights. was shaking. The complainant was eval- audience — a mixture of godless dissenters and faithful listeners — grew as the The driver of the van said the driver of uated by Jacksonville Fire and Rescue day went by. The preacher took a break midday to enjoy a cool can of Mountain the red car, located at this time behind and was transported to the Mayo Clinic for further evaluation. The complain- Dew, the most divine of citrus based sodas. He later left the campus, knowing he this officer, tried to rob him and pointed a black automatic pistol at him. The of- ant’s emergency contact was notified. spread the word of God, and the word of high fructose corn syrup. This photo ficer told the van’s driver to pull over, represents the duality of spirituality and decadence, virtue and vice. call 911 and remain in the area because he was going to follow the red car. The COMPILED BY SEAN MURPHY AND JOSEPH BASCO Source: University Police Department Compiled by Maggie Seppi DISCOURSE 4 Wednesday, February 15, 2012 SPINNAKER // UNFSPINNAKER.COM 4 discourse SPINNAKER // UNFSPINNAKER.COM Wednesday, February 15, 2012 Editorial Osprey Productions locks lip-sync off campus television For the first time in at least five years, you Fine encouraged Head will not see lip sync broadcast on campus and his crew to gather B-roll television. You may not care to see members footage of the event for of the Greek community shakin’ it to throw- news purposes, an allow- back tunes, group-dressed as Fonzi, choreo- ance he had to make since graphed through weeks of practice; but you students put on the event for should care that Osprey Productions seems students, with student fees, to have developed a grudge against your stu- and attendance was free. dent-run TV station. But they weren’t per- This is a partnership that has brought mitted to stay for the whole many concerts, comedy shows and show. Finally, after numer- Homecoming events to life on television all ous conversations between over the campus. Head and both Fine and However, when Osprey TV showed up to the Assistant Director one of Homecoming’s signature events of Student Government Feb. 13 at the Lazzara Performance Hall, it John Simms, OTV agreed was met with a less-than-welcoming greet- to leave. ing from Osprey Productions, the first-time No lip sync on TV for the organizer of the event. students that were holed OP Director Brent Fine told OTV Station up in the library studying Manager Matt Head there was no room for that night.
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