GEOLOGICAL SURVEY OF NEW JERSEY ANNUAL REPORT OP THE STATE GEOLOGIST For the Year 1906 I TRENTON, N. J, HacCreUisb & Qulgley,State Printers. _7 NEW JERSEY GEOLOGICAL SURVEY ILLUSTRATIONS. PLATES. Page. PLATESI-XXfII.--Effects of fire tests on building stones ............... 32-76 PLATE XXIV.--Pumping pIant--R. O. Bidwell's glass-sand pit ....... 85 PLATE XXV._Washlng plant--R. O. Bidwell's glass-sand pit ....... 86 PLATE XXVl.--Photomlcrographs of glass sands, . .................. 87 Pr..ATE XXVIl.--Photomicrographs of glass sands .................... 88 PLATZ XXVIII.--Map of the Newark (Triassic) System of New Jersey, Io8 PLATS XXIX.--Map of borings showing buried trap ................. II8 Pt.ATZ XXX.--Map of location of coppermines ..................... t35 PLATE XXXl.--Fig. I. Red shale, with disseminated lenticular calcite, I48 Fig. 2. Shale with cavities filled with copper and chalcocite, . ............................ I48 PLATE XXXIf.--Heave fault at old copper mine, Menlo Park ......... 154 FIGURES. Fmum_ L--Areas occupied by the Newark System,. .................... leo t_Gu_ 2.--Topographic map of the southwestern part of the Watchung Mountains, . ............................................ iIi F[¢u_ 3.--Geologlc map of the southwestern part of the Watchung Mountains, ............................................. iI 4 t_cugE 4.--Cross section on line A-B, figure .3..................... ...... I[5 FxGu_ 5.--Map and section of the Griggstown Mine ................... I37 FICuR_ 6.--Map of Arlington, . ....................................... I4o FIGURE7.--Cross section at A, figure 6, Arlington, . .................... 14o Fmum_ 8.--Map and section of the Schuyler Copper Mine, . ............. I42 FIGu_ 9.--Diagram showing tests on trap rock as road metal,. ......... I69 (iv) NEW JERSEY GEOLOGICAL SURVEY CONTENTS. Page. BOARD OF _[ANAGERS .................. a...." ........................... V LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL, .... _ ........................................ vii Administrative Report, I. Administration, 3; Topographic Work, 9; Geologic Investigations, xo ; Awards at the Louisiana Exposition, 16. PART L-The Fire-Resisting Qualities of Some New Jersey Building Stones, by W. E. McCourt, ........................................... 17 PART II. - The Glass-Sand Industry of New Jersey, by Henry B. Kfim- reel and R. B. Gage ........................................................ 77 PART IlL--The Origin and Relations of the Newark Rocks, by J. Vol- hey Lewis,. ............................................................ 99 The Newark (Triassic) Copper Ores of New Jersey, by J. Volney Le_fis,. ............................................................ i3i Properties of Trap Rocks for Road Construction, by J. Volney Legfis............................................................... x65 PART IV.--Notes on the Mining Industry, by Henry B. Kfimmel,. ....... I73 LIsT OF PUBLICATIONS.. ............................................... 18 3 INDEX, .............................................................. 189 (iii) NEW JERSEY GEOLOGICAL SURVEY The Geologlcal Survey of New Jersey. BOARD 0F MANAGERS. HIS EXCELLENCY EDWARD C. STOKES,Governor and ex-olllcloPresl- dentof the Board, ...........................................Trenton. Members ot Large. HEEBERTM. LLOYD,......................... M'ontelair, .............. x9o7 HARRISON VAN DUYNE, ..................... Newark, ................19o7 S. BAYARD DOD, ............................ Orange, ................. 19o8" JOHN C. SMOCK 1 ............................ Trenton, ................ 1_O8 THOMAS W. SYNNO_.'T,...................... Wenonah, . .............. 19o9 ALI*R_I)A. WOOImULL, ....................... Princeton, .............. I909 E_aMOE RO_F..RTS,............................ Moorestown, ............ I91o DAWD E. 'I'xTSWORTH,. ....................... Plainfield, ............... xgxx GEORGEG. TENIgANT, ........................ Jersey City, ............. I9II Congressional Districts. L FRI_DF.RICR.K BRACE................... Blackwood, ............. x9II IL P. K.Z_HEDr Rr_VES, . ................. Bridgeton, .............. I9O7 IIL M. D. VALE_Ta_E, .................... Woodbridge, ............ I9o9 IV. WASHIHGTONA. RO_IaNC, ............ Trenton, . ............... I9o8 V. FR_DmlCg A. CANFI_D, ............... Dover, .................. 19Io VL GEOaOEW. WHEELER, ................. Hackensack, ............ X9H VIL WEre)ELL P. G^RRISO.W,................ Orange, ................. I9o7t VIIL JOSEPHI_ MUNN, ..................... East Orange, ........... IQO9 IX. JosePH D. BEDI,_, ..................... Jersey City, ............. 19o8 X. AARON S. BALDWIN, .................. Hoboken, ............... I910 State Geologist, H_mY I3. K_/I_gr.L. * Died April 19th, 19o7. "_Died February 27th, 19o7. (v) NEW JERSEY GEOLOGICAL SURVEY TRENTON', N. J., November 30, 19o6. To His Ewcelleucy Edward C. Stokes, Governor of the State of New Jerse3, , and ex-oflieio President of the Board of Man.- . agers of the Geological Survey: SIR--I have the honor to submit my Administrative Report upon the work of the Geological Survey for the year i9o6. This will be followed by papers dealing, with the Glass Sands, the Copper Deposits and other subjects, these with the Administra- tive Report comprising the AnnnaI Report of the State Geologist. It has not been possible to complete these papers so as to submit them at this time, but the work on all of them is far advanced. I recommend that advance copies of the Administrative Report be printed for use of the Legislature and the' printing of the whole report be deferred until these papers can be completed. In this way the result of the investigations of this departmeaat may be placed most quickly before the citizens of the State. Yours respectfully, I HENRY B. KOMMEL, State GeologiSt. (vii) NEW JERSEY GEOLOGICAL SURVEY ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT. Administration, Organization, Publications, Distribution, Library, Collections, Correspondence.- Topography, Field Work, Office Work.--Geolog% Peat, Building Stones, Trap Rock and Copper Ores. Sands, Iron Ores, Mineral Waters, Artesian Wells, Pleistocene Stratigraphy,. Paleozoic Stratigraphy, Paleontology', Paleobotany.--Co-operation with the U. S. Geological Survey.--St. Louis Exposition Medals. I GEOL NEW JERSEY GEOLOGICAL SURVEY Administrative Report. HENRY B. I_OMMEL, STATE GEOLOGIST. A sunllnary of the work of the Geological Survey during the fiscal year el_ding October 31, i9o6 , is set forth in the following pages of the Administrative Report, which, when published in its final form, will be accompanied by several papers giving in detail the results of the work along particular lines. ADMINISTRATION. Organization._In March, Mr. David E. Titsworth, of Plain- field, was appointed as a member at large on the Board of Managers to succeed Senator Ernest R. Ackerman, whose term had expired and who declined re-appointment. Messrs. Ten- nant, Brace and Wheeler, whose terms also expired, were re- appointed for five years. During the year the following persons were employed upon the Survey, the majority of them at a per diem compensation : Henry B. Kfimmel, State Geologist. R. B. Gage, Chemist. Laura Lee, Clerk. Howard M. Poland, Office assistant. Roliin D. Salisbury, Surface Geology. G. N. Knapp, Surface Geology and Artesian Wells. Stuart Weller, Paleontology. E. W. Berry, Paleobotany. J. Volney Lewis, Trap Rocks. C. W. Parmelee, Peat Testing. W. E. McCourt, Building Stones. (3) NEW JERSEY GEOLOGICAL SURVEY 4 ANNUAL REPORT OF C. C. Vermeule, Topographer. P. D. Staats, Assistant Topographer. W. A. Coriell, Draughtsman. L. M. Young, Topographic assistant. CIarence Bruen. Topographic assistant. C. V. Coriell, Topographic assistant. J. B. McBride, Topographic assistant. Alma B. Roump, Stenographer. Anabelle Lesser, Stenographer. C. B. tIardenberg, Draughtsman. E. J. Davis, Clerk. Publicalions.--For various causes, in large part beyond the control of the Survey, the publication of the Annual Report of the State Geologist for i9o 5 (pp. 338 -_- X, plates XXX, fi_tres in text 2I) was delayed and the completed volume was not ready for distribution until the middle of" October. Advance copies, however, of the administrative report and of two scien- tific papers were printed early in the year and were ready for the use of the Legislature. The completed volume contained the following papers : Administrative Report, . .......................................... 24 pp.. Changes Along the New Jersey Coast--Lewis M. ttaupt, C. E., ...... 7o pp. A Brief _Sketch of Fossil Plants--Edward W. Berry, ............... 38 pp. The Flora of the Cliffwood Clays Edward W. Berry ............. 38 pp- The Chemical Compnsition of the White Crystalline Limestones of Sussex and Warren Counties--Henry B. Kiimmel, with anaIyses by R. B. Gage (with map) ..................................... x6 pp_ Lake Passaic Considered as a Storage Rfservoir--C. C. Vermeule (with map) ................................................... 3o pp. A Report on the Peat Deposits of Northern New Jersey--C. W. Par-' melee and W. G McCourt (with map), . ....................... 86 pp. The Mining Industry--IIenry B. Kfimmel, ......................... I2 pp. Three new Atlas sheets, Pluckemin, Somerville and New Brunswick, on the large scale (2,ooo feet per inch) were pub- lished in May, and at ¢_nceplaced o'n sale. Twenty-four sheets on this scale are now completed and are being distributed as NEW JERSEY GEOLOGICAL SURVEY THE STATE GEOLOGIST. 5 rapidly as orders are received. One hundred and
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