U.S . DEPAR T MENT OF T HE INT ER IOR | BUR EAU OF L AND MANAGEMENT Alaska Dalton Highway Corridor: Coldfoot to Deadhorse 151°30'W 151°W 150°30'W 150°W 149°30'W 149°W 148°30'W 148°W 147°30'W The Dalton Highway 350,000 400,000 450,000 T he Da lton Highwa y stretches 414 miles a cross northern Ala ska from L ivengood (84 r iv e BEECHEY POINT B-5 R BEECHEY POINT B-4 Pump Station 1 miles north of Fa irba nks) to Dea dhorse a nd ch tu o Prudhoe Bay BEECHEY POINT B-2 BEECHEY POINT B-1 lu N the oilfields of Prudhoe Ba y. Built during Ub BEECHEY POINT B-3 ' construction of the tra ns-Ala ska oil pipeline Nuiqsut 5 1 in the 1970s, this mostly gra vel highwa y ° r 0 e v 7 tra vels through rolling, forested hills, a cross r i e v R the Y ukon R iver a nd Arctic Circle, through i R k u the rugged Brooks R a nge, a nd over the y k a i g North S lope to the Arctic Ocea n. Along v i l Deadhorse a u r t most of its length, you'll see no strip ma lls, Kachemach u u n P no gift shops, no service sta tions— just NPRA Mound g U forest, tundra , a nd mounta ins, crossed by a double ribbon of roa d a nd pipe. T he Burea u of L a nd Ma na gement (BL M) ma na ges a swa th of public la nds a long the HARRISON BAY A-3 highwa y from the Y ukon R iver to the north HARRISON BAY A-2 er Ri v MP 410 side of the Brooks R a nge. W ithin the k w ya Da lton corridor, the BL M ma inta ins on o Sa k ca mpgrounds, rest a rea s, interpretive HARRISON BAY A-1 BEECHEY POINT A-4 Shaviovik pa nels a nd the a wa rd-winning Arctic BEECHEY POINT A-3 Mound BEECHEY POINT A-2 Intera gency Visitor Center in Coldfoot. BEECHEY POINT A-5 BEECHEY POINT A-1 MP 405 r N e ° v i 0 R 7 h c a m e h c r a e v K i MP 400 R Know Before You Go! h c a e v N u ° Road Conditions l i 0 M W ea ther extremes, industria l tra ffic, a nd 7 frequent ma intena nce a ctivity ca n significa ntly a ffect tra vel a long the Da lton Highwa y. For the la test on roa d conditions, visit http://511.a la ska .gov or ca ll MP 395 907-465-8952 r e Services v i S ervices a re a va ila ble a t only a few pla ces R a long the Da lton Highwa y, so proper k i v pla nning is essentia l. T here a re no public a UMIAT D-2 K services a t Depa rtment of T ra nsporta tion UMIAT D-3 ma intena nce sta tions or Alyeska Pipeline UMIAT D-1 S ervice pump sta tions. Sentinel MP 390 Hill SAGAVANIRKTOK D-5 Medical Facilities SAGAVANIRKTOK D-4 T here a re no medica l fa cilities a long the r SAGAVANIRKTOK D-2 SAGAVANIRKTOK D-1 e SAGAVANIRKTOK D-3 v Elliott or Da lton Highwa ys. Ca rry a ny 0 0 i 0 0 R 0 C 0 essentia l persona l medica tions. In a critica l , , o Franklin 0 0 l k 5 Bluffs 5 emergency, fla g down a pa ssing vehicle v 7 7 i o , , l t 7 l 7 a nd see if the driver ca n pa ss the word to e k r i sta te troopers via sa tellite phone or CB R n i a ra dio (cha nnel 19). v v e MP 385 a r g a S N Banking ' 5 T here a re no ba nks a long the highwa y. 4 ° T here a re AT M ma chines in Dea dhorse. 9 Most services a ccept ma jor credit ca rds. 6 Repairs T ire a nd repa ir services a re a va ila ble only a t Y ukon Crossing (closed in winter), Shirukak MP 380 N Coldfoot a nd Dea dhorse. ' Lake 5 4 ° S Groceries h 9 a 6 T here a re no full-service grocery stores v i o a long the highwa y. S na ck food a nd v i k ca fes a re a va ila ble a t Y ukon Crossing, R Five Mile, Coldfoot a nd Dea dhorse. i v e r Communications T here is no cell phone covera ge or public MP 375 Internet connection a long the Da lton UMIAT C-3 Highwa y. Pa y phones a re a va ila ble a t Y ukon Crossing (in summer), Coldfoot a nd UMIAT C-2 W isema n. Cell phone covera ge genera lly ends a bout 35 miles (56 km) north of UMIAT C-1 Fa irba nks. Cell covera ge is a va ila ble in Dea dhorse. S ome compa nies in Fa irba nks SAGAVANIRKTOK C-4 rent sa tellite phones: check the phone SAGAVANIRKTOK C-3 directory under the listing for "ra dio." SAGAVANIRKTOK C-5 SAGAVANIRKTOK C-2 MP 370 SAGAVANIRKTOK C-1 Points of Interest R estroom Ca mping White Boat Ga s Picnic Area Hills Launch N Imaiknik Food R epa ir ' 0 Lake 3 ° L odging Drinking W a ter F 9 MP 365 i n 6 T elephone R V Dump S ta tion Kakiagun T C u r Lake l e u Informa tion Boa t L a unch e k k Airport Airstrip C r e e k Post Office S cenic Viewpoint N ' 0 3 ° Coldfoot 9 T he origina l gold rush town of Coldfoot 6 wa s loca ted on the Middle Fork of the MP 360 Koyukuk R iver nea r the mouth of S la te Square Pump Station 2 Creek. It got its na me in 1900 when ea rly Lake prospectors reportedly got “cold feet” a nd left before winter set in. UMIAT B-3 MP 355 0 0 0 0 UMIAT B-2 0 0 , , 0 0 0 0 7 7 UMIAT B-1 , , 7 7 SAGAVANIRKTOK B-5 Sagwon MP 350 SAGAVANIRKTOK B-2 I SAGAVANIRKTOK B-4 v i SAGAVANIRKTOK B-3 s h Sag River a k SAGAVANIRKTOK B-1 Wayside R S la te Creek i Coldfoot v e Airstrip r DOT G M U 2 6 B S ta te N ' E T rooper c 5 h Cemetery o o 1 k ° MP 345 a 9 R i Visitor Coldfoot Ca mp 6 v er Center Post Office Inn y T ra il wa igh n H lto a N D ' 5 1 ° 9 MP 340 6 Arctic Interagency Visitor Center T he Arctic Intera gency Visitor Center is C re e k loca ted in Coldfoot.T he center will be Gile ad open da ily, 10 a .m. to 10 p.m., from mid- Ma y through ea rly S eptember (Closed in Outpost UMIAT A-3Mountain winter). Here you ca n find a wa rd-winning interpretive exhibits a nd informa tion on the region's history, na tura l environment, a nd recrea tion opportunities. T he center is a pa rtnership between the Burea u of L a nd Happy Ma na gement, the U.S . Fish a nd W ildlife UMIAT A-1 SAGAVANIRKTOK A-5 UMIAT A-2 Valley S ervice, a nd the Na tiona l Pa rk S ervice. I tk SAGAVANIRKTOK A-2 il li k r SAGAVANIRKTOK A-3 e R v i i v SAGAVANIRKTOK A-1 e R r SAGAVANIRKTOK A-4 k u v Dan u t Creek k a MP 330 n Kakukturat A Mountain Marion Creek Campground N ° Ma rion Creek Ca mpground is five miles 9 r e north of Coldfoot. It is a developed 6 iv R ca mpground (fee a rea ) a nd a volunteer k a y host is on site from Memoria l Da y to L a bor ia v Ice k Da y. iu Cut v a S F l o o d N ° C 9 r e 6 e k 0 0 0 0 0 0 , , 0 0 5 Ahaliorak 5 6 MP 320 6 , , 7 Lake 7 Rooftop Ridge K u p a r u Wiseman k CHANDLER LAKE D-2 CHANDLER LAKE D-1 Esta blished in 1907 when miners R i v discovered gold in nea rby Nola n Creek, e r the town wa s once a bustling community. PHILIP SMITH MTNS D-5 PHILIP SMITH MTNS D-4 Ma ny residents toda y subsist by hunting, tra pping a nd ga rdening. PHILIP SMITH MTNS D-3 PHILIP SMITH MTNS D-1 PHILIP SMITH MTNS D-2 k e e Pump Station 3 r C e Sitchiak c a r Lake r e T MP 310 Kayak N ' Mountain G M U 2 6 A 5 4 ° T 8 u n 6 d r a Ka n a C Imnavait yu r Sukakpak Mountain t e Mountain R e A ma ssive wa ll rising to 4,459 feet iv e k r Itigaknit (1,338 m) tha t glows in the a fternoon sun, Mountain MP 305 N S uka kpa k Mounta in is a n a we-inspiring Naniksrak Slope ' Mountain 5 sight.
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