HERALD OF THE TIMES. - VTR e e WERY = NERTRRRNNE.NN ROy WS TSRS LS T T RS TNTS NN TR R IR hmn— i T S —E——————————— e e e e e e—— e e+ .e-+ et T W e e e WN S NN S~ - —_—_—GE——— L s Ta— e WNN ————. W s AR - - TIREY PRpUNmT egyAT WY WHOLE NO. 195. PUBLISIIED WEEKLY,. AUCTION ROOM. | | GLASS AGENCY. | U. S, TWENTY-THIRD CONGRESS,' Kentueky.—Chilton Allen, Thomas A, ! its proceedings, we must all concur,— C.SHAW, having made some new ar-| subscriber having been appointed by the FIRST BESSION., Marshall,” Amos Davis, Richard M. It shall be an object of my highest am- | CrowN Compa- JAMES ATKINSON, OF]« rangements in his business, and fitted his fTIIHNEw-ENGLAND GrLAss Joehnson, Thomas Chilton, R. P. Letch- | bition, Senators, to join with you. as far to she &v,Boston, their for the sale of their PUBLISHER AND PROPRIETOR. Auction Room, tenders his services public agent Glaas, LISTOF MEMBERS er,* Thomas P. Moore,* Benjamin Har-'| asin me lies, in effecting those desira- as an Avcrioneer. He will sell furnitave ei- now offers at the Manufactory first and se-! OF Prices din, Chivtenden Lyon, Martun Beatty, | ble objects 5 and endeavoiing to realize ther at honses or at his Auction Room ~eond quality Crown Glass, from 22 by 17, te 10 Orrice, corner of Thames-street and Sher- private j— | BOTH IHOUSES OF CONGRESS. " James Love, P, the expectation formed of this at Bank stock, real estate, or any merchandize at| 9. Christopher Tempkins, | Pody man’s wharf, a few doors south of the Brick- ;n"'l'otllvu—ullder' #lOO, cash; $lOO, IN SENATE. : Albert G. Hawes, the of '~ Constitution, and wharl. public or private sale, on the niost accommoda- | sixty days H. Hope, ! adoption markot. fisst door down the if ‘eredit; $2OO, 90 days, $3OO, 4 months—No dis- e ]QJ‘.m"“uwTerms—- ting terms—cash advanced upon cousignments Maine--Peleg Sprague, Ether Shepley.! - Tennessce.—John Bell, Cave John- ever since confidcntly cherished, that | count allowed except Nuo- it would at the end of the year. requested. | interest. Hamprhire——Sam’). Bell, Hill.| son, James K. Polk, David W, Dick- exercise the most efficient in- s2 in advance, or 2,26 as a Broker; The Glass manufctured hy the New-England Isnac He will also continue his business Massuchuselta--N, Silshee, . Webster. | enson, Bailie Peyton, John Blair, Sam- | (Juence in upholding the Federal system,, exchange money—negotiste notes of hand, and Crown Glass Company, is composed of the lest Rhode-dland--N. R, Knight, Asher uel Bunch, Luke l.ea, James Standifer, and in perpetuating what is at once the Court Probate, Portsmouth,Decc. 9, '33. | bills of exchange;—and solicits a fair share ofpa- materials rendering is transparency very PURE, of and its color very bright, and making it valuable | ~ Rolbins,*Elisha R. Potter.* David Crockett, John B. Forrester, ', fonndation and the safeguard of our REAS, an Instrument of writing, pur-! tronage, . Wm. Newport, Sept. 19, 1833, —{t[.] for Factories, Stores, Dwelling and Meeting Hou- Conncclicul--G. Tomlinson, N. Smith, | M. Inge, Wm. C. Dunlap. | conntiy's welfure the Union of porting to be the lust Will & the WIH“. Testament ses, casts no colored tinge when the rays of Vermonl-=Saw’l, Switt, SMales, of ARRAB ELLA COW LEY xesident of a 8 it Prentiss, Beny, l Ohio.—Robert L. Lytle, Taylor Web- ', Jute light pass through it New- Portsmouth, was this for York=-S. Waght, N, P. Talmadge. | ster, Wi, Allen, Jeremiah MeLene, Gen. M'Kcan of and day presented probate HENRY POTTER, Contractors and Glaziers in town and country, Pennsylvania, and letters t esta mentary theron; It is ordered that Naw-dersey--'T, Fiehnghuysen, Thomas Hamer, Mo Lo, from Missoury, attended, HASJUST RECEIVED, will find it for their interest 1o apply to the sub- S. L. L. John Chaney, Ro- wns the consider atio thereof be a Court Southad, ‘ n referred to choice lot of Weleh and Goshen DATRY scriber, who will expiain to them all she partic- bert Mitchell, J. Thompson, Benjamin qui Btied and teok their g ms, of Prabate, to be holden on the 2d Monday of termg--wholesale & BUTT E R—selected for families, among ulars us to the prices and and re- Pennsyleana——William Wilkins, Samuel Jones, W, Patterson, Humpliey I, T he Vice :iesdent bind before the Junuary next, at the Inn of Oliver D. Greene, in A the best dairy makers in Oneida county, N, Y. tail, \ M’'Kean, Leavitt, Spungler, James Scnate the wewmonal trom the said Portsmonth, at 1 o’clock p. m., and that pre- David M. Govern- comprising All orders will receive immediate attentionr and Delaware=-3, Thomas U, vious notice b e given in one of the newspapers in M. Clayton, A. Naudain. | Bell, Elisha Whittlesey, Cor- ment Duectors of the Bauk of the S, 40 Tubs—4ooo Ibs. Welch Dairy prompt execution the town of three successive weeks.--| Butter, F. Chambers, Jos. win, Jos. Vance, Samuel F. Vinton, which on motonof Mr. Webster, was Newport, 20 Firkins—2ooo do. Goshen do. do; ~ Its workmanship w good, and it is very straight is therefore to all \Maryland—-l'izvkiel\ent, Sloan, | Notice hereby given persons in- 4 Cosks—l2oo do. do. Cheese, and even. Being all of the first thickness it is Jonathan Joseplh H. Crane. liid on the tuble and ordered to be terested in said estate, to said and appear at time Family purchasers and retailers, will cheaper, besides being stronger than other Crown Virginia——=Wn. C. Rives, John Tyler. \ Philemon Thomas, Hen- printed, place ifthey fit and be heard. do well to Lowsiana.— see call before they purchase Glass, when the thickness und weight of metal |V, W.P.Mangum. ry A. Bullard, Edward D. White. | Staxping By order, RicHaArp SHERMAN, Jr. elsew here. Carolina=-33. Brown, CommisTrEs. nov 14, 1833. are considered, as will be found on comparison 8. Carolina==Jyhin C.Callioun,vacancy. Indiana.—Amos Lane, Jonathan M’- The Vice-President having announced Dec 12, prob. Clk. | with Foreign Crown Glass. e Georgia==Jobn J. P. Kinnard, the i | C. Forsyth, King. Carthy, John Carr, Geo. L. standing order to be, the election of 1833, FALL AND WINTER J. SIIAW N, Courl of Probate, Newport, Dec. 2, Newport, 1833, Kentucky—-Geo iiibh, Henry Clay. Fdwaid A. Hanegan, RatlitlBoon, John the Standing Commdiecs, the Seunate Oct. 10th, 1., | was made for an Administra- GOODS. | Tennessee—~ll. White, Felix Grundy. Fwing. proceeded to that dwty, Arru(‘.ATmntor to be appointed on the estate of Tho- menno circassiuns, double and sin- WOOL CARDING, AND i()lciu--'l'lwmus Eving, Thomas Morris.|, Mississippr.—llenry Cage, I I For Chairman ol the Cempnittee on mas G. Hazard, late of Newport, yeoman,dec. FRENCIIgle width; elegant garnitare rihbons; lined | Louisiana—-G. A. Waggaman, vacancy. | Plummer. ¥ Foreign Relutions, Mr, Wilkins receis - It is ordered, that the congideration thereof be re- gloves for ladies; silky of fushionable colors; ging- CLOTH DRESSING. Indiana--Wm, | Hendricks, John Tipton. |/ Nlinois.—-Joseph Durcan, Charles ed, on the 2d ballot, 26 votes ; Mr. ferred 1o a court of probate, to be holden at bams and calicos, color’d camnbrics, pelisse wug- subiscribers have entered into Co-partner- Mississippi--Geo. Pandexter, vacancy Casey. ‘ the State House in Newport, on the first Mon- ding, cotton baits, Canton flannels, red and white 'l‘llliship in business, vnder the firm of | Slade, Z. I'orsyth. 18 voles ;—whereapon Mrp. o’'clock M., and English do; broadcloths, cassimeres, pe- & M. Robason, Clement C Clay, was day in January next, at 9 A. kerseys, GOULD DURFEE, Illlinoi.«:---Jnn. E‘K.Kunv.l' Alabama.— Dixon Mre. Wilkins declared duly elected. that previous notice be given by publishing a co-| tershams, vestings, yarn, hose, § hose,—a great And respectfully inform their friends & the public,' Alabama--Wm. RKing, Gabriel Moore. H. Lewis, John Murphy, Samuel W._ ! Mr. Clay then observed, that it was * of do. py of this order three several times in the Herald variety worsted &e. &c.—Just rec’vd and that they have rented the Mills in Portsmouth, be- Missowri-=L.F. Linn, Ihos. H. Benton. | Mardis, John McKinley, ‘ now necessary 1o decide whether she 10 persons interested, 0 for sale by H. SESSIONS, ‘longing to 8 Clarke,where they will hereafier card of the Times,” all ap- HOUSE OF REPRESENIATIVES. | Missouri.—-Wm. I. Ashley, John Senate should proceed to the eheetion at said time and and be heard. Oct 10 into rolls, wool of all of pear place By sheep grades—epin yarn—- Muaine.~=F. O.J. Smith, Rufus M’ln-| Bull ‘ B. Probate | manufacture cloth on shares or contract.—Also, the Chatrmen of the several Commitlees order, B. HOWLAND, Clerk. tyre, Parks, | DELEGA'TES, STOVES, color and dress woollen cloths, real blue, Edw. Kavannagh, Gortham first, or continne to hallot for the other indigo Hall, Leonard Jurvis, George Courl of Probate, Newport, Dec. 2, 1833.21 GEORGE ENGS & CO. and all other colors—colaor and dress garments;— LJnseph - Michigan.—Lucius Lyon—drkansas, members of the Committee 5 he thought color for &c &c, all which shall be Lvans, (one vacancy.) | Admicistrator’s final Account on the es-| to yarn carpets, Ambrose H. Sevie— Florwda, Joseph M. the former conrse the best, and there- Wish inform the public, done in the manner, and on the New- Hampshire --Henry ! 'I!lll".M tate of T'nos. Connor, late of Newport, speedily, best Hubbard,J. White. fore made a motion to that effect, irishmar,dee.was presented for allowance, 1t s HAT their Assortment of all the various most reasonable terms.
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