Noorul Islam Centre for Higher Education-NAAC SSR Noorul Islam Centre for Higher Education (Deemed to be University u/s 3 of the UGC Act 1956) Kumaracoil-629180, Thuckalay, Kanyakumari District., Tamilnadu Ph: 04651-250467, Mobile: 9444022063 E-Mail: [email protected] website: www.niceindia.com Prof. Dr.R.Perumalsamy 17.09.2015 Vice Chancellor The Director National Assessment and Accreditation Council Bangalore – 560 072 Sir, Sub: NAAC Accreditation Submission of SSR – Reg. Ref: Your e-mail dated 02.07.2015 ------ Greetings from Noorul Isalm Centre for Higher Education. With reference to your e-mail dated 2nd July 2015, Noorul Islam Centre for Higher Education is sending herewith EIGHT COPIES of “SELF STUDY REPORT” by Courier /Speed Post. Self Study Report has also been duly uploaded in the University website. Evidence for having uploaded data in the MHRD website (http://aishe.gov.in) is also annexed to the SSR. A Syndicate Bank Draft No.386956 dated 17.09.2015 for Rs.6,84,000/- (Rupees Six lakhs eighty four thousand only) drawn in favour of the Director, NAAC, payable at Bangalore has been enclosed towards Accreditation Fee. Thanking you, Yours faithfully, (R.PERUMALSAMY) Encl: As above. Covering Letter Noorul Islam Centre for Higher Education-NAAC SSR Contents Sr. No. PARTICULARS Page No. A Covering Letter B Executive Summary E1-E10 SWOC & Future Plan S1-S3 C Profile of the University P1-P11 D Criteria-wise Inputs Criterion I: Curricular Aspects C1-C19 Criterion II: Teaching-Learning and Evaluation C20-C66 Criterion III: Research, Consultancy and C67-C115 Extension Criterion IV: Infrastructure and Learning C116-C134 Resources Criterion V: Student Support and Progression C135-C159 Criterion VI: Governance, Leadership And C160-C175 Management Criterion VII: Innovations and Best Practices C176-C183 E Evaluative Report of the department 1. Department of Aeronautical Engineering D1-D43 2. Department of Aerospace Engineering D44-D61 3. Department of Automobile Engineering D62-D92 4. Department of Biomedical Engineering D93-D130 5. Department of Computer Science and Engineering D131-D191 6. Department of Civil Engineering D192-D216 7. Department of Electronics and Communication D217-D255 Engineering 8. Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering D256-D311 9. Department of Electronics & Instrumentation D312-D360 Engineering 10. Department of Information Technology D361-D409 11. Department of Marine Engineering D410-D423 12. Department of Mechanical Engineering D424-D464 13. Department of Nanotechnology D465-D501 14. Department of Management Studies D502-D551 15. Department of Computer Applications D552-D581 16. Department of Software Engineering D582-D597 17. Department of Physics D598-D615 18. Department of Mathematics D616-D643 19. Department of Chemistry D644-D659 20. Department of English D660-D685 F Declaration of the Head of the Institution F1 Certificate of Compliance F2 G Annexures I - VII Contents Noorul Islam Centre for Higher Education-NAAC SSR List of Abbreviations AICTE All India Council for Technical Education AMC Annual Maintenance contracts ASI Astronautical Society of India ASSOCHAM Associated Chambers of Commerce and Industry of India AvH Alexander von Humboldt BARC Bhaba Atomic Research Center BOM Board of Management BOS Boards of Studies BRDC Board of Research, Development and Consultancy BRNS Board of Research and Nuclear Science BSNL Bharath Sanchar Nigam Limited CBCS Choice Based Credit System CGPA Cumulative Grade Point Average COE Controller of Examinations CSIR Council of Scientific and Industrial Research DBT Department of BioTechnology DELNET Developing Library Network DGS Director General of Shipping DKC Digital Knowledge Centre DRDO Defense Research and Development Organization EPS Electrical Power System EQM Engineering Qualification Model FDP Faculty Development Programme FOSS Free Open Source Software GATE Graduate Aptitude Test in Engineering HRM Human Resource Management IAS Indian Administrative Service IBM International Business Machine IEEE Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineerings ILL Inter library Loan INFLIBNET Information Library Network List of Abbreviations Noorul Islam Centre for Higher Education-NAAC SSR INSPIRE Innovation in Science Pursuit for Inspired Research IPR Intellectual Property Rights IPS Indian Police Service IQAC Internal Quality Assurance Cell ISBN International Standard Book Number ISRO Indian Space Research Organization ISSN International Standard Serial Number IT Information Technology M.Phil Master of Philosophy MBA Master of Business Administration MoU Memorandum of Understanding NGO Non Governmental Organization NICHE Noorul Islam Center for Higher Education NICS Noorul Islam Civil Service Academy NIMS Noorul Islam Institute of Medical Sciences NISWA Noorul Islam Staff Welfare Association NIUSAT Noorul Islam University Satellite NKC National Knowledge Commission NKN National Knowledge Network NME National Mission on Education NPTEL National Program for Technology Enhanced Learning NSS National Service Scheme OBC On Board Computer OMR Optical Marking recognition OPAC Online Public Access Catalogue PDF Post Doctoral Fellowship Ph.D Doctoral of Philosophy PI Principal Investigator PSLV Polar Satellite Launching Vehicle R&D Research and Development RCC Regional Cancer Center RRC Red Ribbon Club SC Scheduled Caste SNEHA Social Need Education and Human Awareness SNIP Source Normalized Impact per Paper List of Abbreviations Noorul Islam Centre for Higher Education-NAAC SSR SRF Senior Research Fellowship ST Scheduled Tribes TCS Tata Consultancy Service TNSCST Tamilnadu Science and Technology TTC Telemetry and Tele Command UG Under Graduate UGC University Grant Commission UPSC Union Public Service Commission YRC Youth Red Cross YSP Young Scientist Fellowship YSSAP Young Student Scientist Adoption Programme List of Abbreviations EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Noorul Islam Centre for Higher Education-NAAC SSR EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Criterion – I Curricular Aspects The strength, growth, development, recognition, reputation, social commitment and the exemplariness of a university very much depend on the curriculum framed for each course the university offers. The curriculum so framed must be dynamic, relevant and to a certain extent flexible enough to accommodate new findings, innovations and new concepts in different avenues so that it continues to remain updated and be in tune with the knowledge explosion and the rapid technological developments. The curriculum must also reflect the avowed mission and vision of the institution. The curricula must make our science and technology education a way of life i.e. thinking logically and rationally. Keeping this concept in mind, the Noorul Islam Centre for Higher Education has framed the curricula for all the programmes offered by it. The academic regulations of the University provide for Choice Based Credit System with semester pattern and continuous internal assessment. The Choice Based Credit System (CBCS), the ‘cafeteria like system’ transforms the traditional teacher-centric education into a learner-centric education. Thus the academic freedom embedded in the regulations provide flexibility for the students to have a greater choice of courses appropriate to their interests, needs and long-term goals; rather than a rigid and compartmentalized system. Moreover, personality development programmes, projects and industrial visits are designed as part of the curriculum. The aim is that at the end of the course the learner should be in a position to transfer the knowledge and skills developed within the class room to real life situations. “Making graduates and postgraduates more employable'' is the new `mantra' in higher education. Hence, due care has been taken while constituting the Board of Studies of Noorul Islam Centre for Higher Education. It is mandatory for the Boards of Studies to have an academician of repute and an industrial expert from the relevant discipline as external members keeping in mind the concept of learner-centric approach. The integration of Information and Communication Technology in the curriculum of all the programmes aims at attaining global competency by the students. The University is aware of the fact that obtaining feedback from the industrialists, employers, academic peers, faculty, parents, alumni and students through informal and formal means ensures the availability of information about the curricula and the qualitative changes required in the curricula/syllabi and hence the feedback methodology has been introduced and strengthened. The Intramural courses provide students with opportunities to deepen their values and develop intrapersonal and interpersonal skills. These courses Executive Summary E 1 Noorul Islam Centre for Higher Education-NAAC SSR have been designed to meet articulated and observed needs of the students in consonance with the changing demands of the industry. The Intramural courses will help to develop academic and technical competence, interpersonal skills and values and spiritual well-being of the budding technology professionals. A unique feature of the curricula is that in order to incorporate the state-of-art developments, the teacher teaching the subjects at the post graduate level is empowered to change the syllabus to the extent of 10% with proper preplanning and prior approval from the Vice-Chancellor without going through the process of Board of Studies and Academic Council approvals. Criterion – II Teaching-Learning and Evaluation The university understands that
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